Sewerage      06/01/2024

The lion will lie down with the lamb bible. Compatibility horoscope from Linda Goodman: Aries - Leo. Compatibility in love

How high is the love compatibility of an Aries Woman and a Leo Man if they are both Sun signs? The stars promise a warm relationship between them, which can be replaced by emotional outbursts. But after a storm there is always calm, so harmonious relationships in a couple are established quickly and easily.

A man of this sign promises to call his beloved, but, alas, forgets about it. He makes comments to her about her appearance, makeup, or simply tells her to be silent, listening to his statements. Naturally, a wall of misunderstanding arises between the couple. But these are temporary difficulties that do not greatly affect the compatibility of the Aries Woman and the Leo Man, who are destined to be together.

The Aries woman is infuriated by her partner's self-confidence, so she decides to break up with him. But, over time, she begins to remember his warm voice, gentle irony in his words and sincere care. In the end, he is forgiven and she is conquered. Over time, the objective compatibility of the Aries Woman and the Leo Man will become especially noticeable. He stops making comments about his Lady's ignorance. After all, in reality he is calm in relation to her violent temperament. The main thing is to forget about your own character for a while. True, this rarely happens. Is it possible for Mars to eclipse the Sun?

What else can be said about the compatibility of an Aries Woman and a Leo Man if they both belong to Sun signs? Love will definitely break out between them, but stormy scenes cannot be avoided. The self-confidence of Mars moves tall mountains! The main thing is that someone takes the Aries woman onto the right path of relationship. This can be done by the Leo man, who knows how to organize and protect people from wrongdoing.

If a woman challenges her lover, he will accept it with dignity. After all, Leos are not from the weakest ten. In addition, a man of this sign is responsible and practical. Sometimes a woman accuses Leo of being stupid and primitive. Sometimes, in order to make sure of his feelings, he creates scandals. But moments of reconciliation pass on a positive note every time.

The astrological compatibility of the Aries Woman and the Leo Man is quite favorable, because their life is not a continuous quarrel. Together they will experience many wonderful, happy and joy-filled moments. By nature, the Aries woman truly touches the strings of the romantic and responsible Leo man by nature. He himself is filled with bright enthusiasm.

The Aries woman is the symbolic Child of the zodiac system. Women's naivety gives rise to tender feelings in Leo's soul, and this prompts the desire to protect and protect his beloved from danger. A wise Leo man will satisfy all her needs, as a result of which she will become softer and more obedient.

The pride and love for freedom of an Aries woman can be pacified. The man will put her on a short leash, on which it is not even possible to hang herself. It will be much more difficult to humble Leo’s pride, because he is deprived of humility from birth. Therefore, in a relationship with this man, the Lady needs to stock up on courage and patience.
In order for the compatibility of the Aries Woman and the Leo Man to be at a high level, it is necessary to turn a blind eye to some of each other’s “weaknesses”. For example, for a man of this sign, lovemaking with a large number of women is as natural as breathing and eating for a person. The Aries woman will try to find out everything about his adventures, but over time she will still forgive and accept Leo for who he is. Although, it won’t make it any easier for her.

The Leo man is not going to support the illusions of his partner. He is too proud and willful for this. But the Aries woman will not be able to forgive the man’s betrayal today, but she will not delve into her lover’s past. Although, some pictures of his past adventures will appear in her worst dreams. How to get out of this sensitive situation?

There are two right decisions that will affect the compatibility of Aries Woman and Leo Man for the better. The first depends entirely on the woman herself. She must suppress her emotions and understand that only their current relationship is a priority. The man himself will help her preserve them, focusing on negative experiences with women from the distant past. After all, now with him she is the only and most beloved.

And, the second decision - the Aries woman should sincerely admire the wisdom and courage of Leo. After all, he craves admiration in order to satiate his insatiable “ego.” A woman will learn to understand this and accept her lover as he is in life. After all, Aries will forever remain her lord and master.

There are some points in the compatibility of Aries Woman and Leo Man that should not be overlooked. For example, he strives to cool the ardor of his beloved with all his innate practicality. She must not hurt his pride, and he must not ridicule her hopes and aspirations.

Over time, the resulting attraction to each other will certainly develop into something more called “love.” Then, nothing threatens the excellent compatibility of the Aries Woman and the Leo Man. Their relationship will be supported by the beneficial influence of Jupiter. By and large, there are no huge contradictions between this couple.
After all, the main thing in a sincere relationship is a strong and true feeling. In front of the Leo man is a vulnerable woman who needs support, wise advice and protection. True, her natural independence also cannot be discounted in relationships. Well, the Aries woman will see in front of her a soft but strong man who treats her very tenderly. In order to once again be convinced of the compatibility of the Aries Woman and the Leo Man, it is necessary to recall the ancient prophecy about love: “When the lamb lies down with Leo...”

Love is a blessing for Aries and Leo, and this confirms what they see when they look deeply into each other's eyes. He sees a woman vulnerable enough to need his wise guidance, yet independent enough to challenge him and fuel his energy. She sees a man soft enough to treat her tenderly, and yet strong enough to protect her and dominate her. There are no deep contradictions between Aries and Leo. The birth of love between these two can herald the peace promised by ancient prophecies... "When the lamb lies down with the Lion..."

