Fence      01/20/2024

Pension agents recognized my SNILS. They ask me for my SSN number. who needs it and why? What are scammers interested in?

People began to appear on the streets of the capital introducing themselves as employees of the Pension Fund and trying to find out from passers-by. They can justify their request by the need to prepare documents that prevent a reduction in the amount of contributions to the funded part of the pension. Another possible argument is the need to issue additional inserts for the SNILS number. Allegedly, without these inserts, SNILS will be invalid. If citizens refuse to provide information, “PFR representatives” may resort to threats to resort to police assistance.

In fact, no employees of the Pension Fund go out onto the streets of Moscow to obtain their SNILS numbers from passers-by. Only scammers can engage in such activities. For what purpose are they doing this, and what should people do if they fall for the bait of criminals?

Why do attackers need SNILS?

Knowing the SNILS number, you can transfer the funded part of your pension from the state pension fund (PFR) to one of the non-state pension funds (NPF). Moreover, you may not even know about it.

According to lawyer Kristina Mayorova from Delovoye Fairvater, this is done for the purpose of personal enrichment of those who transfer funds to a specific pension fund. After transferring money to the NPF account, the person who made the transfer can count on an agency fee of several thousand rubles. Fraudsters often use fake Pension Fund IDs to obtain data. Referring to various legal acts, they force the potential victim to fill out an application. It is often easier for people to sign the proposed papers than to try to delve into the numerous excerpts from laws that are obscure to the majority of the population. Sometimes scammers even referred to the population census when filling out applications to transfer citizens’ money to NPFs.

According to Ivan Solovyov, a professor at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, intermediaries receive an agency fee of 3-5 thousand rubles for each citizen they transfer to a non-state pension fund. This “fee” is paid after the accumulative part of the pension is transferred to the pension fund account.

But you shouldn’t worry that attackers will be able to apply for a loan or microloan for you using your SNILS number. The SNILS number alone is completely insufficient to obtain a loan from an MFO or bank.

What to do if scammers find out your SNILS?

To return the funded part of your pension to the pension fund in which it was previously stored (before the fraudsters intervened), you should write an application to this fund with a request for a return transfer of funds. The corresponding transfer of money must be completed next year, along with all interest earned, explains Ivan Soloviev.

You can also write a written claim to the NPF that used the services of the scammers, demanding to justify the transfer of funds. It makes sense to file such a claim if you did not give the attackers voluntary consent to transfer money in the form of a signed statement. However, such actions should be taken rather to reassure oneself, since the chances of receiving an intelligible answer with an apology are slim. There is no point in starting a lawsuit in such a situation,” Solovyov sums up.

Scammers who extract information from citizens regarding their SNILS number met us at the metro, went door to door, and have now come up with a new method - collecting signatures for a petition to cancel the new pension system. It is quite possible that tomorrow they will come up with something new. Everything is clear with scammers.

But there are other situations: a person comes to a HOA meeting, and is asked to sign some document and indicate his SNILS number. This is somewhat strange, but everyone hides behind the law.

And also, when you need to get any certificate remotely, a person registers on the government services website, and there you need to enter SNILS again. Let's find out what the value of an individual personal account insurance number is, and why everyone is interested in it?

When SNILS asks the house management

As of January 1, 2018, liability came into force that comes with the disclosure of information about the activities of a homeowners’ association, management company, etc.

When SNILS is entered into the system, this allows you to link a personalized account with a specific person. In addition, there are more opportunities to collect debt from the property owner.

Thus, non-payment of utilities ceases to be a problem in the relationship between the management company and the owner of the apartment, but becomes a violation of an obligation, which is automatically recorded in the state system.

When PFR “employees” want to know SNILS

Almost everyone knows about this fraudulent scheme. The Pension Fund of Russia has issued SNILS, and it knows the number that belongs to each individual. That is, he doesn't need it. Any person who introduces himself as an employee of the Pension Fund or another organization and is interested in SNILS is a fraudster. But why does he need this number?

There is a NPF, which stands for non-state pension fund. For example, VTB PF or NPF Lukoil-Garant. These are real organizations that offer citizens of the Russian Federation a healthy alternative to the current Pension Fund.

And there are also non-state pension funds whose goal is to extract funds from gullible citizens. They are usually registered as a fictitious person and conduct not entirely legal activities.

To transfer pension savings, you must sign the appropriate documents and indicate SNILS. This is the “scam”: scammers find out the number, falsify documentation, and withdraw the savings to their account, and from it into their pocket. Then the scammers disappear, and the head of the NPF, a figurehead, pays.

Registration on the government services website

Many people who registered in the system wondered - why enter SNILS? We will present our version of this action; this is a theory, but it also has the right to life.

So, when you register on the government services website, you need to check the box that you agree with the user agreement. If you carefully study the user agreement, you can find a line in it that, by checking the box, a person agrees to the transfer of data to third-party government organizations.

And what's so scary about that? Overall, nothing. However, there is such a point: SNILS does not change throughout a person’s life. It is given out once and for all. When you change your passport, the number changes, you can change your last name or full name, but SNILS will remain the same.

Thus, SNILS, compared with other data of a citizen, for example, a license to drive a motor vehicle, a car’s title, an apartment’s personal account, etc., becomes a convenient identifier for quickly calculating penalties and tax charges.

We welcome our reader to another review. Often scammers try to find out exactly the SNILS number. But why do they need it? We figured out this problem. Read the results below.

Direction of application

What can scammers do if they know their SNILS number? To begin with, let’s conditionally divide all application methods into 2 parts:

  1. Application on the Internet.

In the first case, pension scammers visit your apartment in person and take SNILS in order to transfer your savings portion of your savings to their NPF. In the second, SNILS is used to confirm registration on your behalf in various Internet services.

We hasten to calm you down! As a rule, using your SNILS number alone will not give you any credit, and you will not be able to incur material losses. But hidden troubles can still arise, more on that later.

NPF - the fight for your pension

Despite all the noise, many still do not know that their pension used to consist of two parts - insurance and funded. The insurance always lies in the Pension Fund of Russia, but the savings fund has recently been FROZEN. Now all payments from work go strictly to the insurance part, and it seems that the funded part is not the lot. But so that it does not lie idle, the owner has the opportunity to transfer it to another place - for example, to a non-profit pension fund (NPF).

No, the very idea of ​​the NPF is not fraud. Many large companies take your funds for management and charge interest on them annually. In a sense, NPFs are better viewed as a deposit in a bank. By the way, the best and most reliable non-state pension funds were created by banks, for example, Sberbank. For me, there is not much difference where to keep the money: in a trusted bank or in an inaccessible and unknown Pension Fund. If you don't have them personally, it makes no difference.

But with the legalization of non-state pension funds, another problem appeared. These organizations began a “hunt” for citizens’ funds. And it’s okay if their further intentions remain pure, but mostly it was little-known companies that entered into the active struggle - who will voluntarily give them money, especially in an obscure area.

But it was precisely the complexity of the sphere and the closedness of understanding for some that gave them the opportunity to work. Moreover, initially, your data, SNILS number and signature for consent were enough to transfer to their NPF. So people went to their apartments to talk their way into their mouths, and to sell some clever schemes to get a job. But the result is the same - your SNILS and signature flow into their hands. Are their hands really that clean? As for me, a typical job of scammers.

Home visit

The most common implementation is that young people, employees of the “Pension Fund” with the corresponding beautiful red certificates, go from apartment to apartment and, under various pretexts, get your signature. The methods of persuasion are different - from the legend of the usual mandatory bypass, inspection, census, increase in interest to honest stories about non-state pension funds with a little embellishment. There are no special questions about the latter, since everything seems to be fair, but a competent seller in an unusual situation for a person is able to sell anything.

If people from the Pension Fund came to you, know that these people came from some small non-state pension fund, and they just want to transfer money from the funded part of your pension to their fund. How this fund will work in the future, and whether it will work at all, is unknown.

The main thing is to check well - if they have a real ID card as an employee of the Russian Pension Fund (not a non-state pension fund with strange names), and they are just trying to sell the transfer, then this is an outright fraud and you can scare them away "in the right way." In any case, if you don’t want to, close the door without further explanation - they are at work, you are at home, no one will offend anyone.

The pension fund does not go door to door trying to get your signature. Everything either directly from them, or in the case of capable citizens. But 99% is a scam.

Recruitment agencies

And this is an outright scam. People are playing on the problem in the labor market. Introducing - a recruitment agency offers a highly paid vacancy. Of course, hundreds of people will respond in large cities. These potential “employees” are asked to come to the office to sign papers - the procedure is generally standard, it’s not like sending it over the Internet.

And already in the office, among the piles of papers, they slip in an application for transfer to a non-state pension fund. The papers are prepared, and the victim is only asked to sign on the stream, without giving time to think. With further calls and requests regarding when to go to work, they will make excuses and say that it is under consideration. There are many options for implementation (even a social survey on the street), so be vigilant and read each paper.

Why do they need this?

That's the truth. They go from house to house and work. Moreover, quite a lot of people translate. Why do they need this?

Firstly, the NPFs themselves need this. As a rule, organizations are unknown to anyone, and no one wants to get someone else’s money under their control. In the future, they can honestly manage this money and even try to pay in the future. But usually these are still very small organizations whose goal is more likely to cash out these funds and go bankrupt. Yes, you will completely lose this money, but many did not even know about its existence. So it's not such a bad thing. At best, NPF is still profitable. With annual payments of 5%, a competent investor will receive many times more from someone else’s capital. But in this case, the “official” Pension Fund can also be blamed.

Secondly, those who visit people themselves receive (ATTENTION!!! According to rumors from the Internet) 3-5 thousand rubles from each signature. Not bad, right? In what other job is this possible? In the evening I walked around the house, made about a dozen “clients”, and then I could relax. These are the real scammers from the NPF.

What to do?

You signed the paper, but now you don’t know what to do? Calmly! Now we'll explain everything.

  1. DO NOT go to the police. There is no such corpus delicti under Article 159 here. It just transfers the right to your savings. Perhaps by the time the reader read this, this point had already been corrected, and even with mass claims, something can be done, but in fact it is a waste of time. The working solution is below.
  2. Let's go to the Pension Fund. Preferably the very next day as soon as they start working (they usually do the rounds in the evening). There we will find out whether we were transferred to another NPF. If you do everything quickly, then most likely there will be no translation yet. But experienced employees will tell you that it would be better to immediately write an application for a reverse transfer “just in case.” Everyone here will tell you. This action was carried out with my friend, he was present at the event personally, so it works.
  3. NPF. You can also work through the non-state pension fund to which you were transferred. Provided you remember it. Here you already need to act in case of transfer of funds. But if you have already signed the paper, going to court can cost more than the transfer itself. So it’s easier to do everything in advance and through the Pension Fund.
  1. If you come from a pension fund or meet on the street, do not sign any papers, do not show your SNILS.
  2. When looking for jobs and other strange things with papers, check them.
  3. You can write a paper to the Pension Fund about saving funds in an individual account throughout the year. Then no one will transfer the funds anywhere.

Public services

Until recently, government services planned simplified access via SNILS. And partly this has already been implemented. The functionality is, of course, not complete. But once they gain access, scammers will already be able to find out additional information about you. They won’t take a loan here either, but who knows what they’re thinking.

Payments according to SNILS

The following scheme is already flowing onto the Internet. Fraudsters are preparing a website where they promise to use your SNILS number to check certain savings in different authorities. You enter the number and get the desired result - money is really waiting for you. But there are several problems here too:

  1. To gain access to these databases you will be asked for a small amount of 100-200 rubles. Of course, this is a hoax. They won't send you anything!
  2. You will receive your SNILS number and, possibly, other documents for further manipulations. What to do if scammers still find out your SNILS number - contact the Pension Fund, there is no adequate solution right now.

By phone

Another working scheme of scammers is a phone call from the “Pension Fund”. Of course, for the sake of decency and a fictitious verification, you will be asked for your SNILS number. It can also be used in other schemes, but as a rule everything goes in the other direction.

As a rule, it comes to checking your card (there are different variations). And the essence of this whole conversation is either to lure you out of the card details for transferring from it (number, expiration date, CVV - there are ways to withdraw money without SMS to your phone) or they want to connect a mobile bank. In any case, we are sending you on a long journey. The Pension Fund of Russia does not call people and does not ask for your card details.

Online manipulation

There are also scammers operating online who are eager to get your SNILS, and who, knowing this number, can also do bad things. Do not send it to a stranger by mail!!! Usually, under various pretexts, for example, the same job application, they try to extract from you a whole set of documents - passport, INN, SNILS, license, etc., which they can already use to the fullest or simply sell them.

In the most harmless case, an account will be created for you in some store or service where verification of documents is required. Exchange, electronic money, store, social network, credit services - you need this to carry out transactions on your behalf. Perhaps nothing terrible will happen, but attackers can do a lot using the SNILS number:

  1. Cash out other people's money (yours will not be stolen).
  2. Conduct illegal activities on your behalf.
  3. Make air sales using your data as a cover.
  4. Take a microloan.
  5. etc.

Well, you understand. For an exact example, when identifying a Yandex.Money wallet, in addition to your passport data, you need to enter SNILS.

Is it possible to give SNILS to third parties?

In many places, for example, at the Pension Fund or MFC, you will be asked for a SNILS card. In the case, transfer of SNILS to third parties is possible, subject to a full understanding of the situation. All possible strange events have already been described above - there is no need to transfer SNILS there, only in special institutions on site. At the same time, there is also no need to panic and hand over a notarized copy of SNILS to strangers - the document is not that important yet, and if lost, it can be restored.

Will they issue a loan?

One of the hottest questions from our readers. No! It is now impossible to apply for a loan anywhere using your SNILS number alone. But if you have a full set of documents for you (from a passport and above), attackers can already try to apply for a microloan. But this cannot be excluded using SNILS.

After the introduction of the funded part of pension payments, many non-state funds send their employees to the private sector to attract clients. At the same time, NPF employees often mislead ordinary people by introducing themselves as employees of the Pension Fund. As a result, the prosecutor's office and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation still receive numerous complaints about these manipulations by unscrupulous employees of one or another NPF. But can employees offer their services remotely? Let's figure it out right now.

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Why do they go to apartments from non-state pension funds?

There is not a single case recorded in history where an employee of the State Pension Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Pension Fund) went from house to house to sign any documents. For this purpose, PFR employees have a work phone number to contact this or that person.

But who walks around the apartments? Only representatives of non-state foundations visit the private sector.

The purpose of such a meeting- this is to sign an agreement with the client to transfer the funded part of the future pension to a specific (usually little-known) fund.

At the same time, NPF employees have every right to offer their services to everyone. However, in most cases, the activities of such NPF employees are illegal, because they pose as employees of the Pension Fund or present potential clients with incorrect information about the work of the NPF.

Thus, many citizens who unknowingly signed documents turn to the Pension Fund or the prosecutor's office to cancel these agreements.

Why do NPF representatives mislead clients? Because agents’ salaries depend on the number of signed contracts, therefore, the more contracts, the higher the salary.

As a result, such agents not only negatively turn people against NPFs, but also bring costs for litigation and a negative reputation for one or another non-state fund.

When done correctly, the agent must do the following:

  1. Show the client the ID. In addition, the agent must have the following documents with him:
    • passport;
    • power of attorney of the fund;
    • NPF license;
    • Promotional Products;
    • insurance rules of non-state pension funds;
    • information about the rights of a potential client.
  2. Carry out explanatory work for transferring the accumulated portion to a specific non-state pension fund.
  3. Must leave a receipt on acceptance of the OPS agreement and application.
  4. Provide the client with one copy of the signed document.

If the citizen nevertheless signed this agreement, then the insured person can transfer the funds to another NPF or return the savings to the Pension Fund.

An application for transferring funds to the Pension Fund (or NPF) can be submitted once a year (or once every five years) before December 31 of the current year.

What to do if they come to you?

When a representative of an NPF comes to a citizen, you need to do the following:

  1. Ask for a fund employee ID.
  2. You can quietly call the police or threaten an NPF employee.
  3. Do not share personal information with third parties (passport, SNILS, contacts).
  4. Do not sign documents.
  5. Take a break to study reliable information on the work of the specified fund.
  6. In the presence of an agent, check the profitability and other criteria of a particular NPF - an NPF employee is unlikely to be ready for such a turn.

Law 167 on NPF employees

There are often situations when an NPF agent begins to refer to Federal Laws (hereinafter referred to as Federal Laws) to increase the number of clients, including Federal Law-167. Citizens unknowingly trust strangers and sign unknown documents.

But why do agents mention this law? In accordance with the specified Federal Law, insurers for compulsory pension insurance (compulsory pension insurance) can be Pension Funds and Non-State Pension Funds.

According to Article 32 of Federal Law No. 167, any citizen born in 1967 can, at his own request, transfer his savings to any non-state pension fund starting in 2004. However, this clause does not oblige the citizen to transfer the funded part specifically to the NPF, because the funds can remain in the Pension Fund.

Consequently, transferring funds to a non-state pension fund is an opportunity that any citizen has the right to use voluntarily, and not under duress from an agent of a particular non-state pension fund.

Watch the video on this topic.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that a citizen must conduct an in-depth analysis of a particular non-state fund before transferring savings. However, people who visit houses and apartments privately are good sellers who can easily mislead any citizen, so read this material so as not to fall into the trap of yet another agent of an unknown NPF.

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Lately, cases have become more frequent when unknown people go to apartments and, under various pretexts, ask to see SNILS - a green pension card. Why do they need this and what is SNILS anyway?
said Alexander Akimenko, head of the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund No. 5, which serves residents of the Northern District.

What is SNILS?

In Russia, the basis of a future pension is insurance contributions paid by employers for a citizen. From the moment a person registers in the Pension Fund system, the citizen receives an insurance number
individual personal account - SNILS. Information about work experience, places of work, contributions, and earned pension points is attached to it.

Over time, the functions of SNILS have expanded significantly. Now it is also used by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Federal Register of Persons who are entitled to receive social assistance from the state, when issuing a universal electronic card, device
child to kindergarten and school. With the help of SNILS, departments independently request from each other
necessary information. In addition, without SNILS you cannot access government service portals.

What are scammers interested in?

Fraudsters can use someone else’s SNILS, for example, to register on the government services portal. They may try to transfer the funded part of someone else’s pension from one fund to another. True, employees of Pension Fund branches or public service centers must establish the authenticity of the citizen’s identity and signature on his application. But it happens that the owner of the savings himself signs the transfer application without looking, if
scammers give it in a pile of other papers.

Cases of visits to apartments by citizens agitating to transfer funds to non-state pension funds were recorded in the Beskudnikovsky district and in Eastern Degunin. By the way, we can talk about quite substantial sums - there are savings that amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles.
At the same time, the pension savings themselves do not disappear anywhere; their safety is guaranteed by the state.

However, if you transfer funds from one fund to another more often than once every five years, you may lose investment income from recent years.

Who can you trust

SNILS can and should be presented to representatives of government bodies and other official institutions. If other people are interested in your SNILS, be more careful.

Employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation do not visit citizens at home, do not provide government services at home, and do not request bank card details or personal data over the phone. About the facts of the appeal
Potential criminals should be immediately reported to the police or the Pension Fund.