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Master class “Do-it-yourself souvenir. Making your own souvenirs at home Do-it-yourself soft souvenirs

Find out how to give a gift to your mother, grandmother, father, grandfather, daughter. Find out what and how to give a cool birthday gift to a friend.

The content of the article:

Everyone has a birthday. So that family members, friends, and co-workers do not have any unresolved questions regarding what to give to the birthday boy, check out the options presented. Then the child will know what to give to mom and dad, not only for this event, but also on March 8, February 23, and adults will decide what to give to a friend, loved one, friend.

How to give a gift to your mother and grandmother?

Of course, any parent is pleased when her beloved child makes it with her own hands. She will keep such a personalized card for a long time and joyfully remember how the child presented it on her mother’s birthday.

To make a postcard you will need:
  • colored paper;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors.
Such a postcard for March 8, Birthday can be presented not only to mother, but also to grandmother. First you need to fold a sheet of colored cardboard in half. It will soon become a postcard. Then, have the child place his hand on a piece of pink or yellow paper, trace it, and cut it out along the outline. Then you need to bend this part and draw fingers with nails. Indeed, in our case, the child’s hand, reflected on the paper, will give flowers to the mother, which is very touching.

The son or daughter will decorate the wrist at their discretion with pieces of colored paper, gluing them to the hand. Now you need to glue the flowers to the front side of the card, tucking your thumb under them, and place the rest on top of the bouquet.

Here is a gift you can make with your own hands to a child for his mother, like the next one.

Draw a mug on cardboard, then cut it out and decorate it with flowers from colorful paper. Cut out other flowers from it; they need to be glued to the back of the mug. Even small children can make this application.

In general, flowers are a win-win handmade gift for mom. Therefore, a child can make a bouquet of tulips from colored paper and give it to her or grandma. The scheme for creating such a flower will certainly help with this.

It will not be difficult for older children to twist such flowers from colored paper.

First you need to cut a square out of it, then fold it along one, and then along the second diagonal, fold it so that you get a double triangle. At this stage, the workpiece will turn out exactly the same as when creating the tulip in the fifth picture. These paper color schemes are presented just above. Now you need to wrap the first corner of the resulting triangle on a rod or thin stick, then the second, third and fourth edges.

When twisting the petals, pay attention that they need to be wrapped in one direction.

Make 3-4 such parts, glue their edges together, leaving a small hole. You need to put a wooden stick painted green into it, and the gift for your mother is ready.

Fabric flowers will also become a bright accent on this holiday. If you have a piece of felt or an old coat, give your child a chance to express their creativity. To make such a flower from fabric, you need to cut a circle out of it, which will become the core. Petals are glued to it. For them you need to cut the felt into triangles. Having slightly trimmed the lower opposite corners, they need to be aligned and glued.

Gift for grandpa and dad

By making it, the child learns the basics of origami. Let him roll up a shirt from paper and present this gift to the birthday boy or man on February 23rd.

We start creating a gift for dad or grandfather by taking a rectangular sheet of paper, bending it in half to mark the middle. We will need it, because we need to pull the right and left edges of the sheet to it.

We make the collar of the shirt, bending the upper right and left corners to designate the sleeves. In Figure “7 a” you can see what should come out of this. Fold the bottom up, pulling it toward the collar. The result is an origami shirt. All that remains is to decorate it. You can glue a pocket, cut a tie out of paper, and give a birthday gift to your dad or grandfather, made with your own hands.

A souvenir photo will also be a wonderful present. Let your son or daughter make a photo frame with their own hands. For it you will need:
  • red, white, yellow, black cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pencil.

First, the necessary elements of the machine are drawn on the back of the cardboard. If difficulties arise with this, enlarge this photo and redraw it on tracing paper, and then on cardboard. Next, white glass, black wheels, and yellow headlights are glued onto the red car. Photos are attached in the same way. On the number plate you need to write to whom the gift is addressed.

My daughter can quickly sew a funny kitten from an old sock and give it as a gift. For this you need:
  • sock;
  • padding polyester;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • pencil or pen.
You need to stuff the sock with padding polyester, then make a circle out of this fluffy material that will become the kitten’s head. Very soon you will get a gift for dad from your daughter. To do this, have her sew up the hole in the sock so that there is a triangular eyelet on both corners. All that remains is to draw the facial features and then stitch them with thread and a needle.

Matches gift for a friend

If you want to give a cool birthday gift to a friend, then make a star or snowflake from matches. This is completely waste material, because usually such used items are thrown away.

Draw the shape of the future gift, cut out a cardboard blank according to it. Now you need to divide the star into segments with matches and lay out the first sector with them.

To make the job easier, coat a small area of ​​cardboard with glue, then place several matches tightly together. Press them lightly with your hand for a better fit.

Cover all the cardboard this way, and you can go visit and congratulate your friend on his birthday in a fun way. If your friend is unlikely to appreciate such a joke, then you will have to spend money, but very little, only on:
  • a piece of dense fabric - felt or felt;
  • pencils - set of 24 pcs.;
  • decorative cord.
On the fabric, use a utility knife to make rows of paired cuts for 24 pencils at a distance of 5 mm from each other. Their width is the same. The pencils will be in the central part of the felt rectangle, and the two outer ones are needed for wrapping the case.

Felt is a hard material, so it is better to first soak it in hot water and then dry it. It will become softer and more pliable for work.

Step back 1 cm from the edge of the felt, make 3 thin cuts parallel to it, into which insert a leather cord folded in half. You managed to make a birthday present with your own hands. All that remains is to insert the pencils, roll the felt into a tube, tie this scroll on a cord and give it to the birthday person, for example, a classmate, work colleague or friend.

Interesting DIY gifts for your loved one

You can make such a gift for both a friend and a dear loved one.

For it use:
  • cardboard;
  • wrapped candies;
  • 1 large and 6 small chocolates;
  • braid;
  • glue;
  • white threads or fishing line.
Cut out the outline of the future guitar from cardboard, cut it out. Draw a hole in its center, cut it with a stationery knife or stick colored paper here, frame it with braid.

Place 6 small chocolates on the neck of the guitar as in the photo, on top of them place “strings” from cut identical fishing lines or threads. On one side, secure them with a large chocolate bar, gluing it behind the wrapper. On the other side there will be 3 candies, under which tuck the opposite edges of the threads.

Now all that remains is for your loved one, relative or friend to frame the guitar with candies in 2-4 rows, gluing them.

The next gift to your loved one, made with your own hands, will help him never lose his ballpoint pens. Such a gift will remind him of you at home or at work if he takes it to the office and puts it on his desk.

For this gift you will need the following:

  • 6 cork coasters for hot dishes;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • drill and drill for it;
  • and pens for gifts.
First, glue the hot plates one by one, pressing them tightly together. Now the glue should dry well, usually the time for this is indicated on its packaging. After this, apply markings on the upper disk with a pencil and make holes with a drill bit. If a girl does not know how to work with this tool, then she can ask someone at home, or this idea will be useful to a man when he needs to congratulate a friend on his birthday.

If you wish, you can apply paint to the gift using a spray can or leave it as is - it looks very stylish.

What can you give your friend for her birthday?

The next gift can be made not only for her, but also for mom, dad, loved one, friend - it all depends on the age of the donor and the preferences of the person receiving the gift.

This original hedgehog will exude an intoxicating aroma consisting of the smell of coffee, lemon, and cinnamon.

To make it we will use:

  • plastic ball;
  • coffee beans;
  • cardboard;
  • leg-split;
  • scissors;
  • dark brown paint;
  • brush for painting;
  • beads for the nose and eyes;
  • glue gun;
  • dried lemon slice;
  • cinnamon;
  • a piece of polystyrene foam or 2 cotton pads.
Cut the plastic ball into 2 equal halves - the second can be used to make a second hedgehog. Cut out its nose from foam plastic. Or roll 2 cotton pads into a cone and glue them in place of the nose. Cut cardboard according to the diameter of the circle and glue it onto the hedgehog’s belly.

Cover half of the ball with brown paint and let it dry. Now wrap the twine around the hedgehog’s face and, if you wish, also around its abdomen.

We begin to glue the coffee beans, placing them close to each other, slightly tilting them in the other direction from the hedgehog’s nose.

To make a gift for a friend look beautiful, glue the grains first from the center of the animal’s body towards its hind legs, and then from the same middle part to the muzzle.

Then glue the lemon and cinnamon sticks to them, and secure the beads as the eyes and nose in the same way. The fragrant gift is ready. The video at the end of the article shows in detail how to make it yourself.

Speaking about what you can give to a friend for her birthday, on March 8, or just because, you can tell how to make a beautiful hair tie with your own hands.

To do this, take the following materials and equipment:

  • elastic band;
  • yarn and hook or fabric;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • a large button on the leg.
Attach the button to the fabric, cut along its contours with a margin. If you know how to crochet, then use this technique to create a circle whose diameter is slightly larger than the diameter of the button. The gift will turn out to be openwork.

Glue this circle to the button, folding the edges. All that remains is to take a matching elastic band, tie it on the leg of the button, and you can give a gift to your friend, made with your own hands.

She will probably like this original necklace too.

Cut the collar from the shirt, fold its lower edges inward, and stitch. Rip off the placket along with the collar, on one side of which a button is sewn, and on the other there is a slotted loop for it. These parts are used to fasten the collar around the neck. Hide the button under the decorative piece that is sewn to one side of the collar.

Gift for daughter

It’s good if it’s customary in the family to make them yourself. Raise your children in a creative environment. Present a beautiful stroller and doll that you will design and make yourself. If you are invited to a girl’s birthday party, you can put a banknote in the doll’s hands.

Here's what you need to get started:
  • colored cardboard;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • tape measure;
  • pencil;
  • lace;
  • braid;
  • glue.
Using a compass, draw 2 identical circles. Cut them into sections. To connect these parts you need a strip. Its length is determined as follows: place the zero mark of the centimeter tape in one corner of the sector, place it on the circle, see how many cm the second corner of the sector has. You can make these measurements with a braid, then put it on a ruler and also determine the length of the strip, trim its edges with zigzag scissors.

Now glue two semicircular parts of the stroller with a strip that is placed between them.

Cut out the wheels from black paper, and let the rims for them be the same color as the stroller itself.

To make sure she likes your daughter’s birthday present, decorate the stroller with braid and glue it on.

For the doll, sew a skirt and a bell hat from lace. Attach the satin ribbons to the cap using a glue gun.

These are the kind of gifts, lovingly made with your own hands, that you can give to a loved one, thereby once again showing your wonderful attitude.

Watch the promised video right now and feel free to start creative work:

Everyone loves to receive gifts, but many people don’t know how to please a loved one.

Of course, it’s easier to go to a souvenir shop and buy another trinket.

But a thing made with your own hands, into which you have invested labor, effort and energy, will bring much more positive emotions.

In this article, we have collected 30+ of the best ideas on how to make a unique birthday gift for mom, dad, friend, grandfather or grandmother with your own hands.

How to make a birthday gift with your own hands from paper

As a rule, we are used to buying postcards in a store and often with ready-made template words.

To make a beautiful card as a gift for your grandparents or friend with your own hands, you will need some stationery and a little diligence. So let's get started.

The easiest way to make a beautiful card

To make a cute card, you need:

  1. 2 sheets of white cardboard
  2. Colored (in this case purple) pastel paper
  3. 3 types of paper for scrapbooking
  4. Transparent film or flower packaging
  5. Scissors
  6. Glue
  7. Pencil
  8. Ruler
  9. Hole puncher
  10. Compass
  11. Colored glitter paper
  12. Thin pink ribbon

Step 1:preparing the basis for the future postcard. To do this, fold a sheet of white cardboard in half.

Step 1

Step 2:Cut out a purple rectangle from pastel paper, the size of which is equal to the front part of the base.

Step 2

Step 3:glue the purple paper onto the card.

Step 3

Step 4:From the second sheet of cardboard we cut out a rectangle, the size of which is 2 cm smaller on all sides. We cut out three circles of different diameters from ordinary waste paper - these are templates for the future application.

Step 4

Step 5:We draw two circles on cardboard and cut out holes.

Step 5

Step 6:We cover the holes with transparent film to create windows.

Step 6

Step 7:Cut out another circle from pink paper.

Step 7

Step 8:cut out a square measuring 8x8 cm from scrapbooking paper.

Step 8

Step 9:Glue a square on the back of the bottom window so that there is a hole at the top. Sprinkle some sequins inside.

Step 9

Step 10:take paper of a different color and do the same with another circle.

Step 10

Step 11:From glitter paper we cut out numbers with the age of the birthday person and flowers. For this you may need a figured hole punch.

Step 11

Step 12:glue the third circle and our blanks onto the postcard, as shown in the photo below.

Step 12

Step 13:We make three bows from a pink satin ribbon and also glue them to the card.

Step 13

Step 14:glue the base onto the lilac part and let it dry. Now all that remains is to write beautiful wishes.

Step 14

As you can see, making an unusual card is as easy as shelling pears.

Below we have prepared a few more ideas on how to make a birthday gift for your grandfather or grandmother with your own hands from paper.

Card for dad

Such cute little things will definitely please your loved ones.

Floral motifs for mom
Fairytale cards
Declaration of love Applications Letter for you


Another interesting way to make a birthday gift with your own hands from paper.

Scrapbooking technique is popular today

Its main idea is to create unique albums, postcards and other souvenirs to preserve family history.

To make them, you will need special paper printed using various techniques, rings for photo albums and jewelry.

Paper flowers are especially popular - you can also make them yourself.

Buttons, beads, ribbons, scraps of fabric, sequins will come in handy - the field for imagination is huge.

You can also find special hole punches, paints and varnishes, and eyelets on sale.

Romantic card in scrapbooking style
Handmade book
To make such beauty you will have to stock up on materials.

At the end of the article, we have prepared an interesting video for our readers on how to make a book in scrapbooking style, if you are new to this business.

How to make a DIY gift for your friend’s 12th birthday - handmade jewelry

All girls love bright jewelry. But it’s especially nice when the gift is made personally.

Homemade soap making is a fascinating creative process and a great way to please loved ones with handmade gifts.

This gift will definitely please your loved ones.

In addition to soap, there are several other options for presenting natural homemade cosmetics on a special day.

Body Scrub

Your concern will definitely be appreciated, and you will find recipes for preparing effective natural remedies.

Body Scrub

Lip balm

Or several at once with different flavors.

Homemade lip balm

Or a whole set of body and face care products.

A set of home cosmetics will please every representative of the fair sex

How to make a DIY gift for your dad’s or loved one’s birthday - ideas for “men’s” gifts

"Mustachioed" mug

Who will you surprise with an ordinary white mug today? But a mug with a funny mustache, the main trend of recent years, will certainly become the favorite cup of a representative of the stronger half of humanity.

“Mustachioed” mug

To make it you will need:

  1. Plain white cup
  2. Marker for ceramics
  3. Scissors
  4. Sample

Step 1

Step 1:Wash the mug thoroughly and dry it. INWe cut out the mustache according to the template, apply it to the cup and carefully paint over it.

Step 2

Step 2: yours the fantasy cup is ready.

In the same way, you can turn any ordinary dish into a real work of art. See for yourself.

Using a marker you can create a real work of art
Draw a pattern on the plate
And create a whole composition

Lamp made from old toys

Agree, this thing looks impressive and will decorate any man’s desk.

Spectacular lamp

To create beauty you will need:

  1. Old children's toys
  2. Base of an old table lamp
  3. Shade
  4. Wire
  5. Polyethylene
  6. Glue
  7. Latex gloves
  8. Spray paint

Step 1:We glue old toys in a chaotic order to the base of the table lamp, as shown in the pictures below.

Step 1
Step 1.2.

Step 2:evenly distribute the coating from the can. In this case, be sure to use polyethylene for protection, otherwise the entire apartment will be covered in paint.

Step 2

Step 3:install the lampshade, connect the cord and plug, and the lamp is ready.

Step 3

with family photos

It will certainly please the heart of a true family man.

Family Rubik's Cube

To make it you will need:

  1. The actual Rubik's cube
  2. Family photos
  3. Glue
  4. Scissors

Step 1:If possible, remove the coating from the sides of the cube.

Step 1

Step 2:Cut family photos into pieces of the required size.

Step 2

Step 3:Carefully glue each edge into place. The original sincere gift is ready.

Step 3

You can go beyond just the Rubik's cube and come up with a more original option for family photos. For example, such as the star below.

Another way to present photos in an original way

How to make a DIY birthday gift - 15+ gift ideas for everyone

Fantasy oven mitt

You can make it from any scraps of fabric.

Kitchen oven mitt

Mushroom pillow

Anyone can sew such beauty on their own, even without a sewing machine at hand.

Pillows for him and her

Felt toys and brooches

Representatives of the fair half of humanity especially adore it.

Felt brooch

Toys and dishes made of clay

We have already written above how easy it is to make jewelry from polymer clay. You don’t have to limit yourself solely to bracelets or earrings. Make cute handmade toys.

Clay toys

Or decorate the most ordinary cup with clay elements.

Decorating a cup with polymer clay

Unusual bouquet

Who said that flowers must be alive? A fabric bouquet will please the eye of its owner for years.

Fabric bouquet

The paper version looks no less impressive.

Paper bouquet

A flower vase can also be made at home. A wine bottle is perfect for this task.

Wine bottle vase

Coffee tree or cup

A classic among handmade gifts.

A coffee tree

Wicker flower pot

For example, with indoor seedlings.

Flower pots

Thread painting

It is also fun for those who like to be creative and delight loved ones with memorable souvenirs.

Thread painting

Photo frame

A win-win option, especially since we never have enough time to print out the best moments of life.

Intricate photo frames

Shopping bag

It will not only please the birthday boy, but also take care of it.

Shopping bag


Handmade candlesticks

And, actually, the candles themselves

Handmade candles

Night light

This cute table lamp is also easy to make with your own hands.

Night light

Handmade gifts for men are not just things, but something more, because so much warmth and care is put into them. When you receive such a gift, you realize that the person who made it spent hours of their time inventing and making something special and unique.

We have roughly divided all ideas into categories gifts for the New Year, Birthday, Valentine's Day or relationship anniversary, but in fact, they are all quite universal and suitable for any holiday. You can find the links detailed master classes on how to make them.

Bouquet of bottles

A bouquet of small bottles of whiskey is probably the best bouquet for a man. An original way to give whiskey as a gift.

Personalized pillows

Personalized inscriptions on pillows - how to make them yours. The inscriptions can be anything from your boyfriend’s name to your wishes - a very practical gift!

DIY key holder

If a man has his own home, it’s a great option to make a key holder with your own hands - !

Male candle

Here's a man's candle or Master class is here! Suitable for a balcony or summer cottage! A practical option

How to make a gift with your own hands

Even if you bought a gift in a store, you can present it in a special way. For example, in a box like this, covered inside with photographs and postcards. The value of a gift in such packaging will undoubtedly immediately increase several times.

Or, as an option, you can buy a poster like this ready-made on the website, which will save you time

Mug in the shape of a camera lens

If your man loves photography, then this creative mug in the shape of a camera lens will be the perfect gift for him.

Balloons with photos

Who doesn't love balloons on their birthday?! By themselves, they always bring a smile and positive emotions, but here the recipient will have twice as many reasons to rejoice.

All thanks to the fact that each balloon has a photo attached to it, which captures a happy moment from your life together.

Personalized clock on the wall

A beautiful and unique watch with a man’s personal name will not leave him indifferent. He can hang them both at home and at work.

Or these watches with erotic overtones.

Surprise cards

Make birthday cards, on each of which write a wish, the fulfillment of which it guarantees.

  • For example, you will cook your favorite dish for dinner, arrange a get-together with friends, and the like.
  • Agree that he can get the card any time he wants, and that each card is pulled out blindly, that is, he will not know in advance what exactly he will choose.

A fun way to spice up your life.

Date Ideas Kit

  • "Order pizza at home"
  • "Picnic in the Park"
  • “Going to the cinema”, etc.

When you want to go on a date, just pull out the piece of paper and do what it says, make your time together unpredictable.

Homemade wallet

DIY a personalized wallet for your boyfriend or husband to show how much you care about him. It is not at all difficult to sew, and he will feel your care every time he takes it out.

Personal cup

Create a cup with the first letter of your loved one's name. To do this you will need:

  • regular white cup
  • and paints for ceramics.

If you are worried about your artistic abilities, you can use a stencil. A wonderful personalized gift for everyday use.

Charging station

How often do you and your boyfriend trip over the charging cords of your phones or tablets? How many times have you dropped your phone and picked it up hoping the screen didn't break? Solve this problem with a homemade charging station for your gadgets.

Magnetic bracelet

A magnetic bracelet is a great gift idea for a man who often deals with things like screws, nails or screws. An uncomplicated, very thoughtful and practical gift.

Leather notepad

Create a unique notebook with a leather cover for your loved one. A great gift idea for those who love to take notes.

Add his personal initials, emphasizing that you made the notebook for him yourself.

Beer box

A personal beer box is a wonderful gift for lovers of this drink!! You can even buy a box of ordinary fruit, but see how here.


Both men and women love delicious food. Treat your loved one with a homemade cupcake, cookie or pie to celebrate the holiday. Such you will definitely like the gift and will not leave you indifferent.

Candle with initials

We always associate candles with romantic dates. So why not have a candlelit evening made especially for you and your partner.

Necessary materials:

  • Candle
  • Candle cutter
  • Pen (helium or ballpoint)
  • Fine gold marker
  • Masking tape
  • Stencil

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Outlining the drawing

If you do not have experience in drawing, especially with candles, then it is better to use a stencil. You can do it in Photoshop, or even just initially make a drawing on paper. Now attach the stenciled leaf to the candle and secure it with masking tape so it doesn't slip off while you work on it.

Step 2: Transfer the contours of the drawing to the candle

Run a pen (of any color, maybe even a non-writing one) along the contours of the design to squeeze them out a little on the candle. Based on these lines, further carving of the candle will be done, so be careful and accurate.

Step 3: Making the carving

Remove the stencil and use a candle cutter to make a carving along the lines outlined in the previous step. The lines should be wide and deep enough to be easily filled in with a gold marker.

Step 4: Draw the lines with golden color

Draw the lines with a gold marker. To make the color more saturated, you can go over the lines several times.

This way you can make a variety of geometric patterns and inscriptions, just choose the option that you like!

Gifts for boyfriend on relationship anniversary or Valentine's Day

Origami box

Make a small origami box, stick common photos in the middle, and decorate with a ribbon on top. It turns out to be a cute, romantic gift for the anniversary of a relationship that will remain as a keepsake for many years.

Frame with kisses

Lovers love to kiss, but it's impossible to do it all the time. We go to work, go on business trips, and have to spend some time separately from our other half without the opportunity to kiss or hug.

Such a frame with kisses will remind the guy how important he is to you, even if you are not around at that moment. A funny way to show your feelings.

"101 Ways to Say I Love You"

Take 101 small pieces of paper and on each of them write one reason why you love your boyfriend. Then fold each piece of paper into a tube, tie it with thread and put it in a glass jar. Tell them to take out one piece of paper every morning, and set a good mood for the whole day.

A set of gifts “for every hour”

Make your holiday special with gift sets for every hour of the day. For example,

  • at 9.14 give an envelope containing a funny group photo,
  • at 10.14 a box with his favorite fruit (sweets, or something tasty that he loves),
  • at 11.14 an envelope with movie tickets, etc.

Gifts should be small and pleasant. This set is perfect for Valentine's Day, because you can spend the whole day together.

Heart with small bottles of alcohol

Place small bottles of whiskey and liqueurs in a heart-shaped box. The guy will be pleasantly surprised when he opens a box of chocolates and sees bottles of alcohol there. From the middle, the box can be decorated with a romantic inscription, for example, “every minute spent without you is wasted.” A simple yet creative and warm gift for your loved one.

A little love message

There are so many ways to say “I love you.” Here we suggest doing this with the help of a small message that becomes visible when you click on the clothespin. Isn't that cute?!

"52 reasons why I love you"

You can also say “I love you” with a deck of cards. How? Label each card with one reason that you like about your partner. Since the cards are written, do it in a humorous way, such as "you're hotter than Hugh Grant."

Romantic quest

Surprise your other half with an original romantic quest. Do many tasks, each of which will contain a key to the next one, and the last one will give a clue to the location of the gift.

Gift cards

Make a set of envelopes and put cards in them, each of which will have something special written on it. You can remember the most pleasant moments spent together, or describe dreams for the future.

Photo frame with a joint photo

Make a photo frame with your own hands and place your photo together there. A simple and sweet anniversary gift that will complement the decor of your apartment.

Gifts for the New Year

New Year calendar

Such calendars can be printed in good quality, for example, in a printing house, and the design can be made yourself on the Canva.com platform by uploading photos of your family or pets. I think this is a really cool idea!

Cuff for glass

Does your boyfriend like to take coffee or tea with him? Then knit a glass cuff for him so that he can hold it comfortably and the hot drink won’t burn his hands in the winter in the office!

Gift cards for every month

The set consists of 12 cards, one for each month of the year. Each of them contains an idea for an interesting time together. For example,

  • June – we go on a picnic on bicycles,
  • July – we go together to any city we haven’t been to yet, etc.

After all, we often put off a lot of things for later, and since at least one day a month you will have a pre-planned vacation together.

Cocktail set

Make a set of cocktail preparations. Place cans of sweet soda in glass jars, and tie to each of them a small bottle of alcohol that matches the soda and a straw. For example, Coca Cola and a bottle of whiskey. As soon as a man wants to drink a cocktail, he can instantly mix it in a glass jar.

Jar of sweets

Collect his favorite sweets together in one jar. Tie a ribbon around the jar, and you can also add a card with a cute message.

As an option, you can make a jar with different types of salted nuts or dried fish. Or maybe he likes different dried fruits? Choose the option that your significant other will like best.

Flowerpot decorated with wine corks

Make your house plants look more masculine with creatively decorated flowerpots. To do this, you will need a lot of wine corks, which means a lot of evenings spent with your significant other. In principle, you can decorate some kind of box or stand in this way.

Keychain "lucky coin"

Use a regular coin to create a unique keychain for your loved one, be it your husband, father or grandfather. This lucky keychain is a great way to show how lucky you are to have him.

Photo album

Create a unique photo album with your best photos together, capturing happy and funny moments in life. Choose an interesting caption for each photo in the album, and the gift is ready.

Leather case for glasses

A case for glasses will express the care with which you treat a person. Sewing it is not difficult at all, and you can do it even without a sewing machine.


Many men have dishes that they love to cook, and which only they turn out so delicious. To make the cooking process more enjoyable for a man, sew him a personal kitchen apron, which will make him a real chef while cooking.

Tea wreath

A wonderful gift for a true tea connoisseur. With this tea wreath you can try all types of tea and choose your favorite.

10 ratings, average: 4,30 out of 5)

A gift to a loved one has always been appreciated, especially if it is made with your own hands. The creator of the craft puts his energy of love, warmth and tenderness into it. After all, when creating it, he never stops thinking about the person for whom it is intended.

Birthday gift ideas

The idea of ​​a DIY gift depends on your level of preparedness. If you have already had experience creating similar things, you can choose something more complex and original. If this is your first experience, don’t despair; in any case, you will bring positive emotions and joy to your loved one.

Before you start choosing a gift, think about what your loved one might like most. Perhaps it will be a simple postcard, or perhaps something made by yourself will be useful. kitchen oven mitt:

DIY postcard:

The choice of accessory must be approached responsibly, as it must be a neatly designed item that will decorate a person’s appearance.

How to make a birthday gift with your own hands: tips

  • In order to make an interesting gift for a birthday or any other holiday with your own hands, you will need tools. Depending on the complexity of the work being performed, you can use both improvised and special devices;
  • before you start making the product itself, try to practice on cheaper materials;
  • don’t rush and don’t be upset if something doesn’t work out, you can always try again;
  • understand the sequence of actions thoroughly. Make sure that the necessary materials and tools are in front of you;
  • After finishing work, do not forget to wash everything thoroughly and put it back in its place. Don't leave your work area dirty.

Video ideas:

What to give to mom?

The most useful thing a beloved son or daughter can do with their own hands is to take care of their mother. Don't make her nervous again. If you are a daughter, help keep the house clean, and if you are a son, make sure there are no broken things in the house. This will be the most enjoyable and most memorable for her.

So, DIY gift ideas:

paper flowers:

felt toys:

fabric flowers:

paper flowers:


DIY vase:

What gift can a son give to his mother with his own hands?

  • if your mother loves flowers and you have a large variety of them - try it decorate a couple of flower pots with your own hands. You can apply PVA glue to them and wrap them with colored threads. Try sticking buttons of different sizes and colors instead of threads.

  • coffee tree gift with your own hands. To do this, cut out two paper hearts from cardboard, prepare two pieces of wire and wrap them in paper with glue. Bend the wires in half and glue them to one cardboard heart. Stick several cotton swabs on it, evenly distributing it over the entire surface, and glue a second heart on top. Cover the resulting volumetric heart with cotton pads and wrap it with thread. Paint the heart with brown paint and glue on the coffee beans. Wrap the remaining free ends of the wire with thick thread. Take a small iron can and glue wooden ice cream sticks in a circle. Insert a sponge inside and push the loose ends into it from the heart. Decorate with cotton wool;

  • Try finding antique-style paper at an office supply store. Take a pen that will write finely and carefully write a happy birthday or dedicate a poem;

DIY birthday gifts for mom from her daughter

  • try baking some delicious sweet pie or mom’s favorite cookies;

  • sew and decorate a potholder for hot dishes (use material only from natural fabrics);

  • You can sew and embroider a pillow with beautiful patterns. (if you are a beginner, find a simple cross stitch pattern);

How to make a gift with your own hands quickly and easily in 5 minutes?

  • origami is an ancient and original product of Japanese masters. You can find various types of paper products for every taste on the Internet;

  • Fruit crafts will become unusual. Take a lemon as an example; Cut out funny eyes from thick cardboard and draw the pupils with a black marker; prepare a paste from natural materials such as starch or flour. Glue the eyes onto the lemon using paste, and cut out the legs from colored paper. Using a marker that can be easily washed off with water, draw a smiling mouth and nose.

Original gift for dad

A do-it-yourself birthday gift for dad from a daughter aged 10 and 12 can be an applique or drawing, a paper craft without scissors or from shells. You can make a voluminous rose from a ribbon. A handmade craft made from cones and acorns will look very beautiful and original.

What to give to grandma?

The best homemade birthday gift for a grandmother from a granddaughter would be a baked cake, an embroidered pillow or a towel. A tablecloth decorated with lace or a lamp made with threads, glue and a balloon.

What to give to grandpa for his birthday?

One of the nice DIY birthday gifts for a grandfather from his granddaughter will be the so-called “family tree.” Cut out neat oblong circles from paper, glue the photographs and place them in the form of a tree on the paper, sign them.

If you have the opportunity to find oval-shaped wooden blanks on sale, or ask someone to make them for you, be sure to take advantage of this and spare no expense. Also paste photographs on them, make a stylized tree from wire and place it on it. Remember that the oldest member of your family should be at the very top of the tree.

Try to buy a blank wooden frame and decorate it with shells, coffee beans, and buttons. It would also be original to wrap it with colored threads, or white ones, and then paint it.

What to give your sister and brother for their birthday?

An interesting handmade birthday gift for your sister or brother would be:

  • a bouquet of sweets, you can easily find a wide variety of options on the Internet;

  • basket with sweets and butterflies;

  • an original gift for a brother could be a photo frame made from disks or as a base for a watch;

Gift for your beloved boyfriend, husband and best friend tips

Tips on how to make an unusual gift at home with your own hands:

  • try to sew a beautiful purse for cosmetics for your friend and embroider it with beads;

  • an original gift would be a wrist bracelet made of large and small beads or a small original necklace in the tatting style (French lace);

  • Make an original declaration of love to your beloved man or woman. For example, buy a box of chocolates in which each candy will be individually wrapped in a paper wrapper, cut out pieces of paper according to the size of the chocolates and write why you love it. Attach to each candy. Close the box and wrap it with ribbon. Or recognition using matchboxes.

And remember that the most important surprise that you can please is your attention and good mood!

Nowadays, when you can buy almost anything or present an envelope with money for the holiday, surprising your loved ones with an original gift is not so easy. Things and crafts made with your own hands carry the warmth of the giver. It is these gifts that always retain individuality and are intended for a specific person.

The article offers some simple ideas on how to make creative birthday gifts with your own hands.

Handmade gifts are always unique, often unexpected and very economical. Creating such crafts brings pleasure not only to the recipient, but also to the manufacturer, who can feel like a real creator. A homemade product carries a positive charge of energy and is always memorable.

These reasons allow us to say that a homemade gift is much better than a store-bought one.

What to give mom and grandma for their birthday?

Birthday gifts for beloved mothers and grandmothers can be made by the whole family, and if it turns out to be not only beautiful, but also useful, loved ones will certainly appreciate it.

Bouquet of sweets or fruits

Instead of a regular bouquet, it is better to please your mother and grandmother with an original and delicious bouquet of fruits or sweets, which can be decorated with real or paper flowers.

To create a bouquet of fruits you will need:

  • Fruits(pineapple, kiwi, watermelon, melon, orange) and berries (strawberries, blueberries, grapes, blackberries). You can take other fruits, the main thing is that they are not overripe and dense, and do not change color after cutting, like an apple.
  • Skewers of different lengths on which the fruit will be planted.
  • Cutting forms fruit figures. Cookie cutters work great.
  • Bouquet container(vase or glass), polystyrene foam, ribbons.

The fruits are peeled, cut into slices and cut out into shapes of flowers, butterflies, and hearts. If there are no molds, it will be enough to evenly cut the fruit into half rings or triangles. It is better to use the berries whole. They are strung on skewers in several pieces like beads, except for strawberries. The finished bouquet details are placed on skewers.

If desired, some fruits can be dipped in melted chocolate and allowed to set.

The next stage is to form the bouquet. To do this, you can use a low, wide vase, a decorative basket or an opaque glass. It is advisable to place polystyrene foam inside and stick skewers into it, beautifully arranging the fruit shapes. Between fruits and berries you can place fresh flowers, stems and leaves of plants or dried flowers, and decorate the container with ribbon.

To create a bouquet of their sweets you will need:

  • round candies;
  • corrugated paper of different colors;
  • wide and thin decorative ribbons;
  • wire or skewers;
  • scissors, wire cutters, tape, foam;
  • floral mesh, transparent wrapping paper, organza or flower pot.

The following steps will allow you to assemble an original sweet bouquet for your mother or grandmother in a short time:

  1. Cut transparent wrapping paper into squares of appropriate size, wrap each candy in a square and secure it on a skewer or wire with tape.
  2. Another option for decorating flowers is to cut out petals from corrugated paper, place them in the center of the formed candy and strengthen the flower on a skewer.
  3. Wrap the wire or skewer in corrugated paper or green ribbon.
  4. You can collect the bouquet in a pot or in wrapping paper. Place polystyrene foam in the pot and secure the bouquet parts in it. Another option: tie the “stems” of candy flowers together and wrap them in organza or wrapping paper. Complete the decoration of the pot or bouquet using ribbons and floral mesh.

Tea house

How to make a birthday gift with your own hands to surprise your grandmother? Build a cute tea house for her from decorative cardboard.

First you need to prepare the details of the house:

In one wall of the house, at the same distance from the side edges, a semicircular hole is cut from the bottom, about 5 cm high and 6 cm long. It is convenient to remove tea bags from here.

When all the blanks are made, it's time to assemble them using glue:

  1. All parts for fastening are folded in half lengthwise, except for a rectangle measuring 6*10 cm. Its short side is divided into 3 equal parts and a pyramid is folded, the joints of which are glued using a 10 x 3 cm piece folded in half. The remaining parts should form a right angle to fasten the parts of the house.
  2. The walls of the craft are assembled by gluing them together using parts bent at an angle of 90° for fastening. In the same way, the house is glued to the base, excluding the wall with the hole.
  3. 2 parts of the roof 10 x 10 cm are fastened together using a finished pyramid part. On the long side of the roof base (10 x 13 cm), measure 2 cm from the edges and bend them down. The base is glued to the sides of the roof with the bent parts down. The finished roof is placed on the house without gluing it, from here the house will be filled with tea bags.
  4. You can decorate the walls and roof before gluing begins or after finishing the work. Any interesting ideas will do, from children's drawings or paper flowers to newspaper clippings or quilling decorations.

Jewelry storage box

A box for earrings, rings and brooches is a very useful thing, which can also become a real decoration for your dressing table. The easiest way to make such a gift is from a cardboard spool of wide tape after using it. The lid and bottom are made from cardboard blanks. To do this, you need to attach the coil to the cardboard and trace it around the outer circumference with a pencil.

Cut out 2 circles with a margin so that the bottom can be glued to the reel, and the lid can easily cover the future box. In order for the bottom to stick well, you need to follow the pencil markings with a hard thin object (ruler or tweezers), then it will be easier to bend the cardboard. To make the bottom strong, several layers of cardboard of a suitable diameter should be glued inside the box.

To make the outer part of the gift even, you need to cover the reel with cardboard over the entire surface.

Before making the lid, you need to cut a strip of cardboard half the height of the coil, wrap this strip around the top of the future box and glue the edges. When the rim is dry, glue the prepared circle of the lid to it in the same way as the bottom was glued.

You can decorate the finished gift in any suitable way:

  • wrapping paper,
  • ribbons and beads,
  • flowers in kanzashi style
  • decorate the box using decoupage.

Topiary of flowers

If your mother or grandmother loves artificial flowers, giving them a delicate topiary will be a great idea that is easy to implement. For the craft you will need artificial flowers and greenery, a pot, plaster, a base ball, which can be made from crumpled newspaper wrapped in green knitting thread, a branch with a diameter of at least 1 cm, a glue gun and decorations for the pot, soil and flowers.

Sequence of actions for creating topiary:

  1. place the prepared ball on the branch;
  2. glue flowers onto the ball;
  3. secure the branch with plaster into the pot;
  4. after the gypsum has hardened, decorate the “soil” with pebbles or artificial greenery, gluing them with PVA glue;
  5. decorate the pot by wrapping it in coarse textiles, twine or ribbons;
  6. You can plant ladybugs or butterflies on flowers, a tree trunk or under it.

DIY apron

Making a kitchen apron is not difficult if you have a sewing machine in the house. All you need is fabric, thread, scissors, chalk, a pattern and a sewing machine. The easiest way to find the desired pattern is on the Internet, but you need to adjust the width of the pattern to the half-waist circumference of the woman for whom the gift is intended. The best models are an apron and an apron with a bib.

Before starting work, the fabric (Teflon, denim, cotton or linen) is washed, dried and ironed so that it shrinks. Then the fabric is folded in half lengthwise and the pattern is transferred to the wrong side using chalk. You need to cut out the parts with allowances and folds of 1.5-2 cm. The edges of large parts that will not be joined are folded and stitched.

Neck and belt ties are made from strips of fabric of suitable length and width. To do this, fold the parts in half, sew 2 halves from the wrong side along the long and one short edge, turn them inside out and iron them. Neck ties are sewn to the bib, the bib and apron are connected, sewing ties for the belt at their junction from the inside. The finished product is smoothed.

What to give to dad and grandfather?

You need to think in advance about what to give and how to make a birthday gift with your own hands for your dad or grandfather.


To make a postcard you will need thick cardboard as the base of the postcard, colored paper and scissors.

A sheet of cardboard is folded in half widthwise. The back side from above is cut off by 3 cm. On the front side, at the same distance, cuts are made on the right and left, leaving a solid section of 5 cm in the middle. Fold the ends of the cardboard towards the middle so that a shirt collar is formed, cut off the excess tails of the cardboard.

Make a tie out of paper:

  • Fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally, unfold it again and turn it so that the fold line becomes the length of the future tie.
  • Fold the 2 side parts equally towards the middle (towards the fold line).
  • Fold the 2 side pieces to the middle again and glue them. Fold the top acute corner twice, making a tie knot.

Glue the finished tie to the collar and then glue the corners of the collar to the shirt. You can add sleeves to the sides, or you can glue a folded sleeve with a cuff to the bottom of the card, imitating a shirt packed in a box. You can decorate the gift with a pocket or buttons on the edges of the collar. Make a congratulatory inscription on the inside.

Knitted socks (step by step instructions on how to knit)

Having mastered the knitting technique, you can create interesting sneaker-shaped socks that will appeal to any man. For sizes 43-45 you will need yarn with a wool content of 50%, 100 g each. 2 different colors, and hook No. 3, laces about 1 m. Socks are knitted with thread in 2 folds.

Knitting the sole and nose:

  • 1st row: in the center of the ring, 7 stitches are knitted without overlap (st. b/n);
  • 2-4 row: knit st. b/n evenly add 7 loops (p.);
  • Rows 5-8: add 4 stitches evenly;
  • 9-17 row: even knitting without additions;
  • on the 18th row, unroll the work and knit 30 sts. b/n;
  • repeat row 18 22 times;
  • next 8 rows: knit st. b/n, decreasing 2 stitches in the middle of each row;
  • They finish the part and sew the heel.

Tongue: in the AC direction knit 16 tbsp. b/n (about 30 cm). The upper part is performed along the ABC line. Knit 11 rows st. b/n and continue knitting st. b/n, but do not knit 3 stitches at the end of each row. 4 rows are performed in this way, and the next 4 rows are not knitted 1 stitch at the end of each row. Next, knit straight st. b/n about 17 cm. I finish the work with a “crawfish step”.

You can decorate the socks by tying the edges in 4 rows. b/n, sew the parts, thread the laces. You can knit a circle of a suitable color on the side.

Case for glasses

A useful gift is a case for glasses, which can be made of felt, leatherette or leather, cotton or jeans in the form of a handbag with a lock, a bag with a magnet or a bag with a string.

To do this, parts of a suitable shape are cut out of the base material, the same parts are prepared from flannel and padding polyester (for thin fabrics), and slightly smaller parts are cut out of whatman paper or cardboard in order to insert them for compaction between the outer and inner layers.

If a zipper is provided, it is sewn in at the beginning of the work, a magnetic button is sewn between the layers, and a place is left for the rope in the upper part of the case. When everything is ready, sew 2 layers with cardboard inside from the inside out, turn the product over and smooth it out.

Personalized cake with wishes

A cake with wishes is a fun surprise made of cardboard that gives you a great mood and 0 calories. Such a gift is assembled from cardboard “pieces”, inside of which you can place small surprises and wishes. Templates for making pieces can be easily found on the Internet, printed on suitable paper, cut and glued.

You can decorate the top of the cake with flowers made of corrugated paper, coffee beans, and you need to connect the pieces by tying them with a beautiful satin ribbon.

Ideas for surprises and wishes:

  • cheerfulness - coffee bags;
  • health - blisters with vitamins or hematogen;
  • good luck - lottery tickets;
  • wealth - a banknote;
  • freshness - a pack of Tick-Tocks;
  • energy – AA battery;
  • love - cookies in the shape of a heart.

Everyone can come up with similar options themselves, taking into account the characteristics of the birthday person.

What to give to your friend or sister?

How to please your friend and sister and make a unique birthday gift with your own hands?

It’s not difficult at all, the main thing is patience and a positive attitude!

Instagram style memorial album

A fashionable gift that modern girls will love is easy to make by decorating a photo album or photo book in Instagram style.
You can depict an icon of a famous social network on the title page using scissors and a cut out thematic picture. Or you can fill such an album with your most memorable photos, placing famous Instagram elements and icons next to them.

Chocolate bottle with surprise

To make a delicious gift for chocolate lovers, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 150-200 gr. chocolate;
  • small plastic bottle;
  • funnel;
  • small candies such as sea pebbles or nuts.


While the chocolate is hot, you need to distribute it evenly throughout the bottle, slowly rotating it in a horizontal position for a while. To completely harden, place the bottle in the refrigerator. Then pour candy or nuts inside. Carefully make a cut in the plastic and remove the mold without damaging the chocolate. The bottle can be closed with a plastic cap and a label attached.

A vase for flowers

How to turn an ordinary jar into a gift with your own hands and make your friend’s or sister’s birthday unforgettable? Make a bright flower vase for her!

There are many ways to give new life to a glass or plastic container:

  • stick pieces of bright napkins or corrugated paper onto the jar (decoupage technique);
  • evenly wrap the container with thick woolen threads, satin ribbons or twine;
  • Paint with acrylic paints, applying them with a sponge, and stick beads and flowers onto the bottle using a glue gun.

Bracelet made of beads and threads

There is nothing easier than buying beautiful beads and floss at a craft store and putting them together into an elegant bracelet. The basis for the decoration can be an inexpensive ready-made bracelet or a circle cut from a plastic bottle. If you purchased individual beads, you first need to assemble them onto a fishing line; if you have ready-made beads sold by the meter, you can immediately begin making the product.


  1. Glue the beads using a glue gun to the base in 1 or 2 rows;
  2. wind the beads in the spaces between the beads with brightly colored floss threads;
  3. make several of these bracelets, matching threads by color.

Such products look beautiful on the hand if you combine several narrow bracelets.

Candle in a shell

To make a romantic gift in the form of a candle in a shell, you will need candle stubs, a wick from cinders or a string for the wick, 2 toothpicks and 2 rubber bands from money, large durable shells and tweezers.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • secure the shells on a plate or board, gluing them onto the melted stearin candle;
  • melt the cinders in a water bath;
  • pull out the wick with tweezers or make a new one;
  • hold the wick between two toothpicks secured at the edges with rubber bands;
  • place toothpicks on the shell so that the wick is located approximately in the middle of the future candle;
  • pour melted stearin into the shell, holding the hot container with cinders with tweezers;
  • Allow the candle to set and then remove the toothpicks from the wick.

What to give to a friend or brother?

A few creative ideas will help you make gifts for friends and brothers that will remain in their memories for years to come.

Scops owl pillow

A product like this funny pillow would be a great handmade birthday gift for sleep lovers. An interesting idea is to make a pillow in the shape of an owl. Print the pattern from the Internet and prepare fabric (preferably cotton), padding polyester, thread and scissors. If you don’t have a sewing machine, you can sew a small item by hand.

To make a scops owl pillow, you need to cut out the main parts from the fabric according to the pattern with allowance for allowances. First, decorate the front side by sewing on the eyes, wings and beak. Sew the 2 halves of the body from the wrong side, leaving open space for stuffing the pillow with padding polyester. Turn the product inside out and distribute the padding polyester evenly inside the owlet, sew up the hole by hand.

Candy motorcycle

Some guys have no less a sweet tooth than girls, and a candy motorcycle will be a pleasant gift for them. The frame of the motorcycle is made from cardboard, wrapped in gold foil or corrugated black paper, and attached to wire guides to create the desired shape.

The wheels can be made from several layers of 4.5cm corrugated cardboard, glued together and wrapped in gold or black paper. The handles, exhaust pipe and wheel holders are made from wrapped wire.

Now it will be easy to assemble the motorcycle:

  1. Glue square-shaped candies in 2 rows around the circumference of the wheels with double-sided tape. Secure the wheels with gold tape. Make a hole in the middle of the wheels and thread the prepared wire through them.
  2. Fill the base of the motorcycle with candies inside, forming a line for the gas tank and seat. Fasten the wheels and base using wire.
  3. Glue a row of candies onto the front panel, attach it to the handles, which are hooked to the product with a wire.
  4. Glue a headlight candy in front, and rest the motorcycle on support legs made of wire.

What to give to your loved one?

Poster with sweets

The easiest way to please your loved one is to give him a poster with heartfelt or cheerful wishes, decorated with sweets “with meaning”. The inscriptions can be made by hand or made from cut out printed words.

One design option could be like this:

  • I wish you endless (Inspiration chocolate) and prosperity (candies in the form of gold coins);
  • let (curd cheese “Miracle”) accompany your every day;
  • be as vigorous and strong as (a bag of coffee);
  • you and I are inseparable, like (Twix chocolate bar);
  • you are my most (small pack of “Favorite” juice) person on earth;
  • Now we know exactly what (chewing gum “Love is”) is our present and future.

Rubik's Cube from joint photos

So that your loved one always remembers the happy days spent together, you can make a Rubik's cube for him from photographs. To do this, you will need a Rubik's cube with colored stickers that can be removed from each piece, glue, colorless varnish, scissors, favorite photographs and a lot of patience.


  1. The edges of the Rubik's cube are freed from colored stickers;
  2. prepare photographs that are suitable in size;
  3. on the reverse side, draw each photo into 9 identical squares, corresponding in size to the squares of a Rubik’s cube;
  4. cut all photographs without mixing them;
  5. carefully glue each part of the photo onto the corresponding square of the cube and let it dry;
  6. after drying, disassemble the cube into parts;
  7. cover each photo with colorless varnish and allow to dry;
  8. collect parts.

Coffee heart

A coffee heart is a fragrant gift that expresses the love of the giver. It is performed in the same way as creating a topiary, using a heart-shaped base instead of a ball, pasting it with coffee beans. Another option for a coffee heart is a car pendant.

The basis for such a heart is made from corrugated cardboard covered with brown velvet or foil, or from a floral sponge cut in the shape of a heart and pasted over with sand as a background. A hook with an eye or a wire must be inserted into the recess of the heart to form a pendant.

Roasted coffee beans are attached tightly to each other onto the finished base using a glue gun, so that there are no empty areas left. Decorate the heart with a gold ribbon, star anise or cinnamon stick.

Balloons with wishes

An original birthday surprise will be a bouquet of balloons with wishes. Pleasant compliments and parting words are written on small pieces of paper and rolled up. Each one is placed in a balloon, which is inflated with helium. Tie each ball tightly with thread, tie ribbons and collect the bouquet.

You can attach a card with a gift certificate or a cheerful wish to the ribbons.

Master class on making flowers from balloons

An unusual bouquet for the holiday can be made from balloons. With some skill, you can get a wide variety of types of flowers, but first, it’s better to make a chamomile, for which you will need to inflate sausage balls, leaving 3-5 cm at the end free of air.


  • The beginning and end of a ball of white or another color are tied, folded in half and twisted twice on the fold.
  • The resulting 2 parts are twisted in two places so that 6 identical parts are formed (three on each half of the ball).
  • Place the parts on top of each other in pairs and intercept them at the place where the petals twist.
  • With the other hand, twist the petals in the middle so that you get a flower with a hole in the middle.
  • A stem with a flower center is made from a green ball. Near the knot, roll a sausage of about 10 cm, bend it and twist the same segment together with the first.
  • Thread the resulting core into the hole of the flower.
  • Make several flowers and collect them in a bouquet, tying them with a beautiful ribbon.

3D images on postcards

If you attach a handmade 3D card to your birthday souvenir, this set will look like the most original gift.

DIY birthday gifts are quick and easy to make if you follow the step-by-step instructions.


  1. Fold double-sided colored cardboard in half, make markings with a pencil on the fold line, from the top edge 4 cm, 1 cm, 5 cm, 1 cm, 5 cm, 1 cm. From the points limiting the 1 cm segments, set aside lines 2 long perpendicular to the fold, 5 cm, 2 cm and 1 cm.
  2. Make cuts according to the drawing, you will get 3 bases for 3D format of different lengths. They need to be folded in half in half inside the postcard.
  3. Glue the finished base onto a second sheet of thick paper, folded in half.
  4. From thick colored paper, cut out decorations in the form of boxes with gifts, the inscription “Happy Birthday!”, balloons or butterflies. Glue the selected parts onto 3 bases inside the card. Make sure that when folding the postcard, the parts do not get wrinkled.
  5. Sign the card, decorate the outside of the card with details similar to those inside, ribbons, beads or rhinestones.

How to make a gift box?

You can do your own gift wrapping. A gift box is made from colored thick paper in the shape of a pyramid, a house, a flower bud, a round or square box. You can find a lot of templates on the Internet, by cutting them out you can make neat packaging without much expense.

It’s very easy to build a cone box yourself:

  • draw a circle on paper (the larger it is, the higher the box);
  • divide the circle in half and form a cone from half, connecting 2 corners together;
  • place a gift inside the box, cover the cone with foil or paper, gluing it to the base;
  • decorate the box with ice cream appliqué, ribbons or beads.

Everyone loves receiving special birthday gifts. Everyone can surprise their family and friends by making a unique surprise with their own hands.

After reading this article to the end, it becomes obvious that making a gift with your own hands and presenting it on your birthday is almost as easy as buying it. But in such a product there is sure to remain a piece of true love and best wishes for the birthday person.

Video: DIY birthday gifts, quick and easy

DIY gifts, watch the video:

Ideal Birthday Gift: