Communications      09/17/2023

Growing and propagating nephropelis at home, species with photos. Nephrolepis is a guest from Africa in your home. Recommendations for growing and caring for Nephrolepis sublime

Nephrolepis is a representative of the genus of ferns. Some experts attribute it to the Lomariopsis family, others consider it a representative of the Davallievs. However, these nuances are for reference only for lovers of home flowers, and the plant itself is a wonderful decoration for a home or office.

Meet Nephrolepis

Nephrolepis is a herbaceous plant that is an epiphyte or grows on the ground. It has an underdeveloped stem that produces short shoots.

Lush greenery of fern will decorate any interior

The homeland of this lush splendor is regions with a tropical climate. In the wild it can be found in Africa, Asia, America, Australia, even Japan and New Zealand. Under natural conditions, the fern grows very quickly.

Its long feathery leaves, called fronds, are collected in a rosette. The fronds can reach 70–80 cm in length.

Contrary to the legends about fern flowers, the plant is non-flowering and reproduces by spores, dividing the bush or layering. The spores are collected in groups, forming so-called sporangia. They look like miniature, initially green, convex dots; as they mature, they become brownish fluffy lumps. They are located on the underside of the leaves.

Many spores mature in fern sporangia. which will subsequently give rise to new colonies of the plant

Several types of nephrolepis are bred at home. Among them there are unpretentious ones that do not cause much trouble, and there are also capricious picky ones with whom you will have to tinker. Which option is preferable is up to each owner to choose for himself, but in any case, the efforts will be rewarded. A healthy plant unusually enlivens the interior with a cap of lush leaves.

The green mass of fern not only produces oxygen, but also has antimicrobial activity. Nephrolepis absorbs formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air generously released by household items.

Indoor types of nephrolepis

There are several varieties of nephrolepis that gardeners grow as indoor plants:

  • Nephrolepis sublime;
  • nephrolepis Boston;
  • nephrolepis cordifolia;
  • nephrolepis xiphoid;
  • nephrolepis Green Lady;
  • Emin's nephrolepis;
  • blechnum, which belongs to the Derbyankov family.

Nephrolepis exaltata

One of the most commonly found ferns in home cultivation. The plant is unpretentious, caring for it will not be difficult. Its long (up to 50–70 cm) green fronds are collected in a lush rosette. Aged leaves turn yellow and dry out before falling off.

Nephrolepis sublime is one of the most common varieties of fern.

This variety can reproduce both by dividing the bush and by spores. Nephrolepis sublime gave rise to the breeding of a mass of hybrids.

Nephrolepis exaltata var Bostoniensis

A variety bred, as the name suggests, in Boston from Nephrolepis sublime. It is distinguished from its progenitor by wavy, twisted leaves. The fronds of this species can reach 1.2 m in length. He gave rise to the breeding of varieties with leaves of complex shape, consisting of two, three and four leaves fused together. This variety is most resistant to dry air.

Boston nephrolepis is distinguished by its original wavy leaves

Nephrolepis cordifolia

This representative of the family owes its name to the original shape of the leaves on long, almost vertically growing fronds.

When you see the leaves of this variety, the origin of its name becomes clear.

Tuberous formations can be seen on the root system of this species. Sori are attached along the underside of the heart-shaped leaves. This species, like the previous one, reproduces by spores and division of the bush.

Nephrolepis bisserata

The leaves on the fronds of this species have the shape of pointed swords. Spores are attached to the green leaves on the underside. This plant does not form tubers. A distinctive feature of Nephrolepis xiphoidum is its lush crown, reaching 1.5-2 m. Fronds of this size make this variety inconvenient for cultivation at home in an ordinary apartment. You can meet this giant in greenhouses and winter gardens.

The pointed sword-shaped shape of the leaves clearly distinguishes this variety from other ferns.

Nephrolepis Green Lady

A variety of fern characterized by a spherical “fountain” of green, pointed leaves. The fronds are densely covered with lacy lobes growing close to each other. The plant is demanding on air humidity.

Strong, lush fronds of Green Lady are big fans of humidified air

Nephrolepis Emina

A low-growing compact plant whose fronds are elastic and almost vertical. Its second name is Dragon Tail (dragon tail) or Green Dragon (green dragon). Its unusual “curly” leaves make it especially attractive. This species grows up to 50 cm

Nephrolepis Emin strikes with elastic fronds covered with curly leaves

Blechnum is another representative of ferns popular among flower growers, although from a different family - the Derbyankovyh. In natural conditions, its fronds reach a length of up to 1.5 m. It has earned recognition among indoor plant lovers thanks to its fronds covered with green palm-shaped leaves. With age, the rhizome grows above the ground and changes, becoming like a trunk. The plant as a whole resembles a palm tree. This type of fern is capricious and demanding in terms of growing and care conditions, but for the sake of such beauty it is worth trying. At home, with proper care, fronds can reach a length of up to 1 m.

The lignified modified rhizome and fronds with long leaves give the blechnum a resemblance to a palm tree

Conditions for keeping nephrolepis at home

Table: requirements for keeping nephrolepis at home

Season Lighting Humidity Watering Temperature Top dressing
Summer Scattered, bright light,
location preferably on windows,
facing west or east.
direct sunlight.
Possibility of placing on the balcony,
loggias, terraces in partial shade
Humidity - at least 60%.

warm soft water.
Potty placement will help.

Watering is sufficient, you need to focus on
drying of the top
substrate layer
+20 o...+24 o C Fertilizers produced are used weekly
for decorative
in diluted form
(1/4 or 1/2 recommended amount)
Winter In winter it may be necessary
additional artificial lighting
at least 6–7 hours
Humidity - at least 60%.
Requires daily spraying
warm soft water.
Potty placement will help.
with flowers on a pallet filled
moss and expanded clay soaked in water.
The container with the flower should not be immersed in water
Watering carefully, through
2–3 days after the top
the layer will dry out.
+16 o...+18 o C Extremely rare, better not at all
cancel feeding -
trying too hard to do this
time are fraught with disastrous consequences for the plant

Fern Nephrolepis in the expositions of the florarium

A florarium is an original composition of flowers with the addition of various decorative elements, placed in a transparent vessel made of glass or plastic.

A number of varieties of nephrolepis, due to their compact size, are used in the preparation of compositions for florariums. The variety Bostoniensis Compacta, bred from Boston nephrolepis, has a very small size (up to 40 cm). This feature allows it to be used for growing in florariums. This species is quite unpretentious; in a florarium, subject to high levels of humidity and temperature conditions, it will delight the owner with juicy greens. To compose florarium compositions, you can also pay attention to varieties such as Dallas Jewel, Teddy Junior. They are small in size, organically fitting into florarium ensembles.

Photo gallery: florariums using ferns

The small size allows the plant to be used in florariums. A florarium is a composition of flowers and various decorative elements
Small ferns fit original into frolarium ensembles

Planting (transplanting) nephrolepis

Transplantation is done in the spring. For young ferns with actively developing roots, this procedure is recommended annually; after three years, transshipment is performed every 2-3 years.

It is not recommended to place nephrolepis immediately in a large pot, since in this case the plants cannot fill the volume sufficient for normal functioning, moisture stagnates at the bottom, which leads to rotting of the roots. The signal to increase the volume of the pot will be the roots of the plant literally “climbing out” to the surface of the soil. This indicates that the nephrolepis is crowded, and it’s time to start transplanting.

The “dwelling” for nephrolepis should be selected from plastic pots that better retain moisture. In them, the roots will not be overdried. The form should take into account the characteristics of the root system of the fern, which grows to the sides and does not go deep. Based on this, not very high, wide containers are suitable. The size should take into account the volume of green mass of the plant so that the pot does not simply turn over.

Fern loves light, fertile soils with an acidity pH of 5-6.5. Soil for planting can be bought at a specialized store; special compositions for ferns are available for sale. If desired, it is not difficult to make the mixture yourself. You will need deciduous soil + sand + peat (4:1:1). There you also need to add crushed charcoal and bone meal in the amount of 1 g per kilogram of soil mixture.


Nuances of care

It is not difficult to care for this green miracle. It must be remembered that the plant is a native of the tropics. Hence the increased sensitivity to dry air and watering.


Nephrolepis is a lover of light; it should be placed in places with sufficient illumination, trying to avoid the sun's rays hitting the plant directly. Windows facing east or west are suitable. Nephrolepis does well under artificial light: it can often be found in various offices and institutions, where the fern gets enough light from lamps running for a long time.

In summer, the green pet can be taken out into the open air, not forgetting to provide shade from the sun to avoid burns.

In winter there is little light in the rooms, so additional lighting will be useful.


A native of the humid tropics, Nephrolepis requires humidified air. Daily spraying with soft (necessarily warm) water will help, and in the summer it must be done in double volume.

You can place the plant on a moistened tray filled to the top with some kind of filler (expanded clay, moss). It’s just important not to “drown” the bottom of the pot: it should stand as if on a stand. These requirements must be observed regardless of the season.

Nephrolepis will respond gratefully to shower procedures. Warm water will not only keep the leaves moisturized, but will also wash away accumulated dust.

Top dressing

Nephrolepis needs to be fed depending on the season. In summer - 1 time every 7 days. For feeding, you can use fertilizers recommended for ornamental plants, diluted by half or 3/4 with water.

In winter, fertilizers are used to a minimum, and it is better not to feed at all, since applying an excessive amount of fertilizer during this period can lead to plant disease.

Some mistakes in caring for it can have an adverse effect on the health of the plant.

Table: errors in organizing care for nephrolepis

Symptoms Possible errors
Watering Temperature Humidity Top dressing
Leaves turn yellow and dry Excess water - turn yellow
lower leaves, their tips are colored
turn brown and dry out.
Lack of water - growth stops
leaves, their lethargy and yellowing are observed.
Cold water.
Hard water
The leaves turn yellow from the base -
unfavorable temperature, should
move to a cool place.
When the temperature rises (>25 o C) -
increase the frequency of spraying.
When the temperature drops (<12 о С) -
reduce the volume and quantity
Spraying at
hits directly
sun rays
Young fronds wither and die Use for cold water irrigation Reduced temperature Low humidity,
should be increased
The plant fades and stops growing - - - Lacks
apply fertilizer
Leaves turn yellow over time Natural process, dried fronds should be removed

Table: diseases and pests of nephrolepis

Diseases and pests Symptoms Ways to fight Prevention measures
Gray rot Gray fluffy coating on the leaves,
Treat with fungicide
(Trichofite, Alirin-B)
Avoid stagnation of water
pour cold water
at low temperatures
Spider mite White appears on the leaves
dots, leaves gradually
dry out, with severe damage
a thin web is visible
Rinse with warm water and
laundry soap,
with severe damage
treat with special
means (Aktellik,
Ventilate regularly
room, spray
plant, periodically
wash in the shower
Whitefly On damaged leaves
yellowish spots appear.
the leaves dry out
Wipe the leaves
aqueous-alcohol solution
Treat with insecticides
(Fitoverm, Aktellik,
Aktara, Condifor)
Observe temperature and water
mode, do not allow high
temperatures at high
humidity - ventilate more often
room, wash the flower regularly
in the shower
Mealybug Appears on the leaves
white coating, they have
damaged appearance, turn yellow.
Pests are visually visible
Wash the fern with soap
solution, after drying
treat with insecticides
(Fitoverm, Aktellik,
Aktara, Inta-Vir)
Inspect the plant regularly
ventilate the room,
spray, wash

Reproduction of nephrolepis

Nephrolepis can be propagated in several ways:

  • disputes;
  • dividing the bush;
  • shoots;
  • tubers.

Reproduction by spores

This method is difficult due to the likely sterility of spores from domestic crops or the presence of incomplete hereditary information about the parent. If you really want to, you need to do the following:

  1. Carefully separate the ripened grains with a knife, placing them on paper.
  2. Place the spores on the prepared soil. Drainage is required. For the greenhouse you need to use a plastic container with a lid.
  3. Place the seeds on a moistened substrate, cover with a lid and leave in a warm, shaded place.
  4. The incubator should be ventilated and the soil moistened periodically. Under favorable circumstances, it will take about three months for the seeds to germinate. When the sprouts grow and become stronger, they need not be covered.
  5. The shoots that have formed a rosette can be planted.

Spores of domestic nephrolepis cultures can be sterile, so this method of propagation is difficult and rarely used

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This is the simplest and most common option:

  1. During spring transplantation, the rhizome is divided into several parts. It is necessary that each new bush has a growth point.
  2. Small bushes are planted separately.

Reproduction of nephrolepis by dividing the bush during transplantation is the simplest and most common option.

Reproduction by shoots

The “whiskers” hanging seemingly idle will help you get a new fern:

  1. Leafless shoots should be taken to the side, pressed to the substrate and placed in a separate container.
  2. They need to be buried so that the middle is covered with soil by about 1 cm.
  3. We must not forget about constant hydration.
  4. After two weeks, roots will appear, and then small shoots. When the young shoots become stronger, they can be separated from the mother plant and planted separately.

For this method of propagation, leafless shoots of nephrolepis are taken to the side and pressed to the ground in a separate container until they take root.

Propagation by tubers

Some species form moisture-saving tubers on their roots. They can be clearly seen when transshipping the plant. This propagation method is incredibly simple:

  1. The tuber is separated from the roots.
  2. Then it must be placed in the prepared substrate.
  3. The soil is moistened as usual.

Tubers form on the roots of many types of nephrolepis, which are excellent for plant propagation

One of the most popular plants, nephrolepis, is considered not only beautiful and elegant, but also useful: it humidifies the air and cleanses it of formaldehyde and other substances harmful to the human body.

It is also believed that it can absorb harmful energy. People with weak immune systems are advised to keep nephrolepis in close proximity.

There are about 40 types of nephrolepis, but only a few can be grown at home.

Nephrolepis exaltata

It is the most common type. It has a short rhizome with a rosette protruding from it with long curved leaves about 70 cm high, in indoor conditions - up to 50 cm. The leaves are light green in color, similar to lush feathers.

Nephrolepis cordifolia

The second most popular type of nephrolepis among gardeners. The erect leaves are of medium length, round in shape and slightly overlapping each other.

