Bath      09.09.2023

YouTube is all about the construction site. Everyone is smart at a construction site. Frame-panel method of building houses

Every man, as the well-known proverb says, must build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. If you can somehow cope with the last two points yourself, then with the first it’s not so simple.

Building a house always requires certain knowledge and skills. Getting down to business without having the slightest idea of ​​what is being done and how is absolutely not worth it, especially since you are not planning to build a sand castle. In general, people who decide to build a house themselves can often be compared to piglets from a well-known fairy tale - someone is very limited on a budget and builds from the materials that are easiest to obtain; and someone else is building an entire impregnable fortress.

Home is your cozy nest, your haven, in which everything should be harmonious. You need to treat the construction site with all responsibility, because then you have to hide behind these walls and take shelter from bad weather under this roof. And above all, you want everything to be beautiful... The series “Everything According to the Mind at a Construction Site” will tell you how to correctly implement all your ideas and with the help of what technology.

Frame-panel method of building houses

Houses made using the frame-panel method can solve several problems at once. If you decide to build a house from panels, you will end up with a beautiful outside, spacious inside, strong and warm house. It’s not for nothing that houses are built this way in Canada, where the climate is not particularly warm.

For more than fifty years, this construction method has enjoyed continued popularity. Now the fashion for panel houses has reached us, but such construction raises a lot of questions. This is not surprising, because for our country this is a completely new, unexplored technology.

Everything According to the Mind on the construction of panel houses and more

But, no matter where you decide to build a house, you need to first solve many issues. Construction requires certain skills, but what to do if you don’t have them? In this case, you need to take responsibility for studying all the nuances of such a difficult matter. There are many sources for this.

“Everything According to the Mind at a Construction Site” is a series for those who don’t know where to start building their own home. Thanks to it, you can find out what materials are best to use for building a house; What are the common mistakes made at construction sites and how to avoid them.

You can easily find a channel on YouTube and watch all the episodes of Everything in Mind on a construction site, starting from the very first episode. After watching, you will understand how little you actually knew about building houses and how many mistakes are made in this important matter.

Every man, as the well-known proverb says, must build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. If you can somehow cope with the last two points yourself, then with the first it’s not so simple.

Building a house always requires certain knowledge and skills. Getting down to business without having the slightest idea of ​​what is being done and how is absolutely not worth it, especially since you are not planning to build a sand castle. In general, people who decide to build a house themselves can often be compared to piglets from a well-known fairy tale - someone is very limited on a budget and builds from the materials that are easiest to obtain; and someone else is building an entire impregnable fortress.

Home is your cozy nest, your haven, in which everything should be harmonious. You need to treat the construction site with all responsibility, because then you have to hide behind these walls and take shelter from bad weather under this roof. And above all, you want everything to be beautiful... The series “Everything According to the Mind at a Construction Site” will tell you how to correctly implement all your ideas and with the help of what technology.

Frame-panel method of building houses

Houses made using the frame-panel method can solve several problems at once. If you decide to build a house from panels, you will end up with a beautiful outside, spacious inside, strong and warm house. It’s not for nothing that houses are built this way in Canada, where the climate is not particularly warm.

For more than fifty years, this construction method has enjoyed continued popularity. Now the fashion for panel houses has reached us, but such construction raises a lot of questions. This is not surprising, because for our country this is a completely new, unexplored technology.

Everything According to the Mind on the construction of panel houses and more

But, no matter where you decide to build a house, you need to first solve many issues. Construction requires certain skills, but what to do if you don’t have them? In this case, you need to take responsibility for studying all the nuances of such a difficult matter. There are many sources for this.

“Everything According to the Mind at a Construction Site” is a series for those who don’t know where to start building their own home. Thanks to it, you can find out what materials are best to use for building a house; What are the common mistakes made at construction sites and how to avoid them.

You can easily find a channel on YouTube and watch all the episodes of Everything in Mind on a construction site, starting from the very first episode. After watching, you will understand how little you actually knew about building houses and how many mistakes are made in this important matter.

We present to you a selection of 26 videos where experts talk about building a house from sip panels.

Day 1-5. Foundation and piping

Construction starts at the end of October 2013. Construction is being carried out by the Villozi House company.

Day 6-7. Floors of the 1st floor

6-7 days of construction of a house from SIP panels. The strapping beam is completely treated with mastic. The SIP floor panels of the first floor were also treated with mastic.

Day 8-10. It's raining. Finished the ceiling

3 days have passed since the last issue. There are very few changes at the construction site. The main reason is heavy rains. It is impossible to build a house from SIP panels in pouring rain. But still, something has been done. See for yourself.

Answers on questions. Day 1-5

0:36 Is the foundation on screw piles reliable? Why is he good? Why is it better to use such foundations? How many years will a foundation on screw piles last?
08:13 How much is this house?
10:38 Are SIP panels on? Does polystyrene foam burn?
14:01 Do mice work in SIP panels? Do mice love polystyrene foam?
19:48 Does mastic kill wood? After all, it doesn’t breathe under the mastic.
22:22 Geology of the site for screw piles. How to do the geology of a site correctly?

Day 11. Floor 1. 70% of external walls installed

Day 11 of building a house from SIP panels. During this day, the builders installed 70% of the external walls of the 1st floor. Look at the story to see how they did it.

Day 12-13. The first floor was completed

On the 13th day of building the house, the entire first floor was made from SIP panels. In the story I tell you how the installation of internal walls occurs. And also how to escape from the rain and protect SIP floor panels from water damage.

Day 14-15. Floor beams and all sorts of small things

Days 14-15 of building a house from SIP panels were devoted to the floor beams between the 1st and 2nd floors. All sorts of little things have been completed. As a result, the first floor is completely ready. And also everything is ready for the construction of the ceiling. Today the workers are waiting for the technical supervisor to arrive. He must accept the work and give the go-ahead to continue construction.

Day 16. Making the floors

On the 16th day of building a house made from SIP panels, the builders began installing the ceiling between the first and second floors. The plan is to finish it tomorrow or after tomorrow. Watch the story about installing floors from SIP panels.

Day 17-21. The ceiling is ready. Wind. Sewerage

I missed 4 days of construction. Today is the 21st day of construction of a house made from SIP panels. The ceiling between the first and second floors is completely ready. Due to bad weather, so little has been done. Today we have very strong winds and nothing is being built. Also, during these days, they made a local sewage system - they installed (buried) a biorefinery station. Watch the video for yourself about the 21 days of the line.

Day 22. We started working on the walls of the second floor

Today is the 22nd day of construction of a house made from SIP panels. I finally saw the vaunted speed of construction of such houses. In 5 hours of work, half the walls of the second floor were installed. See for yourself.

Day 23-24. Finished the walls of the second floor

23-24 days of construction of a house from SIP panels. We finished the second floor. The exterior of the house begins to emerge. I walked around the second floor, looking into all the cracks. Watch the story.

Day 25-28. Beams, Attics and Roof

Day 28 of building a house from SIP panels. I was gone for 3 days. Let's see what has been done during this time. We made the attic, roof beams and started making the roof. Watch the story.

Day 29-31. The roof is 50% ready. Burn the SIP panel

A month has passed of building a house from SIP panels. Today you will see what was done in 29-30-31 days, as well as the result of a month of construction. The roof is 50% done. Also today I will burn polystyrene foam myself and we will see whether the polystyrene foam burns or not. Watch the story.

Day 32-33. The roof is 90% ready

Days 32 and 33 of building a house from SIP panels. I arrived at the construction site hoping that everything was done. But the roof was 90 percent done. The builders said that they would finish everything by this evening. I walked around the construction site and filmed a short story about the work done over the last two days. To prevent the episode from being too short, I decided to answer questions from viewers.

Day 34. Final installation of SIP panels

Today is the final installation of SIP panels. The 34th day of construction of a house from SIP panels was the last. All panels are installed and the installers have left. Construction of the house continues. Other specialists will work further. Roofers, Finishers, Heaters, etc. Consent has been received from the owners to continue filming, so if nothing changes, you will see everything. Now watch the story about the last day of installation of SIP panels.

Day 35-44. We cover the roof and install windows

We continue filming the construction of a house made from SIP panels. We begin to cover the roof and install windows. And in the story you will learn about the features of installing windows in a SIP house, and you will also learn how to properly install soft tiles.

Day 45-54. The windows are ready and the roof is almost done

Amazing. We have reached day 45-54 of building a house made from SIP panels. I was away from the construction site for 10 days and during these days windows were installed, but the roof was not completed. See for yourself.

Day 55-59. The roof is ready. Making a fireplace

Day 55-59 of building a house from SIP panels. The roof has been completed. The roofers moved out on December 30th. Out of 6-7 days they had 2 workers. The reason was bad weather.

Day 60. Making a fireplace and chatting about foam

60 day of building a house from SIP panels. We continue to make a fireplace. We have good weather, so we install the pipe on the roof. All wiring to the rooms is done and finished. So in this story I will talk about the durability of polyurethane foam and the airflow of sip panels.

Day 61-67. Canopy and exterior siding

We are building a house from SIP panels. 61-67 days. We do the exterior with vinyl siding. So far we have done lathing on one wall. They also built the entire roof over the veranda and did not complete the roof over the entrance. 5 days ago we carried out a thermal imaging examination. Minor bugs have been identified. Watch the story and find out all the details.

Day 68-73. Exterior siding. Part 2

We are building a house from SIP panels. 68-73 days. We continue to make siding. Due to winter, work is moving extremely slowly. The sheathing for siding is 70% done. And the siding itself is 25% installed. Watch the story, it contains some more interesting information.

Day 74-82. Siding installation. Part 3

We are building a house from SIP panels. 74-82 days. We continue to make siding. We chatted about windows and other issues.

Day 83-87. We've finished outdoors. We drain the area

We build a house from SIP panels 83-87 days. After a short break, construction came to life again. On April 21, 2014, landscapers arrived and began doing drainage and other work.

Day 88-92. Drainage completed. Making paths

We build a house from SIP panels in 88-92 days. During the week that I was gone, the landscapers finished draining the area and mistook it for paved paths.

Day 93-98. Warm water floors under laminate and tiles

We build a house from SIP panels in 93-98 days. We started making warm water floors. On the first floor, the floors will have dry screed and tiles, but on the second floor, laminate will be laid on warm water floors. Watch the story and find out how warm water fields are made in vulture houses, and in any houses on wooden floors.

Day 99-102. Dry screed on warm water floors

We are building a house from SIP panels 99-102. Subject of the plot: dry screed on wooden vulture floors. Those. the ceilings are made of SIP panels. The screed is 7cm thick. See the story for all the details.