There are two possible solutions. The first thing that depends on her is the need to cope with her emotions and realize that the Present, if it is strong and beautiful, cannot be tainted by the Past, which has long been forgotten. However, for the typical Mars temperament, such a solution is almost impossible. It is against her nature, unless the Aries woman has a more independent and objective Moon and Ascendant, for example in Gemini or Libra. (The presence of a Water Moon and Ascendant will also contribute to this, but then the Aries woman may be too independent and aggressive to suit Leo, and other problems will arise.)
The best way out is for Leo to tell her often enough about the negative emotions that accompanied his past love experiences, and never tire of admiring all the joys of sexual satisfaction that she gave him.
Her sincere admiration for his courage, reliability and wisdom strengthens Leo's masculinity (although it is often overshadowed by his other qualities). His firm refusal to submit to her awakens her hidden femininity that she was unaware of. However, although she may become more submissive, he will never give up his individuality and independence, even for her sake. He always needs worship to feed his ever-hungry ego, and for her, the need for worship is a sign of weakness that she never needed. Leo will provide her with inexhaustible opportunities to cultivate this quality in herself. The Aries woman knows that her chosen one is stronger than her, and this only attracts her. But if he uses his power too aggressively, the effect will be exactly the opposite. Aries will never agree with any form of feudal attitude towards a woman. But she had better submit if she wants her Master and Master to set her free.
She will admire him, respect him and love him very much. But she will not love herself less and will not refuse to act in her own way, although, perhaps, she will allow him to advise her exactly what to do. Moments are also inevitable when he will cool her ardor, ridiculing her hopes with all the practicality of Leo. She can hurt his pride by daring to interrupt him mid-sentence or without asking his advice. Then he will freeze her with royal arrogance, and she will enrage him with violent anger. But when he thaws and her fury subsides, happiness will always return to them. As is the case with all 5-9 Sun sign couples, Aries and Leo will soon realize that their initial attraction to each other develops into a deeper feeling of love and empathy because the strong wobble of their Suns is under the beneficial influence of the ninth house ruler, Jupiter. . Any union of 5-9 Solar signs, in which the partners are truly serious, experiences to a certain extent the beneficial influence of the rays of Jupiter. If you love one person for a long time so that everything else seems to you just part of something important, you better understand the feelings of others. You understand what it is like for those who are suffering and lonely. For some reason, you even want to share your peace and your joy with them.

The situation is not that simple at all. The Aries woman will have to let him walk on a rope of extreme length, but he will put her on such a short chain, which is hardly enough to hang herself with it. It is immeasurably more difficult for Leo to humble his pride than for an Aries woman. Submission is a virtue that Leo always preaches, but which he completely lacks. She will have to be the first to forgive and try to understand. I wish her good luck and courage. She will need them.
Their sexual consent will not come without some hard knocks. The Aries girl has one amazing characteristic. weirdness. She knows how little chance she has of finding an innocent young man for herself, but she knows this only with her head. In her heart, under the influence of Mars, other ideas live. As incredible as it may seem, she would prefer to think that she was the first woman he had touched, whispered words of love to, and possessed. But since getting carried away is almost as natural for a Leo man as breathing, her hopes are in vain. She diligently remembers all the information about his passionate sighs in the past that she manages to extract from him, including names, dates, places of action. So be it, he made love to other women. She will accept it, even though it will hurt her. (Rams always face troubles courageously, once they understand that it is inevitable.) However, it is not at all necessary to think that he enjoyed it, is it? Maybe he was seduced; Maybe some scoundrel twisted his hands or tied him with a rope, but he resisted for a long time and is still haunted in his nightmares by the full horror of what happened?
But Leo is not at all inclined to support her illusions. He is too proud and honest. No, they didn’t tie him to the bed with four knots, no one twisted his hands. (Remember, we are talking about his past love experiences. There is no question that she is able to forget and forgive his infidelities in the present and future. She simply will not be able to forgive. That’s how Aries are.) In any case, after she will force him to talk about the past, playing on the strings of his exorbitant vanity, he will hasten to assure her that he did not give his heart to any of those girls and that it was only like that before meeting her. But she might not hear him. Her imagination will be occupied with images of wild orgies. Her knight in shining armor left a lot of legacy, and his white horse turned into a dirty gray donkey!
Such a broken dream of illusory purity can destroy the sexual harmony between an idealistic Aries and a Leo with great love experience in the past. What about her past love life? This is a completely different matter! She will find thousands of excuses not to talk about it.

Because he is more practical and responsible (remember, Leo is a Fixed Sign), she will often accuse him of being wretched and stupid. Because of her greater liveliness and mobility, it will seem to him that she is exhausting him. Most of their disputes arise independently of them on a subconscious level (less often consciously) for the pure pleasure of showing off and being convinced once again of the feelings of the other. Reconciliation will be filled with delight every time. Their friends may wonder more than once why they are still together, but they know why.
But, of course, their life will not turn into a continuous quarrel. Under the influence of the 5-9 vibration, they will experience many wonderful, crazy, joyful and ecstatic moments. The natural simplicity of the Aries woman strangely touches him, the Leo man, touching a string of responsibility in his romantic heart. The enthusiasm of her nature is contagious, because he himself is endowed with sunny enthusiasm. Aries is the symbolic Child of the Zodiac, so her naivety and innocent appearance awaken deep wells of tenderness in his soul, he feels the urge to protect this brave, bright soul who, like a true child, has no idea of ​​the many dangers that threaten her. He will help her avoid them thanks to his wisdom and mature mind, for Leo is ahead of Aries on the Karmic wheel of life.
Having experienced the reliability of Leo's feelings, she will reject the childish essence of her Sun sign, stop demanding, get rid of the fear that she might fall and no one will help her. His arms will catch her if she falls, he will be able to satisfy all her needs. And she will calm down, become softer, more pliable... A woman under the influence of Mars admires strength, both physical and moral, and she trusts this man, although she has always fought against the need to obey.
Aries and Leo have an amazing ability to satisfy each other's physical needs, which is enhanced by constant emotional heating. Sexual experience can be very beneficial for both, because each is able to give the other what he expects from an intimate relationship: passion combined with love. This is not very common - many people are able to give only one of the two, and never both at once... But Leo will never give up his freedom. He wants to roam freely in the jungle and is not sensitive to the rattling of the chains of jealousy. So is she. However, what does freedom mean in these cases?

