Communications      09/18/2023

How to choose a stove for a sauna? What designs of sauna stoves are there, which ones are best suited? What factors influence the choice of the right stove for a sauna?

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What Russian person doesn't like a bathhouse? From time immemorial, washing in a bathhouse was considered useful and healing. Previously, almost every peasant family had its own bathhouse. It was a place where a person could relax not only with his body, but also with his soul.

With the advent of large cities, public baths began to gain popularity, where many people came at once. However, most people living outside the city prefer to build their own bathhouse. Experienced builders and engineers know what material to buy and what stove to install. And for those who do not have this knowledge, we have created this rating. It presents the top best sauna stoves, based not only on dry statistics, but also on reviews of real people.

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This stove model is designed for heating large rooms with an area of ​​14 to 24 cubic meters. If you pay attention to its appearance, you will notice that there are no sharp corners, which, according to Feng Shui, collect evil energy. This type of stove is suitable for any bathhouse, regardless of the style in which it is equipped.

There is a function for installing a multi-section steam generator. It is used to produce light, superheated steam 10-20 minutes after heating the stove. Also, this stove model provides easier fire protection due to the fact that the chimney is located at a distance from the steam room partition. Using a steam generator, you can also adjust the microclimate in the steam room, creating either a Russian bath or a Finnish sauna.

  • Fast heating.
  • Humidity setting.
  • Large volume of heater.
  • The chimney must be cleaned regularly.
  • Used for large rooms, but with a small area it quickly overheats.

Vasily, 42 years old.

I installed this stove in my sauna 2 years ago. At first I couldn’t help but be happy. It warms up quickly, the entire steam room heated up in 40-50 minutes, and the area is quite large. There was no smoke as such; in general, it was all positives. However, I recently noticed that the iron from which the stove is made is very thin, because of this, when used about 3 times a week, the walls became deformed. Now I'm thinking about replacing the oven. So take it at your own risk, I can only say one thing - it won’t last long.

8. Varvara Terma - Kamenka

A good stove for a sauna. It is suitable for people who like to experiment with the purpose of the device. The standard package does not include a tank for heating water, however, if necessary, modification of the model is allowed. You can also change the position of the tank, even installing it on its side. You can also use this stove as a heating boiler. In this case, batteries with water heating are connected to it.

The volume of the hot water tank in this case can reach 60 liters. Such dimensions help to obtain a sufficient amount of hot water without spending more time heating it. The volume of the steam room for heating which this stove can be used can reach 24 cubic meters. The dimensions of the heater are also impressive, while the weight of the stove itself can be about 70 kilograms.

  • Convenient installation.
  • Profitable price
  • Easy to use, does not require additional tools.
  • The hot water tank may take longer to heat up than other models.
  • Condensed water droplets may appear and then flow down the pipe.

Victor, 53 years old.

I have been using this oven for about 1 year. I didn't notice any major downsides. The only thing is that you have to clean the chimney about once a month, otherwise the draft begins to deteriorate. I'm pleased with the quality of the steam. The steam room heats up within an hour on average. It doesn't take much firewood. The overall impression is positive, so I advise all bath lovers to purchase this product.

This oven also does not have sharp corners. This appearance allows the heat generated to be distributed more evenly. There are 2 models from the manufacturer: with an open and closed heater. If you need a Russian bath with high air humidity, it is better to limit yourself to a closed type. However, if you want to look at the stones in person and splash water on them, you will have to install additional tools to increase the air humidity and make the steam lighter.

All stoves from this manufacturer have specific shapes that will definitely be remembered by visitors to the bathhouse. There are a large number of types of “Scythians”, so it will not be difficult to choose the necessary stove for the volume of the room. Also, special attention is drawn to the door for firewood, which can be made in both classic and glass styles. It is possible to connect a tank for heating water. However, it is worth considering that the standard package does not include this addition, so it will have to be purchased separately. Fortunately, you can find several types from the same manufacturer.

  • High quality material.
  • Original design.
  • It is possible to add a tank for heating water.
  • Heavy steam.

Valery is 32 years old.

I purchased this stove 2 years ago. At first I was happy with everything, but after about six months I began to notice disadvantages. Firstly, the chimney quickly becomes dirty, which is why you have to clean it very often. I can't identify the reason. He carefully took care of the cleanliness of the chimney and cleaned it regularly. Secondly, after prolonged use it becomes increasingly difficult to clean the glass on the firebox door. Again, I used special cleaning products, but they no longer help. In general, it’s a pleasure to use for the first six months or a year, but then problems arise.

The Finnish manufacturer has been working in this field for 60 years and now shows very good results. Harvia Legend 240 Duo is distinguished not only by its attractive appearance, but also by its high-quality device. The large stone compartment holds up to 200 kilograms. This stove is suitable not only for a Russian bath, but also for use in a sauna, because it can produce high temperatures while leaving humidity at a low level.

Very often the premises allocated for the steam room are small in area. However, the innovations that were used in the design of the stove allow you not to worry about fire safety when installing it. Items located in the steam room can be located depending on the wishes of the developer. The large volume of the heater compared to analogues is also an advantage. Firstly, it allows you to produce a large amount of high-quality steam. Secondly, you can lower the temperature without losing the amount of steam. This can help people who are contraindicated in a bath due to high temperature.

  • Large compartment for stones.
  • Fast heating of the room.
  • Large amount of steam.
  • High quality material.
  • It is possible to add a tank, but it must be purchased separately.

Vladislav, 56 years old.

I bought the stove half a year ago. Very pleased with the purchase. When I first installed it, I was surprised that there was a lot of free space left in the steam room. Of course, I saw that the oven was compact, but I didn’t think it was that much. However, steam quality and heating time are not affected. About 30-40 minutes is enough for the steam room to warm up to 80 degrees. The steam is light and pleasant. And the design is nice too.

Everyone knows the expression “enjoy your steam.” So, when using this stove, everyone describes the steam as light and pleasant. This model can heat the steam room up to 100 degrees in an hour. In this case, the steam will not be heavy. Why is this happening? It's all about the closed heater. To get a pleasant steam, you need to heat the stones to 350 degrees. In a closed heater they heat up to 600.

A water supply system is used to the center of the heater. There is a convector casing that reduces heating time. Soot will not accumulate on the walls of the firebox, thanks to its round shape. Also, many bathhouse owners complain about the difficulty of cleaning it from ash. With this device this problem disappears. There is a retractable panel that allows you to remove ash during combustion. The walls of the firebox are narrow, but this does not affect its operation in any way. The quality of the steel is high and it is also made using chrome. It's worth putting in the bathhouse.

  • Steel with chromium impurities.
  • Impressive volume of the heater.
  • Rapid heating of the room.
  • Thin metal in some parts.

Alexey, 47 years old.

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A truly good wood burning stove. I purchased it not so long ago, but I am very happy with the purchase. The steam room warms up quickly, and not much wood is consumed. Beautiful design. The heater is spacious, there are enough stones. By the way, this was the first time I saw such a high-quality closed heater.

Quality products. The stove is ideal for a Russian bath. The walls are not as thin as in the previous model, due to which the period of high-quality work increases. To obtain light, high-quality steam, a two-level system is used. A similar tool is used in the Hangar. Heavy steam first passes into the first compartment, then moves to the next, where it receives the necessary lightness. The unique design will also not leave anyone indifferent.

High quality steel ensures long service life. There is a funnel for water supply. A limiter is installed on it, with the help of which it will be possible to prevent excessive water from getting onto the stones. However, for a large room you will need a different oven. This model is designed to heat 8-18 cubic meters. Based on customer reviews, we can conclude that the stove requires attention.

  • Fast heating.
  • Light steam.
  • High quality steel.
  • Perfect design.
  • Large compartment for stones.
  • Not suitable for large rooms.
  • Noise appears in the chimney when burning a large amount of wood.

Dmitry, 40 years old.

I am satisfied with the purchase. First of all, I would like to evaluate the quality of the steam. When I bought it, the seller said that the steam would be light, but I couldn’t even imagine how light it would be. In general, the steam is excellent. The heater is also comfortable. I used a different model before. When I bought stones, I bought them out of habit, but there weren’t enough, so I had to buy more. However, such a number of stones is only a plus. The steam room heats up quickly, literally 30-40 minutes, although the volume is not very large. Looks nice too. I haven't noticed any cons yet.

Our rating of the best stoves is completed by Hephaestus PB-03. This stove is radically different from the previous one in its heating capabilities. It can bring a room with a volume of up to 45 cubic meters to the desired temperature. Thick cast iron walls give the stove massiveness and volume. Due to this thickness, the service life automatically increases, since it is very difficult to damage or burn them.

Fans of high temperatures will love it. Great oven. The efficiency is 90%. This is much higher than other models. The room warms up quickly. The steam quality is also excellent. It turns out very light and not dry. Retains heat for a long time. So you can steam to your heart's content, without worrying about adding firewood for a long time. The only thing that can affect the choice of this stove is its weight. With basic contents, the weight is 350 kilograms, so the floor in the bathhouse must be strong and preferably reinforced. The oven will show the best results if it is lined with refractory bricks, which will also affect its heating time.

  • Reliable design.
  • High efficiency.
  • The heat is retained for a long time.
  • Suitable for heating large rooms.
  • Impressive weight.
  • High price.

Vladimir, 56 years old.

The best sauna stove I've ever seen. When purchasing, I tried it on for a long time, the price scared me off. However, he did not regret the costs. The steam room warms up very quickly and it’s pleasant to steam. True, I had to strengthen the floor in the bathhouse, since I did not count on such a giant.

In second place is the Bystritsa stove, a high-quality Russian-made product. Optimally suited for a Russian bath, it quickly warms up rooms with a volume of up to 18 cubic meters.

The stove adequately fulfills not only its immediate task, but will also become a real decoration of the steam room interior thanks to its ceramic cladding and aesthetic appearance in a minimalist style.

The design of the stove is designed in such a way that heat flows evenly throughout the steam room, including the floor. For this purpose, a convector is provided, which also ensures an optimal level of humidity in the room.

The furnace firebox is made of a new seamless steel pipe 8 mm thick. The back and front walls are also made of high-strength steel and have a thickness of 5 mm.

Another feature of this model is its versatility. That is, the design of the stove allows it to be additionally equipped with mounted tanks with a volume of 60-90 liters, a removable closed heater, a mesh for stones on the back wall, a mesh for the chimney, a heat exchanger for heating water, and a combustion portal that is adjustable in length and makes installation easier.

All parts of this furnace are assembled on special machines; there are no butt welds, only semi-automatic welding is used. In addition, the product is equipped with adjustment of the intensity of firewood combustion; for this, a gate valve and a convenient ash pan are used.

  • Pleasant and mild heat;
  • Uniform distribution of heat flows;
  • Versatility;
  • Two installation options (firebox from the steam room, current from the dressing room);
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Fast warm-up;
  • Durability and practicality;
  • Not detected.

Review from Gennady, 38 years old. Super stove! For little money I got a durable, efficient and, very nicely, beautiful sauna stove, the work of which I have been happy with for about a year now. Not too big and not too small - it fits perfectly into my new bathhouse. Heats the steam room very quickly. The steam is pleasant, light and soft. The materials are high quality, nothing cracks or bursts. The traction is amazing. In general, if you need an ideal stove for a sauna, then I definitely recommend Bystritsa - you can’t go wrong.

In first place we have the Teplyn Lux stove - a product with a cast iron door equipped with heat-resistant ROBAX glass, a removable front decorative frame made of stainless steel, and decorative removable linings on the casing.

For the production of furnaces, steel 6 mm thick is used. The quality of the material ensures an almost unlimited service life of the furnace. The product has a rounded design, so the heat load is distributed evenly. In addition, such a stove will fit perfectly into any bathhouse interior.

Which sauna stove is better to choose?

In conclusion, I would like to give advice on choosing a stove for a bath. I can’t say anything about the model, but you need to choose one that suits the conditions of the bathhouse. It is worth considering the size, properties and technical characteristics. Also, don’t forget about reviews. However, the full picture can only be obtained by using it yourself.

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Choosing a stove for a home bath or sauna is not easy, especially since some selection criteria are not entirely obvious. In this article we will talk about how to correctly calculate and choose a stove for a sauna, what types and design features of stoves there are, and which purchase is exactly right for your steam room.

When choosing a stove, you need to take into account absolutely all factors: both purely technical and those related to ease of use. Everything matters: from the material of the walls of the bathhouse to the mode of use and the number of people visiting it.

Furnace power calculation

Manufacturers offer a rather rough calculation based on the internal volume of the steam room. It is determined by multiplying the perimeter by the height of the ceiling; if there is a glass door, 2 m3 is added to the value, and for each square meter of wall without thermal insulation - 1.5 m3. Moreover, if a free-standing bathhouse is made of a log frame or is not upholstered on the inside with clapboard, the calculated volume is multiplied by 1.5.

A more correct option is to perform a simplified thermal engineering calculation of the bathhouse building, in which external and adjacent walls are demarcated, the thermal conductivity of materials, and the presence of thermal insulation of the floor and ceiling are taken into account. In this case, the final temperature inside the heated room should be taken as 70-75 °C for a Russian bath and 90-100 °C for a dry sauna. The result of the calculation is the total amount of heat loss, to which it remains to add the heat capacity of the stones.

When choosing a furnace power, more does not mean better. A greatly increased stove performance will not allow you to stay inside the steam room when operating at full power, and by reducing the supply of firewood you will not achieve the temperature required for steam formation.

Features of the tunnel firebox

Choosing a stove design for a bath begins with determining the type of firebox; it can be regular or remote (tunnel, elongated). The last option is optimal if there is a suitable adjacent room next to the steam room from which you can lay firewood.

Stoves with a conventional firebox are not so convenient; they steal precious oxygen from the steam room and disrupt heat exchange, attracting fresh cold air. In addition, there is no place for firewood and logs in a clean steam room.

If you plan to heat a remote firebox from the recreation room, pay attention to stoves with a fireplace-type door. It will fit perfectly into the decor of the room and will give an incomparable presence of living fire.

Number of stones, heater type, setting

The highest quality steam in a bathhouse is called light. It is formed at temperatures above 500 °C, when water has time not only to heat up, but to disintegrate into molecules. But if the oven heats up to such a temperature, the air inside the room will be very hot, so stones are used to generate steam.

There are two types of heaters and each has its admirers. A closed heater with direct heating is typical for a Russian bath and it is rare to find an iron stove with it. Much more popular are stoves with an open heater, in which it is more difficult to generate steam and much more stones are needed.

The number of stones that can be placed in the stove heater is determined by the manufacturer, based not on the power of the stove, but on the design features. But it is better to calculate the weight of the stones yourself, based on the principle of 15 kg for each cubic meter of the bathhouse, plus 15 kg for each visitor.

Finding a stove with suitable power ratings and the number of stones is not the easiest task. As a last resort, you can increase the volume of the open heater by constructing a side fence for the stones yourself. But be sure to take a reserve of furnace power, based on the calculation: 1 kW per 25 kg of stone.

Steam generator or combined heater

In some stoves, the heater is present only for appearance: steam generation occurs in a system of closed channels laid inside the outer casing. The temperature in them exceeds 600 °C and the steam is really “light”.

But not all manufacturers implement this feature correctly. In most cases, the steam generator fails after a couple of years of active use - scale formation has not been canceled.

Partially, both approaches are well combined by a combined heater, in which water is first supplied to the stones with direct heating, and the resulting steam becomes dispersed, already passing through the open stones.

The correct material and design of the sauna stove

The ideal option for the walls of the firebox and stove is cast iron. It does not burn out and has a high heat capacity. But, unfortunately, it is rare. Cast iron was replaced by chrome-plated stainless or alloy steel. They have a very high temperature of scale formation, but the heat capacity is significantly lower. In most modern stoves, only grates are made of cast iron, and you need to pay attention to their shape: the grate must support uniform combustion of fuel, even of low quality.

The firebox and main heat exchanger of a good stove must be made of high-quality steel with a chromium content of at least 13%. Preference should be given to the presence of stamped elements, although joining parts by high-quality welding, especially by the plasma method, is not much inferior. The presence of additional fins inside the firebox and chimney channels is a good sign, as heat from the flame is transferred faster.

The efficiency of the furnace largely depends on the presence of internal channels that impede and prolong the passage of gases and flames, which allows more heat to be obtained with minimal soot formation. In this case, additional heat exchangers are rationally placed above the heater, where the smoke is not hot enough to heat the stones.

Why do you need a tank and heat exchanger?

A large amount of residual heat implies its rational use. For example - for heating water. This is useful in many cases, which are provided for in their own way in the design of the furnaces. For example, stoves with a built-in tank can heat up to 100 liters of water for bathing or watering stones.

In a number of projects, water heating is also required for heating adjacent rooms. Furnaces with an additional heat exchanger have this function, and they are used in conjunction with external tanks of larger capacity. When choosing the power of such a furnace, you need to add the heat consumption for heating water in the heating system. Although in the end the power will still be less than if the entire bath was heated by air-convection.

Convection sauna stoves

One of the unpleasant features of using a low-quality stove is the high temperature difference between the floor and ceiling. The problem is the lack of full convection; heated air does not circulate, but accumulates on the upper tiers.

Some sauna stoves are free from this drawback thanks to convection channels that pass air through the area of ​​the firebox and heater, warming it up well. And temperature equalization is not the only plus. The steam room heats up faster and the lack of oxygen in it is not felt so acutely.

Knowing these main differences between sauna stoves will make your choice much easier. All that remains to be taken into account is the aesthetic component, so that the stove not only works productively, but also becomes an excellent decoration for the steam room.

They say about the bathhouse like this: “steam and a broom are more valuable than money”, “the bathhouse soars - it gives health”, “I washed myself in the bathhouse - it’s as if I was born again.” These words of folk wisdom contain a deep meaning about the positive impact of bath procedures on the human body. The comfort of a bathhouse depends entirely on a well-chosen stove.

Experts are sure that in the bathhouse, the stoves should be wood-burning - only they create an indescribable atmosphere and give that very aroma that has a positive effect on a person. But besides this, they also have the following advantages:

Their disadvantages are the following:

  • the need to clean the chimney;
  • procurement of firewood and organization of its storage;
  • it is necessary to maintain the required temperature - you have to add firewood to the firebox during the entire visit to the bathhouse;
  • danger of fire during its operation.

Fire safety when operating a wood stove

Types of wood-burning sauna stoves

So, we studied and took into account the advantages and disadvantages of a wood-burning stove and still decided to install it in a bathhouse or sauna. Questions naturally arise - which wood-burning stove is better to choose for a bathhouse, and which one is more suitable for a sauna? Let's start with the fact that a wood-burning stove is perfect for both small baths and large rooms. They can be made of brick or metal (cast iron or stainless steel).

Brick stoves for baths

Equipped with a water tank. There are models equipped with or without a water tank, and according to the type of tank installation - with a built-in tank, or mounted and remote. The choice should be made based on your own wishes and the characteristics of a particular room. ABOUT .

Combustion chamber door design. Stove manufacturers offer different door design options - solid black metal, heat-resistant glass, design in the form of a fireplace or a panoramic screen. Such delights will cost more than conventional execution, but will allow you to observe the flame.

Furnace lining. Most metal sauna stoves are sold without lining, but there are more expensive options already lined with soapstone or coil at the factory. This natural stone cladding softens the aggressive infrared radiation from the stove and heats the steam room more evenly. In addition, these materials have a positive effect on the body. They have one significant drawback - the high price. A brick casing built around the stove can perform a similar function. It is, of course, not as beautiful, but it costs less.

Availability of additional options. For example, some models of metal stoves are equipped with a self-cleaning and self-cooling system for the glass door of the combustion chamber. It is difficult to say how necessary these options are, but they significantly increase the cost of the stove.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following - no matter how much we would like to preserve the ancient traditions of building a Russian bathhouse with a good-quality brick stove, metal stoves are gradually replacing them.