Superficial shoots have a peculiarity: the presence of swollen formations, similar to small tubers (while they are young, covered with white or silvery scales). Many people love to see this plant in bouquets.

Nephrolepis biserrata

Due to its very long leaves (can reach almost 2 meters) it is ideal for growing in a greenhouse or any other large room.

Caring for nephrolepis at home

Nephrolepis is very unpretentious and can continue its life activity in almost any conditions, but in order for the plant to actively develop, it is necessary to maintain a certain humidity, temperature and lighting, which even a novice gardener can observe. This plant came to us from tropical countries, and therefore it requires appropriate conditions.


Nephrolepis prefers dark places, so you should protect the plant from direct sunlight, otherwise burns may appear on the leaves. However, placing the fern in the darkest part of the house is not a good idea. It is only important to place it where the sun's rays are scattered.

It is best to place the plant on the windowsills of eastern or western windows, but if this is not possible, you can place nephrolepis a meter from the southern or northern windows. If it is not possible to place the plant near sources of natural light, you can use additional lighting for several hours a day.

In absolute shade, the nephrolepis will begin to gradually wilt and its leaves will fall off. Finding a properly lit place is somewhat difficult, and this can be done through errors and trials, often changing the location of the plant.


Nephrolepis is a heat-loving plant, and therefore feels comfortable at temperatures from +20 to +23 degrees.

In winter, the temperature should not fall below +13 degrees, but this can be fraught with the appearance of diseases and fungi.

From time to time you should measure the temperature near the fern in winter to prevent the rhizome from freezing.

Air humidity

Due to the fact that nephrolepis came to us from southern countries where a tropical climate predominates, it prefers to be in rooms with high humidity levels (50 - 60%). When growing a plant in an office or apartment, it needs to be sprayed with water several times a day. Only in this case can a sufficient level of humidity be provided for nephrolepis. If the temperature is above +23 degrees, you should spray even more often. The plant can easily survive average humidity, but in dry air it will begin to wither.

Important! Under no circumstances should the plant be placed near heating devices!


As when watering any other plant, it is important to follow the rule: the soil should be slightly moist, without drying out or excessively moistening. In spring, summer and early autumn, watering is done daily; in about a day, the soil in the pot has time to dry. During the rest of the year, you need to water the plant as the top layer of soil dries out and not with such abundant amounts of water. The pale appearance of the leaves will immediately indicate a lack of moisture in the soil.

The soil itself must be watered directly., and drain excess water from the pan after 10 - 15 minutes. Experienced gardeners recommend watering the plant in the evening in the summer, and in the morning during cold periods.

Ferns growing in plastic pots need less watering than those in ceramic ones.

Daily spraying should be continued regardless of the time of year.

Planting and transplanting

Basically, Replanting can be done all year round, since the fern does not have a specific dormant period, but this must be done when using additional lighting. However, the ideal time for nephrolepis transplantation is spring (April - May).

This plant loves spacious, wide and not very deep containers, therefore, the larger the new pot of the previous one, the better for nephrolepis (2 cm deeper and wider).

Increasing the plant's container helps speed up its growth. Before transplanting, you need to prepare the soil; it should be light and acidic. You can purchase a ready-made mixture for ferns, or you can prepare it yourself. The soil must contain the following components:

  • Peat.
  • Coniferous land.
  • Greenhouse land.
  • Sand.
  • Deciduous ground.
  • Peat.

An earthen ball of roots with the rest of the fern is carefully taken out of the previous container and placed on a pre-prepared drainage layer (pebbles or expanded clay are perfect) in a new pot. The remaining space is filled with soil; there is no need to press it down. And last but not least – watering and fertilizing.

Attention! A plant that has been growing for more than three years can be replanted every 2 to 3 years.

Feeding and fertilizers

Nephrolepis needs fertilizer from spring until autumn once every 2 to 3 weeks. Ferns are suitable for non-concentrated organic and mineral fertilizers, which can be alternated.

From the second half of autumn until the end of winter, it is strictly forbidden to fertilize the plant. This can be fraught with the appearance of pests and diseases.

Nephrolepis does not tolerate large doses of fertilizers, so they should be added in parts


Nephrolepis can reproduce in three ways:

  • By dividing the rhizome

It is produced throughout the year, but the most optimal period is spring. For this method, only the rhizome of an adult plant that has several growth points is suitable, each of which should be on the cutting.

  • Mustache-offsprings (shoots)

Several tendrils are cut off, of which there is an abundance on the fern, and they are placed 0.5 - 0.8 cm deep in the soil. The ends of the tendrils should be on the surface of the soil. For 1.5 - 2 weeks (during this time, roots should appear, which will then turn into shoots), the soil should be constantly moist. When the shoots become stronger, they can be transplanted from the mother plant.

  • Disputes

Reproduction by spores is the most difficult method, which only experienced gardeners can do. In the summer, spores form on the back of the leaves - small brown dots, which are then carefully scraped off with a knife onto a sheet of paper.

It is necessary to prepare the container in advance: place a drainage layer on the bottom, ready-made or self-mixed soil on it, onto which you then need to scatter the collected spores. The soil for spores should be abundantly moistened.

Then the container is covered (a plastic bag will do) and placed in a dark place, it is advisable that the pot is heated from below and aired daily.

Shoots should appear within 1 to 3 months, after which they are placed in the light and the bag is removed. When the sprouts are strong enough, you need to thin out the distance between them - 2.5 cm. After they are fully ripe, you can plant 2 - 3 pieces in separate pots.

This propagation method has its negative side: nephrolepis, grown at home, rarely forms spores suitable for propagation. Therefore, flower growers give preference to the first two methods.

Important! Plants purchased from a specialized store are much weaker than those obtained by self-propagation.

Diseases and pests

Scale insects, whiteflies, aphids and spider mites are the main enemies of nephrolepis, and insecticidal preparations such as Actra and Actellik (15 - 20 drops per 1 liter of water) help in the fight against them.

Spider mites, to which ferns are often attacked, appear when the humidity level in the room is not high enough, and sometimes scale insects may also appear. It is not always possible to immediately understand when pests appear. Only when the plant begins to wither and turn yellow can this be noticed, but then the disease will already reach its peak: small white dots will appear on the leaves.

If you don’t have any insecticidal preparation on hand, you can wipe the leaves with soapy water.

The appearance of dark spots on the leaves indicates that the plant does not like the lighting.: Fern prefers diffused sunlight rather than direct sunlight.

Stagnation of water in a pot is fraught with plant rot and the appearance of nematodes. In the first case, it is necessary to quickly dry the soil, and in order to avoid such a problem in the future, a drainage layer should be prepared at the bottom of the pot. And in the second - an urgent transplant into new soil with the addition of an insecticidal agent.

Dry air promotes the appearance of aphids and whiteflies. The drug "Karbofos" will help to cope with them.

A sign that the plant has become cramped in the pot is growth stagnation. You just need to transplant the plant into a new larger container.

Falling and curling leaves of nephrolepis are a sign that you need to increase the temperature in the room or remove it from a draft.

Low room temperature provokes fungal diseases: gray rot, sooty fungus and many others. In this case, treatment of the plant will be ineffective, and all that remains is to protect the infected plant from healthy ones. Only prevention will help: maintaining the correct temperature and humidity so that healthy ferns do not get sick. Signs include blackening and rotting of leaves.

Mealybugs are common - cotton balls appear on the fronds due to dry air.

What to do if nephrolepis dries out?

Nephrolepis can begin to dry out in two cases: after transplanting into a new pot and if the necessary conditions are not met.

It should be noted that the fern does not always tolerate the transplantation procedure well, since it needs time to establish fronds. In order to speed up the adaptation process, you need to adjust the correct humidity, lighting and arrange watering, in which nephrolepis will not suffer from excess or lack of moisture.

If the pot and soil are selected correctly, and all conditions in the room are met, then all that remains is to wait for the plant to adapt to the new environment.

Important! You should carefully and promptly remove dried leaves after replanting, cutting them off with scissors at the very base.

In the second case, it is somewhat more difficult to establish the cause of drying. If old leaves turn yellow in a moderate amount, then do not worry, but if the leaves of young ferns dry out and this is not followed by the appearance of new ones, then urgent measures need to be taken. This may be caused by improper watering, lighting or humidity. It is necessary to gradually eliminate each factor in order to understand what is going on, creating comfortable conditions for the fern.

Video review


Nephrolepis, despite the conditions listed above for its cultivation, is still unpretentious compared to other plants. Thanks to its ability to grow under artificial light, the plant can be placed in the bathroom or any other darkened areas.

Even the most inexperienced novice gardener can handle the fern, because nephrolepis can withstand any indoor conditions.

In contact with

It is no secret that giant ferns were one of the first plants to inhabit the earth's land in prehistoric times. They successfully decorated and greened our planet for many centuries. This tradition is continued by their smaller, but equally resilient and magnificent descendants.

Decorative Nephrolepis rightfully occupies a leading place among the many plants used in indoor floriculture. It is characterized by vigorous growth and unpretentiousness to growing conditions, as well as has a number of beneficial and medicinal properties. In addition, Nephrolepis, whose photo confirms the correctness of this statement, is incredibly beautiful.

Popular types and varieties

Nephrolepis is a perennial herbaceous genus belonging to the Nephrolepis family of the Fern class. Under natural growing conditions it is quite large plants(up to 3.5 meters), the size of domestic varieties rarely exceeds a meter in height (usually 0.7 m).

Interesting! In the wild, ferns of the genus Nephrolepis are able to be among the first to populate lands damaged by volcanic eruptions. After only 4 - 6 months they form a green carpet there. But after the appearance of other vegetation, they disappear, as they prefer to develop in areas exposed to the sun.

From vertical, most often short rhizome grows a bunch of leaves and lashes– leafless shoots that carry the function of reproduction.

Nodules develop on the rhizome (depending on the type), which are responsible for preserving nutrients in case of unfavorable conditions and used for reproduction.

The vertical or arched leaves of the fern (fronds) are emerald, green with a blue tint or a bluish tint and consist of a thin rod and a mass of lanceolate segments with jagged or smooth edges. Under unfavorable conditions and during the aging process, the segments gradually turn yellow, crumble, only the bare stem remains - the plant loses its decorative contour.

On the reverse side of each segment, closer to the edge, oval or round sori containing fern spores are attached. Sori are hidden by yellowish scales.

House fern grows incredibly quickly - its growth rate per month with proper care may constitute 15% of ground mass.

These ferns were used for landscaping indoors and gardens back in Ancient Rome; they gained great popularity as hanging plants in the Victorian era in Great Britain. Currently About three dozen species of Nephrolepis are known, but only a few of them are used in indoor culture. Below are the most interesting views with photos.

The most common type of fern in landscaping public spaces and in indoor collections, differing lush rosettes of leaves and a long, vertically buried rhizome. Light green, pinnately dissected fronds can reach 0.7 m in length and are usually arched under their own weight, but can grow straight up.

Nephrolepis sublime is not capricious, almost does not react to changes in air humidity and easily tolerates shading, so even beginner flower growers can cope with its cultivation. The fern feels equally good in stationary flowerpots and hanging structures.

Based on Nephrolepis sublime a wide variety of varieties have been developed and varieties:

Nephrolepis Boston (Boston, also known as lace)

The variety, bred in America in 1894, became the starting point for a whole line of varieties. Erect fronds of fern can grow up to 120 cm. The edges of the segments are curled, curly or wavy configuration.

One of the most beautiful varieties, due to the rich bunch of leaves with sharp tips, slight curling of segments and ampelous shape the plant itself.

As a result, the Green Lady fern gives the impression of a flash of green fireworks. The openwork appearance allows the plant to be used for single landscaping.

Nephrolepis Emina

It belongs to the miniature varieties; its erect fronds barely reach 50 cm in length. Due to the dense rosette of leaves the fern looks very compact and does not take up much space.

A distinctive feature is the unusually curly fronds. For this reason, Nephrolepis Emin has two more names: "green dragon" and "dragon tail".

Low-growing variety of fern with drooping fronds, which involves hanging cultivation. Decorativeness is achieved through the simultaneous twisting of some segments and the wavy shape of other leaves on one frond.

The main advantage is that Nephrolepis curly is the most resistant to low air humidity.

Compact hanging plants, very similar in appearance to N. Green Lady. But Nephrolepis Sonata has a lighter shade of green.

Beautiful due to fluffy openwork of leaves and bright greenery, reminiscent of the shade of young grass. Feathery fronds (up to 0.7 m) grow upward, bending slightly under their weight. Fern Vital is suitable for flowerpots and for overhead growing.

Nephrolepis Green moment

A small variety suitable for ampelous and potted culture. The fronds are light-erect, green in color. Green moment gives a large number of lashes.

This type of fern has been grown indoors since 1841, but only recently popularity of fern began to increase sharply.

Nephrolepis cordifolia has several characteristic features. The main one is the formation on stolons (underground shoots) nodules in the form of minor scaly swellings, which store water and nutrients and are also used for fern propagation. Adult plants can produce up to 200 tubers per year.

Another feature is that leaves grow strictly vertically on reddish hard petioles.

Another calling card of the species is significant compaction of segments on fronds, sometimes overlapping each other like shingles. Round segments of a dark green shade are located on the rod in pairs, resembling small hearts. This analogy gave the name of the fern - cordifolia.

In home culture, one form of this species is especially known:

  • N. Duffy with somewhat narrowed, erect fronds. Daffy is characterized by a lighter shade of green, enlarged and slightly elongated segment hearts, as well as their slightly shifted relative to each other location.

Another type of fern that is actively used in indoor culture, although it is more suitable for landscaping public spaces. This is caused significant plant size– fern fronds can reach 250 cm in length.

Due to the elongated contour, fern fronds acquire significant weight, which determines their arched shape. The leaves have dark color and shiny surface. The edges of the segments are slightly wavy.

Tubers do not form on fern rhizomes.

The willing cultivation of Nephrolepis by flower growers around the world speaks of its unpretentious nature and relatively simple content requirements. Ferns of this genus grow well both on the illuminated window sills of city apartments and in public buildings with artificial lighting. To create comfortable conditions for plants please read the relevant instructions and strictly adhere to care regimens.

Placement and lighting

Most representatives of this genus of ferns calmly react to various decreases in room illumination, therefore, when determining a place for a fern, the criterion of sunlight is not decisive. The main thing that the fern hasn't been in the sun all day.

These plants can be easily placed on any windowsill, trying to create diffused light; Only when placing a flower on a south window should you take care of shading during the summer afternoon hours, so that do not burn the leaves.

This video explains where to place the fern and shows how to replant and propagate it.

Nephrolepis will also grow quietly in the center of the room or on the walls farthest from the windows under artificial lighting, if all other requirements of the plant are met. But for the comfort of the plant in this case it is worth considering a lighting system.


The fern does not have a period of winter dormancy, so the temperature regime with readings will be ideal for it about +20°C all year round.

Plants do not survive temperature increases above +25°C - in this case, spraying should be carried out and remove the flower to a cooler room.

It is possible for representatives of the genus to endure a slight and short-term decrease in temperature (up to +15°C), but for a long period or more low temperatures can cause stress, weakened immunity and further diseases.

In addition, ferns are very love fresh air, but like all house flowers they are afraid of drafts.

Watering and air humidity

Important! Nephrolepis, whose homeland covers the tropics, is very sensitive to air humidity - it should create high humidity. With a long-term decrease in this indicator, the plant begins to shed its leaves, may become infected with diseases and even die.

To create an ideal humidity regime, ferns should be sprayed daily at any time of the year. subject to temperature control. In warm months and during winter heating, the procedure should be repeated up to 3 times a day. In cool weather in spring and autumn, the number of sprays is reduced, monitoring the condition of the specimens.

Will have a positive effect humidifiers, arranged among flowers. You can also increase the humidity by placing flowerpots on pebbles in a pan of water.

The watering regime for representatives of the genus provides for consistency and control over stagnation of water and temperature. During During active vegetation, ferns need to be watered daily with the obligatory draining of water from the pan of the pot. In winter, you can water once every two days, checking the dryness of the soil.


To preserve the decorative appearance of the plant and maintain its healthy state of health regular feeding is indicated. The fertilization regime involves procedures 2 times a month, alternating mineral (for ornamental plants) fertilizers and organic matter.

This video talks about Nephrolepis, proper care of the plant and what to feed it.

Realize fern feeding is recommended after spilling the substrate or directly with watering for better absorption of nutrients.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you feed recently transplanted or diseased plants. You should also not apply fertilizers during the cold season (from October to the end of February).

It is imperative to monitor the dosage of fertilizers for feeding ferns - they should be a quarter of the recommended amount on the package.

Fern transplantation

Creating comfortable conditions for the growth and development of any plant requires mandatory transplants. But this procedure is always causes some harm to the flower. Therefore, the process of transplanting ferns must be extremely careful and comply with certain rules:

  1. The need for the procedure is determined by the age of the fern and is carried out strictly in the spring. Young specimens (up to three years of age) replanted once a year For older plants, the soil is changed after 3 years.
  2. The pot is chosen according to the size of the fern root system. You should not take the vessel “for growth”. More correct with each procedure increase its volume a little. The flowerpot should not be very deep, but wide. And it’s better to plant ferns in a plastic pot– it retains moisture well.

To obtain new specimens of ferns of this genus, four propagation methods can be considered: one – sexual, three – vegetative.


It is used in home culture extremely rarely, since sexual reproduction in all ferns is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming process. It is necessary to collect spores that may not be ripe, dry them, sow them in a greenhouse, spray them and maintain low light.

After half a month, under favorable conditions in the greenhouse moss-like shoots will appear. Next, high humidity is needed for fertilization, after which young plants will appear (after 2 months). They can be transplanted into separate vessels.

This procedure is carried out in spring along with replanting. Using a disinfected tool, the fern is divided so that each part has up to 3 growth points.

All parts of the divided fern are planted in pots and cared for as after transplantation (increased humidity, moderate temperature and diffuse light).

The simplest and most effective method, but only suitable for fern species that form tubers. Each tuber is replanted immediately after separation from the mother plant. One tuber produces one fern.

The advantage of the method is that the growing leaves will be an exact copy of the adult fern, in difference from propagation by shoots.

Suitable for species that do not have tubers on their roots. These ferns grow a large number of leafless shoots that can take root like strawberry tendrils. The resulting cuttings are separated from the adult bush and planted in a greenhouse.

The method is also effective, but has a slight drawback– the new specimens of ferns that are formed may not resemble the original version, their leaves may grow in a completely different configuration.

Possible problems when growing Nephrolepis

Even an experienced gardener, subject to all the rules for growing ferns of this genus, may from time to time certain problems arise. You should know about them in advance in order to be able to avoid them:

  1. The appearance of dark spots on fern leaves is a sign of sunburn.
  2. The fern has stopped developing - there is not enough room for the roots.
  3. The occurrence of rot on ferns - excess moisture in the pot.
  4. The plant is drying out - the water regime is disturbed, or the air humidity has decreased.
  5. Fern leaves turn brown and dry out - salts have accumulated in the substrate or the draft.
  6. The fern changes the color of its leaves: it turns pale due to bright light, turns brown due to heat.

Carefully! A fern weakened by improper care can be infected with scale insects, spider mites or brown bugs.

Beneficial features

  1. Nephrolepis increases indoor air humidity and also cleanses it of formaldehyde, toluene, xylene and benzene.
  2. Fern is capable of killing microbes, so it is indispensable in medical institutions.
  3. Nephrolepis fronds release huge amounts of oxygen A.
  4. The medicinal properties of Nephrolepis are used in folk medicine to treat gastric and intestinal disorders, hemorrhoids, boils, and stomatitis. Fern helps with pain and infections of various types. But I don’t use Nephrolepis in official medicine T.

The magnificent decorative qualities of the fern, unpretentiousness in maintenance and many useful properties give a positive answer to the question: is it possible to keep Nephrolepis at home? This fern is capable decorate any room and humidify the air in it, simultaneously clearing it of harmful impurities. And in return, the plant expects a little attention and care in the care regime.

Nephrolepis is an indoor fern that came to us from the tropical and subtropical regions. Initially, it was very popular in southeast Asia, as well as African and American countries. Nephrolepis belongs to the genus of ferns.

In addition to its appearance, this plant also attracts attention with such properties as air purification. Nephrolepis is able to absorb substances such as formaldehyde and toluene without much effort. In addition, this plant kills germs that sick people release into the air. That is why nephrolepis can often be found on window sills in hospitals and medical institutions.

In order to maximize the beauty of this fern, it is recommended to use hanging flowerpots, since nephrolepis seems less graceful in ordinary pots.

Nephrolepis has many varieties, but at home you can grow only two of its types - Nephrolepis sublime and Nephrolepis cordifolia.

The most common types of this plant are:

Nephrolepis sublime

This variety of this plant is the most common and easiest to grow at home. It has a high, perpendicularly located root, large, once-pinnate foliage. This type of flower almost does not respond to changes in humidity.

