Water supply      09/04/2023

Washing machine - how to connect it yourself at home with your own hands and avoid typical beginner mistakes. Connecting the washing machine to the electrical network: electrical connection diagram, typical connection errors Washing machine water supply

Now there are no problems with choosing and purchasing automatic washing machines, but the same cannot be said about installing them. Not every man is ready to do all the installation work on his own. However, you don’t want to spend extra money on the services of a specialist, given that professionals charge dearly for their work. In this case, you will have to personally understand the theory and understand how to connect the washing machine yourself in practice to the sewerage system and water supply. You will have to tinker with the electrical wiring, and also replace the electrical outlet if it is not grounded. All connections and connections must be secure to prevent leakage. Installation work can be carried out in various ways, from which everyone chooses the most convenient and practical.

This video clearly demonstrates how to properly connect a washing machine to the water supply system and sewer network.

Choosing a reliable place to install a household appliance

In a standard city apartment, there is not much room for confusion when choosing a suitable place for a stationary placement of an automatic washing machine. Usually they choose from three options - kitchen, bathroom, toilet, if the bathroom is separate. Moreover, only top-loading models, which have compact dimensions, can be placed in the toilet.

Important! When choosing a location, do not forget that there should be free access to the installed equipment. After all, washing machines are used quite intensively, especially in families with small children.

It is best to install the machine on a concrete base. This will reduce vibration of the device to a minimum during operating mode. With the help of twist-out legs, they ensure a level position for the machine, both horizontally and vertically.

We carry out proper unpacking

Manufacturers carefully package complex household equipment, such as a washing machine, to prevent damage to the product during transportation. Therefore, before starting installation work, the device is freed from its original packaging, and then the bolts that specifically secure the tank are removed. The manufacturer supplies the device with plugs used to close the resulting holes. Bolts removed from the machine must be stored and used for their intended purpose during transportation of the equipment.

Removing shipping bolts and installing plugs

The procedure for removing shipping parts is specified in full detail in the text of the instructions, which are necessarily attached to each household appliance by the manufacturer. When purchasing imported equipment, make sure that the instructions are translated into Russian. If you carefully follow the diagram in the buyer's manual, you will be able to connect the washing machine without any problems.

Important! Please remember that it is strictly prohibited to turn on equipment with shipping bolts. If this is allowed, then breakdown of important technical components of the household appliance is inevitable. Moreover, the consequences can be catastrophic, to the point that repairs will not help. In this case, you cannot count on a warranty, because the cause of damage will be related to installation errors.

Connecting the washing machine to the water supply

The washing machine can only be operated if there is an uninterrupted supply of cold water. Each washing mode requires water at a certain temperature. Therefore, the incoming cold water is heated automatically.

Do-it-yourself connection of the washing machine to the central water supply is done using the inlet hose supplied with the technical product. If the length of this hose is not sufficient, then you can purchase a longer copy at any store specializing in the sale of building materials.

Inserting a tap into the water supply system to connect a washing machine

There is a special hole on the back panel of the automatic machine to connect the inlet hose. The second end of the hose must be connected to the water pipe and this can be done in several ways.

  • The easiest way to connect is if the system has a separate tap specifically designed for this purpose. You will need an adapter whose thread will match the threads of the tap and inlet hose. Both threaded connections must be carefully sealed to eliminate the possibility of leakage.
  • If the water supply system in a house or apartment is made of metal pipes, then to connect it you will have to install a tap. A ball valve equipped with two outlets, as well as a clamp (bandage), is purchased. To drill a hole in a pipe, you must first turn off the water. Then a bandage with a seal is put on the resulting hole and the tap is screwed in. An inlet hose is connected to the free outlet of the ball valve.
  • You can independently connect the washing machine to the water supply using a pass-through ball valve with three terminals. When choosing faucets, you should not skimp on quality. It is better to give preference to brass taps. If the machine is placed in a toilet, then to connect cold water use the junction of the flush tank and the hose.

Important! When performing work, do not twist the inlet hose or “break” it. Threaded connections are sealed with a rubber gasket or a special elastic plumbing tape.

We ensure the drainage of waste water into the sewer system

Many owners don’t really think about how to connect the washing machine drain to the sewer system. Simply secure the drain hose using the special plastic hook included in the kit to the edge of the bathtub or sink. If the machine is in the toilet, then the drain hose is simply lowered into the toilet. This method, although simple, is not very convenient. Plumbing fixtures quickly become dirty from the water drained after washing. Yes, and it is difficult to use them for their intended purpose. A flood cannot be avoided if you forget about the placement of the drain hose.

