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Horoscope for May Capricorn Snake

As the horoscope for May 2017 says, Capricorn can finally breathe a sigh of relief and actively engage in an activity or creativity that interests him. Now you can fully demonstrate your talents. Or maybe interesting ideas will come to your mind, the implementation of which will help you open up, achieve what you want, and maybe even make a good profit. Creative inspiration will allow you to expand your range of interests. A serious approach to implementing ideas will help not only take your mind off routine, but also acquire an interesting additional profession.

The month is also perfect for starting changes in your life. It's time to say goodbye to the past that weighs on you and start spring cleaning within yourself. Don’t be afraid to enjoy life, don’t hide your positive emotions, your fears of scaring away your luck are in vain. Develop, improve your skills, show individuality, this will help you make your favorite activity your life’s work.

The end of the month is a wonderful period for Capricorns - workaholics. You will be faced with many important and interesting work tasks that will require your serious concentration.


Dedicate this month to taking care of your health. Now you are full of strength and energy, do not waste it on bad habits. Better engage in physical activity. Running, hiking, cycling, going to the gym or just doing physical work in the garden will do you good. It is better if your classes take place outdoors.

Now is a great time to improve your diet. Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Fasting days will be useful.

Capricorn's desire to change his life will also affect his appearance. You can afford to change your hairstyle and wardrobe. Skin care and cosmetic procedures will also benefit.


As the Capricorn horoscope for May 2017 recommends, representatives of the sign no longer need to put off their lives for later. You can live the life you want now, there is no need to wait any longer. Now you can and even should set big goals for yourself and work towards their realization. Thanks to unconventional thinking, creativity and ambition, many representatives of the sign will be able to advance their careers. The main thing is to approach your work seriously and with soul.

In the month of May, Capricorns will have various trips and business trips, as well as meetings related to work issues. When faced with obstacles, try to overcome them with steadfastness and confidence. For those Capricorns who have not been satisfied with their job for a long time, the time has come to change it.

Try to establish business contacts and attract allies to your side. Especially in the second half of the month, try to go out more often and make new acquaintances with potential partners and clients. Teamwork will be more effective in your business.

All decisions must be carefully considered; there is no need to rush now. Develop and implement new technologies in your business in order to increase labor efficiency.

The last days of the month will bring difficulties in work and relationships with colleagues.


The financial horoscope for Capricorn for May 2017 portends a stable situation. You can’t count on big profits, but the month of May won’t bring any significant losses either. But additional income is quite possible. Real estate transactions will be especially successful.

In the first half of May, Capricorns will be able to lay the foundation for the future. The main thing is to organize the work correctly. You must learn to properly manage your time and delegate authority. Take care to make your work more efficient.

The second half of the month should be aimed at establishing business relationships that will guarantee your financial well-being.


For family Capricorns, May will bring troubles around the house. Perhaps it will be a renovation, or maybe even a new home. Try to resolve conflicts that arise in the family without quarrels. Spend more time with your family, especially with children. Together you can find an interesting hobby that will bring you closer together. The month is favorable for going to theaters, parties and other bonding activities together.

As the love horoscope for May 2017 recommends, Capricorn will become the life of the party. Thanks to your sociability, you will gain many fans. Romantic relationships will give you a taste of life, but try not to lose your head.

For those Capricorns who have met their soul mate and are ready to formalize the relationship, the time has come for a favorable time. The next three months are very successful for this.

Man – Capricorn

As the horoscope for May 2017 recommends, a Capricorn man must engage in self-development. Now you are full of charm and interesting ideas. You attract people to you, easily establish business connections and actively move up the career ladder. Try to clearly plan your budget, do not avoid additional ways to earn money. Now the Capricorn man strives with all his might to realize himself in what interests him.

Take care of your health. Going to the gym or swimming pool will help maintain your morale.

Capricorn Woman

As the horoscope for May 2017 says, a Capricorn woman should not refuse those who need her help. The month will spin you into a whirlwind of events and promises many romantic encounters, surprises and bright emotions. Now you can meet your soul mate. For married women, the horoscope recommends not to provoke quarrels and avoid jealousy.

Don't forget about yourself and your appearance. Try to update your wardrobe, but not at the expense of your budget.

Career promises to develop successfully. But some difficulties may arise with health. Get a full medical examination.

May will be a month of relief for Capricorns in 2017. There will be ample opportunities for creativity and active work. The most relevant areas of interest in the first half of the month will be children, hobbies, and love. The horoscope for May 2017 recommends Capricorn to write down their thoughts, impressions and ideas - they can become the beginning of large and successful projects.

It will be useful for Capricorns to spend time in the garden with their children in May - teach them how to plant, sow, and care for plants.

The last week of May for Capricorns will be a time for intellectual work. Great time for those who are “married” to their work - their efforts will be rewarded.

Love horoscope for May 2017 Capricorn

Stabilization of relations with a partner will occur in May for Capricorn. According to the horoscope for May 2017 for Capricorn, there will be no more problems and quarrels, conflicts and irritation. May for Capricorn love is a very favorable period for spending time together. Walking, going to the theater and going to parties - everything will absolutely benefit a relationship in which both you and your partner are already tired of mutual reproaches and irritation. Relax together, tune in to each other, listen and understand your partner.

May finally favors those Capricorns who are planning to formalize their marriage. For maximum success, it is better to check the wedding date with the astrologer with whom you usually consult.

Favorable days for love in May 2017 for Capricorn: April 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 30, 31.

Financial horoscope Capricorn for May 2017

The first half of May in the horoscope for 2017 for Capricorns is devoted to thoughtful, balanced and effective questions. It would be good to learn how to delegate your powers, manage and allocate time. Thanks to the proper organization of their work, Capricorns will create a good foundation for the future in May 2017. It is the successes of this time that will probably become the foundation of well-being for you in the future.

The last two weeks of May in 2017 will be a good time for new business acquaintances, meetings and partnerships. Meetings, presentations and master classes will be held effectively and efficiently.

Favorable days for money in May 2017 for the Capricorn sign: 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 May in 2017.

Health horoscope for the sign Capricorn May for 2017

In May, Capricorns can completely change their image and change their appearance as they please! Paint yourself in bright colors, resort to the services of plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, update your wardrobe - everything you choose now will benefit you.

As for nutrition, in May it would be good for Capricorn to eat more fruits and vegetables. Fasting days and light physical activity will be favorable. Moreover, physical exercises will be more effective in May if you do them in the fresh air.

For Capricorns, personal life is one of those aspects of life where you can expect good luck. In May 2017, the stars have prepared a lot of interesting things for you: romantic meetings, love confessions, new acquaintances. You will be able to build new positive relationships or strengthen existing ones.

The stars foretell one of the best months of the year for love. The Sun and Mercury pass through Capricorn's house of love in May 2017, so the love atmosphere is painted in bright colors. Moreover, the full moon on May 11, 2017 illuminates your houses of love and friendship, hinting at the special role of friends in amorous affairs.

However, to take advantage of all the advantages of this spring month, you need to act somewhat unconventionally. Deviation from the usual ways of self-expression will make you irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex. You will also need self-confidence, which will ensure victory on the love front. In general, any doubts will kill romance.

The best prospects await single Capricorns. Although this does not mean that they will have any advantages over those who have already met their soulmate. Of course, we are talking about new relationships, and it will not necessarily be an intimate relationship. This can be friendship and even a pleasant mutually beneficial partnership.

As for family Capricorns, their attention will be attracted to issues related to real estate and place of residence. Perhaps relatives will make their suggestions. Their influence may seem limiting to you, but, in any case, it is better to listen to their advice.

Capricorn career and finance horoscope for May 2017

Work and business will delight Capricorns with new achievements. If you have been laying the foundation for a long time to move up the career ladder, then in May 2017 it is time to take a decisive step forward. However, the stars advise you not to share your plans with others, because excessive talkativeness may be punished.

The period promises to be very active, because dynamic Mars is in the work sector. Moreover, on May 21, 2017, the Sun joins it. Planetary influences provide a lot of energy, which makes the work especially successful. However, the effects can be twofold - your energetic interaction with people can be expressed in both cooperation and competition. Try to avoid conflicts with colleagues and business partners.

If we talk about finances, the time is quite favorable. Uranus, which rules Capricorn's house of money, forms a positive aspect with Saturn, which is a good omen. You have the opportunity to increase your income, but on the condition that you do not get carried away with adventures. Monetary success can come from new ideas, and connections and partnerships will also play an important role. Increasing financial assets is possible through additional work on the side.


May 2017 is a promising month, but stress cannot be avoided, so you need to take care of yourself. Mars passes through your house of health, bringing health risks. Be more careful than usual, because the energy of this planet provokes acute illnesses, injuries and accidents.

Don't refuse those chances that look unusual! Anything is possible if you have confidence in yourself.

Sometimes, during periods when the surrounding situation is as ambiguous as possible, the only way out is to go with the flow, plunge into a whirlpool of madness and absolute relaxation. For Capricorn, May 2017 will be just such a moment, because most of the planetary combinations, roughly speaking, will bypass this zodiac sign. However, your key patron, Mars, with the support of Saturn, will have a fairly strong influence on your life. But here the concept of “strong” is used in a very relative way, so get ready for the fact that it will be extremely difficult, almost impossible, to predict anything now! This means that there is a need to focus on short-term projects that bring immediate profit. Much will be unclear, and on the one hand, this means that you need to act harder and more thoughtfully. On the other hand, it hardly makes sense to fight against a door that objectively cannot be opened for now. In other words, Capricorn in all directions of life at the end of spring must succumb to the wave of circumstances, especially since this wave will definitely carry him to the shore where success awaits. The only point worth paying attention to is the position of the Moon. She will not be strong enough to clearly interfere with you, but if you become arrogant, if selfish notes become prevalent, this will give the younger sister of the Sun the opportunity to bring real negativity into your life.

In the work area in May 2017, Capricorn needs to focus on his job responsibilities. As already said, there is no need to look too far ahead. If you have your own business, try to maintain your existing position and improve (qualitatively!) your resource base. You can plan anything and as much as you want, but you will put it all into practice later. Now we need to deal with pressing issues, and also not allow competitors to “crush” our allies. Victory will be brought by competent cooperation, with which there should be no problems. Pull yourself together, think and make a decision. For Capricorns who don't have their own business, May will be a little brighter because management will provide you with new opportunities. Someone is waiting for a promotion, but for this you will have to try. In general, already in the first ten days of the month you will understand that you have a lot of alternatives, as they say, for every taste. But do not forget that the Moon, although not particularly strong, will not keep you waiting at any opportunity and will strike you in the back without any regrets. To eliminate this possibility, remember that you are not alone, the “lone ranger” is not a strategy that will ensure you victory.

Regarding the “love front” in May 2017, Capricorn can only say one thing: I don’t understand anything, but I like it. Many personal problems will resolve themselves, and in such a way that you either won’t notice it or won’t understand what we’re talking about. Don’t try to comprehend everything, although, of course, if possible, ask, find out, investigate... Simply because experience is never superfluous. Lonely Capricorns may well lose their status and finally find a strong and reliable relationship. You just need to behave appropriately, that is, not stupid. On the other hand, you should not try to become someone you are not; naturalness is always beneficial, no matter what anyone says. Family Capricorns can be calm; the whole month will go by “like clockwork” for them. The stars recommend going somewhere with your household more often; this will strengthen relationships and prevent potentially dangerous situations from developing. Just remember that the Moon can (albeit not easily, but still) harm you if your behavior turns out to be unworthy. We are talking, first of all, about the aforementioned egoism, about the prevalence of your personal desires over the aspirations of other people. In addition, you should not allow yourself too much, otherwise you will pay for your free behavior.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for May 2017 for the zodiac sign Capricorn, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Capricorn sign: Personal horoscopes for the Capricorn sign:

Many Capricorns will be incredibly happy in May 2017, but will hide all their emotions and worries under the mask of absolute indifference. And all because they will be afraid to frighten away their luck. Fortunately, your fears will be in vain; no one can stop you from enjoying success and joyful moments. This month, Capricorns will be able to say goodbye to their past and let it go. It's time to do some spring cleaning in your life and inner world. If something doesn’t work out for you, leave it in the care of your loved ones. They can make your life brighter and more interesting. Develop your greatest strengths, gain experience, improve your skills and increase your knowledge. Soon your favorite activity will become your whole life's work. You shouldn’t even try to merge with the gray mass and bend under the ingrained social foundations. Show your individuality anywhere and everywhere, be original and boldly defend your opinion. It has the right to be! Just be yourself and don't play any roles.

Capricorns are unique creations and the only ones of their kind who do not win thanks to something, but win in spite of. In the first ten days of May 2017, act in the same spirit and do not be afraid of any obstacles. You can do anything, the main thing is to believe in it. Allow yourself to dream, because dreams come true. Never look back, except to look and remember some important life lessons. Only pleasant meetings, sincere conversations and a lot of fun await you ahead. Remember, laughter prolongs life. Treat all funny situations and problems with a sense of humor, and you will see how the problem will become not a problem, but only a question, the answer to which you have already long ago prepared. While spending a lot of time communicating with your friends and loved ones, avoid contact with people who are called energy vampires. They will suck all the strength and optimism out of you. Be careful. Don't let them take advantage of your reliability.

Capricorns are far-sighted and prudent people. They like to look into their lives many years into the future. But believe me, if you now, from the second ten days of May 2017, begin to live the way you see it in the distant future, then you will have no need to wait decades. Start changing your life today and don’t need to put it off until later. After all, the best time is now. Start looking for a high-paying job now, stop being content with pennies! Change old and bad habits to new and useful ones. Set big goals for yourself and don’t doubt the reality of their implementation for a single moment. The movement of Mercury in Taurus suggests that from mid-May 2017 you have every opportunity to realize most of your grandiose plans. And even if someone nearby giggles at your thoughts, laugh heartily with him. After all, luck is on your heels, just have time to dream and plan. Many Capricorns during this period can advance their careers thanks to their unconventional thinking and initiative. Your activity and determination will definitely lead you to success. Put your soul into everything you do, and everything around you will be real, genuine and sincere. Capricorns are very neat people, and this quality is an excellent tool for demonstrating their professionalism and competence.

Capricorns love cleanliness and order so much that it is very difficult for them to let a stranger into their lives, even a loved one. But in the third decade of May 2017, under the influence of Venus, they will finally open not only a tightly closed door in their heart, but also in their home for great and sincere love. Your relationship with your loved one will be on the verge of the impossible. Only Capricorns are capable of such feelings, completely immersing themselves in them. Your chosen ones will simply become an integral part for the representatives of your zodiac sign, with which they form one whole. Despite all this, try not to lose your head and keep a sober mind, no matter how intoxicated your feelings are. You need to think about what will happen tomorrow and, of course, do not forget that there are other aspects of life that require your direct participation. And be careful not to crush your loved one with such a strong pressure of feelings. Everything should be in moderation. The stars advise Capricorns to slow down a little and not run ahead of the locomotive, because you may simply not have time to see the most important life moments that will happen to you.