Roof      10/10/2023

Projects of private houses and cottages in Krasnodar. Projects of compact houses House layout 100 m

House projects up to 100 sq m are an excellent choice of inexpensive, comfortable housing with a limited budget and a small plot. Despite their compact size, the houses contain all the necessary amenities for permanent residence.
The VillaExpert catalog presents designs of houses and cottages up to 100 sq.m at competitive prices, suitable for construction within St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, if none of them attracts your attention, the company’s employees will design your individual one, taking into account your wishes and requirements.

The popularity of country houses with an area of ​​less than 100 square meters is due to several factors:

— construction requires less materials, which means lower cash costs;

  • high speed of construction work;
  • area of ​​cottages up to 100 sq.m. allows you to build them on any soil, which saves money when purchasing a plot;
  • Any technologies are used during construction, the house can be made of aerated concrete, brick, permanent formwork

These are not only country houses, but also full-fledged country cottages for living in them all year round. Each house must include at least 2 bedrooms and a spacious living room, and may also contain an attic floor or terrace, increasing the living space.

Houses up to 100 sq.m. turnkey in St. Petersburg

Turnkey construction of houses up to 100 m2 is carried out using proven and certified materials. By contacting VillaExpert you will receive a high-quality country house in a short time. Our highly qualified builders will not only build the house, but also carry out all the interior and exterior finishing work.

Select a project from the catalog, leave a request and we will carry out an accurate cost calculation and immediately begin to realize the home of your dreams!

When deciding to build your own country cottage, we take into account all existing conditions. There is not always a plot of land that allows you to locate a large house, or there is simply no point in building a huge mansion. Many simply prefer compact and economical housing, in return receiving a large area for personal farming. The dimensions of the house depend not only on the number of guests, but also on its purpose, because there is absolutely no point in building a luxurious family estate as a seasonal country house.

For a married couple with one child, a house project of up to 100 square meters would be an excellent and least expensive solution. m. Not far from Moscow or St. Petersburg, it is quite possible to get a small plot of land and build a cozy and compact country mansion, which will be excellent housing not far from civilization, in an ecologically clean corner outside the boundaries of megacities.

Advantages of houses up to 100 sq. m.

“Small, but remote” - this saying perfectly suits the description of house projects up to 100 square meters. m. Such a cottage will perfectly accommodate all the necessary premises, and original architectural techniques will help to significantly expand the area of ​​the mansion. One of the most popular projects of houses up to 100 sq. m became two-story or attic layouts. The price of such a house will be higher than an ordinary one-story one, but it will reduce the use of the garden area and expand the usable area of ​​​​the housing by one and a half to two times. In addition, zoning the cottage with a second floor leaves space for original design solutions.

The first floor most often serves for a comfortable and fairly spacious living room, kitchen (sometimes the kitchen and living room are combined), a bathroom, and a storage room. You can expand the first floor using a covered terrace, veranda or bay window. The second floor is intended for bedrooms and lounges. Here you can arrange a small office or library, a children's playroom or a guest room. On the second floor, you can increase the usable area using a balcony or loggia.

House project up to 100 sq. m will have a small perimeter, which allows you to save on the use of the site. You can arrange the area around the house to suit your taste. A small vineyard, a garden with fruit trees and bushes, a vegetable garden or even a small greenhouse complex will make your home truly environmentally friendly. Another option for arranging the area around a small mansion is the construction of a bathhouse or sauna, a small swimming pool and a gazebo with a barbecue. Leisure will be provided even in a small area.

There are a large number of ready-made house designs up to 100 square meters. m, among which there will certainly be one that you like. If you want the cottage of your dreams to become exclusive, in addition to its compactness and comfort, then it is better to contact an architect to draw up an original design for the building and other extensions. Such a small mansion will be a wonderful home for your family, where you will feel real happiness.

Projects of houses up to 100 sq. m are usually chosen by those buyers who want to become the owners of a comfortable suburban home, but cannot afford large financial investments. Such houses are also very good as country houses, in places with beautiful nature. The third case is ready-made house designs up to 100 square meters. m. are of interest to owners of large plots of land and mansions, on the territory of which it is necessary to build additional premises: summer houses, housing for staff or guests. This option for country houses is both economically beneficial and technologically simple to construct. Therefore, more and more often, more and more people with average and higher incomes are ordering and buying projects of houses and cottages of 100 sq. m. m.

How to choose the right residential building project?

Projects of houses up to 100 sq. m are suitable not only for those who are building a dacha. Sometimes a person has enough money to build a spacious home, but he does not have the land for this. And then we have to create exclusive projects of residential buildings that will not take up much space on the foundation, but at the same time will be comfortable and reliable.

Of course, in this case the architect must take into account many nuances.

  • The type of soil in a given region plays a huge role in the reliability and strength of the foundation and the entire building.
  • Type of foundation depending on the type of soil and expected loads.
  • Location of residential and domestic premises.
  • The presence or absence of upper or basement floors.
  • Access to the house and parking lot location

It is also worth considering who will live in the budget house and how often - household members, only in the summer or permanently, guests from time to time, or will it even be a house for entertainment and relaxation with a cinema room, sauna, billiard room or gym.

Construction and finishing materials are no less important - after all, we strive to create only the most beautiful projects of inexpensive, but modern and comfortable houses.

What projects do we offer?

Our catalog presents the best designs of houses up to 100 square meters. m, providing for both seasonal and year-round living, without any damage to personal comfort. It can be a one-story or two-story house, with or without a basement, in a modern style with a flat roof that can be used as additional space, or in a classic style with a peaked roof and an attic. Any finished project can be adjusted at the request of the customer; it is also possible to develop a new turnkey project.

Today, house designs up to 100 square meters are very popular. m, because a home of this size is simply ideal for families of 3-4 people and does not require large financial investments. If you need to save even more, you should pay attention to building a house from materials such as timber or brick.

Layout of a one-story house

The standard layout of a one-story house up to 100 m2 includes the following rooms:

  • an entrance hall or vestibule is a mandatory room because it protects against cold penetration into the house when the doors are opened;
  • children's room - it can simultaneously be both a place for sleeping and playing, and a place for doing homework, for this you only need to install the necessary furniture;
  • The living room is a place where all family members will gather every day, so the presented room should be quite large, about 20 square meters. m, and high-quality lighting;
  • boiler room - the presented room is necessary in cases where the heating of a house of 100 m2 is carried out thanks to the operation of a gas, electric or wood boiler;
  • bedrooms - for parents and children (it is advisable that each child has his own room, especially if the children are of different genders);
  • bathroom – the bathtub and toilet can be placed either in one room or separately.

The area of ​​each premises and their location may vary depending on the requirements of the residents. But special attention should be paid to ensuring that bedrooms are not located on the aisle and contain such a number of lighting fixtures that it is comfortable to be in the room.

Features of houses with an attic floor

An attic is a floor located inside the attic. During the construction of a house of 100 sq. m with an attic, special attention must be paid to insulating the latter, since the attic is in more contact with the external environment, as a result of which significant heat losses are observed.

When building a house with an attic, you can expand the space of your home (quite often bedrooms and an additional bathroom are placed on the attic floor) and save on electricity, since in most cases such floors are equipped with large windows.

Creating houses from various materials

At this stage of time, the construction of houses with dimensions of 100 square meters is especially popular. m from materials such as timber, brick, sip panels, aerated concrete and wood. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages:

Houses made of timber are characterized by a rather original appearance, thanks to which home owners can save on the external design of the building. The presented material makes it possible to easily reconstruct a room, for example, by connecting two rooms into one or, due to the roof, increasing the area allocated to the second floor.

Buildings made of bricks are quite heavy, so even when building a house with a small area, you should still pay special attention to building a high-quality foundation. Using brick you can significantly save on the exterior design of your home.

Houses made of vulture panels measuring 100 square meters. m are most suitable for families consisting of 2-3 people. The facade of such houses, in most cases, is decorated very simply, but the interior design completely depends on the imagination of the owners. A residential building made from such materials can be erected on small plots of land.

But wood is especially popular when constructing houses of these sizes. The material is characterized by a high level of thermal insulation, as a result of which the temperature in the room is always comfortable for humans. And thanks to the fact that wood has a flat and smooth surface, finishing walls is much faster and easier.

In most cases, coniferous trees are used, which, thanks to treatment with a special antiseptic, become more resistant to fungal infections, as well as fire, water and wind. You don’t have to worry about the exterior design of a house made of wood, since this material itself is quite pleasing to the eye.

But before you start building a house using any of the materials presented, you need to create a high-quality building project; this can be done either independently or with the help of professionals.

If you don’t have time to build and select the design of the house, then you can contact a construction organization and order a “turnkey house” service for 100 square meters.

In this case, clients will be given a catalog of houses, which will show their appearance, interior design and layout. You can make some adjustments to the presented house options, but you will have to pay extra for this.

With some photos of finished private houses with dimensions of 100 square meters. m, can be found below.

Design solutions

Having figured out the material for building a house of 100 square meters, as well as having developed the most comfortable layout option, you need to move on to decorating the exterior and interior of the house. If you are arranging a home for permanent or temporary residence, then even a small house can be decorated with special taste.

At this stage of time, when decorating the exterior of a house of the presented sizes, preference is given to design styles such as loft, hi-tech or minimalism.

If previously houses had different elaborate shapes, now the following elements have come into fashion:

  • strict rectangular shapes;
  • presence of clear dimensions;
  • a large number of elements made of glass or chrome.

There is absolutely nothing surprising in the presence of bare concrete walls or protruding plaster, but they also do not forget about the classic design of buildings.

As for interior design, in this case, preference is given to styles such as country, Provence, and classic. Occasionally, a mixture of styles occurs, as a result of which a large number of elements made of stone, leather or natural wood are used.

In any case, when planning and decorating a house of the presented dimensions, you can always add some zest.

Photos of houses 100 sq. m.

Projects of houses up to 100 square meters. m can be considered as the optimal solution in several cases of building houses. Firstly, the construction of such a house will be justified if you only need a country house and you do not plan to live in it permanently. Secondly, the size of your plot simply does not allow you to build a large building. And thirdly, a limited budget for construction.

But, even despite their modest dimensions, house designs up to 100 m2 are in no way inferior to larger buildings in terms of comfort and functionality. 3-4 people can live in them quite comfortably. This becomes possible, first of all, thanks to rational interior planning.

When choosing a small-sized house project for implementation, it is worth considering a number of features. Houses up to 100 square meters are practical, have an extremely rational layout and, as a rule, discreetly elegant design of the facades. And the fact that they must be supported by the necessary documentation and meet all technical standards is self-evident. DOM4M specialists will fulfill these requirements without reminders.

The small size of the building and the need to save square meters force architects to use special techniques when planning the interior space.

For houses up to 100 sq. m. can be attributed to:

  • Using a large number of windows to visually expand the premises
  • Active use of mirror surfaces
  • Reducing transit areas and utility rooms
  • Refusal of internal wall partitions. Using screens, folding doors and walls instead
  • The use of finishing materials in light colors.

As a rule, house projects up to 100 m2 are implemented in two versions: a one-story house and a two-story house - with a residential attic or second floor. View projects of houses up to 200 sq. m possible .

But, in any case, a clear division into day and night zones is assumed. And if in a one-story house the bedrooms are grouped in a separate wing, then in a two-story house they are moved to the upper level. In this case, one bathrooms are planned for each floor. And in the one-story version, they are linked to functional blocks.

In addition, often in the project of houses up to 100 sq. m. there are open or closed terraces and a garage. These are the additions that significantly affect the comfort level of the home.

Projects of small country houses make it possible to solve the housing problem, attracting relatively less funds than.

House project up to 100 sq.m. - what you can save on during construction:

  • Low consumption of building materials
  • Savings on installation of utilities
  • Short construction time - such a house can be built in one season
  • Another plus: low costs for heating, lighting and maintenance of an already commissioned building.