Methods for draining waste water from a washing machine

It is much safer and more practical to connect the washing machine drain through a special siphon, which looks like a plastic elbow with an outlet. It is on this outlet that the tip of the drain hose is put on.

Important! The outlet must be located above the curved section of the knee, which will ensure connection with the atmosphere. It is forbidden to connect the drain directly to the sewer system, since the tightness of the connection will create a “siphon” effect. In this case, the machine simultaneously pumps water and drains it. There is also an unpleasant odor inside the washing machine.

How to properly connect equipment to the electrical network?

You can’t joke with electricity, as mistakes made when connecting the machine can cost the owners their lives. Therefore, it is better to invite an experienced electrician to perform electrical installation work. The specialist will determine the power and cross-section of the supply wires and select a cable of the appropriate brand. Install a Euro socket with a grounding contact and a residual current device. It is not recommended to use tees and extensions, as this may cause a fire.

Therefore, you can connect the washing machine to the sewer and water supply with your own hands, since this work does not require special knowledge. Entrust everything else to a qualified electrician so as not to worry about the health of your loved ones.

July 14, 2016
Specialization: master of interior and exterior finishing (plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate, etc.). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, the renovation of an apartment or house was done on a turnkey basis with all the necessary types of work.

If you need to know how to connect a washing machine to the sewer, then you have come to the right place for advice. I want to talk about two main methods that can generally be applied in this case. In addition, I will explain the features of the sidebar, and also invite you to watch the video in this article.

Two methods

There is another, third way, which you see in the photo above.
But this is no longer a connection, but simply fixing the hose with a U-shaped adapter over the side of the bathroom.
This U-shaped fitting is included in the kit for every automatic washing machine.

Method one

It is not for nothing that I focus your attention on the automatic machine, since there the water is drained forcibly. Therefore, all the instructions below apply specifically to this type of washing machine:

  • on the plumbing market there are currently on sale siphons for sinks, sinks and bathtubs with an additional outlet for connecting a hose 22 mm in diameter;
  • we can say that there are much more such siphons (with an additional outlet) offered than conventional ones;
  • If you install such a siphon, but for some reason you will not connect the washing machine, then the output can be closed with the plug included in the kit.

Method two

But the correct connection of the washing machine to the sewer directly into the pipeline may differ slightly:

  • the hose, which is designed to drain water in an automatic washing machine, has a diameter of 22 mm, but there is no special socket for bends on 50 mm or 32 mm pipelines;
  • therefore, a rubber reduction with a transition to 22 mm is used for connection here— its price is rather symbolic, but the device fully corresponds to its purpose — it is convenient and airtight;
  • if your washing unit is located in close proximity to a 50mm sewer pipe, then of course you will be cutting into it through a tee;
  • but if the machine is located at the other end of the room, then you should use a 32 mm PVC pipe, connecting it to a 50 mm outlet;
  • in such cases, the scheme for connecting the washing machine to the sewer does not require installing the 32nd pipe at an angle, since the drainage here is forced;
  • The 32nd pipe is also connected to the outlet socket of the 50th pipe using a rubber reduction.

The drain hose on some units has a diameter of 19 mm on the machine side and 22 mm on the pipeline side.

Features of connecting a washing machine

First of all, you should know if your washing machine has a check valve on the drain that only allows water to flow in one direction. Only in this case will you be able to figure out how to properly connect the washing machine to the sewer.

If such a device does not exist, then the manufacturer must indicate the height level at which the hose loop should be located - a water pipe is created in this area. This seal mainly serves to prevent the leakage of unpleasant odors that may come from the drain pipe through the machine.

In the latest models of automatic washing machines, for the most part, a non-return valve is provided, so in this regard there should be no questions about how to connect the hose. Your task is only to correctly connect the end pipe (it is smooth, without corrugation) with a rubber reduction or with an additional siphon outlet.

In order not to damage the rubber reduction, I usually lubricate it with liquid dishwashing detergent - this makes it easier to pack it into the socket and insert a smooth pipe into it.

If the connection is made through an additional siphon outlet, then you just need to remove the tube that is inserted there from the factory and install a hose pipe instead. To seal the connection, there is a coupling - it is indicated by the number 8 in the image - it presses against the conical gasket, which, in fact, provides a seal in this place.

