Roof      10/16/2023

Equipment and technical means for the event. Features of technical equipment for events. Technical equipment for events

In order to organize a scientific conference, corporate event, seminar, product presentation, anniversary or wedding, you need to carefully consider the program, as well as the list of necessary technical devices.

Professional equipment should be selected based on the characteristics of the venue, program, and characteristics of the audience. Then you will get excellent sound, spectacular lighting and your entertainment or business event will be flawless.

"Mediasystem Group" is an organization that provides technical support for major events. The specialists of the represented organization will select the necessary equipment. The company is able to offer a wide selection of LED screens, video floors, video walls, speaker systems of various capacities, multimedia video projectors using innovative 3D technology, plasma, liquid crystal panels, video cameras, high-quality video control systems, video conferencing, touch kiosks, monitors and much more.

In order to ensure complete fire safety of a room equipped with high-tech devices, all work must be performed by qualified specialists.

Every event needs sound accompaniment. The choice of necessary devices should be based on the area of ​​the room, the planned program, as well as other factors.

Let's look at the main advantages of renting light and sound devices compared to purchasing them:

There is no need to resolve issues related to the storage and maintenance of expensive equipment;

You can order new equipment for each event that meets modern requirements;

There is no need to independently transport, install, or professionally configure devices;

The cost of renting equipment is significantly lower than purchasing it.

The Mediasystem Group company provides comprehensive equipment for any events with the necessary equipment. The range of services includes the following components:

Selection of the necessary equipment appropriate to the venue, goals and the program itself;

Transportation, installation of equipment;

Stylization, special effects;

Setting up devices.

In the presented company you can rent all the necessary devices for your business or festive event, regardless of its scale and level of complexity.

From our agency you can order full technical support for the events you are planning. We will help not only prepare your event by writing a script for the holiday, selecting presenters and artists for your program.

The Proconcert agency organizes turnkey events, including providing the necessary technical support. Of course, we take care of all equipment installation work. If necessary, along with lighting and music equipment, we will provide a specialist to resolve technical issues during the event.

What equipment may be required for the holidays?

The list of required technical support depends on the level of preparation of the site where you are holding the event. Before renting equipment, check what is already available at your site. If you have a large-scale event coming up and a lot will depend on the quality of the equipment, we recommend that you take the time and check the quality of the equipment in advance. To clarify the list of equipment that needs to be rented, rather than looking for what you need at the last minute.

Proconcert agency offers the following equipment for rent:

  • Professional lighting products
  • Devices for lighting effects and light control
  • CD players
  • Mixing consoles
  • Headphones and necessary switches
  • Professional DJ equipment
  • Speaker and sound reinforcement systems
  • Microphones
  • Monitors

People come to our agency to rent equipment for holidays and other events. We organize technical support for weddings, corporate celebrations, presentations and opening and award ceremonies. We also organize large-scale city day events.

In addition to technical support for events, the Proconcert agency provides a full range of services for organizing and holding exciting events. People come to us if they need to make a turnkey holiday, from the idea and selection of artists to the holding of the event. The advantages of entrusting the technical organization of the holiday “from” to “to” an agency are obvious:

  • We are fully responsible for the technical support of your event and guarantee the high-quality operation of the equipment we rent.
  • Ordering all equipment for rent is profitable not only because of the quality guarantee. By renting equipment in one place, you save on both rental costs and transportation costs. Add to this an accurate understanding of who is responsible for the technical support.
  • It happens that when ordering equipment from different places, you can rent low-quality equipment. And this may become clear at the most inopportune moment - at the event itself. By ordering technical support from us “from” to “to”, you transfer responsibility for technical preparation to our specialists. We always check the quality of the equipment we rent. And in case of malfunctions, we eliminate them on our own.
  • By entrusting organizational issues to the Proconcert agency, you can be calm and confident that your event will go as you planned.

Our equipment rental capabilities are not limited to only concert equipment and lighting fixtures. You can rent any equipment that may be required for the event. We are ready to fully equip an event of any scale with everything necessary. From a child's birthday to a city's birthday. You don't need to search for anything further. If you contacted the Proconcert agency and entrusted us with organizing your event, we will carry out all the technical part ourselves.

What else can you order for rent?

  • Tents and awnings for open air events
  • Modular stages and podiums (including installation)
  • Dishes, textiles and necessary furniture
  • Fences to divide space at your event
  • Electric generators
  • Projectors, screens and press oxen
  • Furniture and equipment for press conferences

If you do not see the equipment you need in this list, call our specialist at Proconcert. Surely we can find everything you need or offer another optimal solution. To get information about what is needed for your event and how much it will cost, call our manager by phone -. We will be happy to answer your questions and recommend the best solution.

Do you want your party or celebration to bring joy and a lot of pleasant emotions to your guests, and most importantly, to be held at the highest level? In this case, you will have to take care of a whole range of events, including equipping the room or outdoor area with everything necessary: ​​furniture, snacks, drinks, music, entertainment, decorations, etc. Of course, you will have to cope with such a complex task as organizing on your own. a wedding, a large corporate event or another official holiday is quite difficult, but professional support during the organization of the holidays will come in handy.

The website presents a wide range of various integrated solutions for holding events of different shapes and sizes. By using the services of this organization, you can easily organize a party for 100 or 500 people, equipping the place with high-tech acoustics and lighting. However, before ordering the services of professionals, you need to understand what specific type of equipment will suit you best.

Technical equipment for events from start to finish

If we talk about major holidays, which are planned to be held on a spacious territory or outdoors (for example, in a botanical garden or in nature), there is a need to attract:

  • video equipment;
  • lighting equipment;
  • stage structures;
  • sound and equipment for creating special effects.

All of the listed technical equipment for events can be used at charity events, at auctions, at the presentation of new products or at the opening of companies. There can be many reasons for such large-scale preparation. The main goal is to determine the type and number of necessary devices, preferably based on the recommendations of professionals who know exactly how and where all structures should be placed. Moreover, if there is a presentation of a new product or it is necessary to launch a video sequence on a projector, an important component of success will be the location of the stage structure and the quality of the video presentation. If you work in close tandem with professionals, the holiday will bring the desired effect and help create the right atmosphere, regardless of the allocated budget or the number of guests. Even when organizing a small outdoor party, you can attract professionals who will help install karaoke equipment and DJ consoles, which will become the most important entertainment for the gathered company.

Are you planning a holiday? Are you preparing an event? Marvel Djs specialists will help organize

  • large scale;
  • small;
  • official;
  • private;
  • business event.

Ensuring events are held in Moscow

Our company has extensive experience in organizing

  • Concerts
  • Presentations
  • Conferences
  • Seminars

Comprehensive event services

Each such event requires a serious and responsible approach. It is very important to think through the issue of technical equipment in advance. Buying your own professional equipment for organizing a holiday or event is expensive, so it is much more profitable to rent equipment. We provide comprehensive services and support for public or private events.

Organizational support of events

Marvel Djs takes every task seriously and responsibly. Our prices are affordable to every resident of Moscow. By contacting us, you will receive a highly professional solution to any issue. We will provide a full range of technical support for your holiday. We are ready to implement a variety of projects in open and closed areas. We have a colossal amount of equipment in our arsenal that will turn any event into a memorable event! Thanks to the experience and knowledge of our employees, the equipment will not fail at the right time!

We offer the best and most modern equipment:

  • Sound
  • Light
  • Special effects
  • Screens and projectors
  • Additional

Project development

Marvel Djs team specialists will develop an affordable project for technical support of the event. We know how to competently create a festive and solemn atmosphere, without which not a single holiday would be complete! We comply with all safety standards and regulations. Responsibility for the operation of the equipment rests with us. The experienced and qualified staff of Marvel Djs will provide services at the highest level, please contact us!

If you dream that your holiday will be spectacular, dignified and luxurious, then you should think about the technical side of the event. Let us immediately note that the technical equipment must be professional; it must be used during the event only by qualified specialists who know all the features of special equipment. If you contact our holiday agency "Art Show", then you will take the right step towards organizing your holiday. We cooperate with the best specialists and will recommend you real professionals.

Types of technical equipment for a holiday or event

Holding holidays is a responsible process that requires careful preparation. It will be required not only to think through the script and organize a show program, but also to use high-quality and high-end equipment. It is the technical equipment of the event that ensures the quality of the entire event.

By contacting our holiday agency “Art Show”, you have an excellent opportunity to order the services of specialists who will use high-tech, modern equipment in their work. Everyone we cooperate with is ready to offer the following types of technical equipment:

  • light and sound equipment - during an event, the power of musical equipment is very important. In the process of choosing a specialist, it is important to competently approach the selection of equipment, taking into account the size and volume of the site where the holiday will take place. And in order for the show program or performance of the artists to be amazing, spectacular and brilliant, lighting technical equipment will be used;
  • projection equipment - recently this technical equipment has become incredibly popular. This is obvious, since with the help of such equipment you can demonstrate everything that happens on stage. Even if guests sit remotely, in the corner of the banquet hall, if such equipment is available, everyone will see and actively participate in the event;
  • stage structures - the entertainment program must take place on a special stage or podium so that all guests present in the hall can watch what is happening. Many establishments do not have such a platform and then it will be necessary to install special stage structures. Those partners with whom our agency cooperates are reliable and responsible specialists who are ready to erect structures of any complexity in a short time;
  • special effects - of course, the entire entertainment value of a holiday or event depends on such equipment. Lasers and various pyrotechnic effects will be the highlight of the entire event. Absolutely all invited people will be impressed by what they see;
  • tents and awnings - such equipment and equipment are intended for holding a holiday in the lap of nature. Thanks to such designs, it is possible to install spacious, luxurious banquet halls right in nature. They will not only provide shelter from rain and hot sun, but also from the wind;
  • furniture for events - today it is more important than ever to hold various outdoor events. Organizing an event on a restaurant terrace is the ideal place. But if the event is organized remotely from civilization, then you need to think not only about tents and awnings, but also about furniture. All items offered by the partners of our holiday agency “Art Show” are exquisite and elegant products. They will complement the tents with comfort and coziness.