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Presentation: “Why do leaves turn yellow and fall off? Project. Why leaves turn yellow and fall off Presentation on why leaves turn yellow

Research plan: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Main part. Study. 1. Study of leaf structure. 2. Study of the role of leaves in the life of a plant. 3. Study of the causes of leaf fall. 4. Folk signs associated with changes in leaf color. Chapter 3: Conclusion.

CHAPTER 1. Introduction. Autumn is a wonderful time of year. At this time of year, our whole family loves to be in the forest: wandering through the autumn forest, breathing fresh air, observing nature, collecting bouquets of fallen leaves, admiring the yellow, orange, crimson, purple colors. One day while walking, I noticed on a branch of a tree different colored leaves: yellow and green. And I asked my mother: why were the leaves all green in the summer, but in the fall they turn yellow? And my mother and I decided to reveal this secret.

CHAPTER 2. Main part. Study. 2.1. Study of leaf structure. Leaf - consists of a leaf blade and a petiole. A mesh is visible on the leaf blade. The mesh is the vessels through which water and nutrients move. But if we look into the middle of the leaf, we will see that each leaf is full of wonderful grains. 2.2 Studying the role of leaves in the life of a plant. *Why do leaves need grains? *What is the role of wonderful grains, because they are so small that they cannot be seen?

Each leaf is full of wonderful grains. The grains are so small that you can't see them. They prepare food for the tree. The roots of the tree suck water from the ground. Many substances needed by plants are dissolved in this water. Green grains take the necessary substances from the air and water and build new branches, leaves, trunk and roots. But most importantly, they need sunlight for such work. From morning to evening they catch the sun's rays. In addition to green grains, there are also others in the leaves - yellow ones. While the green grains were working, the yellow ones were not visible, but the green ones dissolved - and only the yellow ones remained. The leaves have turned yellow. They gradually dry out and fall off. And you can’t leave the leaves for the winter - then such snowdrifts will grow on the branches that the branches can’t stand it and will break. Each leaf is full of wonderful grains. The grains are so small that you can't see them. They prepare food for the tree. The roots of the tree suck water from the ground. Many substances needed by plants are dissolved in this water. Green grains take the necessary substances from the air and water and build new branches, leaves, trunk and roots. But most importantly, they need sunlight for such work. From morning to evening they catch the sun's rays. In addition to green grains, there are also others in the leaves - yellow ones. While the green grains were working, the yellow ones were not visible, but the green ones dissolved - and only the yellow ones remained. The leaves have turned yellow. They gradually dry out and fall off. And you can’t leave the leaves for the winter - then such snowdrifts will grow on the branches that the branches can’t stand it and will break.

2.3 Studying the causes of leaf fall Why do leaves fall? Over the summer, a thin partition grows between the stem of the leaf and the twig. It does not allow juice or water to pass through. A partition will grow and separate the leaf from the branch. So even in calm weather there is leaf fall in our forest.

2.4 Folk signs associated with changes in leaf color. People have been observing nature for a long time, noticing everything that happens around them. And among the people there appeared signs associated with changes in the color of leaves. Although the leaf has turned yellow, it falls off weakly - frost will not come soon. If in the fall the birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from below, then it will be late. Yellow leaves will appear on the trees untimely - by early autumn.

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "The World around us"

Ready-made school presentations and reports on the world around us will help you study all the materials on this subject in the most interesting and effective way.

Elvira Sabirzyanova

"Why do leaves turn yellow and fall off?"On a walk in the fall, the children collected colorful fallen leaves. They came up to me and asked: - “Elvira Nailievna, and why did the leaves turn yellow and fall off?"What do they need me for? answered: - "Let's find out together."

From this our work began to boil.

We searched in books, in the library, on the Internet.

They sculpted, drew, played various educational games,

I would like to find out in more detail why leaves turn yellow and fall off. At the autumn festival we made various crafts from beautiful autumn leaves. After the guys learned more about leaves, began to draw their conclusions. And they assumed leaves turn yellow and fall off. because they lack solar heat and light, because in the fall it gets dark earlier than in the summer and the sun no longer warms so much, but just shines. Leaves be afraid of the cold and the wind and because of this they fall. The children were very interested in looking for the answer to their question.

Publications on the topic:

Research activity “Why do the leaves turn yellow and fall off in autumn?” Hod - Guys, this morning I was going to kindergarten and suddenly I saw Kolobok running through the fallen leaves and asking himself the question: “Why.

Summary of continuing educational activities “Why leaves fall in autumn” Abstract of continuous educational activities Research of objects of living and inanimate nature, experimentation. Age group:.

Entertainment summary “Yellow Leaves” Leading. Children, do you want to listen to a fairy tale? And this was when the summer died down, And rang out, and turned green, When the warm days flew by, And more.


Our group is speech therapy. It's no secret that our children have poorly developed fine motor skills. They don't know how to sculpt from plasticine.

Goals: - to form in children a cognitive interest in the nature around us, a desire to learn and experiment; - let the children down.

“The sources of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky) That’s when you begin to realize how developed you are.

Presentation “Why used to call potatoes the second bread?” Presentation \"Why used to call potatoes the second bread? Author: Major Marina Nikolaevna Kovaleva Ekaterina Vasilievna 1 Slide: On.

Lyubov Purnak
Presentation of the project “Why do leaves turn yellow and fall off in autumn?”

Despite the slush and cold, autumn imbued with some magical atmosphere. A riot of green colors, yellow and red, fresh crystal clear air, and every ray of sunshine is worth its weight in gold.

During an excursion to the territory of the house of creativity, we noticed that the branches of trees and shrubs were of different colors. leaves: yellow and green.

Target project:

1. To form an ecological culture in preschool children.

2. Give children knowledge about Why do the leaves on the trees turn yellow with the onset of autumn?, then fall.

3. Foster a desire to study nature and protect it.

Research objectives:

1. Study the reasons for color changes leaves in autumn;

2. Find out why trees are toppled leaves;

3. Conduct experiments to find out Why do leaves change color and fall off in the fall?;

4. Foster a love of nature.

Expected result:

1. Children’s knowledge about autumn, its signs, gifts.

2. Your vocabulary will be expanded.

During a walk in the territory of the House of Creativity

Experience 1: IN leaves Are there other colors besides green?

Experience 2: Why is the leaf green in summer??

Experience 3: Why do leaves turn yellow and fall off?

Publications on the topic:

Presentation “Why is French music called playful and light? What is a waltz dance? A study of pupils of the preparatory group “Bell” of MBDOU d/s No. 49 “Fairy Tale” in Severomorsk, Murmansk region as part of the project.

Summary of continuing educational activities “Why leaves fall in autumn” Abstract of continuous educational activities Research of objects of living and inanimate nature, experimentation. Age group:.

Outline of the educational activity “Why leaves fall in autumn” Senior group Educational area “Cognition” Direction: Cognitive-speech Integration of OO: communication, reading fiction.

Presentation “Why Drakosha wanted to go to kindergarten” Summary of direct educational activities on the cognitive development of children on the topic: “Why did Drakosha want to go to the nursery.

You can’t help but ask yourself the question - Why do the leaves fall? After all, it is leaves that plants and trees need to obtain sucrose, which...

Presentation of the Africa project Project goal: Development of intellectual, cognitive and aesthetic competence of children, creative potential and the formation of subjective-evaluative.

“Why do the leaves turn yellow and fall off?” On a walk in the fall, the children collected colorful fallen leaves. They came up to me and asked: “Elvira.

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Ust-Nersky kindergarten No. 1 "Petushok" Oymyakonsky ulus (district)

Project Manager

Kornilova Larisa Gennadievna

Ust-Nera 2015

What are trees for? reset foliage in autumn

Why did I choose this topic?

I want to know:

Will trees be able to survive the winter without shedding their leaves and why?


Why does a person dress warmer and warmer as winter approaches, while trees, on the contrary, shed their leaves?

What would happen if the trees had leaves all winter?

A person changes clothes with each season:

Clothes are not too warm in spring

In summer – very light

In autumn we dress warmer

In winter - wrap yourself up properly

covered with leaves and flowers in spring

in summer they have the densest foliage and fruits appear

Trees also wear clothes according to the season, but they do not act as we do, but on the contrary:

In autumn they gradually shed their leaves

In winter they stand naked

Why does a tree “undress” in the fall?

by cold?

In autumn, the leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall from the branches. This happens because in the fall

begins to get colder, the soil gradually

It’s freezing and it’s getting harder for tree roots

begins to extract water from it. For winter

the tree stops receiving water completely.

and nutrition from the soil. If the leaves continued

stay on the tree, then the water evaporates

through their surface and the tree would then die.

And in the fall the tree throws out leaves

all the bad, unnecessary substances that

accumulated in the tree over the summer. That is why

deciduous tree needs to be reset

foliage in autumn before the long and cold winter.

  • Tender, water-filled leaves would turn into ice in frost and the tree would not be able to survive the winter.
  • It is by being left without leaves that the tree is able to survive frosts.
  • The naked tree seems defenseless and stands lonely in the cold wind. In fact, it is reliably protected.

And trees in winter also dream

Trees “sleep” during the cold season.

The roots no longer absorb water from

frozen ground. Remaining

the liquid continues to move

inside the trunk, but very slowly.

And in the spring the tree wakes up. Who

knows what dreams it saw in winter?

Maybe the tree was dreaming of summer


“Why do the leaves fall from the trees in the fall?”

The project was completed by:

Makarenko Sofia,

student of 2B grade,

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3, p. Kochubeevskoe

Head: Evgenia Anatolyevna Mishneva,

primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3.

What the survey showed:

Why do leaves fall from trees in autumn?

Purpose of the study:

  • find out why leaves fall from trees so easily in autumn;
  • compare scientifically proven conclusions with the results of research on a given topic,
  • prepare an illustrated message.

Research objectives.

  • Find out the meaning of the leaf in life

plants .

2. Observe changes

leaves in autumn .

3. Establish the causes of leaf fall .

4. Study the literature on this topic,

draw conclusions .

5. Make a herbarium from autumn leaves.

Objects of study:

  • tree leaves, their connection with branches.


  • the leaves on the trees are old, they are cold, so they fall off.

My observations

In September on some trees

yellow leaves appeared

In October almost all the leaves have changed green color

turned yellow and the leaves began to fall.

My observations

In some trees, for example, linden and poplar, the leaves fall from the lower branches first, then the middle gradually becomes exposed and the top of the tree is the last to fly around.

My observations

But in elm, hazel and ash, leaf fall begins from the upper branches.

My observations

  • Only the willows stand thick and green until the first snow .

My observations

In November, almost everything

Deciduous trees have shed their leaves.

  • Trees that grow near street lights receive more light and lose their leaves later.

The role of leaves in the life of a tree

The leaf consists of two parts: the leaf blade and the petiole.

The petiole attaches the leaf to the branch.

The role of leaves in the life of a tree

From carbon dioxide, water and substances dissolved in it, extracted by the roots, chlorophyll grains make building material for new branches, stoves, trunk and roots.

The energy for this process is provided by the sun.

Chlorophyll is constantly destroyed and restored again thanks to sunlight .

Chlorophyll grains


The green leaf is necessary for the tree, as it prepares food and new building material for the entire plant.

Yellow leaves do not help the tree. They consume a lot of moisture, but do not nourish the tree.

Why do leaves change color?

  • Autumn is coming, the nights are lengthening. Plants receive less light. Chlorophyll is destroyed during the day, but does not have time to be restored. The green color in the leaf decreases, and yellow becomes more noticeable: the leaf turns yellow.

Alder and lilac leaves will fall green, regardless of the weather. In their leaves, besides chlorophyll, there are no other coloring substances

Alder leaves.

Lilac leaves.

How does leaf fall occur?

In autumn, a special cork layer forms between the branch and the leaf - dead plant cells. It is like a partition between the petiole and the branch.

My experiment:

  • Conclusion: the leaves do not fall off the branches, but are separated in a certain place - where the petiole is attached to the branch, and where a cork layer is formed in the fall.

Why do trees shed leaves?

  • By shedding their leaves, trees protect themselves from “winter drought,” mechanical damage under the pressure of snow, and from poisoning by harmful substances accumulated in the leaves.


  • Hypotheses, which I put forward at the beginning of the study were not confirmed. Leaves do not fall from trees because they are cold or old.
  • The real reasons for leaf fall are as follows:

1. Lack of sunlight

2. Lack of moisture

3. Excess minerals.