That is, the tube that is in this siphon from the factory is installed there more to keep these parts in working condition.

If a standard drain hose does not reach the place where it inserts into the sewer, then it can be increased by adding a piece of the required length and connecting these fragments with a fitting and safety with 16x27 mm steel clamps. As I already said, the end pipes can have different diameters, which is why there are connecting fittings for two options - you see them in the top photo.

There are also modular hoses on sale, where each fragment is 0.5 m long, so you can implement any requests. But do not forget that the longer the outlet, the more difficult it is to cope with the water supply.

Connection to water supply

In this case, oddly enough, connecting the unit to the water supply is much easier than to the sewer, since here, in fact, there is no choice. In any case, the water supply pipeline must be located near the automatic machine and there must be shut-off valves in the form of a straight or corner valve. There are two clamping nuts on the hose itself, therefore, there must be a fitting with an external thread on the machine itself and on the shut-off valve.

It is noteworthy that the nuts are designed for a 3/4-inch diameter, therefore, the shut-off valves must have the exact same thread. But if a special tap that is designed for this purpose is made at 3/4, then the water supply wiring most often has 1/2 inch. Therefore, in some cases a reducing fitting will be required for connection.


In fact, connecting the unit to the sewer with your own hands is quite simple, if all connections are made carefully, that is, hermetically. But if you still have a misunderstanding on this issue, ask about it in the comments.

July 14, 2016

If you want to express gratitude, add a clarification or objection, or ask the author something - add a comment or say thank you!

When purchasing a washing machine, you can seek help from specialists to connect it. However, this procedure is quite easy, and many craftsmen are able to cope with it on their own. Let's find out how to connect a washing machine without calling specialists.

First of all, we carry out the preparatory work: we select the ideal location for installation. The most common places are the bathroom and kitchen. When choosing a point where you can install an automatic washing machine, you should adhere to the following factors:

  • close location of water supply, sewerage and electrical networks to connect a household appliance;
  • harmony with the surrounding interior;
  • flat floor surface;
  • Convenient installation and operation.

Disputes sometimes flare up among users about the location of the unit. Some argue that connecting a washing machine in the kitchen is the best option for installing it, while others prefer the bathroom.

In order not to create unnecessary problems and financial costs for yourself, it is better to install a washing unit in the bathroom.

In some city apartments this room is quite small in size, in which case you can accommodate your assistant under the sink, Just make the necessary measurements before purchasing to choose the correct height.

Experts have their own point of view on installation issues:

  1. Standard placement is in the bathroom, where communications are easily accessible and the floor is tiled.
  2. A kitchen is considered a viable option to save space in a small bathroom, but that's where the benefits end.
  3. Installation in the hallway as a last resort. Pros - there is no need to look for a place in the kitchen or bathroom, cons - additional communications are needed, and connecting to the water supply network will be problematic.

When all the options have been thought through and the installation location has been chosen, we proceed to the next stage of preparation - dismantling details washing machines that act as stoppers and dampers during transportation.

Any technician from the service center will confirm that this is a very important stage of preparation. If this is not done, then when starting up, important components of the washing machine will fail.

First of all, we remove the transportation bolts, then the spacer bars made of wood, and the safety brackets. IN Operating Instructions You will find the item “how to unlock a household appliance yourself,” where everything is described in detail.

Connecting the machine

Connecting a washing machine with your own hands is not difficult for those who understand technology, deftly handle various tools and have minimal knowledge of how to handle pipes, adapters and plumbing. If all this is unfamiliar to you, then it is better to contact specialists, having previously found out how much it costs to call a specialist to your home.

The diagram for connecting the washing machine to communications is shown in the photo; we will look at each action in more detail.

To the sewer

At first glance, organizing the draining of water from a car into a sewer is not a difficult matter, but in practice everything depends on the specifics of the connection, which is carried out using two main methods:

  1. Temporary connection when the drain hose is lowered into the bathtub or toilet (with a combined option).
  2. Stationary- tapping into the sewer is carried out, and here users often encounter certain difficulties.

Connecting the washing machine to the sewer is carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  • the length of the drain hose should not be too long, as this will increase the load on the drain pump, and it may fail prematurely;
  • When you connect the drain to the siphon, you prevent unpleasant odors from entering the machine from the sewer, which is an undeniable advantage.

