Roof      09/18/2023

Flowers from plastic bottles on fire. How to make flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands - ideas and execution. Original and bright flower beds in the garden made from plastic bottles with your own hands

Most people don't use leftover plastic bottle containers and throw them away, but bottles can be put to better use. Today it has become popular to make all kinds of decorations for the home, garden, and garden plot with your own hands from plastic bottles. The most common decoration is plastic flowers.

DIY crafts from plastic bottles: flowers

An ordinary plastic bottle can become the main material for making flowers of incredible beauty that can decorate not only a room in the house, but also a garden plot. They will not be afraid of strong winds and frequent rains. In addition, to make this craft you do not need a large number of additional tools. All you need is paint, scissors and wire. The main thing when working is diligence and a creative approach.

It is best to choose bottles made of hard plastic: household chemicals, shampoos or lotions. This container is denser, already painted, which is simply necessary for creating flower arrangements, since if you apply paint to the petals by hand, then in outdoor conditions it will quickly “peel off” from moisture or crack from sunlight. The required stages of work are selecting a bottle, cutting out elements of the desired shape (depending on which flower is chosen) and connecting them to each other.

Lilies of the valley from plastic bottles

Lilies of the valley made from plastic bottles look very beautiful in the garden plot of a dacha or private home. All that is required to obtain an original flower arrangement is a white or blue container. Milk bottles work well for buds. If you can’t find a suitable shade, you can use special acrylic-based paints. The size of the flowers depends on the preferences of the artist: the larger the buds you plan to make, the larger the bottle is needed.

Master class on making lilies of the valley from plastic bottles

  1. The flower bell is created from the very top part of the container, to which the cork is screwed, so you need to cut it across.
  1. From the edges you need to cut out the petals of the correct beautiful shape, bending them slightly, which will give them a realistic volume. To obtain a more spectacular appearance, you can slightly heat the plastic while simultaneously giving the desired shape to the petals.
  2. Next, you need to make holes in the corks and pull the wire through them, and then use it to tie the bud itself and the stem. It can be made from the same green plastic by first cutting a spiral-shaped section from the bottle.
  3. After that, the resulting spiral should be wound onto a base (bush) of a metal rod and the structure should be slightly heated over an open fire until the material begins to melt. Now the branch is ready for stringing flower bells on it.

Lilies from plastic bottles

A beautiful, spectacular lily can be obtained from a small, slightly flattened white bottle. The undeniable advantage of such containers is that there is no need to shape the petals by bending them. You just need to cut off all the corners of the bottle, and you can form bends by heating the material over an open fire. Other required tools are plastic tubes and metal wire.

Master class on making lilies from plastic bottles

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Cutting off the top part of the container: both the cork and the neck.
  2. Cutting petals into pointed shapes.
  3. If a greater bend of the petal is required, then you need to warm it up a little over the fire. The process must be carefully monitored, as the product can be deformed from high temperatures.
  4. Painting lily heads using orange acrylic or oil paint.
  5. Making a stem from tubes.
  6. Making holes in the plastic tube into which leaves are inserted.
  7. Connecting the head to the stem (wire will be required).

You can use a metal rod instead of plastic tubes. The leaves are screwed to it with thin wire. It is worth considering that lilies bloom in inflorescences, so a flower bush will look most impressive. The manufacturing scheme is simple: you need to make several flowers separately, and then connect 3 stems together using regular adhesive tape.

1. Crafts from plastic bottles can be very beautiful - you just need to use containers made of a certain type of plastic and try to make not primitive flowers, but elegant ones.

Flowers from plastic bottles - elegant fantasies

This is proven by designer Veronika Richterova, whom we have talked about more than once and presented her work as an example of high taste (strange as it may sound when we are talking about crafts from plastic bottles), and also in this.

The master has wonderful works, looking at which it is impossible to believe that they are made of bottle plastic. I want to look at them and look at them. And this is quite possible not only in the pictures, but also if you make such garden crafts with your own hands to decorate your own plot.

So, we take plastic containers not from water or other drinks, but from shampoo, gel, and other cosmetics or detergents.

It is advisable that bottles for elegant flowers should initially be the color you want. That is, so that crafts made from plastic bottles do not have to be painted, it is unlikely that you will get a better color than it was specified during production. In addition, you won’t have to worry about the paint being washed off in the rain or peeling off in the sun. Of course, any plastic on the street fades over time. But when it fades, then paint it. At the same time, update your flower bed. For the centers of flowers, you can use decorative caps from containers.

It’s good if you have curly scissors, the blades of which give a wavy edge. If you don’t have such scissors, you will have to try to cut out the “wave” with ordinary scissors. In principle, it's not that difficult.

In principle, the pictures show very well exactly how to make such flowers. Try not to cut small elements - then you will need to fasten them, and this is not always easy. If you want curved petals, hold the piece over the fire and shape it. But don’t bring it too close to the fire - the plastic melts and burns very quickly, almost instantly.

2. But, by the way, this property can be successfully used to make a flower stem. You can simply take a rigid metal wire or rod of small diameter and, wrapping strips of plastic (here you can use regular bottle plastic), melt it.

And flowers from plastic containers are so different! Let's try to make a beautiful flower with graceful petals. It will be fantasy: for some it will remind one of cosmos, for others of daylily, for others of heliopsis, zinnia, Christmas star, etc.

Materials for 1 garden craft - flower

  • plastic bottle - capacity 1 l. Please note that the best bottle options for these colors are those with smooth necks. Basically, these are bottles of mineral water;
  • ball made of polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, plastic, wood, etc. - diameter 25 - 40 mm;
  • flexible metal wire;
  • wire for the flower stem;
  • paints.
  • scissors, brush.

Flowers from plastic bottles - step by step tutorial

We use a plastic bottle, well washed and dried.

Cut the bottle in half crosswise. We try to make the cut as even as possible - this determines whether the flower petals will be the same in length. If you are making a flower with children, they may need help cutting the plastic.

Cut the plastic bottle into five or more pieces. Here we also try to cut, maintaining an even distance between the stripes - the future petals of the flower.

We take each strip with our fingers and bend it outward from the neck.

Cut out petals of the desired shape from the strips. Here they are so graceful and pointed.

It's time to paint the flower blank. Cover the table tightly with a layer of paper or old oilcloth, prepare paints and brushes.

If we buy paint specifically for painting plastic crafts, choose a glossy one - it gives a beautiful shine.

To enhance the effect, you can add glitter to the paint - special glitter. By the way, such glosses are found not only in nail polish - they are introduced into interior paints and varnishes. You can buy it in construction stores or in shops that are so loved by handicraft masters.

We make the background color of the flower with the main color (in this case, red). The plastic is transparent, you can paint the workpiece on one side, but it is better to paint both - this way the flower will look more elegant.

After the petals have dried, we draw the details with a different color of paint - we paint the tips, and put neat dots on some petals. To make it easier to draw a clear, even point, we do this not with a brush, but with the tip of a toothpick, knitting needle, kebab stick, etc.

We paint a small ball of polystyrene foam or other material - it will be the convex center of the flower.

We attach the ball to the center of the workpiece - screw it with wire, making holes with an awl, or glue it with glue for external use. For example, very good in this regard

The stem for the flower can be made from wire, painted green. Or you can buy special stems for artificial flowers in a store that sells products for florists. They are often available in wire form (called gerbera) - you can make stems of any height.

Large flowers made from plastic bottles are not uncommon, but try to “grow” huge flowers from this material and you will see how your garden has changed thanks to them.

Huge flowers look fabulous and bring magic to the world around them.

Materials for huge magical flowers

For one such flower you will need:

10-12 plastic bottles with a capacity of 2 liters or 3-4 plastic bottles of water with a capacity of 3-6 liters;

  • A rim from the wheel of an old bicycle, maybe a teenager's or a child's. If there is no wheel rim, you can take a children's gymnastics hoop, and instead of knitting needles, tightly wrap wire or rope;
  • durable metal rod (reinforcement) or wheel fork;
  • thin flexible hose;
  • paint - color depending on the color of the flower, as well as green;
  • wire - for fastening. But if you have a construction stapler, this will make the job much easier.

Plastic bottles or bottles are prepared - clean and dry. Working with them is basically the same, you just get more petals from 1 bottle.

Cut off the necks and bottoms of the bottles/bottles.

We cut out large, simply huge flower petals - to the entire height of the containers.

Let's start coloring the petals. We choose the color as desired, paint that matches the look. The paints that are most often used for other plastic crafts are described here in great detail.

You shouldn’t paint the entire petal with one paint - if you make it two-color, with veins and spots, it will look more vibrant. We use one light paint, the second one is darker. You can use three colors in one product, but no more, otherwise it will be too “variegated”.

You can paint the petals on one side (the plastic is almost transparent), or on both sides.

How to attach flower petals to a base

First we make the middle of the flower. To do this, cut out a circle from plywood or use the bottom of a plastic bottle. We paint the middle in the color we need. Attach to the knitting needles in the center.

We begin to attach the petals one by one to the middle. For reliability, we also attach each petal to a knitting needle or rim.

When all the petals are in place, we mask the fastenings in the middle with thinly cut strips from a plastic bottle. By the way, the voluminous center of the flower is very beautiful.

How to make a flower stem

If there is a wheel fork, turn it into a “stem” (paint it green. If there is no fork, put a rubber/plastic hose on the reinforcing rod, paint it green and also get a stem. However, you will have to tinker with attaching the head to such a stem flower.You can make a bolted fastening or securely wind the parts with metal wire.

Huge magical flowers made from plastic bottles look great both in groups and individually. We sit them down and admire our work.

Crafts made from plastic bottles are multifaceted in terms of themes: figurines of animals, insects, and people are created from this material.

If you are going to connect the layers to the petals with wire, you will have to make holes in the plastic. You can do this instantly with a hot nail or awl. To prevent the fastening from spoiling the appearance of crafts made from plastic bottles, make holes in those places that will subsequently be covered with the next layer.

It is very easy to staple the layers together, but you will need a stapler to do this. By the way, this is a very useful household item - it holds together almost any materials.

We make the middle of the flower - to do this you need to find and attach a suitable lid to the center of the craft or use some kind of ball (tennis ball, for example), cutting it in half.

It is not difficult to attach such flowers from plastic bottles to the surface - you can simply nail them or use wire.

Plastic bottles, which are most often used to create crafts for the garden, are a convenient material in terms of cutting, durability, etc. But often the flowers from it turn out to be “flimsy”, with thin petals that scream: “We are made of plastic!”

Dense, evenly colored petals

In many cases, even coloring does not help. It’s especially offensive when you make flowers from plastic bottles: beauty seems to be implied, but, frankly, it’s not there. What to do?

You can do like designer Laura Karnitz, who creates amazing crafts for the garden and interior from PET bottles with denser plastic, namely bottles for shampoos, cosmetics and household products, milk, etc.

Another good thing about these bottles is that the plastic is already painted, and the colors are very beautiful. That is, all that remains is to work with scissors, then fasten the parts, and the craft for the garden is ready.

How to make lush flowers from plastic bottles

There are many techniques for creating plastic flowers for the garden, but there are some that allow you to make very lush heads. Here is one of them, very simple, by the way.

  1. Cut fairly wide strips (4-5-7 cm) from round plastic bottles.
  2. Cut out rather steep “waves” from one edge of the strips - these will be petals.
  3. Pass the petals over the fire. There is no need to “melt” the plastic too much; you just need to warm it up a little so that the petals can be bent in the desired direction.
  4. Now collect the strips in a “stack”, forming a flower head. More stripes - a more magnificent flower.
  5. Fastening - using a hot awl and wire. In principle, it will not be visible among the petals.
  6. Flower centers can be made using corks.

Lilies from plastic bottles

Wonderful flowers from plastic bottles are obtained not only from round containers. For example, you can make a mesmerizing lily from an ordinary flat shampoo bottle. And you won’t have to bend the petals to give them shape: you will only need to cut off the corners of the bottle - the bend is already there. If the result is not satisfactory, you can always correct the details of the flower over the fire.

Flowers from plastic bottles: Lotuses 2 options

There are two options for creating lotuses from plastic bottles: one is easier, the other is more difficult.

Lotuses made from plastic bottles - looks interesting

And, as often happens, a more complex option also gives a more interesting effect: flowers from plastic bottles - delicate lotuses - turn out lush and “full”.

Although the simple option is interesting, especially if there are a lot of flowers.

As for the material, it is better to use plastic bottles with dense, light-colored plastic - for example, milk bottles or bottles for shampoos and other cosmetic products.

Lotuses with petals in several tiers

In general, the task of creating such flowers from plastic bottles is not particularly difficult. The only thing is that you will need a strong fastening so that the lotus does not fall apart into its components (petals). If you are going to decorate some small container with these flowers and you know for sure that you will be moving them, except occasionally, you can fasten the petals into a flower with glue (hot glue, for example, or some kind of “thermonuclear” construction glue).

Such containers, which are essentially mini-ponds, are sometimes made to decorate verandas, terraces, patios, etc.

But if you do everything “for real,” spend a little time, make a hole at the base of each petal (with a hot nail) and tightly connect the petals into a flower with wire (it won’t be visible anyway).

Here's how to make the middle.

Lotuses with petals in one tier

Making these flowers from plastic bottles is as easy as shelling pears. Cut off the top of the bottle and make petals along the edge of the cut. The flower stand is also the top part of the bottle, but larger. We insert the flower with the petals with the neck into the neck of the stand, with the center inside, with the help of which the lotus will be tightly secured in the stand.

These simple flowers make wonderful borders for small flower beds.

In both cases, we paint the petals with acrylic paint (easier than aerosol, “spray can”). The color can be white or pink (like most lotuses), although if you paint it yellow and decorate a decorative pond in your garden, you will get wonderful water lily nymphs (which, in fact, are the same lotuses, but not so “glorified”).

Many homestead owners create all sorts of products from plastic bottles to decorate their place. You can create real works of art by spending a minimum of money.

Not only decorative items are made from plastic, but even furniture. All you need is a knife, an awl and a little imagination.

In this article we will look in detail at how to make crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands.

Decorating the site

You won’t see any kind of homemade products on personal plots. There are flowers, animals, and trees. You can create beautiful sculptural compositions that will not only decorate the garden, but will also give you a great mood.

Let's look at a couple of instructions for beginners that will help you easily create crafts from plastic bottles. It will be a palm tree and a pig.

Bottle palm

To make a palm tree you need to create a frame. Its length should be equal to the height of the tree.

Take bottles of the same size, cut off their bottoms and place them on top of each other. Then the leaves are cut out. They are attached to the top of the created structure. When everything is ready, the palm tree is painted green.

Funny pig made from bottles

The pig will look great anywhere in the garden. To make it you will need:

  • 5 liter bottle;
  • four bottle necks for making legs;
  • one top part from a bottle, which is cut into two parts to make ears;
  • wire for tail;
  • two beads for eyes;
  • glue;
  • pink paint.

The parts are connected and secured with glue. The finished product needs to be painted. You can use oil or spray paint. To prevent the piglet from being blown away by the wind, you need to pour sand into it.

In addition to its decorative function, the structure can serve as a flower bed. To do this, the top is cut off, filled with soil and flowers are planted.

Crafts made from plastic bottles for the garden can serve as flower beds, borders or paths. To make a path, bottles are inserted into the ground with their necks.

Both whole and cut plastic are used. It is important to fill the bottles with soil so that they do not become deformed when they are walked on.

Use of bottles on the farm

Bottles are used not only for decoration. These can be used to make a dustpan, washbasin, or pest trap.

Undoubtedly, everyone needs a container for storing some items. To make it, just cut off the neck.

The washbasin is also very easy to make with your own hands. The bottom of the bottle is cut off and holes are made through which the rope is threaded. The structure is hung in the desired place and water is poured. To wash your face, just unscrew the cap a little.

To make a trap, you need to cut the container in half. To catch insects, some kind of bait is placed at the bottom. For example, sugar syrup with yeast is suitable for this.

You will need hot water in which the sugar and yeast will dissolve. The cooled liquid must be poured into the trap. Not only flies and wasps, but also mosquitoes will flock to this delicacy.


Even a child can make a scoop. First you need to outline its shape and then cut it out.

Plastic can be used to make flower pots, greenhouses or containers for seedlings. Descriptions of such crafts made from plastic bottles can be found in large quantities on the Internet, but to create something unique, you need to show your imagination.

It is fashionable to build a self-watering device from plastic containers. To do this, cut the bottle, make holes on the sides and insert the hose into the neck. With the help of such a device, the plants will be perfectly hydrated.

For plants that do not like surface watering, make the following device. The bottom of plastic containers is not completely cut off. A trench is opened on the side of the plant where stones are placed. The bottle is buried upside down.

Then the required amount of water is poured to carry out irrigation. You can place the bottles upside down, but in this case you will need to make holes in the container.

Plastic containers are also used to heat plants. To do this, bottles are filled with warm water and placed around the plant.


For inspiration, you can look at various photos of crafts made from plastic bottles. You don’t need to put in a lot of effort to make an original decoration or useful item for your garden that will last for many years.

Photos of crafts made from plastic bottles


Recently, lawns and adjacent areas in the city have been decorated with plastic crafts. When the snow just melts and buds appear on the trees, flowers from plastic bottles are already adorning the lawns. We will consider a master class on field, indoor and garden plants from this material in the article.

Basic rules when working with plastic bottles

It is better for adults or older children to work with plastic under the supervision of a mentor. The fact is that in this creativity you have to work with sharp tools (scissors, awl, knife, cutter), aerosol paints, fire, which can lead to injuries if you are not careful.

The technique for making flowers is simple: draw a template and transfer it to a plastic base. Next, cut out the leaves, petals or finished flower. Poke a hole in the middle of the flower blanks with an awl or soldering iron and give them the shape of petals using fire. First, scorch the edges, then create a bend on the underside of the petal under the flame in much the same way as when creating flowers from satin ribbons. Use tweezers when performing this procedure.

You can make flowers from a plastic bottle from the top. In this case, a hole is pierced in the lid itself, which fixes the position of the stamens and pistils. The leaves are attached using fire or green tape. The stem can also be wrapped in melted plastic or electrical tape. To make the plants look like real ones, it is advisable to paint them with rain-resistant alkyd aerosol or acrylic paints.

Decorations for wicker fences and trees

Various fences for flower beds are woven from branches. Various flowers are attached to the interweaving of branches for beauty. Trees are also decorated with flowers and other plastic crafts using rope or wire, without deforming the trunks.

Let's look at how to make small five-petal flowers from plastic bottles. The master class is very simple.

  • Draw a five-petal flower on paper.
  • Use a marker to transfer this template onto the bottle.
  • Cut out the blanks.
  • Use your hands to bend the petals to the sides.
  • Flame all the edges of the flower to make the cuts smooth.
  • Then run the flame under the petals to give them a bend or angle.
  • Try the blanks on each other.
  • Determine the middle of the flowers and pierce with an awl in two places.
  • Connect the blanks using a wire, onto which thread two or three beads.
  • Twist the wire from the wrong side and cut off the excess ends.
  • Now the flowers can be attached to the fence. If you don’t want to make holes, then the first blanks can be made from the top of the bottles, where the fastening goes through the lid.

Roses for outdoors and indoors

To make roses you need to draw templates of different sizes. The more elements, the more magnificent the flowers from a plastic bottle (the photo of roses confirms that multi-layering is created due to petals of different sizes).

Draw seven patterns of rectangles and squares on paper (these will be the elements for one rose). Within their borders, display a flower of four petals, the edges of which have a concave cut. Now transfer the rectangular and square blanks to the bottle. Cut them out using flower patterns.

Using an awl, make a hole in the middle of the rose. Now scorch all the flowers over the candle, lifting the petals up. Remember that melted plastic can cause severe burns, so use tweezers.

Forming roses

Wrap a thick wire with a plastic strip, which you melt over a flame. Leave one edge of the wire for the flowers and sepals (you will put them on in descending order). The middle of the rose can be decorated with a bead and secured with wire. Or cut a small circle from a bottle, cut it into strips, scorch it over a fire to form stamens, and attach it to the middle of the flower.

Next, cut out a template of leaves on a 3-petiole stem from the green bottle. Burn the workpiece over a candle. Twist the petioles of the leaves under the flame and attach the leaf to the base of the rose stem by wrapping the melted plastic edge around it. Using this pattern, make yourself a whole bouquet.

Flowers made from plastic bottles will be more realistic if they are tinted with paints. For example, veins or dark parts can be drawn in leaves; in the petals, enhance the color or add an additional shade. To simplify the work, you can wrap the stems with green electrical tape to match the color of the leaves.

Outlandish flowers from plastic bottles

The master class is a very interesting way to convey experience, as it shows how to make real flowers out of plastic.

  • Cut off the top and cap from seven transparent plastic bottles.
  • Cut 6 strips, form petals and singe them over the flame. In this case, first bend each petal. Then scorch along the edges and again go through the middle of the petal.

  • Paint the blanks with red spray paints.
  • Once the surface of the petals is dry, apply yellow paint to the middle of the flowers.
  • In the lid of each flower, use an awl and scissors to make a hole of such a diameter that the pistil and stamens, which will be made of beads, can fit through.
  • Paint it green (this will be the sepal).
  • For the pistil, string a large bead onto a wire, which will be its stigma, and twist the ends of the wire. Only then dial 22 pcs. green beads.
  • Make the stamens in the same way from glass beads and 19 pcs. blue beads

For one flower you need to collect the pistil and 6 stamens into a bouquet, wrap them with thread and insert them into the lid with glue.

Collecting flowers in a bouquet

Our flowers look like clivias, so look at their location on the stem in any photo. You need to make seven flowers from plastic bottles for one plant. While the stamens are drying, make 8 large leaves, four medium and four small oval leaves from a green bottle.

Treat each petal over the flame and straighten it a little. Make a hole at the base of the leaf and attach the wire. Now for the stem, take a meter thick wire or cable and begin to place the flowers in the desired position: one flower on top, then, after 20 centimeters, 3 flowers, and after the same distance - 3 flowers, which look in different directions, since their stems bent 90 degrees.

Then, after 10 centimeters, leaves are attached in 2-3 pieces, starting and ending with the smallest ones. That is, the arrangement will be as follows: two small, four rows of large leaves, two rows of medium and two small leaves. The stems are secured with green electrical tape. Such flowers can be installed in a flower bed.

Palm trees - interesting crafts from plastic bottles

Flowers are often made from transparent bottles, but what should you do with brown containers? Let's make a palm tree out of them! We will need brown and green bottles. For the palm tree trunk, dig a cable into the ground, which must withstand strong winds. Brown bottles will need to be cut with 8 pointed teeth on one edge. If you leave the bottom, then make a hole in it, but if you use the top of the bottle, then unscrew the cap.

You put tooth-shaped brown blanks on the cable, and spread the leaves to the sides with your hands or using a flame, creating the effect of tree bark. Once the palm tree has reached the desired length, attach the leaves that you make from green containers.

For foliage, the bottom of the bottles is cut off and long strips are cut to the top. Lids are not needed in this case. Next, leaves of the required length are put on the cable and attached to the trunk of the palm tree. The more branches you make, the more magnificent the tree will be, but then take a thick cable.

Yellow elegant flowers

Let's look at how to make elegant flowers from plastic bottles. The master class is as follows.

  • Cut off the top and bottom of transparent bottles.
  • Next, draw ordinary petals on them, similar to a rose: narrow at the base and with wide edges.
  • You scorch each petal over a candle.

  • From a transparent or green bottle, cut out individual leaves without petioles and sepals with 10 teeth, which you also melt over the flame.
  • Paint the blanks with acrylic paints: the petals are yellow, the edges are red, the leaves and sepals are green.
  • Make two holes in the leaves so that you can attach them to the stem.
  • Now cut in half.
  • Paint it green and the bottom.
  • Make a cut in the middle to insert a petal, which you twist into a bud using fire.
  • Insert the remaining petals with the tip, creating one or another tilt if necessary.
  • Once the flower is collected, turn it over.
  • Insert a kebab stick painted green into it.
  • String a sepal and a leaf on it.

Create a whole bouquet using this pattern.

climbing flowers

Now let's look at the master class. Prepare plastic bottles (transparent flowers, green leaves) according to the standard scheme, cutting off the tops and bottoms. For leaves, cut the bottle in a spiral 10 centimeters wide. Draw leaves on a long branch on it, cut it out and melt it over a candle, twisting the petioles in some places.

Then you make templates of two colors with five petals: large and small. You also burn it with a candle and paint it with paints. Make holes in the middle of the flowers and connect the two templates with wire, taking several beads for the stamens.

The next step is to poke holes in the leaves in the right places on the vine and attach the prepared flowers, cutting off the excess ends and hiding the wire in the foliage. Next, combine all the curly branches into one bundle, fasten them and hang them on a nail or in a flowerpot.

As you can see, you can make a wide variety of flowers for the garden and home from plastic bottles. And naturalness and naturalness can be given to them with the help of paints.

Most liquids in modern stores are sold in plastic bottles, which in skillful hands can turn into unique decorations for a garden or city yard. Flowers made from plastic bottles look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing at any time of the year. To make them, you need a simple set of tools, a little effort and imagination.

Necessary tools

To make plastic flowers for garden decoration, you need a basic and affordable set of materials and tools.

Main material

The main material for work is plastic containers. The variety of their shapes and sizes will allow you to create dozens of different colors. As stems for flowers made from plastic bottles, you can use wire of various thicknesses or wooden skewers, which are wrapped with plastic strips or electrical tape.

To create large volumetric compositions, you may need plastic tubes, wooden blocks and slats, and dry tree branches. You can fasten the flower parts together using glue or a stapler. In addition, wire, fishing line and screws are used as fastening elements.

Painting plastic parts

To paint plastic flowers, you can use enamel, acrylic paints and colored varnishes, as well as aerosols for painting cars. You can use regular paint brushes. But in this case the paint will lie in stripes, which will remain on the finished product.

A more even, streak-free color can be achieved by applying the paint with a foam sponge. The disadvantage of this method is the length of the process over time. To obtain a rich color, it is necessary to apply several layers of paint, each of which must dry completely.

The most even coloring is obtained when working with aerosol paints in cans. It is preferable to carry out this work outdoors, since the dye has a rather pungent, persistent odor.

Set of tools for work

To create flower arrangements from plastic containers, you do not need special tools. The equipment available in every home will be sufficient:

  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • awl;
  • stationery knife;
  • stapler;
  • wax candle;
  • glue;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver.

Thanks to such a simple set of tools and skillful hands, you can decorate a plot or yard to your surprise.

Precautionary measures

In order to make flower crafts, sharp tools are used, careless handling of which can lead to injury. Therefore, this work should be done by adults or children under their supervision.

When working with paint, you must equip yourself with basic protective equipment: rubber gloves (protecting the skin of your hands), a gauze mask or a special respirator (preventing particles of the dye from entering the respiratory tract).

To create some types of floral plastic decorations, you need to work with an open flame. To prevent the possibility of accidental burns, all parts must be held above the flame using tweezers. Plastic material should not be allowed to ignite as this may cause a fire.

Garden floral wonders

Household or garden plots are an area where creative owners can bring their ideas and fantasies in the field of decoration to life. Beautiful flowers from plastic containers will make the area around the house brighter and more noticeable. So, you can make original decor for a fence, veranda or gazebo. Both compositions of small flowers and single bright buds of large sizes will look organic in the garden.

Decor for wooden surfaces

What do people pay attention to when approaching a private or garden house? Of course it's a fence. Flowers from bottles will help make it memorable and original. To make them you will need:

  • bottles of the same size;
  • scissors;
  • acrylic paints;
  • colored buttons;
  • glue for plastic;
  • screws and screwdriver.

The bottoms are cut off from plastic containers and given the shape of a flower. Transparent blanks can be painted.

The finished flowers are screwed to the wooden parts of the fence. The procedure for fixing crafts depends on the imagination of the master. You can close the screw caps using multi-colored buttons that are glued to the center of each flower.

You can decorate the fence with bright sunflowers. To create them you will need:

  • two-liter bottles;
  • yellow paint;
  • green electrical tape;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • metal or wooden rod.

To make sunflowers, it is better to use brown containers. The bottom is cut off from the bottle. The rest should be cut into large petals and painted yellow. When the paint has dried, you can begin assembling the product. Glue is applied to the workpiece from the inside and the brown core is glued.

Two holes are made in the base into which a rod is inserted. The unpainted part of the flower and the rod must be wrapped with electrical tape. Leaves can be made from a plastic folder, and also secured to the stem with electrical tape.

Flowers for a flower bed

It’s quite easy to create a bright, beautiful flowerbed in your garden that will delight owners and passers-by all year round. To do this you will need a lot of multi-colored plastic containers, imagination and some free time.

Garden daisies

Daisies for flower beds can be easily made from white plastic bottles, which are usually sold in dairy products. To create one chamomile you will need:

  • three bottles;
  • wooden sticks;
  • green paint;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

First, the sticks are coated with green paint and left to dry. Then blanks from bottles are prepared. The bottom and neck of two containers are cut off. The diameter of the upper hole should be slightly larger than the size of the neck of the third workpiece, from which only the bottom is cut off. The height of the parts differs by 1 cm. 8 petals are cut out of plastic.

Flower assembly begins with the formation of a bud. To do this, two more blanks are put on the neck of the first part. They can be fixed with glue. Then you need to bend the petals. A yellow or orange cap is screwed to this volumetric blank.

A hole is made in the center of the green lid and a prepared wooden stick is inserted. The edges of the lid are covered with glue and connected to the bud. Beautiful garden chamomile is ready!

Bright tulip

Unusual multi-colored tulips can be made in several ways. To create this flower you will need:

  • plastic containers;
  • paints;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • wooden skewers;
  • yellow details from chocolate eggs.

Work should begin by preparing the stems. Wooden sticks (skewers, Asian food sticks, fireplace matches without sulfur) are painted green. A dry stick is connected with glue to half of the yellow part.

Flowers can be made from both the bottom and top of the bottle. Pre-selected containers are made in different colors. To do this, they use the internal painting method: pour a little paint inside the bottle, close the lid and slowly turn it around its axis. After uniformly covering the entire inner surface of the container with paint, open the lid and wait for the workpiece to dry completely.

The painted container is cut into two parts and their edges are cut off in the form of sharp or rounded petals. A hole is made in the center of the buds and a prepared stem with a yellow core is inserted into it. To securely fix the stem, the edges of the hole are covered with glue.

Long, sharp leaves are cut out of a green bottle and attached to the stem with glue.

Unusual lilies

White or painted lilies will be a wonderful addition to the floral design of a city flowerbed or summer cottage. You can make this beautiful delicate flower from white or transparent plastic bottles. To work you also need:

  • wire;
  • acrylic paints;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • glue;
  • wax candle.

The top part of plastic containers is cut off and the lids are unscrewed. The necks are cut into 6 round petals. White bottles do not need painting.

Transparent ones can be painted white or pink. Two-color buds look very beautiful.

Two holes are made in the lids using an awl. A wire is inserted into them and its ends are twisted. The green bottle is cut into strips 5-6 wide, which are heated over a fire and wrapped around a wire.

The core of the lily is made from a strip of plastic cut into fringes. It is slightly heated over a flame and rolled into a roller. The resulting stamens fluff up and turn yellow.

After all the elements have completely dried, they begin to assemble the flower. The lid with the stem is screwed to the neck. The core with stamens is glued inside.

Decor for artificial ponds

Many garden plots have small artificial lakes. They are decorated with pebbles or figurines, or they can be decorated with plastic flowers.

Water lily

A delicate water lily that will please the eye can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle. To create a beautiful white three-dimensional flower you will need:

  • white plastic bottles (4 pcs.);
  • five-liter containers;
  • acrylic paints;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • glue;
  • source of fire.

Creating a flower begins with preparing the painted parts. Cut a leaf from the bottom of a large container and paint it green.

The top of one of the white bottles is cut off and given the shape of a flower. Take the workpiece with tweezers and heat it a little over the fire so that the petals bend inward. Then the flower is painted. A strip is cut from the middle part of the container, cut into a fringe and rolled into a roll. Its end is sealed over a candle. The stamens are painted yellow with spray paint.

The top part is cut off from three white bottles and the neck is trimmed so that the elements can be placed on the yellow core. The plastic is cut into sharp petals, slightly bending them in the middle.

The petal blanks are placed on the base, fixing each with glue. After the glue has completely dried, the petals are slightly bent. The stamens are glued to the center. The flower is attached with glue to the leaf.

Glowing water pod

A simple flower in the form of a yellow capsule with candles in the center looks original. It is made from plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5 and 5 liters. Cut off the bottom of a one and a half liter container and cut out a flower with five petals from it. It is painted yellow on the outside. A sheet is cut from the bottom of a large bottle, the edges of which are heated and bent into low sides. The finished element is painted green.

The parts of the egg capsule are glued together with glue. Place a small candle in the flower, securing it with double-sided tape. The spark plug can be easily replaced as needed.

By creating crafts from plastic containers, you can not only decorate your garden or flowerbed in a beautiful and original way, but also help clean up the environment.

By involving children in this activity, you can develop their imagination and creative thinking, and develop a caring attitude towards the environment.