The love relationship between Leo and Ram, although it can become warm and wonderful, will also not be free from frequent emotional assaults, especially if the pride of each of them resembles an impregnable block of ice. But between two Sun signs the ice melts quickly, and after storms the sky clears of clouds, and everything looks fresh and green again.
Often it starts like this: he promises to call her at five, calls her at midnight and does not want to explain anything. He tells her that she makes grammatical mistakes, that she wears too much makeup. Finally, he tells her to be quiet, listen to him and try to change.
Of course, this puts a wall between them. She is infuriated by this unbearable self-confidence, and she suddenly decides to leave him. Who needs one like that anyway? And she does it. Although she understands that, despite her external independence, in the end there was a person who guessed that this was not so. Nothing good would come of it if she immediately told him to go to hell. Then she will remember how warm and sympathetic his voice was when he finally called, no matter how late. She will remember how much gentle irony there was in his jokes about her crimson shadows or some of her next mistakes. Maybe it was tender care, and not at all unbearable condescension? And... maybe it's better to forgive him? (Eventually she will do it. She is won over.)
It wouldn't be long until he stopped making endless comments to her about her ignorance, which she didn't even suspect. Moreover, she will be amazed to find herself enjoying it. Of course, after the glimmer of novelty disappears and the Aries woman comes down to earth from the sky-high heights, she will more than once try to take revenge, just to maintain parity, and the “big cat” will feel what a lion in a cage experiences, seeing the tamer in front of her. First surprise, then irritation, finally rage. But in the end he is subdued. In fact, he's cool with her fierce temperament, at least until it kills his own. But that doesn't happen. For where has it been seen that Mars eclipsed the Sun?
This is a strong magnetic combination according to the scheme of 5-9 Solar signs, and therefore, when Venus appears to two Fire signs, we should expect a stormy love scene. What if these old, deeply hidden dreams are not so impossible after all? After all, these are his dreams. Mars' confidence can move mountains! As for her desire to dictate and defiant independence, behind them lies the desire for someone to lead her on the right path. Isn't Leo abundantly endowed with the ability to organize the lives of other people and protect them from mistakes? The Aries woman definitely challenges him, but has Leo ever shied away from a challenge? She may shake his masculinity with a few hard blows, but Leos are not weak at all. He should put her in her place. After he directs her Mars energy in the right way, he can calm down. She, in turn, gives him all the fire he needs, when he needs it and when he doesn’t.

[This] rightly correlates with the prophetic saying about the holiness of the Church: The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion and the ox will eat straw. It is not surprising, since in the Church, too, the waters produce such an effect that the robbers, washed from their sins, become equal to the innocent.

Six days

St. Gregory the Great

Art. 6-7 Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and a little child will lead them. And the cow will graze with the she-bear, and their cubs will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.

To faith, as well as to hear the Word of the Lord Almighty, we, who are, as it were, clothed in religious attire, coming from various conditions in the world, as well as from various injustices, are gathered in the consent of the holy Church so that it already seems that it is open what is said through Isaiah about the promise of the Church has been accomplished: The wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid. After all wolf with lamb lives according to the depth of holy love, because those who were in the world with predators rest in peace with the meek and gentle. AND leopard with kid lies because the one who was mottled with the stains of his sins is in agreement with the one who despises himself and is recognized as a humiliated sinner. There it is added: The calf and the lion and the lamb will be together to remain, because the one who, through a tormented heart, prepares himself for the usual sacrifice to God, and the second, who, like a lion, terribly raged because of cruelty, and the third, who, like a lamb, endured in the simplicity of his innocence, came together in the fence Holy Church. This is the kind of love that ignites the diversity of minds, kindles, melts and transforms as if into one image of gold.

Homilies on the prophet Ezekiel.

St. Grigory Elvirsky

Where and when, if not in the Kingdom of God, where there is an abundance of bread, wine and oil, will this blessing come true? After all, the earth itself will give bread and everything bad will be eliminated, as Isaiah said: Then,- he says, - the wolf and the ox will eat straw, and the wolf and the lamb will graze together, and a little child will be able to put his hand into a snake’s den, and the snakes will not harm him. Indeed, when His kingdom comes, God will transform the world, making it what it was in its beginning, before the first-created man sinned. He acted contrary to the word of God, so the whole world was corrupted, defiled, and cursed when God said: Cursed is the earth for you(Gen. 3:17) Therefore, the passing order of this world will become the kingdom of the saints and the liberation of creation.

Origen's work.

St. John Chrysostom

Art. 6-7 Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and a little child will lead them. And the cow will graze with the she-bear, and their cubs will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.

Since not only modest, meek and kind people, but also fierce and inhuman ones, and in their morals similar to wolves, lions and oxen, were to join them and all form one Church, then listen to how the prophet said about the diversity of this herd: Then the wolf will live with the lamb,- expressing by this the simplicity of the life of kings.

Against Jews and Gentiles.

When the prophet says: Let every valley be filled, and every mountain and hill be made low, and the crooked places be made straight, and the rough paths made(Isa. 40:4) - he means by this that the humble will be exalted, and the proud will humble themselves, and the difficulty of the law will change into the ease of faith. There will be no more toil and sweat, he says, but grace and forgiveness of sins will come, making the path of salvation easier. Then he indicates the reason for this, saying: And all flesh will see the salvation of God(Isa. 40:5), that is, not only the Jews and those who accepted their faith, but the whole earth and sea and all human nature. Through the crooked, he meant a depraved life, meaning tax collectors, fornicators, robbers, magicians, and in general all those who previously lived depravedly, and then took the right path, as Christ himself spoke about: Publicans and harlots go ahead of you into the Kingdom of God(Matthew 21:31) - because they believed. The prophet expressed the same thing in other words: Then the wolves and lambs will graze together(Isa. 65:25) . Just as there, under the image of hills and lowlands, he indicates the union of different morals into one consonant way of thinking, so here, in the properties of various animals, depicting the different morals of people, he says that they will also unite and agree with each other in piety.

Homilies on the Gospel of Matthew.

I have heard many people say: The king's anger is like the roar of a lion(Prov. 19:12), and from this they fall into cowardice and despondency. What should I tell them? That He Who said: Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together - maybe this lion can be made a meek lamb.

To the people of Antioch.

When you see in the church a poor man standing with a rich man, a commoner with a ruler, an ignorant with a noble, outside the church trembling before the nobles, standing inside the church without fear of the nobles, then understand what it means: then the wolf and the lamb will graze together. Wolf Scripture calls the rich man lamb poor. How can it be seen that the rich and the poor will be together like a wolf and a lamb? Listen carefully. Often a rich man and a poor man stand in church; the hour of accepting divine secrets comes; the rich man leaves as an uninitiated, and the poor man enters the heavenly abode, and the rich man does not express indignation, since he knows that he is alien to the divine mysteries. But, oh, divine grace! - not only does equality exist in the church by the grace of God, but often the poor have primacy in piety over the rich when they stand in church; wealth does not bring any benefit to those who have it without piety, and poverty does not in the least harm the believer who boldly approaches the holy altar.

