Country house      10/16/2023

How to make natural flavoring with your own hands. Choosing the best car fragrance Do-it-yourself car air freshener

A pleasant aroma in the interior of your car that you and your passenger like, agree, this is great. Currently, buying in a retail chain is not a problem. However, it is worth considering that most of these “stinkers” are made on a chemical basis and are unsafe for human health. We offer you a simple way to make it into your car yourself.

What you need to make flavoring

  1. Small empty jar. It is very good to use a jar of factory flavoring for making
  2. 1-2 teaspoons of gelatin (15 -20g.)
  3. 1 teaspoon glycerin (15 g.)
  4. Distilled water
  5. A mixture of essential oils that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Based on the results, it is best to use citrus scents (lemon, orange). But in general it’s not for everybody, everyone can use what they like.

How to make your own flavoring

Dissolve in distilled water and add glycerin to the resulting solution.
Then add essential oil to an empty jar, and pour a solution of gelatin with glycerin into it
Mix everything and place in a cool place until the resulting mass hardens completely.

There is another, fairly quick and effective way to fill the interior of your car with a natural aroma. To do this, you will need, as in the previous version, essential oil and a small container with a water spray. Mix water with essential oil and spray the resulting mixture into the interior of your car.

It's no secret that not every air freshener sold in car dealerships is environmentally friendly. But few people know that most air fresheners are toxic and, with prolonged contact, can cause certain disorders in the body.

Here are typical substances most often found in many air fresheners:

  • Benzyl acetate- formed by condensation of benzyl alcohol and acetic acid. It is often used in fragrance blends because of its strong jasmine scent. There are known cases of adverse health effects, and manufacturers themselves usually limit the amount of time possible exposure to air fresheners containing benzyl acetate.
  • Ethyl acetoacetate- may cause adverse health effects and is flammable.
  • 3.7 Dimethyloctan-3-ol- artificial flavor, which is flammable, may cause serious eye damage and is toxic to aquatic life.
  • Synthetic vanillin- used instead of real vanilla to give the appropriate smell. May cause eye and skin irritation.

Now let's talk about how you can make your own car air freshener. The question here is not so much about the cheapness of the method and life hacking as such, but for the author of the article, for example, but about the environmental friendliness of this method. Made at home yourself, the air freshener not only masks odors, but also absorbs them. The air freshener is placed in some cup holder, including in the doors, on the console - it is quite easy to find a place for it. Just shake it every few days to keep it fresh and replace it every 6 weeks.

Recipe for your own air freshener

What do you need:

  1. 1 small jar with screw cap. Suitable for baby food, for example. Either way, make sure it will fit in the cup holder you choose.
  2. 3/4 cup baking soda.
  3. 5 drops of essential oil (scent of your choice). Essential oil can be purchased at any pharmacy or in the bath and sauna departments of stores.
  4. A small piece of breathable fabric (for example, burlap, suede or any other - you can even use gauze, folded several times).


  1. Place baking soda in a glass jar. It should be about a quarter full.
  2. Add essential oil to baking soda.
  3. Cut a small round piece of breathable fabric, the size should correspond to the diameter of the can opening plus allowance for the thickness of the thread (0.5-1 cm).
  4. Cut out the middle of the lid, leaving only the threaded ring. You can simply make holes in the lid with an awl instead.
  5. Place a rag on the jar and screw on the lid so that the rag is in the thread - i.e. so that the lid holds the cloth taut.
  6. Place the resulting freshener in any cup holder in your car.

Baking soda perfectly absorbs odors, and essential oil will fill the interior of your car with aroma.

This topic will certainly be of interest to those who watch the car not only outside, but also inside.
It just so happens that I am one of those who forbids eating cookies, chips and the like in the car, the one who at a traffic light can easily pull out a rag and wipe the dashboard, the one who can spend a long time choosing “stinkers” at the auto store.
In this post, as you already understood, we will talk about air flavors for cars.
I made a kind of rating based only on my feelings. The section will feature such popular types of “stinkers” as:

1. Paper ones, they are also hanging, they are also “Christmas trees”
2. Gel
3. Liquid
4. Chalk, aka ceramic
5. Felt
6. Specialized (here we are talking about BMW Natural Air)

In this article, I did not consider such products as ozonizers and ionizers, since it is not correct to consider them “stinkers”.
So, before I begin to describe my comments on this matter, I would like to note once again that these are just my feelings and my opinion, this is not the ultimate dogma.

