Bake      09/05/2023

How to sprout peppers in toilet paper. Gardener secrets: growing seedlings in toilet paper. Seedlings on toilet paper and laminate backing

The imagination of gardeners is truly inexhaustible. What craftsmen can come up with to get strong, healthy seedlings. One of the unconventional ways to obtain seedlings from seeds is the method of growing seedlings in film and toilet paper. It is also called the landless method. It fully justifies its name, because the seeds germinate simply on paper without adding soil.

Advantages of using the landless method

It is very simple to obtain seedlings using the landless method of growing them, and it does not take much time. The main advantages of using such cultivation are:

  • seedlings require very little space;
  • the root system of such seedlings is stronger than that obtained by germinating seeds in the ground;
  • seed germination is also higher;
  • crops grown from this fruit bear fruit a week earlier;
  • the incidence of seedlings with black leg is almost impossible.

Technology of growing seedlings

To “sow the seeds” you will need:

  1. Plastic bags.
  2. Toilet paper.
  3. Cut plastic bottle or glass.
  4. Seeds.

Cut the bags lengthwise into strips, the width of the strips should be approximately equal to the width of toilet paper, lay them out on the floor. Place paper on top of the polyethylene. The length of the strips is arbitrary, the main thing is that the roll then fits into the container.

Lightly spray toilet paper with water from a spray bottle and place the seeds in a row under one edge (1 cm away from the top). Leave a distance of 3 cm between the seeds. Cover the laid out seeds with a second strip of toilet paper. Get it wet too. Place another layer of cut strips from the bag on top.

For convenience, you can write on the film with a marker which seeds are planted.

Roll the strips with seeds, not very tightly, and place them standing in a cut plastic bottle or large glass. Pour some water into the tray.

The roll should be placed so that the edge with the seeds is on top.

The required amount of moisture will flow to the seeds through toilet paper, and two layers of film will create a greenhouse effect and protect the seeds from drying out. To prevent the top edge of the toilet paper from drying out, you can cover it with another glass on top. But in this case, you will need to regularly ventilate the seedlings by lifting the second glass.

After the seeds hatch (this will take about a week), you need to give them another two weeks to grow. After 2 weeks, the grown sprouts with two true leaves will need to be planted.

To do this, carefully unroll the roll, remove the top layer of paper (what’s left of it) and select the strongest sprouts. It’s not scary if the paper doesn’t separate well - you can replant it with it, there will be no harm from it.

Plant the sprouts in separate cups (here you will need nutritious soil). Further care for seedlings is the same as for ordinary seedlings. If desired, the remaining underdeveloped sprouts are again wrapped in a roll and grown.

Video on how to grow seedlings without soil

If for some reason you were unable or did not have time to properly prepare the soil for seedlings, there is always a way out - to grow seedlings on toilet paper. Otherwise, this method is called “Moscow-style” seedlings or rolling papers. This rather unusual method is used by particularly resourceful housewives.

What seedlings can be grown without soil on toilet paper?

Many crops can be grown using the rolling method - peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, cabbage and onions. The advantages of this method are that the seedlings will not get sick with blackleg, since they do not come into contact with the soil, in addition, you will save a lot of space on the windowsills.

You should not use this method for slow-growing and heat-loving plants, since at some stage they will still have to be planted in pots and grown in the ground for a long time. In addition, in rolls they receive less light, stretch more, and have less developed roots.

But cold-resistant vegetables and flowers can be planted directly from a roll onto the garden bed in the form of mini-seedlings. For example, this method can be used when growing onions and leeks.

Sowing seedlings on toilet paper

To grow seedlings without soil in toilet paper, you will need, in fact, toilet paper, plastic film, plastic cups, seeds and labels.

Polyethylene must be cut into strips equal to the width of toilet paper. This will be approximately 10 cm. We lay out strips of plastic film under strips of toilet paper 40-50 cm long.

Cover your “crops” with a layer of plastic film on top and roll everything into a neat roll, secure it with an elastic band and place it in a glass, not forgetting the label with the name of the variety. Fill a glass with about 4 cm of water, cover it with plastic or place it in a bag with ventilation holes.

When the seedlings grown with toilet paper begin to hatch, feed them by halving the usual dosage. Regularly add water to the glass, maintaining its level at the same level.

When the first true leaf appears, you need to feed the seedlings again. And when the seedlings grow up, you can start picking it. For leafy vegetables, this time occurs when the first true leaf appears; for onions, when well-developed roots appear.

How to pick seedlings on toilet paper?

Carefully unwind the roll and remove the first layer of film. Cut the seedling directly with the paper without damaging its roots. If not all the seeds have sprouted, you can leave them for growing, putting them back in the glass.

The seedlings need to be planted directly together with the paper into pre-prepared pots or cassettes. Onions can be planted immediately in open ground, but in this case you need to calculate correctly timing of seed sowing (approximately mid-April).

Containers for seedlings must have drainage holes. We fill them halfway with soil, deepen the seedlings to the cotyledon leaves. We carefully water the picked seedlings and grow them like ordinary seedlings.

Of course, the method cannot be called completely landless, because sooner or later we resort to standard pots. However, in this way you can save the situation when you rushed in late and did not prepare the ground for seedlings. While the seeds are germinating in the paper, you will easily have time to catch up on everything.

Most summer residents are accustomed to planting tomatoes by seedlings or by seeds in open ground if the tomatoes will grow in a greenhouse. But you can grow tomato seedlings on toilet paper. This non-standard method is very effective.

Why is paper an excellent substrate for growing tomatoes?

Due to some properties, toilet paper is perfect for growing tomato seedlings. The paper is soft to the touch and prevents the thin roots of the seedlings from getting tangled. It also becomes easier to transplant grown shoots. Seedlings grown without soil grow faster and stronger. As with conventional cultivation, tomatoes on toilet paper are placed on a windowsill so that sunlight reaches the seeds. In addition, you can significantly save on the purchase of planting soil and drainage for planting seeds.

Advantages and disadvantages of the “paper” method

Among the advantages of the paper method of growing seedlings are:

  • the seeds do not require nutritious soil, and when grown on paper, the seedlings grow stronger and stronger;
  • the method allows you to separate weak shoots from strong ones;
  • seedlings get sick less often;
  • the most important advantage of this method is that the seedlings do not suffer from blackleg, which often happens when grown in the traditional way;
  • the paper method makes it easier to plant and care for seeds;
  • sprouts appear faster on paper than in the soil;
  • When grown in this way, it is possible to revive even bad seeds.

In addition, such tomatoes have greater survival rate and take root faster in a new place when transplanted into the ground.

The disadvantages of this method include:

  • not all crops can be grown this way (but tomatoes grow well);
  • when the seedlings are very dense, they often do not have enough light (but this also happens when grown using the standard method).

You will also have to carefully monitor the growth of sprouts . Once the time for transplanting seedlings arrives, they cannot be postponed to a later date. Otherwise, the tomatoes may not take root in the new place.

Tomato varieties suitable for growing

All varieties of tomatoes are suitable for growing on toilet paper, but the following varieties grow best this way:

  • Watercolor is a low-growing variety, the height of which is about 50 cm. The fruits are red in color and medium in size.
  • Supermodel is a hybrid with early ripening tomatoes. The fruits are elongated with a pointed tip, weighing up to 130 g. The taste of the pulp is sweet.
  • Skorospelka is a large-fruited hybrid, the maximum weight of tomatoes is up to 200 g. The pulp is red, juicy and fleshy. Early harvest ripening.
  • Golden Stream is an early-ripening hybrid with medium-sized vegetables. The tomatoes are yellow in color and very sweet.
  • Rapunzel is a cherry variety. The bush is all covered with fruits. Tomatoes weighing about 30 g, scarlet in color.

In principle, tomato planting material grows well on toilet paper, regardless of the variety.

Seed preparation

Most seeds germinate well when planted using the paper method, but there are some seeds that will never germinate. They get rid of them immediately. To check the quality of the material, you need to dilute 1 tsp. salt in a glass of water and pour the seeds into the water. After some time, part will fall to the bottom, the other part will remain on the surface. Those that remain on the surface can be thrown away. The remaining seeds are dried to a powdery state.

Growing seedlings

There are three ways to grow tomato seedlings on toilet paper. All of them are simple, and even if this type of planting is carried out for the first time, difficulties should not arise.

Moscow style

To plant planting material using this method, you will need a roll of toilet paper, clean water, a syringe, bags and cups.

How to sow tomatoes in Moscow:

  • Spread a plastic bag on the table surface.
  • Then lay the paper so that it covers the entire bag in several layers.
  • Place tomato seeds on each layer.
  • Each layer is sprayed with a spray bottle.
  • The edges of the paper should protrude slightly beyond the bag.
  • Then carefully roll the bag into a roll.
  • You can write the variety of tomato seeds on the bag.
  • Pour some water into a plastic cup and place a roll of seeds there.

Place the glass in a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. This will keep it warm and the seedlings will appear faster. The bag is removed after the first buds of sprouts appear on the paper.

In a bottle

Another way to grow seedlings is using a plastic bottle. This method is similar to the usual growing of seedlings in a container, but without using soil.

You can plant it in 1.5 and even 5 liter bottles.

Seed planting process:

  • Cut the bottle in half so that the bottom is intact.
  • Fold the paper in half and cut one side to the middle.
  • Fill half the bottle with paper (horizontally).
  • Then the paper is moistened with plenty of water.
  • Pour the planting material into a five-liter bottle and cover with the second part of the pieces of paper.
  • Wet the pieces of paper with water.

At the end of planting, close the bottle with a lid and place it in a bag. Periodically moisten the paper with water so that it does not dry out.

Using boiling water

How to plant tomatoes on paper with boiling water:

  • Cut out one side of the bottle to form a container.
  • Place several layers of paper on the bottom and moisten them with boiling water.
  • Then place the seeds.

Cover the top of the bottle with a bag. Water the planting material several times a week.


When a pair of full-fledged leaves appears on the seedlings, they are transplanted into separate cups with soil. The easiest way is to transplant into peat cups so that you can immediately plant them in a permanent place.

Further care

As soon as shoots emerge from the seeds, they are moved to the sun. In winter, lamps are placed next to containers with seedlings. Until the planting material has germinated, the temperature should be +25…+27 degrees. After germination it is reduced to +20 degrees. After the sprouts appear, the paper is watered with mineral fertilizers in a 1:1 ratio. During picking, the seedlings are carefully separated from the paper. If this fails, they are imprisoned with her.

To better see how the seeds germinate, it is recommended to plant them on white paper. In addition, it is softer to the touch and absorbs moisture faster.

How to plant in the ground

Tomatoes are planted in a permanent place in the soil after picking. Transplantation is carried out after the appearance of several pairs of full-fledged leaves on the seedlings. In addition, it is important to navigate the weather. Even if the seedlings begin to stretch upward, and it is still cold outside, you will have to postpone planting. Tomatoes are replanted after the temperature reaches above zero at night.

Before transplanting, seedlings are hardened off. To do this, they are moved outside for several hours every day when it is not too cold. Hardening lasts about 2 weeks. Hardened tomatoes adapt faster to new conditions.

The process of planting seedlings in the soil:

  • Dig up the soil and add manure.
  • Make holes at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other.
  • Plant the tomatoes and water generously.

Water only with warm water. Cold water leads to the development of fungal diseases.

Almost everyone grows carrots in their garden or vegetable garden, but not all gardeners and gardeners know that it is possible to plant carrots on toilet paper. That is why this article will be of interest to all those who are interested in this method of planting carrot seeds. You will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this method, and receive step-by-step instructions for planting carrots on toilet paper and tape.

This is a new, very interesting method of sowing carrot seeds and it has its undeniable advantages:

  1. Since the seeds for planting are prepared indoors, you can lay out all the necessary things that you will need during work on the table next to you. That is, convenience and comfort are an advantage over working in the field, where it is very difficult to sit comfortably and prepare the necessary tools and containers.
  2. On the paper strip, the carrot seeds will be applied evenly, so in the soil their location will be at the same distance from each other.
  3. The result will be clear. You will be convinced of the germination of carrot seeds and only then transfer the seedlings to open ground.
  4. The method is economical in that everything is done manually without extra costs.
  5. It's the same with depth. The paper tape will be evenly laid in the soil along its length, so the seeds will lie at the same depth.
  6. Moisture retention. You don't have to constantly monitor humidity.
  7. During normal planting, not all seeds germinate, so seed consumption increases almost 30 times; when planting seedlings on toilet paper, you will save seeds and get a good harvest.
  8. Simultaneous germination of planted seeds.
  9. With this planting method, root crops will be protected from carrot flies. This pest feeds on the roots of sprouts and lays eggs in the beds. When using this method, the bed is covered with a covering material, so the root crops are protected and egg laying is impossible.
  10. Weather and climatic conditions during sowing are not scary.
  11. With this method, there is no need to water and weed the seedlings for some time. After the weeds spontaneously burn out from the sprouts, there is no competition between carrots and weeds for some time.

This method has no obvious disadvantages as such, only a huge number of advantages. There are only a couple of small disadvantages: when planting carrot seeds in open ground on toilet paper or tape, you will have to wait a little longer for seedlings, about 2-3 weeks, than if you planted the seeds directly in open ground.

Also, planting seeds on toilet paper or tape will take much more time and effort, because you need to prepare the seedlings in advance for planting than if you planted carrot seedlings directly in open ground.

How to glue carrot seeds onto paper?

Germinating carrot seeds on toilet paper or tape is not very difficult.

For germination you will need:

  • Three-ply toilet paper is best;
  • small capacity;
  • polyethylene must be dense;
  • sprayer;
  • special glue that you can buy or make yourself.

Let's pay attention to the most important point - glue, what it should be.

Starch glue will be mixed from 1 teaspoon of potato starch and a glass of water. The dry mixture must be prepared in advance while the water is boiling, after the water begins to boil, we must tip the dry mixture into it.

You can also improve the prepared paste with some mineral fertilizer added to the glue composition. After the glue is ready, let it cool. After the glue has cooled it can be used.

Also, a flour paste is prepared, but instead of a teaspoon of potato starch, a teaspoon of flour and, possibly, mineral fertilizers are added to the composition.

Starch paste can be prepared in another way:

  1. Take 400 milliliters of water and bring it to a boil and turn it off.
  2. Then take 100 milliliters of plain water at room temperature, not cold, and mix 2 tablespoons of potato starch in it.
  3. Bring 400 milliliters of water to a boil again and slowly begin pouring in the prepared starch solution in a thin stream. As a result, the solution should not turn out thick.

Another way to prepare flour paste is as follows:

  1. Take an enamel pan.
  2. Fill with water and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour flour into the water in a thin stream in small portions (1 tablespoon of flour per 100 milliliters of water).
  4. Stir the mixture regularly.
  5. At the moment when the mixture begins to acquire a consistency similar to batter, the pan with the mixture is removed from the heat.
  6. The solution is left to cool for a while.

To glue the seeds, tweezers can be used, as well as a cotton swab dipped in water in advance. After the glue has cooled, apply it to toilet paper and begin gluing carrot seeds at a distance of 4 to 5 centimeters from each other.

You can first dip a cotton swab into the cooled glue, then take a seed and stick it on toilet paper. Or, first take a drop of glue with a cotton swab, apply it to the paper, then take a seed and place it on top of the glue.

For gluing, you can use one of these methods. Then you should wait until the paste on the toilet paper dries and begin to roll the strips into one roll. As a rule, it takes a day for the paste to dry completely. If you don't wait for it to dry, the layers of toilet paper will simply stick together. And the last step, the wrapped roll must be placed in a separate bag and labeled with the selected carrot variety.

Don’t forget that not all seeds are suitable for sticking on toilet paper, so you need to calibrate the seeds before planting. The seeds are calibrated using a saline solution, which is diluted in a glass (salt by eye). Seeds that float are bad and need to be removed.

The seeds that have sunk to the bottom of the glass are good, so they are left for planting and washed in warm water at room temperature before planting.

The last step is drying the seeds. The seeds should be dried so that they can be easily picked up by hand and glued to toilet paper or tape.

Of course, store-bought ready-made tapes have a loose texture, so it is possible to use old newspapers for stickers, but we must not forget that waste newspaper paper contains a lot of printing ink, which is unlikely to be too useful for our future harvest. Thus, it is best to use multiple layers of toilet paper.

Preparing the soil for planting

Before planting seed, the soil must be prepared. This will help the seeds germinate much faster.

It is best to dig up the ground where you plan to plant carrots in the autumn, preferably up to 30-40 centimeters deep, then in winter the ground can rest.

Before you start seasonal work in the spring, just go over the beds that have been dug with a rake. This must be done a couple of weeks before the start of seasonal work. Loose soil without stones is suitable for carrots, because if the carrot encounters obstacles while growing, then you will get a crooked, forked harvest.

Don’t be late with sowing; carrots need to be sown several weeks earlier than usual so that they have time to ripen and produce a good harvest by the fall. The fact is that when planting carrot seeds glued to toilet paper or tape, germination time increases.

Seeds that are planted directly in the ground germinate a couple of weeks earlier than those that are glued.

Under no circumstances should you fertilize the soil where carrot seeds grow with manure. If you previously fertilized any areas with manure, then carrots can be sown there only after two years.

It is necessary to be very careful about the depth of the grooves prepared for planting carrot seeds, because if the depth is too great, the seeds simply will not germinate, and if the seedlings are planted at a shallow depth, then most likely they will be scattered by the wind.

The depth of the grooves should be from 1.5 centimeters to 3 centimeters. The distance from one groove to another should be 20 centimeters.

Master class on planting in the video below.

Planting carrots on tape (step-by-step instructions)

This section of the article will describe planting carrots on tape step by step.

This method is also not at all complicated:

  1. First of all, grooves must be made in the dug beds. Their depth should vary from 2 to 4 centimeters.
  2. Then we lay out the ribbons with seeds along the width of the beds. You can do this alone, but in windy weather it is best to invite someone to help, who will hold ribbons with glued seeds with you.
  3. It is advisable to lay the ribbons so that the carrot seeds remain at the bottom.
  4. Then, the laid out ribbons begin to be watered and sprinkled with earth.
  5. The next step is the next watering; it is necessary for the speedy germination of seeds on the tape.
  6. At the end of the bed, the beds should be covered with black polyethylene. The beds should remain covered for at least a couple of weeks.

In order for the seedlings to sprout faster, you can use the following secret: lay a small layer of compost at the bottom of the prepared furrows.

You can plant carrot seeds on tape without gluing, then do the following:

  1. Thin toilet paper is placed on the bottom of the prepared grooves.
  2. Carrot seeds are carefully placed on top of the toilet paper.
  3. Then another layer of thin toilet paper is placed on top.
  4. Sprinkle the planted seeds with soil.
  5. You should carefully moisten the soil and layers of toilet paper.

In dry weather, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture and water more often. Under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out.

Seedlings of toilet paper - is this possible? As practice shows, it is not only possible, but also convenient. From the article you will understand how seeds germinate in plastic bottles. Also, read about how entrances grow without soil, in toilet paper. From the video you will learn all the intricacies of this popular method of growing seedlings.

Paper, bottle and polyethylene instead of soil

In the spring, a gardener has a lot of worries, because he needs not only to provide seedlings, but also to completely prepare the plot for the warm season. It is human nature to simplify everything, and even more so when there is not enough time. There is, of course, the option of buying completely ready-made seedlings on the market, but then you won’t be able to control the varieties, the percentage of germination, or check which type of growing seedlings suits you best. So people came up with the idea of ​​growing seedlings, minimizing time and economic costs. Moreover, they only use toilet paper, a bottle and polyethylene.

To grow seedlings you only need a bottle, toilet paper and polyethylene

This is mainly done in two ways. They differ only in whether the plastic bottle needs to be cut lengthwise or crosswise.

Attention! Whatever method you choose, under no circumstances should the seeds be placed so close that they touch. Otherwise the roots will get tangled!

To work you will need:

  • flower or vegetable seeds;
  • plastic bottle;
  • white toilet paper;
  • plastic bag.

Practitioners write that thanks to this method, plants can be watered less often than usual. So let's get started.

  1. We cut a transparent bottle with a capacity of one and a half liters in half along the length of the bottle.
  2. Place 6-8 layers of white toilet paper on one half. It needs to be moistened with a spray bottle so that there is no excess moisture.
  3. We place the seeds on the paper, and lightly press them against the paper so that they lie as if in holes.
  4. We put a transparent bag on top of the entire bottle. It turns out to be a kind of greenhouse.
  5. You need to replant the sprouts very carefully, using tweezers, separating them from neighboring sprouts, but not from the paper! We dive right with her.

Interestingly, the moisture evaporates, and then falls from the bag back down onto the toilet paper. Of course, sometimes you need to remove the bag and add water, but, as practitioners say, you need to water the paper much less often than the soil.

Seedlings in a plastic bottle, cut lengthwise

Plant growers note the undoubted advantage of this method. The seedlings do not grow in height, they produce only a couple of leaves, and then begin to develop. Therefore, when transplanting, seedlings grown in a different way only strengthen the roots, but these seedlings immediately grow and begin to produce leaves.

Seedlings in a plastic bottle, cut crosswise

Tip: Before planting, the seeds must be sorted. To do this, pour 1 liter into a bowl. water and stir 30 g in water. salt. Pour the seeds from the bag into the solution. Those that surfaced should be weeded out. Dry the rest by placing them on paper, and you can start sowing.

You will need:

  • seeds;
  • several transparent plastic bags;
  • plastic bottle;
  • white toilet paper.

To germinate seeds, you can use either a bottle cut crosswise or plastic cups.

You can free up some space on the windowsill on the sunny side using this method.

  1. We cut our bags into strips the same width as toilet paper, approximately 1 cm. The length will be limited by the length of the bag.
  2. We cut the bottle so that we get a glass. You can, of course, use a glass. But the idea of ​​this method is to make maximum use of human waste. This way we give the bottle a second life.
  3. Lay out the plastic tape on the table. Place a strip of paper on it. Spray toilet paper with water.
  4. From the top edge we go down 1 cm. Carefully lay out the seeds along the width of the tape so that the distance between them is 2-3 cm.
  5. Cover with another layer of paper and again with tape from the bag.
  6. We slowly wind it into a roll, so that the finished package fits into the cut bottle. The seeds should be at the top of the transparent cup, closer to the light.
  7. Fill the bottle with water, about 2 cm, and place it in a warm, bright place. From time to time you need to add water and after 10 days you will be pleased with a wonderful green bouquet on the windowsill!
  8. This method is very convenient for diving. When two or three leaves already delight us with their fresh greenery, you can take out a roll, unwind it, remove the film and see which sprouts are stronger. Then carefully cut the bottom film with scissors, separating the seedlings from each other.
  9. You can replant green babies directly in soaked toilet paper; it will gradually dissolve in the soil.

Attention! If you notice that the sky is gloomy for several days in a row and your green pets are not getting enough sunshine, take control of the weather! Just place a bottle of seedlings under a fluorescent lamp every day for a few hours.

When diving seedlings, do not try to use 100 percent of the seedlings. Choose the most developed methods; fortunately, the given methods allow you to do this without difficulty, because under the film you can see both the stem and roots. And remember, when transplanting, it is better to follow the rule: for seedlings 4 days old, you need a space of 10 by 10 cm.

Pros and cons of growing seedlings in toilet paper


  • efficiency. Thanks to these two methods, you can reduce the time for planting, and while the tender seedlings are “hatching”, start preparing the site. In addition, soil is not wasted and space is saved. After all, sprouts take up much more space;
  • purity. The soil does not crumble during planting, which means this work is more hygienic;
  • absence of disease. Due to the fact that the entrances do not come into contact with the ground, the risk of blackleg infection disappears;
  • ease of use. Even a beginner who has neither the skills nor special containers or substrates for seedlings can cope;
  • versatility. The method is suitable for any type of plant. Basically, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and leeks, peppers and even flowers, such as marigolds, are sown this way.


  • when using the second method, when the bottle is cut crosswise, the seedlings may be arranged too densely. Then they will stretch upward, and the roots will turn out weaker;
  • If you completely cover a plastic bottle cut lengthwise (as in the first method) and do not regularly open the bag for ventilation, the seedlings may suffocate.

Germinating seeds in toilet paper - video