A word against drunkards and about the resurrection.

St. Kirill of Alexandria

Art. 6-9 And the wolf and the lamb will graze together, and the lynx will lie down with the goat, and the calf and the young man and the lion will graze together, and the boy will lead a little: and the ox and the bear will graze together, and their children will graze together, and the lion will also graze together. the ox will eat spit: and as a young man he will lay his hand on the caves of asps and on the bed of the offspring of asps: and they will not do evil, nor will they be able to destroy anyone on my holy mountain: for the whole earth is filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as much water has covered the sea.

To what has already been said, one can quite rightly add this great and exceptional sign and wonderful effect of the coming of our Savior. For before the only begotten Word of God became man like us, before He accepted from the seed of Abraham and throughout became like brethren, as it is written (Heb. 2:16-17), the entire race living on earth, I mean human, was divided into two halves - into Jews and who served the creature more than the Creator(Rom. 1:25) And there was God is known in Judea(Ps. 75:2), and among other nations they served a great and countless number of idols, and the glory of God was given honor according to the will of each; because everything evaded, together with obscenity there was: did not have doing good deeds, did not have until one(Rom. 3:12; Ps. 13:3). But the Jews, tamed, so to speak, by the teaching of the law and softened by the morals of righteousness, honored a life decent for people; others, that is, those who served soulless idols, without having a ruler - the law, were terrible in their inclinations: they were wild, predatory, ready for violence, eager for pleasures, and very vile ones, and very accommodating to everything most shameful, so that one of them was likened to a wolf, the other approached a lynx (panther), due to the fact that his soul, as if with some spots, was speckled with very many and varied types of passions; another, uncontrollable in his desires, easily acquiring by force whatever he wanted, spent his life like lions. But brought up in such wild morals and customs, they, after Christ transformed them to the meekest and most holy life, put aside their inherent cruelty and honored the life befitting people, that is, a life of meekness. For they believed in Christ, saying: take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you will find rest for your souls(Matt. 11:29) . Thus, together with faith, they acquired freedom from ancient cruelty and the ability to be good and meek and live in community with the saints. For they are directly named as cohabitant with the saints and in the dreams of God(Eph. 2:19) . This, I think, is what the prophetic word shows us in many ways in the above sayings; because they will graze together, it says, the wolf rests with the lamb and the lynx rests with the goat, that is, through Christ the wild will be united with the meek and not sacred in any respect - with the sacred and holy. For Israel, as regards his education by the law and the knowledge of good morals, was quiet and meek, and at the same time sacred, and was, as it were, like a sheep and a goat; and both of these animals are sacred and pure and, in addition, from nature itself have received gentleness of disposition; wolf as well as lynx(panther, tiger), as well as a lion, are wild by nature and do not get along with others. But in Christ this too was accomplished; because Jews and Greeks came together with each other, having, as it were, common food, that is, evangelical and apostolic preaching and being subordinate to one Archpastor, who knows how to shepherd, as the prophet says, in the pasture of blaz and in the place of fatness(Ezek. 34:14) But also Taurus, speaks, and the youth and the lion will graze together. It seems young body he calls the newborn and young people who believed, that is, infant in Christ; A as a youth, perhaps Israel, as long-born, since youth takes precedence over a newborn in time body. Or through corpuscles it means superior to others, as it were, in knowledge and virtue, which is the saying that they will be blessed by the Lord young with great and old with young, according to the word of the Psalmist (Ps. 113:21, 149:12). The wisest John also knows this age of the mind and soul, which is why he writes to fathers and children, and beyond this to young men (1 John 2:13-14), likening, as I think, the measure of the mind or understanding and knowledge of God to bodily ages. So, they will graze, speaks, together and in the same place Taurus and youth and Leo. Again, in a beneficial manner, he attaches to Taurus and Leo youth, so that you again guessingly understand by them those justified in the faith and those who are under the scepter of the Savior of us all, Christ, since not only from the pure and sacred, or the quiet and meek, that is, tamed through the law, but also from the wild, obviously pagans, the Savior of us all, Christ, binds them together in unanimity and from here passes on good things to children’s children and their descendants. For the peace of Christ and the goodness that comes from unanimity and unity in faith extends (preserves) to this day and to us. This, I think, he lets us know, adding that together their children will be, and the lion and the ox will eat the chaff. Notice that it is not the meek, he says, who goes to the food common to the wild, but the wild to the food of the meek. Since it is known that bear and lion are carnivores, and ox and calf or a goat - no, on the contrary, these animals are herbivores. But, he says, wild animals will retreat from what is usual and, on the contrary, will move on to the food of the meek, since wild animals will also eat chaff. And this food can be a prototype of the teachings. So, it must be understood in this way that before faith in Christ, the pagans had evil teachers who offered them beastly teaching and convinced them to honor the works of corruption and destruction; when they were called to the knowledge of Him who is in truth God, then, along with the ancient error, they got rid of the teachings that agreed with it, together with the Israelites, honoring the fresh and light food of the gospel instructions. But also adolescence, speaks, I'll lead young, that is, they will be under the guidance of teachers and schoolmasters who have a mind that is not sarcastic and prone to atrocities, but, on the contrary, simple and the malice of the infant, but the minds of the wise(1 Cor. 14:20, cf. Eph. 5:15). And such are all those who have the Divine in Christ treasure in scanty vessels(2 Cor. 4:7) and have a heart free from corruption and wickedness and lack nothing against newborn children. The Savior himself considers such people worthy of the kingdom of heaven: for leave it, speaks, children and do not forbid them to come to Me: for such is the kingdom of heaven(Matt. 19:14) . And that they will have the greatest kindness in mind, will be invincible and impeccable and above all fears, he points to this, saying: and as a young man he will lay his hand on the caves of asps, and on the bed of the asp’s fiends: and they will not do evil, nor will they be able to destroy anyone. on the mountain of my saints. Caves and beds of asps, I think, refers either to the gatherings of evil demons, or to the houses and places of refuge of wicked heretics, let us not call them churches, on which, often laying hands, those who are infants in Christ easily gain the upper hand, without in any way suffering harm themselves. For Christ is their protector, and He destroys the power of their bites (i.e., heretics) and renders their poison ineffective; because won't be able to, it is said, destroy no one on My holy mountain. Holy mountain calls the church, for the reason that it is placed at the height of glory and because of the sublimity of the dogmas it contains. For there is nothing low in us: we do not have the custom of paying respect to the creature on an equal basis with the Creator, and contrary to the Creator and Creator, and the Creator of all things, we do not deprive God the Word of the glory due to Him by classifying Him among the creatures. Fill up, speaks, the whole earth is the vision of the Lord and will be as full of reverent veneration of Him as the wide and spacious sea is full of its own waters. And everyone can see the truth in this; because where in the whole world or who is not named Christ? Or what tribe of people does not obey Him? For before Him Every knee will bow down, and every tongue will confess to Him., according to what is written (Phil. 2:10-11; cf. Rom. 14:11), as the Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of God the Father(Phil. 2:11.

Interpretation of the prophet Isaiah.

Sschmch. Irenaeus of Lyon

Art. 6-7 Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and a little child will lead them. And the cow will graze with the she-bear, and their cubs will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.

I know that some are trying to attribute this to wild people belonging to different nations and different occupations, who will believe and, having believed, will come together with the righteous. But although even now this is true in relation to some people from different tribes who come to the same mind of faith, nevertheless, in the resurrection of the righteous it will also happen in relation to those animals.

Against heresies.

St. Ephraim the Syrian

Art. 6-7 And the wolf and the lamb will graze together, that is, in the Church. And the lynx will rest with the goat, that is, in Baptism. And the calf and the youth and the lion will graze together, that is, the wise, the cunning, the cruel, and the simple will hear the gospel together. And as a teenager I will lead little. The shepherd, like a child in simplicity, will be their leader. And the lion, like the ox, will eat chaff. Both the righteous and sinners will be fed from the one life-giving body from the altar. Everyone will neglect the military art that they had learned before, and will enclose all their knowledge within the confines of the pure Gospel.

Interpretation of the book of the prophet Isaiah.

St. Neil of Sinai

Art. 6-7 Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and a little child will lead them. And the cow will graze with the she-bear, and their cubs will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.

The fact that the ox, and the bear, and the lion, etc., according to Isaiah, is friendly “they will graze together” (Isa. 11:6), means the state of the Church in which the people's leaders and subordinates are together governed and nourished by the dogmas of piety.

Letters on various topics. Khartularius Zoilus.

Isaiah says that king and subject, sinner and righteous, strong and weak will be fed by the same faith, namely: after the coming of Christ “The wolf and the lamb will graze together, and the lynx will rest with the goat, and the calf and the young man and the lion will graze together.” (Isa. 11:6). About the same thing as for the simple-minded who desire more "infancy" Regarding the bad ones (1 Cor. 14:20), for blessed and gentle people, because of their active, but free from everyday cares of life and because of prayer unimpaired by doubts, resistive forces become easily overcome, says the same Prophet: “And as a young man he will lay his hand on the caves of asps, and on the bed of the offspring of asps, and they will not do evil, they will not be able to destroy anyone on My holy mountain.”(Isa. 11:8 -9), - by mountain we mean the Church of Christ according to the height of faith.

Letters on various topics. Dux Castor.

Blzh. Hieronymus of Stridonsky

Art. 6-7 Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and a little child will lead them. And the cow will graze with the she-bear, and their cubs will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.

The Septuagint says: And in that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the birds of the air, and with the creeping things of the earth, and the bow and the sword, and I will destroy war from the earth, and I will cause them to live in confidence.(Hosea 2:18) . “When all the names of the opposing religion are removed from the people who confess the Lord, and they will call me, - speaks, - my husband, but not Vaali, that is, my idol, then I I will make a covenant and peace with the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the creatures that creep on the earth».

About this time Isaiah says: Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and a little child will lead them. And the cow will graze with the bear, and their cubs will lie together, and the lion, like the ox, will eat straw, not at all desiring meat and blood, but feeding on pure and simple food. When it was revealed to Peter that he should receive Cornelius from the Gentiles, he was commanded not to consider anything unclean, which was received with gratitude and regarding which he subsequently heard: what God has purified, do not consider unclean(Acts 10:15) Thus, after the coming of the Lord, after His solemn resurrection and ascension to the Father, the two walls are connected by means of the cornerstone through Him who made the two one. And the one called unpardoned He named pardoned and the one who was called not my people named By my people and after the reconciliation of everything The bow and the sword and the war will be destroyed. For there will be no need for weapons for those who are fighting when there are no combatants. Israel will unite with the Gentiles, and the words of Deuteronomy will be fulfilled: Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people(Deut. 32:43) for God is known in Judea; Israel's name is great(Ps. 75:2) .

Commentaries on the minor ​prophets.

Art. 6-9 The Jews and our Judaizers claim that this too will be fulfilled in a literal sense - that in the light of Christ, who, as they think, will come at the end of the world, all animals will be tamed, and leaving their former ferocity, the lion will graze along with the lamb and other animals with others, whom we now see as hostile to each other. If everything in this place is accepted as it is written and nothing has a spiritual meaning, corresponding to the word of the apostle who said: “ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ"(2 Cor. 1:3): then we must ask them (the Jews and Judaizers): does this mean that the root and the rod and the flower cannot be understood in a spiritual sense? And the earth smitten by the word of God, and the wicked one killed by the spirit of His mouth, must be understood as it is written? Let them also teach us how the loins of the Lord are girded with incorporeal objects - righteousness and truth. Let us also ask them whether it is worthy of the greatness of God that a wolf and a lamb will graze together, a leopard will lie with a kid, a lion will eat chaff, and a small child will put his hand on an asp’s hole? Unless, perhaps, according to the fables of the poets, they will paint before us the golden age of Saturn, in which wolves and sheep will graze together, the rivers will flow with pleasant wine, the sweetest honey will drip from the leaves of the trees and everything will be filled with milky springs. If they answer that in blessed times all this will happen, so that without harm to anyone people will enjoy all the benefits, then let them hear from us that there is no benefit except virtue, as the Psalmist says: whoever is a man, even if he lives, loves the days to see good things; keep your tongue from evil and do not speak flattery from your lips. Avoid evil and do good(Ps. 33:13-14) . Wealth, bodily health and abundance in everything, as well as the opposite of this - poverty, sickness and misery, are not recognized by the philosophers of the world as either good or evil, but are called indifferent objects. Therefore, the Stoics, who agree with our teaching in many respects, call nothing good except honesty and virtue, and nothing evil except vice. We briefly expressed this in order to prove that our Judaizers are raving in a deep sleep. According to the life-giving spirit, understanding is easy. For the wolf is Paul, who at first persecuted and tormented the church, about whom it is said: Benjamin - predator wolf, lived with a lamb, or with Ananias, with whom he was baptized (Gen. 19:27; Acts 7), or with the Apostle Peter, to whom it was said: feed my lambs(John 21), and the leopard, who at first did not change his motley spots, having washed himself in the source, lay with a kid, not with the neck, but with the one that is slain on the Passover of God. It should also be noted that it is not the lamb and the kid who will live and lie with the leopard and the wolf, but the wolf and the leopard will imitate the innocence of the lamb and the kid. And the lion, formerly the most ferocious animal, and the sheep and the calf will live together. We constantly see this in the church - that rich and poor, strong and humble, kings and private individuals live here together, and are ruled in the church by little children, by which we mean the apostles and apostolic men, ignorant in word, but not in mind. When they are united among themselves by the teaching of the Lord, so that their families are united, then what will be fulfilled will be fulfilled. their young ones will lie together. And the lion will not eat meat, but chaff, which, i.e., will eat simple food. And here it should be noted that it is not the ox that will eat meat, but the lion will eat the chaff. I believe that in the holy Scriptures by chaff are meant the simple words, and by wheat and inner grain the meaning found in the letter. And it often happens that the people of the age, not knowing the mysterious, feed on the simple reading of the Scriptures. And the child, infancy with malice, puts his hand into the asp’s hole, and expels demons from human bodies possessed by demons. A person who is weaned from the breast does not feed on the milk of childhood, but consumes solid food. He places his hand on the basilisk's cave; those. to the dwelling of Satan himself and removes him from there. Therefore the apostles were given authority tread on snakes and scorpions and all the power of the enemy(Luke 10:19) And before, poisonous animals will not cause harm or death to those who will dwell in the holy mountain of God, meaning the Church, the mountain about which the Gospel says: the hail cannot hide at the top of the fire standing(Matt. 5:14) . And so that we do not think that, in accordance with the error of the Jews, this is being said about Mount Zion, the following verse indicates the secrets of the Gospel preaching: for the land was filled with the knowledge of the Lord, which is also what was discussed above in secret: the wolf will live with the lamb and the leopard will lie with the kid. And, according to custom, the prophetic words are explained at the end: how water, says, sea covering. How sea waters cover the depths of the sea, i.e. the earth that is covered with waves, so the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord. And the blessed Apostle Peter testifies that he saw such a combination of previously different morals in a linen vessel that came down from heaven, which had four edges, by which we mean the four corners of the world - he saw it as evidence that the earth was filled with the knowledge of God, in which vessel there were also four-legged beasts and creeping things and birds of the air, so that the Church in the world represents the same thing as the ark during the flood.

Interpretation of the book of the prophet Isaiah. Book four.

Eusebius of Caesarea

Art. 6-7 Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and a little child will lead them. And the cow will graze with the she-bear, and their cubs will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.

Isaiah continues to prophetically predict the change of all foreign nations - barbarians and Greeks... through the teachings of Christ. It is clear that the described irrational animals and wild beasts are none other than peoples, due to the rudeness of their character. He who comes from the root of Jesse will rule over the nations. This is the origin of our Savior and Lord, in whom the nations now believe and hope, according to what has been said: And he will speak languages... and languages[those. pagan peoples] they will trust in Him.

Evidence for the Gospel.

Lopukhin A.P.

Art. 6-9 Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and a little child will lead them. And the cow will feed with the she-bear, and their cubs will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. And the child will play over the asp's hole, and the child will stretch out his hand into the snake's nest. They will not do evil or harm in all My holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

Depicting the nature of the future kingdom of the Messiah, the prophet first of all draws the attention of his readers to the metamorphosis that will take place in the animal world. Peace will then reign throughout all nature; the most cruel and dangerous animals will lose their cruelty and bloodthirsty instincts and, content with plant food, will live in peace with weaker animals. Then the prophet foreshadows the spread of true knowledge of God throughout the entire earth.

Interpreters differ in their understanding of this passage. Some understand here real animals, others (namely the fathers of the Church and some of the newest interpreters, for example, Smend) see in animals a symbolic designation of pagan peoples who acted in relation to the chosen people, like predatory animals in relation to lambs and kids (the so-called allegorical explanation).

Which opinion is correct? Most likely - the first one. In fact, where the prophets speak allegorically, this is clear from the context of the speech (see Jer. 5:6), and yet there is no basis for an allegorical change. On the contrary, here the prophet naturally prepares, so to speak, the ground for the subsequent depiction of peace between people, which is possible only when the struggle for existence in external nature ceases. Animals must meet the new man, having themselves been renewed in advance, just as they once met the primordial Adam. And the prophet’s entire image of this world between animals is in complete agreement with the story of the book of Genesis about the state of the primordial world.

In fact, animals, before the Fall of man, ate only plant foods (Gen. 1:30), man was “lord” over them - at least over those with whom he communicated in Eden (Gen. 1:26, ; 2 :19 et seq.), and the prophet Isaiah could obviously talk about the restoration of this entire original state of affairs. The Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the Romans probably had your place in mind when he said that the unreasonable nature will be freed from serving vanity (Rom. 8:20-22), which, by the way, consists of a constant struggle for existence, which animals must lead among themselves, so, therefore, the New Testament confirms the idea that Isaiah could have had real animals in mind when he spoke about the future world in nature.

But when will this metamorphosis occur in the relationship between all living things? The prophet does not clearly indicate the time frame for such a change, and therefore some interpreters attribute the fulfillment of this prophecy to the era when there will be a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness dwells (2 Pet. 3:12), while others have found it possible to allow a partial fulfillment of this prophecies already in real, temporary life. Of these two opinions, the second seems more likely. The context of the speech shows that the prophet is generally talking about the earthly service of the Messiah: He will judge, that is, resolve various types of litigation, of course, on earth, and not in heaven, where there will be no need for such service: - He will kill the wicked etc. In the same way, the end of the chapter (verses 10-16) clearly depicts the consequences of the earthly activities of the Messiah. It would therefore be strange if the prophet inserted into this whole picture in the middle a moment from a completely different era - from the life of an already glorified world. If defenders of the first opinion point out that living reality does not speak for the possibility of such a metamorphosis in the animal world, then it must be answered that the prophet spoke about the changes that would be made in the life of the Christian world...

Explanatory Bible.

Quotvultdey of Carthage

Art. 6-8 Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and a little child will lead them. And the cow will feed with the she-bear, and their cubs will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. And the child will play over the asp's hole, and the child will stretch out his hand into the snake's nest.

When the promise is fulfilled, kings, middle-class people and the poor will come together at the same table of Christ - as we believe and foresee - according to the prophet Isaiah: Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and the ox, and the lion, and the lamb shall eat straw together, and a little child shall lead them.

The Book of God's Promises and Predictions.

A 120 square meter mosaic containing biblical verses was found in southern Turkey.

During archaeological excavations in the southern Turkish province of Adana, a new Byzantine mosaic covering an area of ​​120 square meters was discovered. m. (1300 sq. ft.), dating from the 5th–6th centuries AD. The mosaic contains a Bible verse in Greek as well as images of various animals living together in peace.

The mosaic depicts 16 wild and domestic animals. These include wolf, sheep, leopard, goat, bull, lion, bear and snake. They all live peacefully together, sleep side by side, graze and eat together.

The image of peacefully coexisting animals, traditionally hostile to each other, is accompanied by Bible verses written in Greek, taken from Isaiah 65:25: “The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion, like the ox, will eat straw, but to the serpent dust is dust.” will be food: they will not cause harm or harm in all My holy mountain, says the Lord.”

The mosaic, 15 meters long and 8 meters wide, was recently discovered during archaeological excavations on a private property in the area of ​​Karlik (Karlik) in Sarıçam district of Adana province. The excavations are being carried out by the General Directorate of Cultural Property of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey together with the Directorate of Adana Museums.

The mosaic was moved for further study to the laboratory, which is located in a 10,000 square meter museum complex being created on the territory of the historic National Textile Factory of Adana. After restoration, the mosaic will be transferred as an exhibit to the new museum and will be available for viewing.

Sabri Tari, Adana's director of culture and tourism, explained that excavations in and around Adana, which are trying to find artifacts for exhibition in the new facility, are being carried out at 15 different sites.

The acting director of the Adana Museum, Nedim Dervisoglu, explained that they chose this site for excavation because they were able to calculate that the foundation of the residence was located here. He added that they were very pleased to have made such a find at the first excavation site they chose from among 15 supported by the Ministry.

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A huge ancient mosaic with a quote from the book of the prophet Isaiah was found

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- How smart I am! - he yelled. - How smart it is - terrible! - And he crowed the rooster.
I have to admit that he was a monstrous arrogant. Wendy was amazed.
-You asked! - she exclaimed. - And, of course, in your opinion, I didn’t do anything?
-Well, a little.