Christmas trees

The history of this freshener is very interesting, and if you believe official sources, then the smell of milk is to blame, which could not be removed by absolutely nothing. Sheep appear in the second version, but we will still stick to the first.

here they are, Christmas trees

The appearance of the paper flavoring “Yolochka” dates back to 1952. A milk delivery man in Watertown, New York, USA, complained to local chemist Julius (Jules) Saman about the smell of milk spilled in the cab of his truck, which he could not get rid of. By a happy coincidence, Julius spent several years in the Canadian forests, studying the essential oils of evergreen trees that exude a unique soothing aroma. After a series of studies and development of the technology for extracting essential oils, Julius obtained a formula with which it was possible to endow the selected material with a pleasant aroma. He also sketched out the silhouette of an evergreen tree and gave it the brand name Car Freshner.


paper stinkers

Many people have followed in the footsteps of the masters from Watertown; in my opinion, paper air fresheners are the most popular. There are many reasons, for example, price, stereotypes, appearance. The last factor is used by many developers of such cars, since most of them weigh on the rearview mirror, the stink can simply serve as decoration.
The quality of the flavoring depends very much on the manufacturer, so from now on I will only talk about the best representatives of this type, that is, car freshner - “Herringbone”.

For a low price, the manufacturer offers you a lot of unique aromas. You can pick up a pack of them in the store, the packaging will not let them dissipate, you can store them anywhere, they don’t take up much space.

Very pungent smell. I still don’t understand how to use them. “Stinky” works at an accelerated pace for the first week, these days you feel like either a cherry delivery man, or Santa Claus, who delivers Christmas trees part-time, or a Highlander, breathing in the fresh air of “Everest”. In general, no matter how you hang it, it will either be in front of your nose, or in front of the nose of your friends, if you hung it back, on the handles that are located on the roof.
Conclusions. I give this stinker a C, I see the point of using it only in the luggage compartment, may Yolochka fans forgive me.

PS An incident from life: once, somewhere in Nizhny Novgorod, a taxi driver gave me a lift, he had a pleasant aroma in the car, when I asked what it was, he pointed his finger back at me, on the back shelf (it was a Volga) there were two or three branches Spruce or Pine, it was difficult to tell. “This is a Gorky scent” was his comment.

Gel air fresheners

Unfortunately, I didn’t find such an interesting origin story as in point one, so to the point. The form factor of such air fresheners is different. There are also Velcro, under the seats, in the cup holder, in the form of balls. Having tried several, I think that among the gel ones it is rational to consider only those that are intended for placement under the seat. The rest are needed only to take up space in the car. For myself, I explained it this way: gel fresheners smell of “volume,” that is, the more “stink,” the better.

This type of air freshener gives a fairly even aroma throughout the entire volume of the car. As a rule, there are no “peaks” like with a herringbone tree. This stink smells the same for two months, sometimes a little longer depending on the manufacturer. Convenient placement that does not interfere with the appearance of your car.
By turning on the ventilation on your feet, the aroma becomes more intense, but still tolerable.

I see two main disadvantages of such stinkers, although they are one of my favorites.
They are absolutely not applicable in cold weather, as the gel freezes and becomes useless. And we have cold weather 6-7 months a year. In general, this “stink” is applicable from April to September.
Sometimes, upon purchase, part of the gel is already missing, since the packaging was damaged; such a stink will live no more than a month.
Well, the price is about 6-7 “Christmas trees”

Score four

gel freshener

Gel under seat freshener

Liquid air fresheners for cars

I call them “bottles,” although their form factor is also different. I have an extremely bad relationship with them because of the caustic liquid inside. What it is, some kind of oil or something else, I have no idea, but the plastic of the car suffers greatly from them. Some time ago I used these, leaving them in the cup holder, later I noticed that some of the plastic had defects, I had to paint it later.

liquid air duct fresheners

another version of the liquid

Quite a smooth and pleasant smell, you can adjust it by pressing the “stink” or increasing the airflow if the stink is hung on the air duct.
This type of flavor is quite durable; its use can last up to six months.

Caustic and probably not healthy. They have the same cost as large gel ones. Such a device does not look very natural on the air duct of modern cars, but this is subjective, of course.

grade two


I learned about the existence of this type relatively recently, having tried it, I was pleased, although it costs to use it a little differently than what is written in the instructions. The choice of aromas in this “stink” is quite extensive, and the smell remains quite mild. I use it without a casing, simply hanging a “washer” on a string on the rear door handle, which is located on the roof. From time to time I open the window, and the car smells very pleasant.

chalk air freshener

Chalk freshener in a box

Option for placing chalk flavor in the car

It does not leak, does not freeze, and is not caustic. In general, you can do whatever you want with it. Large selection of scents. Remains “in service” even after 5-6 months.

Very high cost compared to its counterparts. The “stink” itself is not strong and requires convection, that is, either an air duct or somewhere near an open window.

rating is a solid four

Felt car air fresheners

It would probably be true to say that this is a type of paper air freshener. It is usually supplied in iron cans. The selection of scents is not very large; as far as I remember, few people use it. Its meaning is that a small felt pillow is impregnated with oils, with which it then smells fragrant. It is recommended to use it simply by opening it and leaving it somewhere in the armrest area or in the door pockets. I used these “stinkers” in the same way. From time to time, usually while the car was warming up, I threw these pads under the glass and turned on the fan in the “on the glass” position. After five minutes in the car there is a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma that lasts for about an hour. It is good to use such flavors in conjunction with something else.

Felt car air freshener

The relatively low price and non-pungent smell will allow you to enjoy the aroma of your chosen “stinker”. Easy to store. When using my method it can last for a year.

If you use only this, you may not feel that there is an air freshener in the car. There are few places where you can buy this type, as it is not popular. If you use the “stinker” using my method, from time to time you will need to collect particles of felt from the panel. This type, as in the previous case, needs convection.

rating - weak four

PS One of my friends, the owner of an old five in an E39 body, stuffed these pads into the door air ducts (the outlet is located in the door, the pipe leading to it is open when the door is open, so you can easily put anything in there). I must say the idea is very successful, as if you were riding a banana boat or through a strawberry field.

Specialized fresheners

Surely, each concern produces its own types of air fresheners, but I only tried the BMW Natural Air. I wouldn’t want you to consider this PR, but nonetheless. There are only six scents, but each of them is original; I have not seen anything like it in other types of fresheners. To my deep regret, this “stinker” is also hung on the air duct. But it is small in size and overall quite organic and looks stylish. The working element itself is a rubber briquette the size of half a pencil, which is impregnated with special oils and is completely covered with through holes. Yes, yes, convection again. In general, the smell itself is not easy to detect. Although I’ve never had one, I think this is exactly what a new car smells like. The smell can be blocked with a special valve or enhanced by the amount of air supplied.

What happens if you close your eyes and feel the world without the help of vision? It’s simple - another sense (smell) comes into play.

When sitting behind the wheel, the first thing we pay attention to is the aroma of the car (the smell of the dashboard, covers, baked goods, hot coffee in the cup holder, and so on).

But all this is secondary. The main source of aroma is car air freshener.

It would seem that everything is simple. All you have to do is go to the store, choose a freshener that suits the price and smell, and stick it in your car.

But is it worth poisoning yourself with “chemistry”? - Of course not. Today there are many ways to make your own air freshener.

What is a store-bought air freshener?

When buying a freshener in a store, we don’t even think about its composition and strength. But such a product is an ordinary “chemical” that emits not only an odor, but also toxic substances.

The task of manufacturers is to achieve maximum concentration of aroma and prolong the effect of their product. Everything else doesn't matter to them.

But that's not all. You can buy a freshener that seems to have a pleasant smell, but after opening it you get a completely different aroma that is irritating and clearly reveals a chemical base.

At the same time, it is unknown how the store-bought product will affect health. So why take the risk? Below we will look at the most interesting and simple recipes that allow you to make a freshener from available materials. At the same time, you will be confident in the naturalness and benefits of the product.

Gel freshener

This method is one of the simplest and most cost-effective. As a basis for the “smell,” you can use regular glycerin and a number of additional elements.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

The advantages of such a product are versatility, durability and pleasant aroma.

You can be sure that the composition will not spill accidentally, and the smell will emanate for a long time.

If desired, you can add a little dye and transfer the composition into a transparent bottle. All that remains is to find a suitable place in the cabin.

Hydrogel freshener

In this version, the base is a hydrogel, which is easy to buy in a store.

The algorithm itself looks like this:

  • prepare everything you need - hydrogel, essential oil, container, water;
  • wash the container and drop 25-30 drops of essential oil into it (here based on the volume of the prepared container);
  • pour water into the container and mix the composition well;
  • open the bottle and add about 35-40 hydrogel beads;
  • now add water and leave the mixture alone for 10-12 hours;
  • If there is liquid left inside, it can be drained.

That's all. This design can be used in a car and at home.

In the first case, use a pin or small drill to make several holes in the lid to allow the aroma to escape.

If the air freshener is used at home, then it will be easier to open the lid and put the product somewhere on a shelf.

Citrus freshener

When buying fruits or flowers, we don’t even think about the possibility of their alternative use. For example, from several dozen dried clove flowers and 2-3 oranges you can make a high-quality freshener of natural origin.

The manufacturing scheme is as follows:

  • divide the flowers into equal slides (for each of the oranges);
  • stick flowers into the surface of the fruit until you get original “hedgehogs”.

This freshener will “work” for 12-15 days. In a car, it can be placed in the glove compartment, placed on the dashboard or on the rear parcel shelf (behind the passenger seat).

Aromatic pendant

This option is difficult to classify as a car air freshener, but it should not be ignored either.

The essence of the preparation is as follows:

  • prepare small containers (small vials);
  • fill them with a special composition (the following options are suitable - twigs, petals or sand);
  • add a little essential oil to the composition. The main thing here is not to overdo it (2-3 drops are enough);
  • close the container and let it sit for a while. Before installing it in the machine, you just need to make a few holes in the lid to release the pleasant aroma out.

Felt air freshener

Many people have seen on the shelves freshers made of solid material in the shape of Christmas trees, coffee beans and other figures.

You can do a similar thing with your own hands. All you need is a piece of wool felt. The latter can be bought in a store by choosing a color that matches the interior of the car.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

At the same time, do not repeat the mistake of most car enthusiasts who hang the air freshener on the rearview mirror. This product will distract you from the road and may cause an accident.

The best option is to mount the “smell” somewhere near the rear window or in any corner of the dashboard.

Simple options

There are also simpler options for air fresheners:

  • Take a piece of cotton wool and drop a little essential oil on it. All that remains is to find a place for such a product so that it does not stain anything around. The scent can be updated from time to time.
  • Use baking soda. Take a salt shaker or other container (the main thing is to have holes), pour baking soda inside and add a little essential oil.
  • Take a small bag and pour aromatic herbs or coffee beans into it. This will be enough to scent the salon for a long time.

Bottom line

As you can see, you don’t have to buy a car air freshener in a store—you can make it yourself.

There are several advantages here:

You can find a car air freshener in any car store or just at a gas station. Moreover, there are so many varieties of these products that the question inevitably arises: why make them yourself?

Do-it-yourself air freshener - how to make it is shown in the video:

Why make your own air freshener?

In fact, there is a whole range of reasons, each of which can be a compelling argument in favor of creating a car air freshener with your own hands, here are the main ones:

  1. Benefit for health. Most modern air fresheners contain synthetic substances that are harmful to health. Of course, if a product is made somewhere in Europe, then everything is strict there. But there is no such certainty regarding Chinese crafts. A completely different matter is natural essential oils, which are great for creating a freshener with your own hands. Not only will they not worsen your well-being, but on the contrary, they will improve it.
  2. With minimal costs, you can create a unique scent that will become the main highlight of your car, distinguishing it from millions of others. You You can use many components to make a truly unique and rich car air freshener with your own hands.
  3. Unusual look. From the air freshener you can create a unique accessory that will be an excellent addition to the overall design of the salon. Moreover, in this way individuality is expressed and excellent taste is demonstrated.
  4. Unusual materials. In most cases, in order to create a car air freshener, manufacturers use cardboard, felt or silicone. We're not even talking about uniqueness. But when you do everything yourself, any restrictions disappear. You have access to felt, zeolite, coffee beans and many other materials.
  5. Saving. Making your own air freshener is cheaper. As a simple example, calculate how much 10 milliliters of essential oil and a regular Christmas tree cost. At the same time, do not forget about the expiration date.

Here are five main reasons why you should make your own car air freshener. Moreover, this list can be supplemented with one more - this is the pleasure that a person gets from creating something with his own hands.

How to make a freshener

Simple recipes that everyone can do

Let's start with the basic principle of creating a car air freshener with your own hands - it must be safe. Therefore, the risk of spilling it must be eliminated in advance.

It is best to use bottles from the products you have ever purchased. To make this possible, you will need a piece of cotton wool and a few drops of essential oil. In this case, you can mix several flavors. The intensity of the odor directly depends on the amount of liquid. That's all. Your first flavor is ready.

Attention! Flavors made this way are not durable.

But this also has its advantage. After all, you definitely won’t get tired of the smell, and to create a new aroma you just need to take a different essential oil. In this case, it is best to cover the top of the bottle with foil.

The next option for creating a DIY air freshener for your car will only require simple soda. Moreover, an ordinary salt shaker is also suitable for creating it. In principle, any container that has a lid and holes in it will do.

Pour baking soda into the container exactly a quarter full. After this, add 15 drops of oil. Now you will get a long-lasting effect from a car air freshener you made yourself in just five minutes.

Attention! To make the smell stronger, just shake the container slightly.

DIY gel freshener

This design is a little more complicated, but you can also do it yourself if you follow the instructions. Moreover, such a car air freshener has many advantages. One of the main ones is reliability: Thanks to the thick consistency, the interior will not get dirty even during heavy braking.

The main ingredient for the composition will be gelatin. To make a freshener, you need to follow these steps.

  1. Pour gelatin into boiling water.
  2. Stir the substance until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  3. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in water at room temperature and pour into the hot mixture.
  4. Prepare a container for the flavoring. Add 30 drops of the oil you like to it.
  5. Pour the gelatin mixture into the container.
  6. Mix everything thoroughly.

It takes at least one day for the mass to harden. To give an original and unusual color, you can use dye during the cooking process. It must be added to the container before pouring the gelatinous substance.

Advice! Pebbles or shells placed in a container or bottle can give the car air freshener you create an unusual feel.

Scented balls

Aromatic balls are excellent as car fragrances. They are poured into a bag or jar and are a good example of successful interior decoration.

Attention! Aroma balls for cars can be given an unusual shape.

To prepare this car fragrance you will need the following ingredients:

  • one fourth cup of salt;
  • corn starch (a quarter teaspoon will be enough);
  • one and a half cups of flour.

Adding dye to boiling water will allow you to give the car balls any color you want. You also need to remember about a tablespoon of oil. In order for the substance to eventually achieve the hardness we need, the cup must be 60 percent liquid.

The liquid mixture is added to the dry ingredients. After this, you will need to knead a kind of dough. Then you just need to roll the balls and wait until they dry. If desired, you can make any figures.

In the video you can see more options on how to make a car air freshener with your own hands:

As you can see, making a car air freshener with your own hands is really simple. It only takes a few minutes to bring the simplest recipes to life. The cost of such products is practically zero.