Nephrolepis bostonensis

As the name implies, this variety of flower was bred in the United States, namely in Boston. But this did not stop breeders from other countries, and after a short period of time, Boston nephrolepis with double-pinnate, triple-pinnate, and even a small number of four-pinnate fronds appeared in the world.

Nephrolepis cordifolia

This variety of nephrolepis is rapidly gaining popularity among indoor plant lovers. Significantly different from other varieties of nephrolepis. The main differences are that the underground shoots have swellings in the form of tubers, and the growth of the leaves is directed straight upward.

Nephrolepis xiphoid

It was first grown in Central America. It differs from other species in its incredibly long leaves; with proper care of the plant, they can reach two meters in length.

Nephrolepis Green Lady

This type of nephrolepis has very lush leaves that crown the rhizome. It is one of the most beautiful varieties of this plant.

Despite the fact that you can grow only two types of nephrolepis at home, it is absolutely not difficult. Even a novice gardener can cope with this. The main thing is not to act at random and familiarize yourself with the basic tips for caring for nephrolepis.

Location and lighting

The first priority when caring for a fern is to choose the appropriate light mode. As you know, this plant prefers dark places, so placing it in the open sun is strictly prohibited. But this does not mean at all that you need to place nephrolepis in the darkest corner of the house. Just place it where there is some shade and the sun's rays are diffuse.

If it is not possible to place nephrolepis under a natural light source, then you can replace it with a special lamp. With artificial lighting, nephrolepis must be placed under a lamp for at least several hours a day.

As a rule, there are no problems with placing nephrolepis in an apartment, because due to its appearance it fits perfectly into various interior styles.

The best option would be to place nephrolepis on the window sills of the eastern and western windows. If your apartment does not have windows facing east or west, and the windows are illuminated by the sun throughout the year, then there is no need to be discouraged, you can simply place nephrolepis at a short distance (at least 1 meter) from the windows. You can use a beautiful stand or flower vase - it will seem like it was originally intended.

In the summer, nephrolepis can be moved to the balcony. Naturally, we must not forget that the plant should be placed in a dark place. It is also important to ensure that nephrolepis is not exposed to rain - this will negatively affect the further growth of the plant.

In autumn and winter, nephrolepis must be kept in a warm room, so it must be taken from the balcony. Nephrolepis will feel ideal if, during the cold seasons of the year, artificial lighting is provided to it using a lamp; the plant needs to be illuminated for at least 6-7 hours a day.


Regardless of the time of year, the optimal temperature for growing this type of fern is 20-22 degrees. It is worth noting that nephrolepis is able to survive a temperature drop of 12 degrees, but this can become severe stress for the plant and lead to the occurrence of various diseases or pests.

Air humidity

In addition to lighting, the growth of nephrolepis is significantly influenced by the level of air humidity. It would be preferable for the plant to be in a room where the humidity level is quite high. This has to do with where this fern comes from - tropical climates always have high levels of humidity.

If nephrolepis is grown in an apartment or office, it is necessary to spray it with water daily. According to some professional flower growers, it is best to spray not once, but twice or three times a day.

Only with daily spraying with water can nephrolepis be provided with the required level of moisture. In cases where it is not possible to spray the plant with water every day (for example, a trip to the sea or on a business trip), you can place a container filled with water next to the fern - this will humidify the air next to the nephrolepis.


It is necessary to water nephrolepis daily and do not forget about spraying with water, which also needs to be done two or three times a day. If in the winter you can forget about watering the plant for a while, then in the summer you should water the fern abundantly. When autumn comes, you can switch to watering mode after one day, but you need to continue spraying the plant in the same mode as in summer.

Feeding and fertilizers

This type of fern requires regular and frequent feeding. Nephrolepis especially needs feeding in the autumn and spring. For feeding, it is best to use mineral and organic fertilizers (in order).

It is strictly forbidden to fertilize the plant from mid-autumn to the end of winter, since the impact on the soil during this period can lead to the emergence of pests. Fertilizers should never be concentrated.


In order for nephrolepis to become healthier every year and not have any diseases, it is necessary to transplant the fern every year. It is best to replant the plant in the spring season. Plants that are already more than three years old need to be replanted once every 2-3 years.

If you notice that the pot in which Nephrolepis grows is already too small, then you don’t need to leave everything like that - it’s better to transplant the plant into a larger container. This will speed up the flower growth process. It is best to plant the plant in a soil mixture of peat and coniferous soil.

The pot for growing nephrolepis must be wide and shallow. This is due to the fact that the root system of nephrolepis is superficial. It is necessary to pour pebbles or expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot - this will ensure good drainage and removal of excess water. If this is not done, waterlogging and acidification of the soil may occur, which, in turn, leads to the death of the plant.

Reproduction of nephrolepis

For example, when replanting a plant annually, a large nephrolepis bush can be divided. If you propagate nephrolepis by shoots, you need to place a small pot next to the adult bush and sprinkle the tops of the young plant with a pre-prepared soil mixture. Very soon fronds and roots will form in the new pot. After 3-4 fronds have grown, the young plant can be transplanted from the adult flower.

The rhizome can be divided only after young leaves appear on the sides. It is these sides with rhizomes that are transplanted into a new pot.

Problems when growing nephrolepis

When growing nephrolepis at home, certain signs may appear that the plant is uncomfortable. For example, if dark spots appear on a fern, then most likely it is being overexposed to the sun. To solve this problem, it is necessary to move the plant into the shade and do not forget about watering and spraying with water.

If the appearance of rot is observed on the nephrolepis, then most likely the reason is that there is stagnation of water in the pot. In other words, you have poured an excessive amount of water into the flower. To solve this problem, you need to dry all the soil, and after that continue to water the plant (again, it is very important not to overdo it).

If nephrolepis begins to dry out, you need to look for the cause either in the watering mode (the plant is not watered enough) or in the lighting (the plant does not have enough light). In this case, it is recommended to move the fern to another, more illuminated place and be sure to moisten the soil.

If the fern has not experienced an increase in growth for a long time, this may be due to a lack of space in the pot. You just need to transplant the flower into a larger pot.

Diseases and pests

If nephrolepis is not properly cared for, it can be affected by various diseases or pests. For example, if nephrolepis does not have enough humidity in the air, then it may appear. Occasionally there is an occurrence. The appearance of mealybugs is characterized by a deterioration in the condition of the leaves, and external damage is observed on them.

With proper care, nephrolepis will not only delight you with an incredibly beautiful appearance, but will also improve your health by purifying the air from harmful substances and microbes.

Nephrolepis is a member of the Lomariopsis family of ferns, although some botanists believe that it is a member of the Davalliaceae group of ferns.

General information

This herbaceous crop can grow both on the ground and be an epiphyte growing on tree trunks. It has a short root system, a luxurious foliage that reaches a length of up to 70 centimeters. The light green leaf blades are divided into lanceolate segments with smooth or serrated edges.

The plant is native to the tropical forests of Asia, Africa and America. It has more than 40 varieties and only a few of them can be grown at home.

The crop is grown in hanging pots or on stands. In addition to its exoticism and attractive appearance, fern has a lot of useful properties. For example, it is able to purify the air by absorbing dangerous chemical compounds and pathogenic microorganisms.

Growing a fern at home is not difficult; the main thing is to create a microclimate for it that will resemble its natural habitat, and then the plant will delight the grower with its beautiful appearance for many years.

Nephrolepis types and varieties photos and names

- is an ampelous crop, considered one of the most unusual among other ferns. It has long stems that hang down freely, like the water jets of a fountain. The leaf blades are dark green, slightly twisted and lacy. The plant can be planted not only in hanging pots, but also in large containers on a high stand.

- is a type of elevated nephrolepis. This culture was developed in the United States, or more precisely, in Boston. A distinctive characteristic of this exotic fern is its straight branches reaching up to 120 centimeters in length with openwork bright green leaf plates. At the moment, the plant is popular not only among flower growers, but also among breeders.

– a variety of plant that has a shortened vertical root system. The branches are collected in a rosette, the leaf blades are long, reaching 70 centimeters, distinguished by their pinnate complexity, light green tint and short petioles. Each branch has about 50 individual leaf parts. They are lanceolate in shape and up to 6 centimeters long.

- is a compact, very spectacular fern, reaching a height of up to 50 centimeters. The fronds of the crop are almost vertical. They are distinguished by curly leaf blades with jagged edges of a dark green color. The plant is moisture-loving, so it requires regular watering and spraying.

– this type of fern is a hybrid of Nephrolepis sublime. The plant has a narrow crown, long shoots with feathery, lacy leaf plates of a dark green color with wavy edges. The length of the leaf plates is up to 70 centimeters.

- is a miniature plant of the fern genus with short fronds of light green color. The leaf blades are large, collected in rosettes. The height of the crop reaches up to 55 centimeters. It is distinguished by its splendor, neatness and looks like a ball. Nephrolepis loves moisture, so for its normal development, the plant must be sprayed regularly.

This variety of fern bears an extraordinary resemblance to a palm tree. The plant has a dark brown trunk that grows up to 1 meter. A modified root system located above the ground appears in the form of a trunk. Indoor culture looks no less beautiful than its “wild” counterpart. Although it does not have a trunk, the leaf blades are just as long and exotic.

– this variety is one of the most popular. Its main difference from other varieties of ferns is the vertical fronds of a dark green hue and tuberous cones located on the root system protruding above the ground. This crop has been grown at home since the nineteenth century and is actively used in floristry to create exotic bouquets.

- one of the most popular varieties of fern. The culture has lush and long leaf plates of a dark green hue, collected in a rosette. The plant is easy to care for and at the same time has a very presentable appearance, for which many gardeners prefer it.

– the plant has small curved fronds and rounded leaves of a dark green hue. The fern grows up to 1 meter. The culture is hanging and therefore suitable for growing in hanging pots and cache-pots.

- is an ornamental fern that prefers partial shade. It is often grown in greenhouses under artificial light. The shoots of the plant are oblong, hanging down, making the fern look like a miniature fountain. The leaf blades of the crop have short segments, a dark green tint and curled edges.

- is an unusual variety of fern used for home cultivation. The leaf plates of the crop are thin, openwork with multiple dissections and light green in color. The plant prefers partial shade and can grow either in a flower pot or in an outdoor pot.

It is an ornamental crop growing in partial shade. It is best to grow this fern under artificial light. The fronds are oblong, hanging down. They have short leaf blades with curly edges of a dark green hue.

– is a miniature fern intended for indoor growing. Vertical fronds reach a length of up to 50 centimeters. The leaf blades are dark green, resembling corrugated paper in appearance. For normal growth and development, the fern should be regularly watered and sprayed.

- is a large fern with long branches that grow up to 120 centimeters. The leaf blade segments are up to 10 centimeters long, have a jagged edge and a yellow-green hue. The base of the frond is curved, which gives the plant an unusual appearance.

– is a beautiful dark green ornamental plant. The fern reaches a length of up to 60 centimeters. The leaf blades are lush, pinnately dissected with wavy edges. The culture is moisture-loving, so it needs regular watering and spraying.

- a miniature variety of ferns suitable for growing in pots. The fronds reach a length of up to 50 centimeters and have lush foliage with wavy, pinnately dissected, fan-shaped dark green leaf segments.

- a fairly compact crop suitable for growing in outdoor pots. The fronds of the plant are vertical, reaching a length of up to 50 centimeters. There can be from 4 to 10 pieces. The leaf segments are pinnate and light green with dark stripes reminiscent of green marble.

Nephrolepis care at home

Caring for nephrolepis when grown in a flower pot is quite simple. However, the plant requires a large area for growth and a root system, since these are the conditions the fern has in the wild.

Due to the fact that nephrolepis is a tropical plant, it needs to create a moderate temperature regime. In the wild, it grows near bodies of water, as they maintain constant humidity and partial shade.

The ideal temperature regime for the crop is + 20 degrees. In order for the plant to actively grow and not experience discomfort, the temperature should not rise above + 28 and fall below + 14. If the grower does not have the opportunity to provide the crop with such temperature conditions, then it will have to be cared for more carefully.

Nephrolepis is a moisture-loving plant. By maintaining moderate temperature conditions for the fern, even dry air will be tolerated normally by it, however, if regular watering and spraying is provided.

If the temperature conditions are above + 20 degrees, then the fern should be sprayed every day using settled soft water. In summer, the plant must be moved to deep shade. Also in summer, wet moss or expanded clay should be placed in the tray with the pot, which should be moistened with water from time to time. If the temperature is lower than the set one, then it is necessary to ensure that nephrolepis does not get too cold, otherwise a fungal disease may develop, which will lead to the death of the plant.

Lighting for fern nephroleris

As mentioned above, in nature fern grows in shady areas, so the ideal lighting for it would be scattered sunlight. It will feel good both in partial shade and in the shade, because it grows in forests where the sun practically does not reach.

It is best to grow it on a north window, in the back of the house, or even in the bathroom, but only if there is a window there. If there is too much light for the crop, it will slow down in growth, the shoots will grow short, and the leaf blades will begin to twist due to burns.

The Davallia fern is also a member of the Davalliaceae family. It can be grown with care at home without much hassle if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Watering nephrolepis

Due to its tropical roots, watering the plant should be regular and abundant. It is necessary to ensure that the earthman does not dry out. If the fern begins to wither, it will be extremely difficult to return it to its former luxury.

The amount of moisture added should be increased during the growing season and reduced during the dormant period. You cannot stop watering, however, you should not over-moisten the soil, otherwise stagnation of water in the roots will lead to their rotting and death of the plant.

Water for irrigation should be soft and free of lime particles. The fern should be sprayed twice a day, and in summer this procedure should be increased to 5 times.

Soil for nephrolepis

Planting of a young plant must be carried out in turf or leaf soil. But in order for the fern to grow and develop better, and also not to be limited in nutrients, you should independently prepare a substrate for it from peat, coniferous soil, greenhouse soil and a small amount of sand.

You need to put fine expanded clay at the bottom of the pot, which will act as a drainage layer and prevent water from stagnating at the roots.

Nephrolepis pot

The fern pot should be wide and shallow. There should be such a container for planting because the plant’s root system is superficial.

At the bottom of the pot you should definitely put small expanded clay or pebbles, which will act as a drainage layer that prevents the accumulation of liquid.

Nephrolepis transplant

In order for the fern to grow well and not get sick, it should be replanted annually. Replanting should be done in the spring. If the crop has already reached the age of three years, all subsequent transplants should be carried out every three years.

If the gardener notices that the root system is cramped in the pot, then it is necessary to transplant it into a larger container to accelerate the growth and development of the plant in the future. Ferns should be planted in a substrate made from a mixture of peat and coniferous soil, not forgetting to create a drainage layer of expanded clay.

Fertilizer for nephrolepis

The plant should be fed during the growing season, which occurs with ferns in spring and autumn. Fertilizing should be applied weekly. For this purpose, organic or mineral fertilizers should be used.

In winter, during the dormant period, ferns need to be fertilized once a month, maintaining the order of organic matter and mineral compositions.

It is necessary to feed only adult crops, since nephrolepis can be fertilized only when the root system has already fully developed and formed.

Nephrolepis flowering

The fern does not bloom, so the gardener should not expect inflorescences to appear.

The absence of flowering does not spoil the crop at all, since, thanks to its luxurious leaf mass and exoticism, it has an excellent decorative effect that lasts all year round.

Nephrolepis pruning

Like any decorative crop, nephrolepis needs to be improved. Over time, its leaf plates and branches turn yellow and dry out, and babies also form in the ground. For this reason, cosmetic and sanitary pruning is carried out.

During the procedure, excess and dried branches, as well as yellowed leaves, are removed. The children are removed when replanting the plant. By carrying out a similar procedure annually, the gardener will help the plant not to lose its decorative properties, develop properly and increase green mass.

Caring for nephrolepis in winter

Since the fern does not bloom, it makes no sense to stimulate the formation of buds with a dormant period. If the plant is on a windowsill, then as daylight hours decrease and temperatures drop, the dormant period will begin on its own. The soil mixture will dry out less, watering will be reduced, and fertilizing will stop. As a result, the fern will slow down its growth and begin to rest.

It is very important to ensure that the temperature does not fall below + 14 degrees and that there are no drafts. If the room is warm like in the summer, then you need to care for the crop in the same mode, only it should be sprayed more often, since the air will begin to dry out due to heating devices.

To lengthen daylight hours, it is enough to illuminate the plant with a phytolamp. Feeding should be reduced to once a month, since there will not be such a need for it as in the spring and summer.

Reproduction of nephrolepis by dividing the bush

Nephrolepis reproduces in three ways, one of which is not used for cultivated plant varieties. In the wild, ferns are sown using spores, but at home they are propagated by tendrils and bush division.

One young fern has one root system and one growth point, which forms shoots using a rosette. If the bush is mature, then it has several rosettes and, accordingly, growth points, so it can be propagated by division. This procedure is carried out in early spring during transplantation.

To divide the bush, remove the plant from the pot and shake off the root system from the ground, disassembling the fern into rosettes. If they do not separate, the roots need to be washed in water and separated. Each part that has its own growing point should be planted in a pot with a special soil mixture intended for ferns.

In order for young plants to take root faster, the required air humidity and temperature should be maintained at least + 15 degrees.

Nephrolepis reproduction by whiskers

The culture can also be propagated using shoots called mustaches. To carry out the procedure, you should take a container with soil and place it next to the pot in which the adult plant is planted. Bury the mustache in the container, deepening it 0.5 centimeters so that its upper part is above the ground. To prevent the shoot from being pulled out of the ground, it must be secured with a pin.

During the rooting process, the soil should always be kept moist. After two weeks, a new shoot will appear, and when it begins to grow and gets stronger, it can be separated from an adult fern by cutting off the tendril at the ground, sprinkling the cut with crushed charcoal and planting it in a permanent place of growth.

Nephrolepis pests

Ferns are threatened not only by diseases, but also by pests that appear as a result of improper care of the crop.

The following harmful insects are dangerous for nephrolepis:

  • Shchitovka - this pest is considered the most dangerous for ferns, as it affects leaf blades. First it appears on the inside of the leaves, then spreads throughout the plant. It is extremely difficult to fight him. Therefore, to prevent its occurrence, the leaf blades should be inspected every day, and if detected, the crop must be treated with the Actellik insecticide in several approaches, since it will not be possible to remove the pest in one go. It should also be taken into account that scale insects cause the appearance of sooty fungus, which can lead to the death of the fern.
  • Spider mite — the presence of spider mites on the leaves is indicated by the appearance of spots and white cobwebs. The pest causes the crop to gradually dry out. It can be eliminated by treating with the Actellik insecticide.
  • Leaf nematode - the nematode settles on the leaves, causing them to darken, and over time the leaf blades turn brown and the plant dies. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate the pest, so nephrolepis will have to be destroyed along with the soil.
  • Mealybug - if, when examining a fern, a gardener notices white lumps on the foliage and rosette, this is evidence of the appearance of a mealybug. It must be eliminated in time, otherwise the plant will begin to turn yellow and dry out. You can destroy the worm by spraying with the drug "Karbofos".

Nephrolepis diseases

Among the diseases, the plant is threatened by ailments of fungal etiology, represented by:

  • Root rot ;
  • Fungus ;
  • Bacterial damage .

To eliminate all of the above ailments, you should remove the fern from the planting container, clean it of contaminated soil, treat the root system with a fungicide and replant it in a new pot and fresh substrate. Proper crop care and moderate watering will help to avoid these ailments.

Problems when growing nephrolepis

When growing ferns at home, the gardener may encounter a number of problems, presented by:

  • Drying of leaf plates - most often the leaves dry out due to lack of moisture or severe dry air. This symptom can be eliminated by regular watering and daily spraying, especially in summer and winter.
  • Drying of leaf tips - if the ends of the leaves of the plant begin to dry, this may be evidence of a lack of light. To eliminate this problem, the plant should be provided with adequate lighting.
  • Lack of growth - if the fern does not grow for a long time, then most likely it has become cramped in the pot and requires transplanting into a larger container.

Also, many gardeners are wondering how to provoke new shoots in nephrolepis. Active formation of sprouts begins only in plants that have reached three years of age, so you should wait until the fern grows up and then there will be no problems with the appearance of sprouts.

Nephrolepis signs and superstitions

Fern has long been considered a magical plant with positive energy that can positively influence human destiny. Based on ancient legends, a fern, or rather its flower, picked on the night of Ivan Kupala, will help the finder find happiness and wealth. But to find him, you need to be a real daredevil, since during the search various evil spirits will chase the person, preventing him from turning his plans into reality.

It is also believed that the plant protects housing from evil spirits, the evil eye, damage and other negativity. It brings success in a career, attracts money to its owner and protects him from irrational spending.

He is able to smooth out conflicts and soften human aggression, bringing harmony to the relationships of people with different characters.


The culture is a living filter, as it purifies the air from harmful compounds and pathogenic microorganisms.

The plant is not poisonous and is completely safe for the health of others, so if you want to decorate your interior with exotic nephrolepis, be sure to do so.