
Interpretation of the dream of setting fire in dream books

Dream book "sonnik-enigma" Another explanation of why you dream of setting a house or other structure on fire is available in the dream book from A to Z. The interpreter connects...

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The exotic vegetable chayote or Mexican cucumber Read more about Feijoada

Hi all! In this post I want to tell you about interesting Brazilian food that does not claim to be “haute cuisine” and is sold right on the street, but...

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Pizza dough: fast and tasty, thin and soft - just like in a pizzeria!

Quantity – 500 gr. dough, Cooking time – 20 minutes (+30 minutes for maturation). Ingredients: Flour - 2 cups, Water - 1 cup, Yeast - 20 g fresh...

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How can you find out which clinic the house is attached to according to your compulsory medical insurance policy?

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive free medical care in any government institution in the capital if they have a passport, registration and insurance policy. But not all...

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Who is a brownie, and does he exist?

Since ancient times, people have been interested in who the brownie is, whether he is dangerous and how to establish contact with him. A large number of signs have survived to this day...

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Finger-licking tomato ketchup for the winter: homemade recipes

Preparing ketchup for the winter is very important, because it will allow you to do without store-bought sauce, practically until the new harvest. How to make a replacement for store-bought...

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How to cook juicy and tender beef and pork cutlets

Every housewife has in her arsenal a recipe for minced pork and beef cutlets. The peculiarity of this dish is its dense structure, slightly spicy aroma and bright...

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Dominant as a single psychophysiological mechanism of intuition and inertia of thinking

History of issues and practical conclusions of the theory of dominance. The mechanism of functioning of the dominant was considered by many scientists even before Ukhtomsky. Among them were...

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Composition, calorie content and description of tomato ketchup with photos; benefits and harms of the product; how to choose correctly; recipes on how to cook at home

Nowadays, ketchup is the most popular sauce in home cooking. Ketchup began to be produced on an industrial scale 100 years ago, and just that much ketchup...

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Method for preparing condensed milk at home

Childhood... Warmth... Comfort... Mom's care... This is what many adults remember when they hear the word “condensed milk”. I just want to go back to that wonderful time, to open...

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