Types of foundations and their technical characteristics

Choosing the right foundation is a task even more important and responsible than building the house itself. After all, the strength, stability and reliability of the foundation will...

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Winter greenhouse - design, foundation, choice of materials for construction Do-it-yourself winter greenhouse types of heating

Today, the variety of products on the table is simply stunning. A wide variety of vegetables, dill, cilantro, raspberries, strawberries are not at all a curiosity in the cold season. But...

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Foundation for a barn: types of structures and stages of their installation Do-it-yourself monolithic barn

The Persian pompous word “shed”, meaning both “palace” and the name of the capital of the Golden Horde, the Russian people habitually simplified and adapted under the name...

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Coursework: Calculation and design of foundations in the city of Kosomolsk-on-Amur


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What is a foundation grillage? How does a grillage work?

In the general concept of this word. Instead, piles are driven to a certain depth along the perimeter and under future walls. But sometimes there is a danger that they...

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How and what foundation to choose for a house made of aerated concrete Types of foundations for a house made of aerated concrete

As you know, there are such large categories of foundations: strip, slab, columnar and pile. But which foundation is better for aerated concrete? Let's find out....

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Making organizers from cans

To maintain order on your home desktop, you need to purchase, or even better, make your own stands for pencils, pens, scissors and other...

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Decoupage of jars for the kitchen using the example of decorating glass and tin jars

A friend of our club sent a very interesting material about how he decorated tea storage vessels (teapots) with papers from pu-erh pancakes with his own hands....

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Brick porch - durable and reliable design Semicircular brick porch masonry technology

When building a small private house with their own hands, many do not pay special attention to arranging the porch. As a result, after a couple of years we get...

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How to make vertical gardening in an apartment with your own hands - plants, equipment and installation Flower wall in an apartment

Man is part of nature and it is quite natural that all people have indoor plants. One can only be amazed at their diversity. They are not only beautiful...

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