The love relationship between Leo and Ram, although it can become warm and wonderful, will also not be free from frequent emotional assaults, especially if the pride of each of them resembles an impregnable block of ice. But, between two Sun signs the ice melts quickly, and after storms the sky clears of clouds, and everything looks fresh and green again.
Often it starts like this: he promises to call her at five, calls her at midnight and does not want to explain anything. He tells her that she makes grammatical mistakes, that she wears too much makeup. Finally, he tells her to be quiet, listen to him and try to change.
Of course, we are building a wall between them. She is infuriated by this unbearable self-confidence, and she suddenly decides to leave him. Who needs one like that anyway? And she does it. Although she understands that, despite her external independence, in the end there was a person who guessed that this was not so. Nothing good would come of it if she immediately told him to go to hell. Then she will remember how warm and sympathetic his voice was when he finally called, no matter how late. She will remember how much gentle irony there was in his jokes about her crimson shadows or some of her next mistakes. Maybe it was tender care, and not at all unbearable condescension? And... maybe it's better to forgive him? (Eventually she will do it. She is won over.)
It wouldn't be long until he stopped making endless comments to her about her ignorance, which she didn't even suspect. Moreover, she will be amazed to find herself enjoying it. Of course, after the charm of novelty disappears and the Aries woman descends from the sky-high heights to earth, she will more than once try to take revenge, just to maintain parity, and the “big cat” will feel what a lion in a cage experiences, seeing his tamer in front of her. First surprise, then irritation, finally rage. But in the end he is subdued. In fact, he's cool with her fierce temperament, at least until it kills his own. But that doesn't happen. For where has it been seen that Mars eclipsed the Sun?
This is a strong magnetic combination according to the scheme of 5-9 Solar signs, and therefore, when Venus appears to two Fire signs, we should expect a stormy love scene. What if these old, deeply hidden dreams are not so impossible? After all, these are his dreams too. Mars' confidence can move mountains! As for her desire to dictate and defiant independence, behind them lies the desire for someone to lead her on the right path. Isn't Leo abundantly endowed with the ability to organize the lives of other people and protect them from mistakes? The Aries woman definitely challenges him, but has Leo ever shied away from a challenge? She may shake his masculinity with a few hard blows, but Leos are not weak at all. He should put her in her place. After he directs her Mars energy in the right way, he can calm down. She, in turn, gives him all the fire he needs, when he needs it and when he doesn’t.
Because he is more practical and responsible (remember, Leo is a Fixed Sign), she will often accuse him of being wretched and stupid. Because of her greater liveliness and mobility, it will seem to him that she is exhausting him. Most of their spores are born independently of them on a subconscious level (less often consciously) for the pure pleasure of showing off and being convinced once again of the feelings of another. Reconciliation will be filled with delight every time. Their friends may wonder more than once why they are still together, but they know why.
But, of course, their life will not turn into a continuous quarrel. Under the influence of the 5-9 vibration, they will experience many wonderful, crazy, joyful and ecstatic moments. The natural simplicity of the Aries woman strangely touches him, the Leo man, touching a string of responsibility in his romantic heart. The enthusiasm of her nature is contagious, because he himself is endowed with sunny enthusiasm. Aries is the symbolic Child of the Zodiac, so her naivety and innocent appearance awaken deep wells of tenderness in his soul, he feels the urge to protect this brave, bright soul who, like a true child, has no idea of ​​the many dangers that threaten her. He will help her avoid them thanks to his wisdom and mature mind, for Leo is ahead of Aries on the Karmic wheel of life.
Having experienced the reliability of Leo's feelings, she will reject the childish essence of her Sun sign, stop demanding, get rid of the fear that she might fall and no one will help her. His arms will catch her if she falls, he will be able to satisfy all her needs. And she will calm down, become softer, more pliable... A woman under the influence of Mars admires strength, both physical and moral, and she trusts this man, although she has always fought against the need to obey.
Aries and Leo have an amazing ability to satisfy each other's physical needs, which is enhanced by constant emotional heating. Sexual experience can be very beneficial for both, because each is able to give the other what he expects from an intimate relationship: passion combined with love. This is not very common - many people are able to give only one of the two, and never both at once... But Leo will never give up his freedom. He wants to roam freely in the jungle and is not sensitive to the rattling chains of jealousy. So is she. However, what does freedom mean in these cases?
The situation is not that simple at all. The Aries woman will have to let him walk on a rope of extreme length, but he will put her on such a short chain, which is hardly enough to hang herself with it. It is immeasurably more difficult for Leo to humble his pride than for an Aries woman. Submission is a virtue that Leo always preaches, but which he completely lacks. She will have to be the first to forgive and try to understand. I wish her good luck and courage. She will need them.
Their sexual consent will not come without some hard knocks. The Aries girl is characterized by one amazing oddity. She knows how little chance she has of finding an innocent young man for herself, but she knows this only with her head. In her heart, under the influence of Mars, other ideas live. As incredible as it may seem, she would prefer to think that she was the first woman he had touched, whispered words of love to, and possessed. But since getting carried away is almost as natural for a Leo man as breathing, her hopes are in vain. She diligently remembers all the information about his passionate sighs in the past that she manages to extract from him, including names, dates, places of action. Let him make love to other women this way. She will accept it, even though it will hurt her. (Rams always face troubles courageously, once they understand that it is inevitable.) However, it is not at all necessary to think that he enjoyed it, is it? Maybe he was seduced; Maybe some scoundrel twisted his hands or tied him with a rope, but he resisted for a long time and is still haunted in his nightmares by the full horror of what happened?
But Leo is not at all inclined to support her illusions. He is too proud and honest. No, they didn’t tie him to the bed with four knots, no one twisted his hands. (Remember, we are talking about his past love experience. There is no question that she is able to forget and forgive his betrayals in the present and future. She simply will not be able to forgive - that’s how Aries are.) In any case, after she forces him to tell about the past, playing on the strings of his exorbitant vanity, he will hasten to assure her that he did not give his heart to any of those girls and that this was only the case before meeting her. But she might not hear him. Her imagination will be occupied with images of wild orgies. Her knight in shining armor left a lot of legacy, and his white horse turned into a dirty gray donkey!
Such a broken dream of illusory purity can destroy the sexual harmony between an idealistic Aries and a Leo with great love experience in the past. What about her past love life? This is a completely different matter! She will find thousands of excuses not to talk about it.
There are two possible solutions. The first thing that depends on her is the need to cope with her emotions and realize that the Present, if it is strong and beautiful, cannot be tainted by the Past, which has long been forgotten. However, for the typical Mars temperament, such a solution is almost impossible. It is against her nature, unless the Aries woman has a more independent and objective Moon and Ascendant, for example in Gemini or Libra. (The presence of a Water Moon and Ascendant will also contribute to this, but then the Aries woman may be too independent and aggressive to suit Leo, and other problems will arise.)
The best way out is for Leo to tell her often enough about the negative emotions that accompanied his past love experiences, and never tire of admiring all the joys of sexual satisfaction that she gave him.
Her sincere admiration for his courage, reliability and wisdom strengthens Leo's masculinity (although it is often overshadowed by his other qualities). His firm refusal to submit to her awakens her hidden femininity that she was unaware of. However, although she may become more submissive, he will never give up his individuality and independence, even for her sake. He always needs worship to satisfy his ever-hungry “it,” and for her, the need for worship is a sign of weakness that she never needed. Leo will provide her with inexhaustible opportunities to cultivate this quality in herself. The Aries woman knows that her chosen one is stronger than her, and this only attracts her. But if he uses his power too aggressively, the effect will be exactly the opposite. Aries will never agree with any form of feudal attitude towards a woman. But she had better submit if she wants her Master and Master to set her free.
She will admire him, respect him and love him very much. But she will not love herself less and will not refuse to act in her own way, although, perhaps, she will allow him to advise her on exactly what to do. Moments are also inevitable when he will cool her ardor, ridiculing her with all the practicality of Leo hope. She can hurt his pride by daring to interrupt him mid-sentence or without asking his advice. Then he will freeze her with royal arrogance, and she will enrage him with violent anger. But when he thaws and her fury subsides, happiness will always return to them.
As is the case with all 5-9 Sun sign couples, Aries and Leo will soon realize that their initial attraction to each other develops into a deeper feeling of love and empathy because the strong wobble of their Suns is under the beneficial influence of the ninth house ruler, Jupiter. Any union of 5-9 Solar signs, in which the partners are truly serious, experiences to a certain extent the beneficial influence of the rays of Jupiter. If you love one person for a long time so that everything else seems to you just part of something important, you better understand the feelings of others. You understand what it is like for those who are suffering and lonely. For some reason, you even want to share your peace and your joy with them.
Love is a blessing for Aries and Leo, and this confirms what they see when they look deeply into each other's eyes. He sees a woman vulnerable enough to need his wise guidance, yet independent enough to challenge him and fuel his energy. She sees a man soft enough to treat her tenderly, and yet strong enough to protect her and dominate her. There are no deep contradictions between Aries and Leo. The birth of love between these two can herald the peace promised by ancient prophecies... "When the lamb lies down with the Lion..."