Country house      09/06/2023

Children's room according to Feng Shui. The best for children: competent Feng Shui of a children's room, location, color, arrangement of zones. For various games, it is better to choose a place near the door

In this article you will learn:

The main task of this ancient philosophical system is to harmonize the surrounding space with the help of properly directed Qi energy. In order for a children's room according to Feng Shui to be comfortable for a child to live in, many factors need to be taken into account.

Room layout when planning

According to the rules of the system, the eastern zone of the home is responsible for the development, growth and formation of personality. Therefore, followers of this philosophy recommend planning the location of premises for younger family members to live in this part of the apartment.

The position of the nursery in relation to the adults’ room is also important. The location of the bedroom for small children opposite the parent's bedroom is considered unfavorable, since this interferes with the active flow of Qi energy. However, if the wall of the nursery is combined with the parent’s room, this will ensure that the child receives a sufficient amount of energy from the father and mother, but at the same time will not feel overprotective on their part.

It is not recommended to arrange the nursery in the center of the apartment, so as not to provoke the development of egocentricity in the child, and also to place it opposite the kitchen and plumbing facilities - this leads to a leakage of positive energy, which is important for the full development of children.

Optimal room shape

It is recommended to offer the child a room with a simple shape - square or close to this geometric solution. In the nursery there should be no stucco on the ceiling, ledges, niches, columns, or multi-level floors. All these architectural excesses interfere with the free flow of Qi energy.

It is advisable that the room has at least 1, and preferably 2, windows facing different sides of the world - this helps to broaden your horizons.

To create a favorable atmosphere, it is important to allow sunlight to freely penetrate into the nursery throughout the day.

Wall color and overall palette of the room

To decorate the interior of a nursery, it is recommended to use calm, dim colors characteristic of Qi energy. Shades of the color scheme should be beige, sand, peach, pale pink, soft blue and light green. When choosing, the child’s gender may not be taken into account, because in Chinese philosophy this is not important.

It is believed that the color of the flooring is not particularly important, so much attention should be paid to the painting of the walls and ceiling. To enhance the flow of Yang energy, you can place bright color spots on them - carpets, paintings, appliqués made with your own hands. Many experts in the philosophical system recommend placing images of the rising sun and a young tree in the nursery, symbolizing the beginning of the day and the awakening of life.

Children's room zones according to Feng Shui

Most often, according to Feng Shui, a child’s room is divided into 3 zones - play, study (if there is a schoolchild in the family) and bedroom:

  1. In the play area, which is best located in the southwestern part of the room, you can place small shelves made of natural materials (wooden or made of durable glass). Here the child can place at his own discretion sets for games, crafts, drawings, and favorite toys. In this area it is appropriate to place an aquarium and provide a place for care products for the aquatic world. A small sports corner, safe and age-appropriate, is useful here. It is important that the younger family member independently maintains order in the play area.
  2. In the study area (it should be organized on the north-west side of the room) you need to place a table. Moreover, it should be located opposite the front door, and there should be a wall behind the person sitting - this way, the child gets a feeling of security and comfort. Contrary to popular belief, a Feng Shui study table should not be placed directly next to a window, since Qi energy does not linger there. It is advisable to place the table as far as possible from the sleeping area. The negative impact of a computer can be mitigated with a small living plant.

The arrangement of furniture in the children's room must correspond exactly to its purpose. An interesting way of zoning is proposed by some followers of Feng Shui - painting zones in different colors. For example, paint the sleeping corner blue, which helps you fall asleep quickly; in the play area it can be brighter colors - orange, yellow, and in the study part of the room - neutral pastel shades.

Lighting is important. In addition to natural light coming through the window, additional artificial lighting must be provided. First of all, this is a chandelier with bright light in the center of the room, a lamp with fluorescent lamps in the study area and a sconce or night light near the bed.

The windows should have both light daytime curtains that do not block the penetration of sunlight, and thick curtains to create comfortable conditions for night sleep.

Parents need to pay close attention to arranging the child’s sleeping area, since in Feng Shui philosophy the process of night rest is of great importance.

Organization of a sleeping area for a child

The sleeping area must meet certain requirements so that the child develops harmoniously.

It is better for him to sleep not on the sofa, but in a comfortable bed that matches his height and is made from natural materials. That is, as you grow older, your sleeping bed needs to be changed regularly. It is advisable to place it diagonally to the front door and with the head to the wall - this is an additional protection for the energy of the growing organism. It is believed that it is better to place the bed away from the window so that the child is not disturbed by the energy actively circulating in this place.

There should be free space under the bed so as not to interfere with the circulation of energy; this place should not be cluttered with unnecessary things. For the same reason, you should not hang shelves, mirror surfaces, or paintings near the bed or above it. For small children, you can hang an airy tulle canopy - a closed space is created under it, in which the child feels safe and quickly falls asleep.

Children's Feng Shui stipulates that if two or more children live in a room, then each should have a separate place to sleep. Bunk beds are not welcome, since the child on the 2nd tier will not receive enough positive energy, and the one on the 1st tier will suffer from its excess. If the space of the room allows, you can delimit the sleeping areas with a light, portable screen in the Chinese style, so that, if desired, the children can be alone before going to bed.

Parents often have a question: which side of the world should the bed be placed with the headboard on? It is believed that the child himself can intuitively feel how he can sleep better - in his sleep he can involuntarily take a comfortable position. Parents should take this factor into account.

If adults want to strengthen some of the child’s character traits, they can place the sleeping bed with the head of the child facing south - this way, a stable psyche will be formed. Sleeping with your head to the east promotes complete relaxation and good rest. A headboard oriented to the north leads to the development of intuition, and to the west - to health.

It is important that the place to sleep can be ventilated at any time of the year - this helps to renew energy.

You cannot place a TV in the sleeping area, but it is useful to hang Chinese bells, which attract positive energy.

We feel “at home” in some places and not in others.
It turns out that any space has energy that affects
us, our health and mood. Sometimes, after moving to a new place
residence, having made repairs or redevelopment, we notice that we have become
sleep worse, get sick more often, and children still suddenly develop
unknown health and academic problems. We discover that knowledge
Natural sciences are not enough to find a way out of this situation. AND
then Feng Shui comes to the rescue. In apartments and houses on us
are influenced by invisible energy waves and fields, the most radical
affecting health, well-being, well-being and
well-being. In general, the science of Feng Shui is very individual, because each
Of us, like every home, is unique.
It's interesting that pregnant women
Women clean the house several weeks before giving birth. It may
look a little strange, like a woman with a nine-month belly
vigorously scrubs, for example, the kitchen. However, such activity is easy
explainable from the point of view of Feng Shui: this is done in order to give
an opportunity for new energies to come into the home before the birth of a child.
So, the baby was born. Where is better
How to arrange the children's room and how to decorate it? The main idea is
understanding and accepting the child’s constant growth and development, and following
these changes. The nursery should meet the needs of the child at each
stage of its development. Over time, the place of the nursery in the house changes.
The baby should be near the parents' room. Small children
love to sleep in the same room with their siblings, as it gives them
feeling of security. And as children grow older, they need
in greater independence and space.
Overall it's good if
the children's room is located in the part closest (relative to the front door)
houses or apartments. The far part is the position of the manager, the leader.
And if you don’t want your child to be in charge in the family, it’s better to place
him into the room closest to the door. On the other hand, if
it is possible to choose a room depending on the cardinal directions, good
allocate the room whose windows face east as a nursery. After all
it is associated with dawn, growth and development. What if not
Is development and growth the most important thing in a child’s life?
On the tongue
In Feng Shui, everything active is called Yang, as opposed to passive Yin. People
divide rooms in the house according to their functions, for example Yin
rooms are for sleeping, and yang rooms are for waking. The children's room, on the contrary,
performs many functions: on the one hand - games, study, fun with
friends, and on the other - rest and sleep. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity
allocate two rooms for the child: one for a bedroom, the other for study. Then
divide the room into two zones: study (or play) and relaxation area,
making the part intended for sleeping soft, pleasant, near
walls without windows and away from play and study areas. You should also
separate the light and dark zones of the room so that the light, yang part,
use for the child's activity time.

Let's arrange the furniture

The placement of your baby's bed has a big impact on his (and our) sleep.
It is important that there are no beams, shelves, cabinets above the bed, and the bed is not
stood right in front of the door. It is also not recommended to place a bed
headboard to the window (the same applies to adult beds), and if not
Another option is to cover the window with thick curtains at night. Also
It is better to avoid bunk beds: a child sleeping on top will
lack stability and security, and the one sleeping below
feel psychological pressure from above.
In general, kids, unlike
from adults are much more susceptible to various influences
the surrounding world. If your child has trouble falling asleep, he is tormented all night
nightmares, and wakes up across the crib, look at what
direction he lies in the morning. Then position his crib so that
the baby went to bed in this direction.
desk, then firstly, it should not stand directly opposite
doors. Secondly, it should be placed so that a sitting child has
there was a wall behind him and the baby could always see those entering the room.
It might seem like a simple change, but you'll be surprised how
The child will become more collected and attentive during classes.

Don't try to do all the changes in your home at once. Start with
small - simple rearrangement of furniture or putting order on the table.
Then observe whether the baby’s behavior has changed (and in what direction).
If everything is in order, then you are on the right track!

They say that the interior of a room or apartment has the strongest influence on a person’s development, his mood and his health, mental and physical. Thus, the interior of a children's room should be thought out most carefully. After all, for parents, the health and mood of the child comes first! That is why furniture manufacturers approach the creation of children's furniture with the greatest responsibility - this is the highest aerobatics in the furniture industry.

In this article we turn to the Chinese system of “feng shui” (which means “wind and water”) to decorate a children’s room. So, according to Feng Shui, the shape, color, and materials from which furniture, walls, and floors are made are important... For a particular child, it is necessary to create a Feng Shui atmosphere and mood, taking into account his age, mental characteristics, and interests. Even school grades will depend on this, not to mention more important aspects of the child’s development.

Unfortunately, a children's room is both a bedroom and an office (and a playroom). Of course, sleeping in an office or working in a bedroom is unpleasant! And the child has to live in a room consisting of at least two zones. The first step is to separate these same zones. If the room is large, there are no problems - a transparent partition is used (not continuous - after all, the room should be light), which should be stable and safe for the baby. If this option does not suit you, there are other ways. For example, each zone can be decorated in different colors, and the division of the sleeping, play and study areas will be recorded in the child’s subconscious. In any case, when dividing zones using

Furniture, partitions or color differentiation must provide a sufficient amount of natural and artificial lighting.

It is important to know that a children's room cannot be divided into zones using multi-level floors or ceilings! This will create Sha.

General rules for bed placement

The bed should not be placed near the front door, as intense energy flows will interfere with the baby's sleep. In addition, if the bed is located at the entrance to the room, the child will have to cross the sleeping area, going to the desk. This will make it difficult for him or her to concentrate and make him or her sleepy over textbooks.

The head of the bed should be directed in the direction most favorable to your child's Gua number. Look at how your child lies when he wakes up. Children under 3 years of age are very sensitive to the geomagnetic fields of the Earth and, tossing and turning in their sleep, they lie down in a direction favorable to them. Therefore, it makes sense to turn the crib so that the head of the bed is aligned with the baby's head when he or she wakes up.

According to Feng Shui, bunk beds cannot be used: a child sleeping below feels anxious because there is a beam (“fallen tree”) above him, and a child sleeping above also experiences discomfort because he is too far off the ground. For the same reasons, you cannot choose furniture where there is a second tier in the form of a sleeping place above the desk!

According to Feng Shui, there should be no drawers for things or toys under the bed. There should be space for free circulation of Qi. For the same reason, do not buy a bed where the mattress is too close to the floor, and always keep the area under the bed perfectly clean.

The bedside table or nightstand should not be higher than the level of the bed. Otherwise, it will create obstacles to the circulation of Qi.

Feng Shui rules for a desk

It is better to place a desk or a small table sideways to the window and, if the living situation allows, in the knowledge zone. The table cannot be placed so that the child sits with his back to the door: the child must see the door, otherwise sounds and movement from behind will cause a feeling of anxiety and make it difficult to concentrate on classes. Well, what if it doesn’t work out otherwise? Then a mirror will come to the rescue. Hang it or place it near the table, then even with peripheral vision the baby will feel his control over the space.

If you place the table so that the child sits facing the wall, this option will be extremely unsuccessful because the view of the wall creates an unpleasant feeling of enclosed space, causes rapid fatigue and, as a result, leads to deterioration in health and performance at school.

The ideal location is when the child sits with his back to the wall, sees the door, and his workplace is illuminated as much as possible by a stream of natural light.

There should be no pictures of water, cartoon monsters or images of wild animals behind the back of a child sitting at a desk. Experts advise placing a talisman - a crystal globe - on the table. This will bring the child success in school.

Floor and walls

The floor in a child's room should not be artificially heated, as this dries out the air greatly: the child will cough and may experience allergic reactions. Also, the floor cannot be stone or tiled for safety reasons. For a small child, carpeting or a rug on a non-wooden floor will do (but you must have an excellent

washing vacuum cleaner). For teenage children, the best flooring is parquet or (worse) laminate.

Do not use blinds in a child's room. They limit the view from the window for the child, and children are very inquisitive.

The mirror in the children's room should be solid and of such a size that the child, standing on the floor, is reflected in it at full height. It is better not to hang other mirrors at all.

As for color, according to Feng Shui it is more favorable for the nursery to be painted in light, soft colors. But a few bright pops of color won't hurt. A bright blue writing instrument (knowledge zone is blue) - on the table.

By the way, it is better to place the child’s desk in the blue zone - square No. 8. A green blanket or blanket is on the bed in the family area.

There should be more light: clean windows, light curtains, lamps - this creates radiance, warmth and positive energy in the children's room!

Children are always creative. Therefore, strengthen the children's area in the nursery (square No. 7, white). The child’s drawings and crafts will attract the energy of creation. The children's area can become a play area for a child. Don't clutter it with furniture. Angular furniture is especially not recommended: being in a space with sharp protrusions, a person injures his

energy field. By the way, you can let your child arrange everything in the nursery at his own discretion. You may be surprised and thoughtful to see what a little world he created in her.

And the last piece of advice (not only for Feng Shui): it is important to promptly change furniture as the child grows! Furniture for each age has its own specific size, color, and also differs in functionality. As the baby grows, it becomes necessary to reduce the size of the play area and increase the learning area. For a child under six years old, bright furniture and bright colors of walls and floors are suitable, but for a schoolchild, calmer furniture is needed. Important conditions are light pastel colors and good lighting. Take a closer look at this furniture option for a child, such as a transformer. In a matter of minutes you can turn your children's room into a princess room, a knight's castle or Uncle Tom's hut! This promotes creativity and provides a great opportunity to make the most of the time allocated for the game!

Good day, dear reader!

In this article you will find materials for arranging a nursery.

Favorable directions for a nursery: east, southeast, west (counting from the center of the apartment)

A nursery very often serves two purposes. Firstly, this is a place to sleep, and secondly, a place to play or do homework, depending on the age of the child. Of course, it would be ideal if there was a separate room for sleeping, and another for games and activities, but not everyone can afford this.

There is also this option, a child in a one-room apartment, but here too you can find a solution. Now there is wonderful furniture for children that takes up little space, but is very functionally thought out, and there is a place for sleeping, and for games, and for doing homework, and there is also a place for clothes, toys and school supplies.

When choosing a room for a nursery, you need to take a lot into account; what is more important for you is that the child sleeps well in it or plays actively and falls asleep well at the end of the day, having played plenty during the day. From the point of view of Feng Shui for children, you need to make a choice so that there is benefit for the child, but the missing points can be corrected.

Let's say you have two children, and the question arises how to arrange their beds; if the children are placed in the same direction, they will be more friendly. If you have a strained relationship with your child, sleep in the same direction as him and notice how the relationship improves.

It is very important that each child has his own place where he can show his individuality and arrange everything as he likes. Do not interfere with them in this under any circumstances, otherwise you will discourage them from doing this.

It is very good when the children's room is light and sunny in the morning, and this is possible when the windows face east and southeast. Western direction is also good when there is a lot of sunlight in the room in the afternoon.

From the east comes the invigorating energy of qi, this energy symbolizes the future, growing and developing. In such a room, it will be difficult for children to fall asleep; they will have to resort to Feng Shui methods to calm the turbulent energy.

A nursery located in the southeast promotes the development of children, just like in the eastern direction, but the energy here is softer and influences more harmoniously. At night, children fall asleep better in such a room.

The West brings a more balanced chi energy to the bedroom of this direction; children, even capricious ones, fall asleep well.

If your child is afraid of the dark, place a large, stable candlestick with candles for the nursery (such candlesticks are sold in Chinese shops). It calms children, unlike an electric lamp.

Colors for children's rooms


The energy of the tree will be emphasized by the blue color, taken as a basis with lighter shades - lavender and blue. Yellow and green are combined with them.

Walls with smooth wallpaper and a bedspread on the bed carry yang energy, and the room looks neat, even if toys are scattered around it.

Yellow is a universal color, it fits everywhere. The most suitable pattern is stars, which introduce the element of Fire, which will calm the energy of Wood.


The room is decorated in the same way as in the east, but instead of stars, a vertical stripe is used on a blue or green background to emphasize the energy of the Tree.


The Metal energy inherent in this direction can be enhanced with the help of lemon yellow, pink and red colors and checkered fabrics.

Feng Shui for children's rooms

If the location of the nursery is inappropriate? Let's assume that the nursery is located in the northwestern, southwestern, southern, northeastern part of the house, then this is a bad Feng Shui for the nursery, because it will be difficult for children to fall asleep in a room with such directions. The northern direction is not suitable due to the calm direction of the qi.


The “yang” energy of Metal will help to stir up the sluggish chi energy: shiny metal surfaces, ringing pipes of an aeolian harp and bright red color.


The elements of the elements of Metal and Earth can calm the harsh energy of qi: pale yellow, flesh-pink and a lot of soft drapery with a carpet.


The Earth element will calm the overflowing qi energy. Suitable colors for this are pink and cherry. It is advisable to place a low clay vessel with charcoal under the bed.


Adding the element of Fire and Metal will help awaken tired chi energy: red, purple and pink colors, as well as a pattern in the form of circles and zigzags.


By adding the element of Water we calm the chi energy. Pink color and its blurred shades, as well as abstract patterns on the walls, are suitable here.

Baby bed

The rules for placing a child's bed in a nursery echo the rules for adults (see the article Feng Shui of the bedroom).

A children's room also has its own additional requirements and they need to be taken into account.

The most favorable directions for children are the east and southeast, but for children who have trouble falling asleep this is not the best direction.

For such children the best direction is north and west, and for newborns - north.

Feng Shui for children's rooms

The following directions are undesirable for children:

The south is exciting.

Southwest - complicates mutual understanding.

Northeast - scary.

Northwest is too relaxing.

Decoration of the nursery

It is advisable that the edges of the furniture be rounded; while playing, the child will not harm himself if he gets caught in a corner or falls.

The cold floor should be covered with a carpet so that the child is more willing to get out of bed in the morning.

When choosing the color of a bedroom for a child, listen to the child, he intuitively feels what color he needs.

If you want to improve your child's character, you can do this with the help of color elements.

Bright, saturated colors will stir up your quiet child, and calm tones will work in a different direction; on the contrary, they will calm an excitable child.

A TV in the nursery is bad Feng Shui for the nursery. You will lose contact with your child, and this is very bad and will lead to bad consequences.

If there is a low window sill in the nursery, then it needs to be covered with a screen in the form of a beautiful screen or a board with numbers and letters.

Feng Shui for children's rooms

What needs to be removed from the nursery on time?

Broken toys.

Toys that children no longer play with.

Books that children don't like.

Clothes that the child no longer wears.

Old markers.

Incomplete games and puzzles.

Teenager's room

The child has become bigger and needs more space for self-expression. The rules for the location of the bed remain in force, but the color scheme changes with age.

The colors that little children had in their bedrooms are now not very suitable.

Adult children and teenagers prefer more contrasting color combinations and sharper, angular lines.

Stay on the same page with your growing children and change the color scheme, adjusting with the techniques used in Feng Shui.

Sincerely, Stolbunets Lydia

We all want our children to grow up healthy, happy and harmoniously developed. Therefore, we try to give our best to children. We also implement this principle when decorating a children's room. That's why I plan children's room design When selecting decorative elements, do not forget to study the rules of Feng Shui applied in the children's room.

Feng Shui translated from Chinese means “wind and water”, which symbolizes the harmony of nature and peace. But it is precisely we who must make the child’s small world harmonious. Unfortunately, it often happens that the interior of a child’s room drains the child’s energy. Therefore, every item in the room should directly or indirectly contribute to the development of the baby.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, there is a tradition of using the magical shell ba-gua.

This is a circle divided into nine parts, which make up the central core and eight houses of the world order, each of them corresponds to cardinal directions and certain colors.

Where is the best place to place a nursery according to Feng Shui?

It is important that the nursery is oriented towards the east. In this case, the favorable direction for boys will be the east, and for girls - the east and southeast.

The East is the direction of progressive development and growth. Yang energy, which is concentrated in that part of the apartment that is located closer to the front door, is responsible for successful development and intensive movement. In this case, it will be best if the child’s bedroom is located next to the parents’ room.

The baby's nursery should be medium in size. If it is too small, the walls will seem to limit the child’s actions, and the low ceiling will put pressure on the psyche. A children's room that is too large and has a high ceiling can cause fear. In a child’s room, there should definitely be a little more positive energy circulating in space than in the rest of the apartment. To attract these energies into the nursery, open the curtains as early as possible in the morning so that the first rays of the sun illuminate and warm every corner.

The health zone, highlighted in yellow on the “magic shell”, is considered the heart of each room. An unoccupied center allows energy to move freely from one zone to another. This explains the fact that in almost all residential premises the furniture is usually placed along the walls, and the center is free.

An invariable part of the center of the room is the ceiling lamp. Feng Shui experts recommend choosing chandeliers made of transparent materials that will transmit not only electric light, but also sunlight, thereby increasing positive energy. Burnt-out light bulbs should be replaced immediately, since, according to feng shui followers, energy is, as it were, closed on a dried-up source. In such a situation, physical discomfort arises, health deteriorates sharply, and health problems may even arise. Greenish or yellowish light has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. They are recommended for lamp shades and shades. Lighting directed at the table should be neutral. To do this, choose a table lamp with an opaque lampshade and a clear lamp.

A variety of furnishings can have an overwhelming effect on the human body. Children feel this unusually keenly.

What furniture to choose for the nursery. Feng Shui Tips

When choosing furniture for a nursery, consider the size of the room, as well as the age and physical characteristics of the child. It’s better to immediately give up oppressive heavy objects - voluminous lamps, huge cabinets and massive tables. There should not be too much furniture. Leave only the essentials in the room: a small desk, neat cabinets and shelves, containers for toys, a bed and a bedside table.

The child's bed should change as he grows. It’s very bad if the baby’s ka has sharp corners. Traditionally in Feng Shui philosophy, corners are considered an obstacle to the flow of energy. Therefore, choose beds and furniture in general with rounded corners and round elements.

An unsuccessful option for organizing a sleeping area is a children's bunk bed (unfortunately, in many small-sized apartments they are a way out of a difficult situation when several children need to be accommodated in a small area). Feng Shui experts and psychologists say that a child sleeping from below will constantly feel the pressing influence of the plane hanging above him. It is quite possible that a child who slept on the top tier will become stronger psychologically and will build relationships with his brother or sister from this position. So, if the size of the room allows, it is better to provide a separate bed for each child. There should be enough space between children's beds so that they can calmly get ready for bed without disturbing each other.

Teach your child to put all toys away in closets or in containers specially designed for this at night. A child's sleep will be peaceful if his desk and toys are not visible from his bed. This is especially true for large toys depicting animals; during sleep, remove them from the child’s field of view, as there is a danger that, upon waking up, the baby will be afraid of them. But under no circumstances should you forbid your baby to fall asleep with his favorite toy: full of childish positivity, it will protect his sweet dreams.

Various moving objects are designed to attract positive energy that helps the child develop. These can be toy trains, wind-up toys in the form of animals, watches. Hang a melodic bell or “wind chime” above the door.

This will not only serve as protection from negative energies, but will also warn the child that someone is entering the room.

Do you need indoor flowers in the nursery?

It is recommended to use as objects symbolizing development houseplants, they are a wonderful conductor of yang energy. Plant with your child and place a large indoor flower in the middle of the children's room, place it under a chandelier, which will symbolize the sun. Both the child and the flower will grow, gradually developing and changing.

Plants, in principle, always play a positive role in human life. They ennoble the space around a small creature, not only saturating the air with oxygen, but also decorating the room.

Teach your child to care for plants, this will help him better understand the structure of this world, its beauty and fragility. To increase the energy of movement and development in an older child’s room, you can put an aquarium with colorful fish, one of which, according to Feng Shui advice, should be black.

How to develop a child's creative abilities?

Children love to engage in various kinds of creativity. Your child’s drawings and crafts will help attract the energy of creation if you place them in a visible place. To direct the child’s development in the right direction, you can place an object or image near the baby’s bed that would symbolize his interests and future occupation.

You need to think about a workplace for your baby in time. The question arises: how to position the desk correctly? Firstly, the child should not sit with his back to the door, as his attention will be scattered. Secondly, the window should be on the side of the person sitting so that the child’s gaze does not rest on it.

The child will be distracted by what is happening outside the window, and this will lead to excessive daydreaming. The student will be disorganized, and this may contribute to failure in his studies.

The best option is for the child to sit with his back to the wall, without losing sight of the surrounding space. The ideal position of the desk would be such that the face of the working child would be turned towards the door. If the workplace cannot be organized in accordance with these recommendations and if the child sits with his back to the door, hang a mirror on the wall next to the table - it will help control the space behind him. It is better to place a desk or table for creative activities in the knowledge zone. The color blue corresponds to it, so accessories decorating the work area should be of appropriate shades.

Feng Shui color scheme for children's rooms

Talking about room color schemes, we have already mentioned that light colors are suitable for a child’s room. But Feng Shui calls for taking into account two more factors. Firstly, this is the child’s temperament. Apathetic, unhurried, passive children will be pleased, conducive to active activity, concentrated colors and colorful patterns. In the room of restless, lively Children, monochromatic colors should dominate, and variegated designs and multi-colored complex patterns on furniture upholstery, wallpaper, and curtains should be avoided.

Secondly, when decorating the interior, it is necessary to take into account the so-called cycle of the origin of the elements. To choose a color scheme in accordance with this statement of feng shui followers, you can add accessories to the interior of the room in the primary color that patronizes your child.

Try to put these simple tips into practice, and you will see that your efforts will not be in vain, because Feng Shui is an excellent assistant in the spiritual and physical education of a child. When your baby grows up, he will be grateful to you for giving him a bright childhood in a harmonious and cozy world.