Important! For proper drainage, the connection point of the hose to the siphon must be at least 50 cm from the floor level. The same rule must be followed when temporarily draining into a bathtub or sink for washing.

The drain hose is connected to the sink siphon for washing or drainage, as shown in the photo. As a result, the connection will be sufficient hermetically sealed.

To the water supply

A home handyman needs to know how to connect a washing machine to the water supply lines without adding an inlet hose with fittings from the manufacturer. If the machine is located at a distance of more than three meters from the water pipe, then the best option is to make a separate connection using a metal-plastic pipe to ensure that there are no leaks in the most inconvenient place.

At the connection point, it is necessary to install a tee, a separate valve to turn off the water in emergency cases.

If everything you need is within the length of the inlet hose, then connecting the washing machine yourself will not be difficult using one of the methods (see photo).

Let's look at the connection diagram through a separate valve(end valve). To do this, you will need a mortise clamp with a guide sleeve and a rubber gasket, or a tee.


  1. The clamp is carefully screwed into the water pipe with the sleeve facing outwards.
  2. The pipe is drilled with a drill and connected to a clamp or pipe section (an end valve is then installed on the latter).
  3. At the end of the pipe a thread is made identical to the thread on the clamp.
  4. The external thread is covered with a sealant or FUM tape.
  5. Next, the end valve is tightly screwed onto the outer pipe, and the washing machine hose is connected to its other end.
  6. The end of the hose is connected to the machine.
  7. At the final stage, everything is checked for leaks.

When connecting, you must fulfill the basic and quite important requirements:

  1. Do not lay the hose in places where there is a risk of possible mechanical damage.
  2. Under no circumstances should you allow the slightest a stretch, because deformation may occur due to vibration of the machine at maximum speed. The hose must lie completely free.
  3. All connections must be reliable and provide 100% tightness.
  4. Before entering the washing machine you can install filter to protect all systems from small particles and rust, this will only benefit the unit and extend its service life.

If you comply with these requirements, the floor in the room will be constantly dry while pouring water into the household appliance. That's all the tricks on how to independently organize the connection of the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage system.

Power connection nuances

Household appliances of this class, such as a washing unit, have a very high level of electrical energy consumption in the range of 1.5-2.5 kW. In addition, they are constantly in contact with water, so connecting the washing machine to electricity yourself must be done in compliance with all electrical safety requirements.

When the apartment has wiring based on aluminum wires, it is necessary to carry out a separate one - with copper wire, consisting of three cores with a cross section of 1.5 square meters. mm, separate AZO (residual current circuit breaker) and RCD (residual current device). In particular, this applies to old houses. The cable must be selected NYM type With triple insulation system, good rigidity, convenient for installation in walls.

When connecting the washing machine to the power supply yourself, you need to know that the household appliance is plugged into a separate waterproof outlet. When purchasing, remember; the higher the index of degrees of protection (there are only 8), the better. The socket is connected to the electrical panel via separate switch, with a rating of at least 25 A.

When the household appliance is in the bathroom, the machine must be unplugged when taking a shower to avoid electric shock.

If there is no grounding, then if the machine malfunctions during operation, there is a real danger of electric shock. Do not touch the body under any circumstances; prohibit children from entering the room when washing is in progress.

Connect to the electrical panel as follows:

  • blue color core is connected to zero;
  • green-yellow the wire is a grounding wire, it is attached to a separate screw on the panel body;
  • phase- to a separate switch or RCD.

Modern washing units must be connected to the device protective shutdown, which will protect you from unwanted exposure to electric current. The device must have the following parameters: current strength 16-32 A, and leakage value - 10-30 mA.

When the apartment without grounding, like the majority in the Russian Federation, then the connection must be made according to the following scheme, as shown in the figure. If you independently connect to the electrical panel on the floor in the entrance of an apartment building, consult an electrician from the housing office or ask him to perform these operations for a fee.

Important! If connected incorrectly, the neutral wire burns out and there is a real danger of electric shock to people.

To properly connect a washing machine to the home electrical network, you must strictly follow these recommendations:

  1. Laying autonomous power line to the installation site of the household appliance. Plastic boxes of various sizes are quite suitable for this, without spoiling the appearance of the apartment.
  2. Engage circuit breaker, install a separate protective shutdown device in the panel: then in the event of a problem with the machine, the power supply will be turned off only to it, and not the entire apartment will be de-energized.
  3. Use only recommended circuits that meet technical and operational specifications; The wiring must also meet the objectives.

I would especially like to draw attention to socket location for connection: it should not be located below 60 cm from the floor level and no further than 130 cm from the body of the machine.

We must remember that the electrical connection of a washing machine is the most difficult. If you know an electrician, then use his help: he will probably know how to properly connect the washing machine.

Machine leveling

The washing machine should be standing strictly horizontal, which is done using a building level, deviations are allowed no more than 2 degrees. The level is installed on the top of the housing. Leveling is carried out using height-adjustable legs; after finishing, they are secured with special nuts - tighten them counterclockwise with a wrench, but without fanaticism.

Place a rubber mat under the washing machine to prevent the feet from slipping. It is strictly forbidden to level your unit by placing foreign objects under the legs: if they vibrate, they may slip, and all your efforts will be in vain.

It is necessary to technologically correctly align the machine body; to do this, simply follow the recommendations of specialists:

  1. If the floor is level, the legs are securely fixed on a rubber mat, then the washing machine will stand securely.
  2. You can check the correct installation in the simplest way. Press on opposite corners of the body: if the machine does not move, then all leveling measures have been completed perfectly.

Checking the operation of the washing machine after connection

You can find out whether all the work has been completed correctly by the following signs:

  1. The washing machine tank is filled with water in a short period of time and to the desired level.
  2. The drum rotates evenly.
  3. No leaks.
  4. The water begins to heat up 5-6 minutes after filling the tank.
  5. The drain works fine.
  6. No spin failures.
  7. There is no extraneous noise when the machine operates.

When installing and connecting a washing machine, it is necessary to take into account the features of each model. The attached instructions will help with this.

How to connect a washing machine with your own hands? The task is not difficult, but it has its own characteristics, we described them in this article so that you can confidently and correctly make your first installation in your life.

Connecting to a water supply - techniques

To connect a washing unit in a bathroom, kitchen or other room, you must ensure that the machine has access to a water supply. In this case, two rules must be observed: stable pressure of at least 1 atmosphere and clean water. You can provide access to fluid in different ways.

One of the most common options is tapping using a crimp coupling. In this case, you will need a flexible hose, one end of which is connected directly to the machine, and the other to the coupling and through it to the water supply. This method is suitable if you have metal pipes. First of all, we fix the crimp element on the pipeline, and then drill a hole in the system directly through it.

If you have metal-plastic pipes, then a tee is perfect. We cut out a piece of pipe and insert a fitting into the resulting space. Next, we connect a ball valve to it and provide access to the water supply through a flexible hose. You can also install a tee at the junction with the drain tank or mixer. In this case, there is no need to cut or solder anything, but the aesthetic side will suffer significantly. And before each wash you will have to remove the tap hose, which is not very convenient, especially if the unit is in the kitchen.

But what to do if not? Residents of private buildings often face this problem, and it doesn’t matter whether you planned to park the machine in the kitchen or in the bathroom. In such conditions, the location will be determined by a large reservoir, which will be the source of water. However, there is one problem: this tank must stand at a height of 3 meters. Next, using a hose, we provide a water supply. And by installing a small pumping station, you don’t have to raise the container, but then you’ll have to spend money.

Types of drains and safety basics

But ensuring fluid supply is only half of it. We continue to study how to connect a washing machine, because the used water must still be drained somewhere. The easiest way is to buy a special hose with a hook and drain the soapy liquid directly into the bathroom or through the toilet. But this option is not the most convenient. It is much better to make the drain stationary. Construction stores sell special siphons, both for kitchen use and for sinks, which have an outlet for the washing machine.

The outlet in the siphon must be located above the knee, otherwise there is a high probability that water from the sewer will enter the device. And then an unpleasant smell cannot be avoided.

You can also install a special outlet under the car directly on the sewer pipe, but only if its thickness is 4–5 cm. In this case, you will need a special hose in the shape of the letter “S” and seals. We insert the flexible element into the sewer so that there is no contact with waste water, and its upper edge should be at a height of at least 50 cm from the floor.

Installing a washing machine yourself also involves ensuring reliable protection of the device from electrical leaks and breakdowns. One of the most desirable devices can be called aquacontrol. This device monitors water and electrical leaks and, if necessary, turns off the unit. In expensive models, aquastop is usually included in the package, but if you decide to save on the car itself, you should additionally purchase protective equipment.

An RCD, or residual current device, trips as soon as you touch a metal part or wire of the equipment. So if there are children in the house, then you cannot save on such a device. In addition, it provides protection against damage due to insulation wear, high humidity and mechanical stress.

We assemble the entire circuit ourselves

Although installing a washing machine yourself seems like a simple task, some problems may arise with the connection. Below are detailed instructions that everyone can cope with the task.

How to connect a washing machine - step by step diagram

Step 1: Select a location

The first thing to focus on is choosing a location. This problem is relevant for owners of both large private houses and small apartments. In the first case, you need to determine the most convenient location, and in the second, you simply need to find a place. There are 3 options: in the kitchen, in the bathroom and in the closet. When choosing between the first two options, it would be correct to give preference to the kitchen.

Why is it undesirable to connect in the bathroom? Due to too high humidity in this room, which often leads to household electrical injuries. In addition, a damp environment in the bathroom negatively affects the service life of many components of the unit. There is often little space in the kitchen, and when connecting a washing machine in this room, we have to sacrifice work space, no matter how hard we try to avoid it.

Although most of us are accustomed to seeing this unit in the bathroom or kitchen, the best option is a closet adjacent to one of the rooms where there is access to a water source. True, you will have to punch a hole in the wall to ensure inlet and outlet. But in general, if you have a special tool, doing this correctly and accurately is quite possible. And in order for air to circulate in the room while the machine is running, you just need to open the door.

Step 2: Unboxing

Immediately before connection, all transport parts must be removed from the unit. These include bars, bolts and brackets that secure all rotating elements during transportation. The drain hoses and power cord are usually held together with staples, and the tank is bolted on. After unscrewing the hardware, the tank should hang on the springs. Close the bolt hole with the special plug included in the kit. And by tilting the unit forward, you can remove the bars located between the body and the drum.

Step 3: Grounding

When you have purchased an expensive washing machine from a world-famous manufacturer, as a rule, the price of the unit includes the connection. It would seem that nothing can disturb your happiness, but the master comes and suddenly it turns out that there is no protective grounding. As a result, the specialist refuses to carry out the installation, and the warranty is removed from the machine. But even if you purchased a budget option without special conditions, grounding is still required. Otherwise, there is again a high probability of being left without warranty service.

You can carry out electrical connections yourself only if you have the appropriate education and work experience. There is also electronic grounding, which is relevant for multi-storey buildings. However, such a device has a significant drawback - increased sensitivity to air. So the device often works when it is not needed. And as you know, the greatest load occurs when electrical equipment is turned on or off. So before doing such grounding, ask whether this will affect the warranty.

Step 4: Installation

It is important to install the machine correctly in the bathroom, kitchen or other room, since its performance depends on the position. We will need a level from the tool. An inclination of more than 2° and vibration will lead to rapid failure of parts. Therefore, it is necessary that the coating under the device is reliable and does not “play.” A concrete floor is best suited; most often such a base is found in the bathroom. We check the horizontal level of the top panel of the machine with a level and, if necessary, adjust the height of the legs. In all models they are twisted. Pieces of linoleum, cardboard, and wooden blocks should not be placed correctly; this will negatively affect stability.

Step 5: Connection

Now it’s time to provide a connection to the water supply and drain according to the chosen option. If the machine does not have a check valve, then you should take into account the level at which the drain hose is located. This value is specified in the technical documentation. In houses with a boiler, you can power the unit with hot water and then save on electricity. The first thing to do is drain, then, turning off the water, we provide its supply.

Step 6: Power Supply

It is advisable to install an RCD for such a powerful device, but if this is not possible, then an exception can be made. In addition, it is a good idea to worry about stable voltage in the network. It’s good that today there are many devices that, if not level, then at least turn off electrical equipment during dangerous surges. This problem is especially relevant for residents of the private sector.

Step 7: Check

Having connected the automatic washing machine with your own hands, you should check how it works. First, we give the go-ahead to the water supply and see if there are any leaks in the hose system. If such a problem is discovered, it must be corrected immediately. Then we turn on the unit to the network and start the test mode. If everything is done correctly, then after completing the cycle, the machine should turn off automatically; in some models, a sound signal or a message on the display notifies you of the completion of the wash. Next, turn off the hot water to check if the self-heating function works. This can be done by standard washing or by using the test again.

A washing machine is a good helper in the household.

It costs a lot.

To save money, you can try installing and connecting it yourself.

This requires:

  • find a suitable location;
  • connect to the network;
  • bring water;
  • connect to the sewer.

The automatic machine is installed so that there are fewer wires and pipes. When there are a lot of them, they look ugly. They are easy to trip over and cause injury or damage. This means that there must be water and sewer pipes and an outlet near the machine.

Usually the washing machine is placed in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway. When choosing a location, you should take into account the noise the machine makes and the fact that it can bounce and move during the spin cycle.

Electrical connection

You can connect to the power supply through an outlet. The closer it is to the washing machine, the better.

Modern technology requires a grounded European socket.

It is better to choose a special socket with a lid that protects it from moisture.

It is worth noting: If you want to install the machine under the sink, then you need to choose a sink in which the siphon is located not in the center, but at the back.

If the house is old, check that its power matches the power of the machine indicated in the instructions (2000 watts or more).

If it does not correspond, you can lay a wire in the wall to the meter and install a separate 16 Ampere circuit breaker.

This wire should consist of three cores. Connecting a washing machine through an extension cord is very undesirable. The instructions for some models specifically prohibit this.

Expert advice: To prevent electric shock, you can lay a rubber mat under and next to the machine, at the same time it will reduce vibration during the spin cycle.

To the water supply

Select the connection location. It could be:

  • the connection point between the pipe and the flexible hose leading to the mixer;
  • connection point with the hose leading to the toilet cistern;
  • any place on a metal-plastic pipe;
  • mixer.

In the first and second cases, you need to remove the flexible hose, in the third, cut the pipe in the selected location. In the latter, the mixer is removed from the pipe supplying cold water from the water supply.

Then everything is done the same way. A tee with a tap is installed. Two holes are used for pipes and a mixer that were already there before connection. The third hole is for the machine hose that supplies water.

Three or four turns of fum tape are made on the threads of any connection (this is a thin white tape that is sold in any plumbing store specifically for plumbing work).

Screwing onto such a thread is tighter, but water will not drip from the connection.

All threaded connections must be tightened as tightly as possible with a wrench or an adjustable wrench (the same wrench, only its “jaws” can be moved apart for different diameters).

Master's Note: All taps and connections are sold with the necessary gaskets and rings. Make sure they don't fall off or get lost.

No running water

What to do if there is no running water:

  1. Carry water and pour it into the machine manually. (You can read about how to connect a washing machine if there is no running water, and how to choose a washing machine for rural areas).
  2. Place the water tank at a height of 2-3 meters and connect it to the automatic machine. Due to the high altitude, water enters the machine under sufficient pressure.
  3. Make a homemade pumping station.
  4. Buy a factory version.

Below is a detailed description of the installation of a pumping station of our production:

To the sewer

The machine has a drain hose. At the back, at the top of the machine, there is a bracket for securing it.

If the hose is not lifted in this way, the water will pour out immediately after entering the machine.

The free end of the hose can be lowered into the toilet, bathtub or sink. This is not the best option because it is uncomfortable and the end may come off. Then the water will flood the floor, and maybe even reach the neighbors below.

There is a siphon under the sink. Remove the old siphon and install a special siphon with an additional hole for the hose.

The drain hose is inserted into this hole and secured securely. It's more convenient and safe.

  1. Make sure that the drain hose is not kinked. This makes it difficult for water to escape. Since the water is dirty, debris and dirt can accumulate at the bend.
  2. The hose must not be pulled. It should form a bend with a radius of 50 to 85 cm.


For normal operation, the automatic machine must stand vertically, without any tilt.

To do this, it is leveled (a building level looks like a ruler with a bubble of liquid).

It is placed on the car lid parallel to one of its sides (front, back, right, left).

Now you need to adjust the height of the legs until the liquid bubble is in the center. The height of the leg increases when the nut on it is unscrewed, and decreases when this nut is tightened.

If there is no building level, place a glass of water on the lid of the machine.

You can tint this water to make it more visible.

If the machine is level, then the water is at the same distance from the rim of the glass.

If you carefully consider all these stages of installing a washing machine, you will avoid problems with leaking connections, short circuits and flooding and will be able to enjoy your purchase for a long time.

We bring to your attention a video on how to install a washing machine yourself: