Bath      09/18/2023

How to make a beautiful flowerbed out of brick with your own hands. Do-it-yourself flowerbeds at the dacha made of bricks Make a flowerbed out of bricks with your own hands

Beautifully decorating a flowerbed in a dacha is a pleasant concern for every owner. One of the easiest ways is to use ordinary brick for these purposes.. Of course, decorative brick or natural stone will look more beautiful; various methods and materials are used in landscape design for clubs. But in this case we will consider not complex options.

Brick flower bed around a tree

For example, it is very beautiful to lay out a flowerbed around a separate tree if you line it with bricks or paving stones, as in the photo.

Round flower bed made of decorative brick

You can also make this version of a round flower bed. But here a special brick was chosen, and you also need to have round masonry skills.

raised flower bed

For some plant species it is necessary that the flowerbed had a high wall. Then you can make such beautiful designs. It is important to make the adjustment correctly so that the flower garden has a neat appearance.

Two-tier flower bed

A brick flower bed made in two tiers or divided into separate segments looks very good. If you choose the right plants so that they combine beautifully, you will get an impressive bouquet.

Combined brick flowerbed

You can make a composition from several flower beds, which will add a special zest to your summer cottage.

Brick flower bed near the wall

If the area is very small, then it is convenient to plant a flower bed near the wall of the house. Then the brick can be laid out in a semicircle. It doesn't take up much space and is also beautiful.

Flowerbed made of old brick

The easiest and fastest way to improve the area is by laying a low border around a flower bed made of old brick. It can be from a new one, if available. The brick need not be fixed, that is, not cemented; in this case, the main thing is to mark the flower bed. If everything is done carefully, then as you can see in the photo, the flowerbed looks quite decent.

Such a simple and practical solution as using bricks to create flower beds allows you to decorate your summer cottage with single and multi-tiered structures. The work is creative and uncomplicated; any summer resident will be able to make beautiful flower beds, as in our photos, and, showing their imagination, inexpensively landscape the area with their own hands.

The use of brick allows you to create colorful flower beds of various shapes. Using new or used material, you can implement different design solutions:

  • create a tiered composition;
  • select zones in the flowerbed for different plants;
  • mark the border of the flowerbed with a border;
  • form a flowerpot or miniature flower garden;
  • lay out a flowerbed with high walls directly on the concrete.
A brick flowerbed will make the yard neater

Moreover, the variety of forms is limited only by the owner’s imagination. You can make a tree the center of the flowerbed, ringing it with a brick border, or enclose a corner bounded by two walls of the building.

The most common flower beds are traditional shapes - round (island), square, long rectangular along a building or path. An original element can be a stepped or flat polygonal flowerbed.

DIY flowerbed

Let's look at different options for flower beds and the process of creating them with your own hands. In any case, you need to collect the necessary tools:

  • shovel;
  • trowel;
  • construction mixer;
  • hammer;
  • putty knife;
  • level;
  • stakes;
  • leg-split;
  • roulette

The simplest thing is a brick border. It poorly performs the function of a fence, because due to its low height it does not retain water, but it can be very decorative.

Simple brick border

To improve and decorate your yard, garden plot or country “estate” is a completely feasible and even exciting task. To do this, it is enough to make a flowerbed out of brick with your own hands - the method is not only simple, but also very cheap. You will need a small amount of brick, cement, sand, cord and, of course, inspiration. The result will be quick and impressive.

Types of brick flower beds

A big advantage of home flower beds is the fact that you don’t have to use materials to create them. An original flowerbed made of old bricks, built on the basis of high-quality cement, is quite capable of becoming a durable and picturesque structure. The cost savings are obvious. And the beauty is simply amazing.

By arranging flower beds in a dacha, where there is usually enough free space, you can build a whole complex of diverse flower beds. Usually they are placed so that they are in the field of view of guests and household members: at the entrance, near the veranda or along the central alley.

The first stage of work is marking. Therefore, before laying out a brick flowerbed, you need to determine in advance its initial parameters: size, area and configuration. The most common types of flower beds are:

  • rectangular;
  • round or oval (island);
  • ring (around the tree);
  • polygonal;
  • ridge (along the path or under the wall);
  • multi-level (stepped);
  • spiral.

To make a flower bed look attractive, it is better to make its sides not straight, but smoothly curved, wavy or rounded.

Construction and decor

After marking the site, you can begin to create a foundation for the brickwork. To do this, dig a ditch up to 25 cm deep along the entire perimeter of the contour. Add a small (up to 5 cm) layer of sand to the bottom and compact it. A layer of gravel or broken brick is laid on top and compacted again. The resulting “cushion” serves as drainage.

Bricks in the first and second rows are laid without mortar so that excess water can flow freely into the ground. Next, lay out the walls of the required height using mortar. You need to make sure that lumps of it do not hang on the outer surface of the walls - they will ruin the whole look. Then the seams are unstitched. It will take at least 5 days for the structure to harden.

The use of white and red brick makes it possible to create a unique two-color pattern. An important nuance: when laying, you should slightly move each new row towards the center of the flowerbed. The resulting design should vaguely resemble the shape of a pot. Otherwise, the soil, shrinking, will push the walls apart, damaging them.

To make it more convenient to round the foundation masonry in curved areas, strips of flexible plastic are installed along the vertical wall of the trench. In addition, this technique allows you to avoid shedding of soil during work. To strengthen straight sections of the trench, you can use pieces of slate, thin boards or unnecessary remnants of metal sheets.

In order for the border of the flower bed to be absolutely level, its level must be constantly checked with a horizontal cord stretched in advance. If it is planned to build decorative columns in the corners or along the perimeter of the wall, their verticality is checked using a regular plumb line.

By arranging brick flower beds with your own hands, you can give free rein to your imagination and decorate them exclusively to your taste. For this, colorful mosaics, broken colored glass, shells, and metal or wooden decorations are most often used. A quick way is to simply paint the bricks the desired tone.

Particularly chic are small garden sculptures installed on columns. All this splendor will delight the eye for many years with its unique color, as well as the bizarre shapes of bright flower beds.


With the help of flower beds lined with bricks, you can inexpensively and effectively decorate your summer cottage, making it neat and well-groomed. This material makes it possible to implement many traditional and extraordinary solutions for arranging a site.

Brick can be combined using pieces of different colors, shapes and textures. In addition, with the help of this simple building material, you can combine several objects located on the site into a single composition - a house, a building for garden tools, flower beds.

Brick flower beds can have a variety of shapes

Advantages of brick

It’s not for nothing that brick flower beds have gained popularity among dacha regulars. This material has many advantages that are fully appreciated by the people. The product allows:

  • Limit an area of ​​any shape. You can make a ring flower bed surrounding the tree; rectangular, round, multi-level, etc.
  • Use other materials of natural or artificial origin in combination with it. Sea stones, wood, shell rock, and stone harmonize well with brick.
  • Don’t worry about the safety of your flower beds – this material has a long service life.
  • Lay out high fences.

Choosing the material and location for the flower bed

In order to fully appreciate all the advantages of this building material and create ideal fencing with it, it is important that it is of high quality. You should not choose ceramic bricks with air cells. They are designed to increase thermal insulation, which is completely unnecessary for structures in open space. Water will accumulate in the voids. During frosts, moisture will turn into ice, which can lead to cracking of the masonry.

Sand-lime brick is also of little use for these purposes, as it has low moisture resistance. For use in open ground conditions, solid bricks with a large number of freezing and thawing cycles are best suited.

Variety of brick colors for flower beds

Having prepared the material, you need to decide on the place where the flower garden will be arranged. To do this, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Availability of sunlight. It is unacceptable to plant a flowerbed in the sun, just as you should not arrange it in a place where there is always shade. It is advisable to choose an area that receives indirect sunlight in the morning or afternoon.
  • Accessibility to view. It is better that the flower garden is located in a place that is clearly visible from the house, from the entrance to the garden, from the garden gazebo. Then the delicate shades will delight the eyes of the owner and his guests throughout the entire flowering season.
  • A flowerbed can be arranged not only in the middle of the garden. Sometimes it is placed right next to the house, in the corner of the garden fence, giving it a non-standard shape with the help of fences.

How to lay brick beautifully and originally?

Having decided on the location of the flower bed, you need to think about how to lay the border. There are several proven options for structures, each of them has its own advantages. First you need to decide on the construction budget - the amount of material that can be purchased depends on it. Next, you need to think about the functions of a fence for a brick flower bed and decide how high, wide and solid it should be.

Brick flower beds can be quite simple or creative

Jagged border

Most often, bricks are laid along garden paths, thus creating a visible border between the pedestrian zone and space for plants. For laying, both halves and whole bricks are used, which are positioned so that one corner faces upward. From the side, the miniature fence looks like uniform triangular teeth sticking out of the ground. In the same way, it is best to highlight ridges and ribbon flower beds.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the curb must be laid according to the rules. First, dig a shallow trench along the entire length (or circumference) of the flowerbed, then secure a rope over it. It is designed to limit the height of the curb and possible protrusions of the fence to one side.

The good old trick of installing bricks at an angle

After installing the curb, you need to fill the free space between the “teeth” with earth and lightly compact it. The disadvantage of this type of installation can be considered its weak enclosing ability during watering of the flower bed. The advantage is obvious: low material consumption and relative speed of operation.

This border involves laying the product on one side or on the end. The first option is suitable for a low fence, the second - for a higher one. The disadvantage of this method is the high consumption of material. The advantage is good defensive ability. In addition, such a border will allow you to raise the level of the flowerbed and fill in an additional layer of soil. The width of the fence can be 1 – 1.5 bricks. Wide borders are used in cases where it is necessary to protect the flower garden from the area in front of the house. You can install pots or flower boxes on such parapets.

An even border requires more material, but is more reliable

Rules for making tall flower beds of different shapes

Of course, a high flower bed requires more material, but it looks better and is easier to maintain. The flowerbed can have a round, rectangular or non-standard shape. An interesting option is a corner flower bed attached to existing objects in the yard.

Let us dwell in more detail on the rules for making a round or rectangular fence. To lay out a square or rectangular structure, you should:

  1. Mark a place for a flower bed. First, use a shovel to draw the desired perimeter on the ground, and drive pegs into the corners of the square. Stretch a thin rope between the pegs.
  2. Dig a trench along the contour of the rectangle with a width slightly larger than the size of the brick. The optimal trench depth is 15-20 cm. After this, you need to put sand into the groove to a thickness of 10 cm and only then start laying the curb.
  3. Brick is laid in various ways - on one of the sides, on the end, on one of the largest planes. Each copy must be fastened to the next one using a mortar made from cement and sand - in this case, you will need 4-5 times more sand than cement. The gaps between the components of the border must be carefully filled with the solution and the remains must be immediately removed with a trowel.
  4. For the masonry to harden, you need to wait 3-4 days and then fill the flowerbed with soil. It is advisable to use fertile soil with compost.
  5. It will take about 2 weeks until the soil completely shrinks. Only after this time can you begin to plant seedlings.

If the flowerbed is planned on a site filled with concrete, you should proceed differently. First you need to mark the contours of the flowerbed, then moisten the entire area with water. Now you can start laying bricks directly on the concrete.

Planting should begin only a couple of weeks after preparing the border.

A round border shape is more difficult to create because it is very difficult to adhere to the chosen contour. After carefully marking and preparing the trench with sand, a strip of flexible plastic can be laid along one of the walls of the pit.

To make it easier to lay out the border, it is better to make it narrow - 0.5 bricks. Then the gaps between the bricks will be small. If you decide to create a wall consisting of the full length of a brick, it should be laid out in a “fan”. This means that each specimen touches the other at the inner perimeter of the wall and fans out closer to the outer contour.

External gaps should be leveled so that they are the same width, then carefully cover them with cement mortar.

The brick is installed vertically, the flowerbed has two tiers

Multi-story flower garden

Multi-tiered flower beds are several isolated areas with flowers, limited by brickwork of varying heights. In the photo you can see that such flower beds can have different shapes, they are practical and look quite elegant in the garden. We will tell you how to build a flowerbed in which the second tier rises above the first, and the third above the second. At the same time, the 2nd and 3rd tiers occupy part of the area of ​​the lower floor.

Having marked the contours of the future structure, you should dig a hole under its foundation. Its depth should be about 40 cm, and its dimensions should be 20-25 cm larger than the contour of the flowerbed in all directions. Now the hole under the drainage needs to be filled with sand, the thickness of which should be 5-10 cm. Place crushed stone on it, the layer of which is 20-25 cm. All this must be thoroughly compacted.

The first layers of the flower bed should be sand and crushed stone

Now we need to start building the tiers. The first floor, of course, follows the marked contour of the flower bed. It makes sense to adhere to the following tactics when erecting a structure. First of all, a wall is built, which should serve as the basis of the second tier. Initially, it is laid out at the height of the first tier. Then the internal space, limited by the wall of the second floor, is filled with sand and crushed stone.

After this, the wall of the 2nd tier is completed to the required height, and the construction of the wall of the third floor begins with it. When both borders become the same height, the space limited by the wall of the 3rd tier (the smallest flowerbed) is filled with sand or unproductive soil. Now we need to complete the wall of the third floor and fill all three sites with fertile soil.

In this way, you can build a round flowerbed consisting of several rings. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the rings be located on the same axis. The height of the tiers may also vary disproportionately. And no one predetermined the shape of the flowerbed. Please - rectangular, square or composed of figures of various shapes - use your imagination! For example, if the first tier is an elongated oval, the second is a rectangle, and the third is a square, you will get a boat.

It should be taken into account that the humidity regime on different “floors” of the flowerbed of the above design will be noticeably different. Thus, the most moisture-loving plants should be placed at the bottom, and drought-resistant plants should be placed on the upper tier.

To achieve constant flowering, it is important to choose the right plants and flowers.

It's probably nice if the whole flowerbed blooms together - which means you need to choose the landscaping accordingly. Perhaps you will like sequential flowering “on floors”, then the tactics for choosing flowers should be the opposite.

Flower garden of flowerbeds of different heights

Decorating flower garden borders

Building a flower bed is a creative task, but it’s even more interesting to decorate it at your own discretion. Today there are many ways to make your garden original and to attract the attention of your neighbors to the unusual decorative elements of brick borders:

  • Brick fences complemented with natural materials – stones or shells – look interesting;
  • you can use products of different shades, laying them out according to a pre-designed pattern;
  • sometimes bricks are decorated with broken glass and shell rock;
  • if the borders are wide enough, you can install flower pots in some places;
  • Some household utensils in the masonry look impressive - a clay jug, from which green shoots also peek through.

Creating a brick flowerbed with your own hands is not only simple, but also interesting. Such work will not be a burden - it will bring a lot of pleasure. At first, you should not use expensive materials. It's better to try to adapt what you have at hand. In this case, the construction will be budget-friendly, and the original design will allow the garden to acquire its own zest.

Most gardeners love their plot no less than a city apartment, and there is no need to talk about the owners of private houses: everyone wants their garden to produce not only healthy and environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits, but also pleasing to the eye. Therefore, everyone tries to decorate their several hundred square meters in their own way: they lay stone paths, arrange a small pond,... One of the simplest and most effective ways to decorate a summer cottage is with flowers. Moreover, the more original the approach to planting them, the more beautiful they will look when they bloom. Of course, a lovingly arranged brick flowerbed will look much more advantageous than a regular planting. The advantages of brick flower beds at the dacha are undeniable: in addition to their excellent decorative value, they also carry a rational load - they zone the space and prevent the spread of weeds.

In this article we will learn how to make a flowerbed from bricks with your own hands efficiently and beautifully.

Choosing a place for a brick flower bed

First of all, decide where you want to arrange your flower garden. At first glance, this may not seem that difficult, but the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Lighting – the flower bed should not be in the shade of a house or greenhouse, since a sufficient amount of sunlight is necessary for good flower growth.
  • View of the flower garden - the flower bed should be clearly visible from the window of the house or from the veranda so that you and your guests can enjoy the beautiful view.

If you already know where you want to make your flower bed, think about its shape.

There are several types of flower beds:

  • ring (planted around trees or ponds);
  • island (round flower beds);
  • ridge (long narrow flower beds along a path or wall);
  • stepped (multi-level flower beds);
  • rectangular flower beds.

In addition to a convenient place for the flowerbed, you also need to choose the flowers that you will plant in it. Please note that they match each other not only in color, but also in compatibility.

Necessary materials for a brick flower bed

Brick flower beds are easy to make and do not require any special expenses. Usually all the necessary materials are already available on the site: first of all, these are bricks and cement mortar. In addition, you will need pegs and line for leveling, as well as sand and additional stones for decoration.

Stages of work

The entire process of creating a brick flowerbed with your own hands can be divided into several stages:

  • Marking. Draw the outline of the future flower bed on the ground, highlight it with a thin strip of fabric.
  • We dig a hole. The depth of the pit should not exceed 30 cm. Sand and cobblestones must be laid at the bottom to ensure high-quality drainage.
  • We are building the walls of the flower bed. Lay out the first row of bricks, mark it with pegs on both sides and stretch a fishing line between them. Mix the solution. Lay out the bricks, fastening them with mortar, and make sure that the masonry is even and strong.
  • Leave the finished masonry for 4-5 days so that it gets stronger.
  • Pour the required amount of soil into the flowerbed. Leave it for 10-15 days to shrink.
  • Plant the plants and water them thoroughly. Photos of brick flower beds will help you arrange your plants beautifully.

Flowerbed decoration

When the flowerbed is ready, you can decorate it further. If the walls of the flowerbed are wide enough, you can place flowerpots with flowers in the corners. Garden sculptures will look good next to the flower bed. Arrange a path to the flower bed from decorative tiles, gravel or other materials. You can get additional ideas for decorating your flower garden from the photos of brick flower beds in the addition to this article.

We wish you success in your wonderful endeavor. Let your brick flowerbed please you for many years.

Video: examples of brick flower beds