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Alekseev N.G. and others. The concept of development of research workers. Research work. “Research activity of students as a means of realizing personality in the general educational space” Reliance on traditions and the search for novelty is fundamental

This term has other meanings, see Gymnasium No. 1. Gymnasium No. 1 Director Zernova Larisa Mikhailovna Type gymnasium Address Russia, 183072, Murmansk, Svyazi proezd, 30 Coordinates 68 ... Wikipedia

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The development of culture and education of the peoples of the USSR has a long history. Back in the 4th and 5th centuries. The first schools appeared in churches and monasteries in Georgia and Armenia. In Fasis (near the modern city of Poti) in the 4th century. there was a “Higher Rhetorical...

- (Republic of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Tojikistan) Tajikistan. I. General information The Tajik ASSR was formed on October 14, 1924 as part of the Uzbek SSR; October 16, 1929 transformed into the Tajik SSR, December 5, 1929... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (France) French Republic (République Française). I. General information F. state in Western Europe. In the north, the territory of France is washed by the North Sea, the Pas de Calais and English Channel straits, in the west by the Bay of Biscay... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (in Hindi Bharat) the official name of the Republic of India. I. General information I. is a state in South Asia, in the Indian Ocean basin. I. is located on the most important sea and air communications,... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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I Egypt (An ancient ancient state in the lower reaches of the Nile River, in northeastern Africa. Historical outline. The settlement of the territory of Egypt dates back to the Paleolithic era. In 10 6 thousand BC, when the climate was more humid, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Government program- (Government program) A state program is an instrument of state regulation of the economy, ensuring the achievement of long-term goals. The concept of a state program, types of state federal and municipal programs, ... ... Investor Encyclopedia

- (Československo) Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Czechoslovakia (Československa socialisticka republika, ČSSR). I. General information Czechoslovakia is a socialist state in Central Europe. Located on the Danube watershed… Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Development of students' research activities Aleksey Sergeevich Obukhov Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Developmental Psychology, Deputy. Dean for Research, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Deputy. editor-in-chief of the journal “Personality Development”, editor-in-chief of the journal “Research Work of Schoolchildren”

Functions of exploratory behavior: behavior aimed at reducing arousal caused by uncertainty; behavior aimed at searching and acquiring new information; one of the fundamental forms of interaction with the world, aimed at understanding it

Autobiographical memories of one’s own childhood curiosity Situations supporting children’s curiosity Independent curiosity is associated with: familiarization with the properties of surrounding objects and natural materials, exploration of the surrounding space, recognition of one’s own capabilities (physical, social, emotional, intellectual)

Methods of encouragement: tenderness, non-punishment, condescending attitude (forgiveness), praise, approval, reward, provision of a tool. Norming situations: send to learn, lead to the right place, provide information, allow for joint activities.

Punished research behavior Subject environment: manipulation with objects; study of the properties of objects and matter; dismantling or modifying items; study (use) of technology; gathering; Surrounding space and natural environment: study, development or change of space; interaction with animals; collecting Sign systems: searching for an answer to the incomprehensible (words, language, images); aesthetic curiosity; fantastic ideas Man: exploring the capabilities of your body; existential questions; social interaction

Behavioral manifestations of manipulation with an object (remove an object, study the contents, disassemble, test for strength, use for other purposes, hide) collect, catch (someone or something) transform reality (excavate, build) taste and tactile study (sample taste, touch) visual study (see, observe, examine) movement in space (climb somewhere, get, leave, go, swim) questioning (ask another, ask to explain) find out the reaction of another (person, animal) experience feelings ( similar or special)

Conditions of manifestation Space Alone without adults Being in a new space Trying to go beyond the known Outside the home Together with peers or siblings In interaction with adults In the house Time Situational manifestation (here and now) Planned actions (waiting, sequential activity) Continued active activity (up to six months )

The motives for adult prohibitions are damage to property (damaged equipment, disassembled toys, dirty carpet, damaged clothes) or fear for the integrity of others (animals will suffer); concern for the integrity of the child - the safety and health of the child, hygiene (electric shock, dog bite, burn, drown, get lost, get hurt, get dirty); rejection of going beyond the stereotypical norm (using an object, a “not for children” topic, a sport not for girls, etc.); indifference to children's interests (“adult egocentrism”)

Learning a lesson Curiosity is dangerous My curiosity leads to bad things Never did this again Once was enough Since then I have never... It’s impossible, it’s impossible Without asking You can’t have a new desire to show curiosity There was no new desire to show curiosity Resentment and misunderstanding of the punishment I’ll be more prudent “It blew through” because . did not become known to adults Extracting new knowledge acquired independently Will continue, no matter what Supporting interest as punishment

The research position is a significant personal basis, based on which a person not only actively reacts to changes occurring in the world, but has a need to seek and find something previously unknown to him. manifests itself and develops during the implementation of research activities.

It is important to take into account activity into activity, which is transformed in the course of appropriating cultural norms; cultural norms are not mastered outside of activity; there are sensitive periods of development and ZPD subjectivity is developed by the actor himself, and the freedom of choice of the subject of action in given conditions is not built from the outside; those who do not know the norm will not be able to purposefully transmit it

Educational and research activity: a creative process of interaction between a teacher and students to find a solution (or understanding) of the unknown, during which cultural values ​​are transmitted between them, the result of which is the development of a research position towards the world, others and oneself, as well as the formation (or expansion ) worldview

Distinguishing between types of cognitive activity TypeGoalMean Educational activity Transfer of a given volume of knowledge Technologization of the educational process Scientific research activity Obtaining objectively new knowledge Increasing the scientific potential of the researcher Educational and research activity Development and training of students Modeling the process of obtaining new knowledge

The relationship between design and the project method of organizing research Design Research Research The main goal is to understand the essence of the phenomenon, the truth The main goal is to implement the design concept Means: design Means: research

For the director of educational research, it is important 1 - to create an environment that provokes the student to self-determination and self-government in decision making; 2 – build dialogical communication with students, in which questioning will occupy a significant place; 3 – provoke the emergence of questions and the desire to search for answers to them;

4 – build trusting relationships with students based on agreement and mutual responsibility; 5 – take into account the student’s interests and motivations, without forgetting your own; 6 – give the student the right to make decisions that are significant for the student; 7 – develop “open thinking” in yourself, and not close it based on the idea that “the teacher should know everything” and plan everything in advance.

Specific functions of research activity (depending on the type or level of education) in preschool education and primary school are the preservation and maintenance of research activity and promoting the development of students’ research behavior as a means of developing cognitive interest and establishing motivation for learning activities; in the primary school – the development of didactic and methodological support for educational activities by means of implementing research projects as a way to update the content of education; in high school – development of research competence and pre-professional skills as the basis of the high school profile; in additional education – creating conditions for the development of students’ abilities and inclinations in accordance with their specific needs in the conditions of flexible educational programs and individual support; pre-professional training of gifted children;

Specific functions of research activity (depending on the type or level of education) in secondary vocational education - improving the culture of professional project activity by developing the analytical and predictive abilities of students through research; in the system of higher professional education - the development of the intellectual and creative potential of students, the development of their professional skills, the assignment of research as a professional activity; in the system of advanced training and retraining of personnel - the development of teachers' skills in the creative design of pedagogical activities based on the formation of multiversional ideas about objects and phenomena.

The path of a young researcher Theoretical material Mastering the methodology Experimental research Data processing Presentation of results Selecting a topic and task, formulating a hypothesis Analysis of results and conclusions Selecting an object Independent work as a student s Creating a theoretical basis Selection of a methodology for the task Drawing up a work plan Selection of a processing technique Drawing up a presentation plan Consulting work guide i t e l Collecting material

Periodization of the expedition Preparation, creation of a situation of significance of research tasks Processing and presentation of results, reflection Expedition Orientation, entering new conditions Adaptation, development of a way of life Productive work, research program

Expedition space, specificity of natural and/or cultural space, presence of a meaningful research program, work depending on the context and situation, specification of the subject of research, ability (specificity of research methods), the relationship between individual and group work, the relationship between research and other life tasks, reflexivity of one’s activities and one’s own position in relation to the subject of research

Types of expedition groups Village group. The goal is to study the life and everyday life of the local population (folklore, toponymy, ethnopsychology, etc.). Accommodation in a school or hut. Tourist route. Mobile group. The goal is route research. Daily passage of the route section with the organization of a camp each time in a new place. Stationary camp. The goal is to study a specific natural object (possibly in dynamics). Accommodation in a tent camp in stationary conditions. Tourist base. For students unaccustomed to camping life. Accommodation in camp rooms. The goal is to study natural and cultural objects at radial exits and exits.

Adult positions on the expedition Scientific leader. Studies the expedition area, scientific and popular literature in the chosen area. Adapts research methods. Plans expedition research topics for each student Administrator. Organizes the life of the group. Monitors the safety, health, nutrition, daily routine, and movement schedule of the group Educator. Organizes cultural and leisure programs, recreational activities, and monitors the psychological climate in the Tourist group. Provides tourist training for participants. Organizes excursion events and radial outings. Provides views of the area's main attractions

Equipment Methods of collecting primary material: survey (oral or written) observation (what and how to observe, means of recording) sample collection (what, where, how and how much to collect, how to store) measurements (how, when, by what means, how to record) description (what, how, by what parameters, etc.) Objects: natural object; natural complex; cultural text; cultural image; natural and cultural complex. Experiment: logic of setting up and conducting; ability to work with people or objects methods of recording and systematizing data Methods of processing results: quantitative qualitative qualitative-quantitative


A researcher is a person who is in the process of searching for answers to questions, a creative person. Frequency: 4 times a year. Subscription indices: – half a year, – for a year. “Researcher” is a scientific and methodological magazine addressed to teachers, head teachers of scientific work, methodologists, additional education teachers, and supervisors of student research. The publication is dedicated to the practice and methodology of organizing student research work in the natural sciences and humanities.

Competition of educational developments, manuals, projects and programs to support student research activities. The competition accepts: educational programs of various types (authored, elective courses, subjects of the basic curriculum, additional education, etc.); methodological developments and manuals for organizing student research activities in educational institutions of various types; in field and laboratory conditions; with children of different ages, etc. didactic and practical materials used in research work; teaching aids and developments for schoolchildren on independent organization of research activities; projects and programs of research events (conferences, expeditions, etc.) with schoolchildren.

The magazine is intended for the spiritual elite, professionals of science and practice, for those who are ready to take responsibility for the education and development of the individual: philosophers, psychologists, teachers, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, philologists, historians, sociologists, ethnologists, cultural experts, theologians, lawyers , political scientists, doctors, lawyers, etc.

The magazine was founded in 1993 Published since 1997 Editor-in-Chief: Valeria Sergeevna Mukhina – full member of the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Developmental Psychology at Moscow State Pedagogical University Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Alexey Sergeevich Obukhov – Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Developmental Psychology at Moscow State Pedagogical University Khvostov Andrey Anatolyevich – Doctor of Psychology, leading researcher at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Frequency – 4 times a year. The journal is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission. Editorial address: , Moscow, M. Sukharevsky Lane, 6. Telephone: (495) Subscription indexes according to the Rospechat catalog (for six months); (for a year)


For the attention of the authors The journal “Personal Development” publishes original theoretical works and research, practical developments, archival materials and translations on problems of development, education and personal existence in various social, cultural and ethnic conditions. The editors accept materials up to 1 pp, submitted by e-mail. Bibliographical references when citing are given at the end of the article in the order of mention in the text. The author, title, place and year of publication, page are indicated. In the text, the serial number of the reference is indicated in square brackets after the quotation. Mention of all personalities in the text of the article must include initials. The text is accompanied by the main ideas and thesaurus, shown in the left margins, explaining the content of the article along the way. In the manuscript, marginalia are written in italics between paragraphs of the main text of the article. The article must be accompanied by the following information about the author: Full name (full name); academic degree and title; place of work and specialty; What areas is he a specialist in? area of ​​scientific interests; author of how many publications and on what issues, indicating monographs (title, place and year of publication); contact phone number and email address. mail. Editorial office of the magazine “Personality Development”, Moscow, M. Sukharevsky per., 6. Tel.: (495)



Postgraduate studies: Moscow Pedagogical State University, specialty 19.00.01 - general psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology, 2001.
Education: Moscow Pedagogical State University, qualification “Social pedagogue, educational psychologist”, specialty “Social pedagogy with additional specialty Psychology”, 1999.

Topic of the candidate's dissertation

"Psychological characteristics of the individual in the conditions of traditional continuity of the Russian village (based on the analysis of the ethnic self-awareness of three generations of residents of villages of the Russian North)" (2001)

Courses for the current academic year

Immersion in new pedagogy
Introduction to Research
Psychological and pedagogical anthropology (for the Faculty of Primary Education)
Pedagogy and psychology (for defectology faculty)
Sociocultural psychology and anthropology of childhood
Psychology of age subcultures



  1. Obukhov A.S. Project and research activities in high school: a collection of programs for additional education for children / Ed. A.S. Obukhova. M: National Book Center, 2015. 475 p.
  2. Obukhov A.S. Development of students' research activities. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: National Book Center, 2014. 16 pp.
  3. Obukhov A.S. Development of students' research activities. M.: Prometheus, MPGU, 2006. 14 pp.
  4. Obukhov A.S. Personality psychology in the context of the realities of traditional culture. Monograph. M.: Publishing house "Prometheus" MPGU, 2005. 20 pp.


  1. Obukhov A. S., Shvetsova M. N., Fedoseeva A. M., Myakisheva N. M., Tkachenko N. V., Vachkov I. V. Psychological and pedagogical interaction of participants in the educational process. Textbook for academic bachelor's degree. – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2015, 2016, 2017. 422 p.
  2. Obukhov A.S., Fedoseeva A.M., Byford E. Introduction to the profession: educational psychologist: Textbook and workshop for academic undergraduates / Under the general editorship of A.S. Obukhova. M.: Yurayt, 2014, 2016. 522 p. +CD. 27.41 p.l.
  3. Psychology of children of primary school age: Textbook and workshop for bachelors / ed. ed. A. S. Obukhova. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014, 2016. 583 p. 31 p.l.
  4. Psychology: textbook for bachelors / under general. ed. V.A. Slastenina, A.S. Obukhova. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2013. 530 p. 28 p.l.
  1. Psychology: textbook and workshop for academic undergraduates / A. S. Obukhov [et al.]; under general ed. A. S. Obukhova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2016. - 404 p. - (Bachelor. Academic course).
  2. Psychology: textbook and workshop for secondary vocational education / A. S. Obukhov [etc.]; under general ed. A. S. Obukhova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2016. - 404 p. - (Professional education).

Books and collections – compiler and editor

  1. Research approach in education: the problem of teacher training: Scientific and methodological collection in two volumes / Under the general editorship of Professor A.S. Obukhova. M.: All-Russian public organization of creative teachers “Researcher”; MPGU, 2012. T. 1: Theory and methodology. 998 pp. 62 p.l.; T. 2: Technologies and organizational practices. 462 pp. 29 p.l.
  2. Psychological and pedagogical support of students’ research activities / Ed. comp. A.S. Obukhov. Ed. 2nd, corrected. M.: Library of the journal “Researcher”, 2012. 160 p. 10 p.l.
  3. Research activities of students: from kindergarten to university: Scientific and methodological collection in two volumes / Ed. Ph.D. A.S. Obukhova. M.: All-Russian public movement of creative teachers “Researcher”; MPGU, 2010. T. 1. Theory and methodology. 544 pp., 34 pp.; T. 2. Practice and methods of organization. 538 pp., 33.6 pp.
  4. The child in history and culture: Proceedings of the seminar “Culture of Childhood: Norms, Values, Practices” Vol. 4 / Ed. A.S. Obukhova, M.V. Tendryakova. M.: Library of the journal “Researcher”, 2010. 520 p.
  5. Organization and holding of student conferences / Ed. A.S. Obukhova. Ed. 2nd, revised and additional M.: Library of the magazine “Researcher”. 2009. 100 p. 6 p.l.
  6. Research approach in education: from theory to practice: Scientific and methodological collection in two volumes / Under the general editorship of A.S. Obukhova. M.: All-Russian public movement of creative teachers “Researcher”, 2009. T. 1: Theory and methodology. 448 p. 36.4 p.l.; T. 2: Practice and methods of organization. 589 pp. 48 p.l.
  7. Current psychological and pedagogical research aimed at developing innovations in the education system: Collection of articles: / Under the general editorship of V.A. Slastenina. Ed.-comp. A.S. Obukhov, S.V. Yakovlev. M.: Publishing house "Prometheus" MPGU, 2008. Part 1. 296 p. 18.5 p.l.; Part 2. 270 p. 16.9 p.l.
  8. Research activities of students: Scientific and methodological collection in two volumes / Under the general editorship of A.S. Obukhova. M.: All-Russian public movement of creative teachers “Researcher”, 2007. T. 1: Theory and methodology. 701 p. 44 p.l.; T. 2: Organizational practice. 495 pp. 31 p.l.
  9. Research activities of students in the modern educational space: a collection of articles. M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2006. 39 pp.
  10. Methods of research activities of students in the field of humanities. M.: MIOO; Journal "Research work of schoolchildren", 2006. 10 pp.
  11. Methods of student research activities in the field of natural sciences. M.: MIOO; Journal "Research work of schoolchildren", 2006. 8 pp.
  12. Collection of work programs in disciplines of the general professional cycle, specialization disciplines and elective disciplines. Specialty 020400 “Psychology”. Specialization: Developmental and Age Psychology. Part II. M.: Prometheus, 2005. 35.75 pp.
  13. Collection of programs for special courses of the Department of Developmental Psychology at Moscow State Pedagogical University. M.: Prometheus, MPGU, 2003. 7 pp.
  14. Development of research activities of students: methodological collection / Ed. A.S. Obukhova. M.: Public Education, 2001. 8.5 pp.
  15. Academician Alexander Mikhailovich Obukhov: life in science / Comp. A.S. Obukhov. Ed. G.S. Golitsyn. M.: Publishing house. house "Noosphere", 2001. 19.5+2 p.l.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Obukhov A.S., Bulin-Sokolova E.I. Reflective-activity model of teacher training for the education of the future // Science and school. 2015. No. 6. P. 22-27.
  2. Obukhov A.S., Magomedova N.G. Features of the research method of teaching as a factor in the formation of subjectivity of the student and teacher // Bulletin of Dagestan State University. 2015. No. 4. pp. 199-204.

  3. Obukhov A.S. Development of the scientific school “Phenomenology of existence and personality development” by Valeria Sergeevna Mukhina: a student’s view // Personal development. 2015. No. 1. pp. 90-129.
  4. Obukhov A.S. Professional training of a teacher in the logic of the subject-activity approach // Science and school. 2014. No. 5. P.84-98
  5. Bulin-Sokolova E.I., Obukhov A.S., Semenov A.L. Future teacher education. Direction of movement and first practical steps // Psychological Science and Education. 2014. T. 19. No. 3. pp. 207-225.
  6. Obukhov A.S. Formation of subjectivity of a junior schoolchild in the context of education // 2014. No. 1. pp. 3-12.
  7. Obukhov A.S., Baskakova Yu.S. The problem of mental performance of younger schoolchildren // Primary school plus before and after. 2014. No. 2. pp. 3-8.
  8. Obukhov A.S., Melkov S.V., Churilova E.E. History of the development of research, teaching and social activities of the Department of Developmental Psychology at MPGU // Personal development. 2013. №3. P. 21
  9. Obukhov A.S. Reflection on the speeches of American colleagues at a scientific and practical seminar: Russian-American round table: “Behavior: conditions of development and internal position of the individual” // Personal development. 2013. №3. pp. 134-135.
  10. Obukhov A.S. IN AND. Vernadsky and modern humanitarian knowledge. Development of the general scientific approach of V.I. Vernadsky in Russian education // Issues of modern science and practice. University named after IN AND. Vernadsky. 2013. No. 3 (47). pp. 28 – 37.
  11. Barkova Yu.S., Leontovich A.V., Obukhov A.S. The Russian-Mexican youth research expedition was successful // Public education. 2012. No. 3. pp. 197 – 199.
  12. Levanova E.A., Tarabakina L.V., Obukhov A.S., Babieva N.S., Pleshakov V.A., Pushkareva T.V., Savina T.A., Sakharova T.N., Kazennaya E. .IN. Psychological and pedagogical concept of the program “Prevention of self-destructive behavior in children and adolescents” // TeacherXXIcentury 2012. No. 3. Part 1. pp. 175 – 190.
  13. Obukhov A.S., Manakova T.G. Orientation in understanding the life path of an individual: autobiographical, family-tribal and socio-historical aspects // Current problems of psychological knowledge. 2012. No. 4. pp. 64-81.
  14. Obukhov A.S. Concept of the Department of Educational Psychology // Personal development. 2011. No. 1. pp. 242 – 248.
  15. Obukhov A.S., Kisilev B.A. Development of the subjective position of students in the conditions of educational and research activities // TeacherXXIcentury 2010. No. 2. Part 1. pp. 179-188.
  16. Zuev K.B., Obukhov A.S. II International Conference of Young Scientists “Psychology – the Science of the Future” // Psychological Journal. 2009. T. 30. No. 4. pp. 110-112.
  17. Obukhov A.S., Churilova E.E. Modern approaches to the study of personality through narrative texts // TeacherXXIcentury 2009. No. 4. pp. 331-343.
  18. Obukhov A.S. Methodological foundations of the discipline “Historical Psychology” // Personal development. 2009. No. 3. pp. 243-247.
  19. Sergienko E.A., Martsinkovskaya T.D., Obukhov A.S., Posokhova S.T., Mukhamedrakhimov R.Zh. IV Congress of the Russian Psychological Society. Direction 3: “Developmental Psychology” // Psychological Journal. 2008. T. 29. No. 3. P. 131–135
  20. Obukhov A.S. Polling technology // School technology. 2007. No. 6. P. 124-132.
  21. Obukhov A.S., Leontovich A.V. Conference "Research activities of students in the modern educational space", March 10-11, 2005 // Personal development. 2006. No. 1. pp. 227-235.
  22. Obukhov A.S. On the threshold of personality: the concept of the human soul in traditional cultures // Personal development. 2006. No. 2. P.82-90; No. 3. pp. 84-105.
  23. Obukhov A.S., Pivovarova E.P. Ritual accompaniment of the personality of the Telengits of Gorny Altai // Siberian Pedagogical Journal. 2006. No. 5. pp. 161 – 168.
  24. Obukhov A.S. Efficiency of using project and research activities in teaching // School technologies. 2006. No. 5. pp. 86-90.
  25. Obukhov A.S. Valeria Sergeevna Mukhina – scientist, psychologist, writer // Personal development. 2005. No. 1. pp. 233-237.
  26. Obukhov A.S. Anniversary conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the Moscow Psychological Society (Moscow, February 4-6, 2005): section “Personality Development” // Personal development. 2005. No. 1. pp. 243-248.
  27. Obukhov A.S.“Round table” dedicated to the anniversary of the journal “Questions of Psychology”. Performance // Questions of psychology. 2005. No. 2. P.25-28.
  28. Mukhina V.S., Obukhov A.S. Scientific and practical section “Psychology of Personality Development” of the Federation of Educational Psychologists // Personal development. 2005. No. 3. pp. 8-10.
  29. Obukhov A.S. Expedition “to the ends of the world” // Public education. 2004. No. 3. pp. 175-184.
  30. Mukhina V.S., Aigumova Z.I., Obukhov A.S., Semya G.V., Schastnaya T.N. The Department of Developmental Psychology is 15 years old // Personal development. 2004. No. 1. pp. 10-25.
  31. Obukhov A.S. When the world splits into life and death... Psychological assistance to the children of Beslan // Public education. 2004. No. 9. pp. 183-201.
  32. Obukhov A.S. Psychological service in the sociocultural space of the gymnasium // School technology. 2004. No. 3. P.75-79.
  33. Obukhov A.S. Development of students' research activities // Public education. 2004. No. 2. pp. 146-148.
  34. Obukhov A.S. Man in harmony with nature // Public education. 2003. No. 3. P.185-191.
  35. Mukhina V.S., Obukhov A.S. Our self-presentation: Magazine “Personality Development Development of personality” – presentation // Personal development. 2003. No. 1. pp. 8-11.
  36. Obukhov A.S. Historically determined modifications of the image of the world // Personal development. 2003. No. 4. pp. 51-68.
  37. Obukhov A.S. Program of educational and research specialization “Sociocultural Psychology” // School technology. 2002. No. 4. pp. 179-187.
  38. Obukhov A.S. Sociocultural interaction in the system of students’ research activities // Public education. 2002. No. 2. pp. 129-132.
  39. Obukhov A.S. Research activities of teenagers in the villages of the Russian North // Public education. 2002. No. 3. pp. 174-182.
  40. Mukhina V.S., Obukhov A.S. Section “Personality Development” of the Russian Psychological Society // Personal development. 2002. No. 3. pp. 5-6.
  41. Obukhov A.S. Vera Feodorovna Schmidt – author of “Mother’s Diary” (biographical information) // Personal development. 2002. No. 3. pp. 190-193.
  42. Obukhov A.S. Symposium “Personality Psychology” of the V All-Russian Conference “Psychology and Its Applications” // Personal development. 2002. No. 3. pp. 258-260.
  43. Obukhov A.S. Research activity as a possible way for a teenager to enter the cultural space // School technology. 2001. No. 5. pp. 26-35.
  44. Obukhov A.S. Association of young scientists at the Department of Developmental Psychology of MPGU // Personal development. 2001. No. 1. pp. 4-5.
  45. Obukhov A.S. Psychology of personality in conditions of traditional continuity in the villages of the Russian North // Personal development. 2001. No. 2. pp. 53-77.
  46. Obukhov A.S. Introduction to socio-psychological research (program for children's environmental camp) // School technologies. 2001. No. 3. pp. 121-133.
  47. Obukhov A.S. Construction of a program for psychological research of personality in the context of Russian traditional culture // Personal development. 2001. No. 3-4. pp. 109-120; 2002. No. 1. pp. 171-226.
  48. Mukhina V.S., Obukhov A.S. Psychology of adolescence // Personal development. 2000. No. 1. pp. 12-23.
  49. Obukhov A.S., Smirnykh M.V. Organization of interaction between participants of the youth conference // School technologies. 2000. No. 3. pp. 109-114.
  50. Obukhov A.S.“Quarter” as a reality of culture (school literary and artistic almanac) // Public education. 2000. No. 1. pp. 125-127.
  51. Obukhov A.S. Research activity as a way to form a worldview // Public education. 1999. No. 10. P. 158-161.
  52. Obukhov A.S. The current state of the laughter world in Russian traditional culture // Personal development. 1999. No. 2. pp. 140-157.
  53. Obukhov A.S., Bolkhovitinova G.Yu.“Free girls under Windows...” Image of A.S. Pushkin and his creativity in school folklore // Pushkin Almanac. M.: Public education, 1999. pp. 250-256.
  54. Obukhov A.S. Laughter and personality // Personal development. 1998. No. 3-4. pp. 83-101.
  55. Obukhov A.S. Springs of the living word // Public education. 1998. No. 5. pp. 94-96.

Publications on foreign languages

  1. Obukhov A. The psychology of research activity // Journal on Science Education. 2012. No. 1. R. 26-28.
  2. Obukhov A. International Science Fairs as a Means of Children and Youth Developmental Grouth: Variability of the Participants’ Communicative Positions. Communicative positions for the round table “The role of children in the science fairs” // Journal on Science Education. 2012. No. 2. R. 14-16.
  3. Expedición Científica Ruso-Mexicana / Red. A. Obukhov. M.: Researcher, 2010. 62 r.
  4. Obukhov A. La parte de la expedición dedicada a Humanidades: psicología sociocultural y anthropología // Expedición Científica Ruso-Mexicana. M.: Researcher, 2010. R. 38-59.
  5. Obukhov A. The principles behind the program of the IRS and their implementation // The 2nd International Research School. M.: Researcher, 2009. R. 58-65.

Other significant publications

  1. Obukhov A.S. In creativity the creator is created. Educational psychology today // School psychologist/ 2014. No. 9, September. pp. 4-7. No. 10.
  2. Obukhov A.S. Pedagogy of Tom Sawyer. On the issue of initiative in pedagogical communication // School psychologist. 2014. No. 3. pp. 4 – 8. No. 4. pp. 8-11.
  3. Obukhov A.S. Communication with S.O. Schmidt as an encounter with history // Researcher. 2013. No. 1-2. pp. 34-39.
  4. Obukhov A.S. Lyceum education in Russia: origins and prospects // Researcher/Researcher. 2013. No. 1-2. pp. 77-83.
  5. Obukhov A.S., Churilova E.E. The internal plan of personality development: narrative texts of adolescents and youth as a path to self-knowledge // At the origins of development. Collection of scientific articles / Ed.: L. F. Obukhova, I. A. Kotlyar (Korepanova). M.: GBOU VPO MGPPU, 2013. pp. 115 – 125.
  6. Obukhov A.S. Travel as an exploration of the world // Potential. Chemistry. Biology. Medicine. 2013. No. 1. pp. 34 – 43
  7. Conceptual ideas for an approximate basic general education program for preschool education “World of Discovery” (from birth to 7 years). Scientific and methodological manual. M.: Institute of System-Activity Pedagogy, 2012. 64 p.
  8. An approximate basic general education program for preschool education “World of Discovery” (from birth to 7 years). M.: Tsvetnoy mir, 2012. 320 p.
  9. Obukhov A.S. Is giftedness a diagnosis or a guideline for self-development? // Potential. Chemistry. Biology. Medicine. 2012. No. 12. pp. 29 – 35.
  10. Obukhov A.S., Myakisheva N.M. Development of research abilities in the game: the ability to produce hypotheses // Potential. Chemistry. Biology. Medicine. 2012. No. 1. pp. 58 – 64.
  11. Obukhov A.S., Myakisheva N.M. Development of research abilities in the game: the ability to see problems // Potential. Chemistry. Biology. Medicine. 2011. No. 7. pp. 66 – 72.
  12. Obukhov A.S. Worldview of teenagers in Russian provinces // On the threshold of growing up. Collection of scientific articles / Ed. L.F. Obukhova, I.A. Korepanova. M.: MGPPU, 2011. pp. 147 – 161.
  13. Obukhov A.S. Development of research abilities in the game: observation // Potential. Chemistry. Biology. Medicine. 2011. No. 3. pp. 53-60.
  14. From childhood to adulthood through sociocultural experimentation: teenage and youth subcultures in Moscow // Child in history and culture: Proceedings of the seminar “Culture of Childhood: Norms, Values, Practices” Vol. 4 / Ed. A.S. Obukhova, M.V. Tendryakova. M.: Library of the journal “Researcher”, 2010. – pp. 187-213
  15. Obukhov A.S., Borodkina N.V. Psychological features of spontaneous exploratory behavior of preschool children and in the space of kindergarten // Issledovatel/Researcher. 2009. No. 3-4. pp. 136-149.
  16. Obukhov A.S. Principles of constructing the program of activities of the International Research School and their implementation // Issledovatel/Researcher. 2009. No. 3-4. pp. 298-307.
  17. Obukhov A.S., Martynova M.V. Fantasy worlds of the play space of children of the metropolis: the country of K.K.R. Anton Krotov and his friends // Kakoreya. From the history of childhood in Russia and other countries: Sat. articles and materials. Comp. G.V. Makarevich. M.; Tver: Scientific book, 2008. pp. 231-245.
  18. Obukhov A.S. Reflection in project and research activities // Research work of schoolchildren. 2005. No. 3. pp. 18-38.
  19. Obukhov A.S. A student in a gymnasium is a unique personality in unique conditions (on the question of the value foundations for constructing educational activities) // Educational space of the gymnasium: experience and reflections. Collection of materials from the open regional scientific and practical conference on February 4-5, 2004. Sergiev Posad: Sergiev Posad Gymnasium, 2004. P. 3-5.
  20. Obukhov A.S. Reliance on traditions and the search for novelty is the main algorithm for the development of the event community of the gymnasium // Educational space of the gymnasium: experience and reflections. Collection of materials of the open regional scientific and practical conference on February 4-5, 2004. Sergiev Posad: Sergiev Posad Gymnasium, 2004. P. 36-39.
  21. Obukhov A.S. About the work of a group of psychologists to provide express assistance to the children of Beslan // Materials of the First International Scientific and Practical Conference “Educational Psychology: Problems and Prospects” (Moscow, December 16-18, 2004). M.: Smysl, 2004. pp. 421-423.
  22. Obukhov A.S. Study of psychological characteristics of personality in the context of the realities of traditional culture of villages of the Russian North (based on materials from expeditionary research on the territory of the Kenozersky National Park) // Kenozersky Readings: Materials of the First All-Russian Conference “Kenozersky Readings” / Responsible. ed. E.F. Shatkovskaya; ed.-comp. A.A. Kuratov. Arkhangelsk: Federal State Institution “National. Kenozersky Park; Pravda Severa, 2003. pp. 233-251.
  23. Obukhov A.S. Research position and research activity: what and how to develop? // Research work of schoolchildren. 2003. No. 4. pp. 18-24.
  24. Lesgaft. Anthology of humane pedagogy. From the first reader. M.: Shalva Amonashvili Publishing House, 2002.
  25. Alekseev N.G., Leontovich A.V., Obukhov A.S., Fomina L.F. Concept of development of research activities // Research work of schoolchildren. 2002. No. 1. P.24-33.


“Scientific and legal foundations for ensuring the quality of activities of dissertation councils in modern conditions” (72 hours) 17.05 – 30.11.2012, MPGU
“Globalization: theoretical, political and sociocultural aspects” (72 hours) 14-27.10.2012, GAUGN
“Management of experimental activities in education” (72 hours), 05.04 – 27.05. 2011, Moscow State Pedagogical University
“Development of electronic training courses and distance support of the educational process” (72 hours), 09.02 – 27.04.2011, MPGU
“Innovative activity at the university” (72 hours), 11.05 – 05.12.2011, MPGU
“Modern forms of organizing postgraduate studies in universities in Germany and innovative approaches to drawing up work and study plans for postgraduate students” (72 hours) 10/20-30/2008, International Academy DAAD (IDA), Berlin, Heidelberg, Bonn, Cologne, Bochum
“Modern problems of psychology: theory and practice (Managerial and educational potential of the organization” (72 hours), 09.26.2006 – 01.26.2007, APKiPPRO
“Managerial and educational potential of the organization”, (36 hours), Prague, Czech Republic
“Therapy of the consequences of trauma, abuse and deprivation with the Murray method” (36 hours) 03-07.10.2005, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
“History and philosophy of science” (72 hours), 06/20-30/2005, MPGU
“Development of activity programs for Centers for Advanced Training of teaching staff of pedagogical universities” (72 hours), 10.30-11.06.2003, APKiPPRO
“Method of educational projects” (72 hours), 09.26-30.04.2003, MIOO

Research projects and grants

Grant of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation “Formation of the subjective position of students in educational and research activities” (06-06-00367a).
Research work “Study of didactic approaches to the formation of innovative research technologies in the system of general secondary and higher pedagogical education” within the framework of task No. 2014/119 for the implementation of government work in the field of scientific activity within the framework of the basic part of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2014 – 2016.
GC “Providing methodological and pedagogical support for Russian schools in the CIS countries by organizing the improvement of the competence of Russian language teachers” Rossotrudnichestvo, 2016.
GC “Providing methodological and pedagogical support for Russian schools in the CIS countries by organizing the improvement of the competence of subject teachers” Rossotrudnichestvo, 2016.
Project for a subsidy from the Department of Education to the cities of Moscow in priority area No. 16 “Development of standard modules on scientific and practical education for the educational program of general education institutions (5 modules for educational institutions working on lyceum and gymnasium education programs)”, 2013.

Participation in conferences

All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Personal time is life time.” Moscow, FPP MPGU. 2012.04.07
V Congress of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Psychological Society”. Moscow, RPO, MSU. 2012.02.13-18
II All-Russian student scientific and practical conference on psychology with international participation “Youth and the future: professional and personal self-realization.” Vladimir, VlSU. 2012.05.17-18
Conference "Modern models of socialization of children." Plenary session, part 1 “Socially oriented education as the foundation for the formation and education of a harmoniously developed personality.” Moscow, Expocentre Fairgrounds. 2012.04.17
Interregional scientific and practical seminar with online participation of regional and international experts “Current problems of education, upbringing and development of students. Personal development in the modern media environment.” Moscow, MIRO. September 3, 2013
City methodological seminar "Educational environment and additional education." Moscow, MGDD(Yu)T. October 20, 2013

Moscow interregional scientific and practical conference “Game and modern social conditions of its development.” Moscow, MGDD(Yu)T. November 6-7, 2013
All-Russian seminar with school directors on the research approach in education. Moscow, Lyceum No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky. October 10, 2013
All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Olba Readings". Sergiev Posad, St. Petersburg State University named after I.B. Olbinsky. January 24-25, 2013
II All-Russian scientific and practical conference “The scientific component of the school lesson: research problem and school practice.” Saratov, East European Lyceum. October 4-5, 2013
II scientific and practical conference “Russian teacher in the system of modern education”. Moscow, MPGU. March 26 – 28, 2013
Round table on the creative heritage of K. Jaspers. Moscow, Institute of Business and Law. March 25, 2013
International scientific and practical conference “Science and education for sustainable development of the economy, nature and society”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of V.I. Vernadsky. Tambov, Vernadovka. June 7-8, 2013
Russian-German round table with a delegation of social educators and social workers from Bavaria (Germany). Moscow, FPP MPGU. September 26, 2013
I scientific and practical international conference “Social psychology in the educational space”. Moscow, MGPPU. October 16-17, 2013

Scientific and practical seminar “Strengthening the practical orientation of teacher education based on the organization of network interaction between the university and the school.” Elabuga, Elabuga Institute of KFU. 05-06.06.2014
VI All-Russian Shamov pedagogical readings of the scientific school of management of educational systems “Modern Russian school: a socially-oriented management model.” Moscow, MPGU. 01/24/2014
All-Russian conference “The role and place of games in building an educational environment: search, development, application.” Moscow, All-Russian Association for Games in Education (RAGE), Moscow State University. Lomonosov. 28-29.11.2014
All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Intellectual development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren: experience, problems, prospects." Kirov, Vyatka State Humanitarian University. 04/17/2014
All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Additional education of children and students: history, modernity, prospects” (to the 70th anniversary of the State Educational Institution of Education and Science of the Palace of Students of St. Petersburg). St. Petersburg, Palace of Student Youth. 04/23/2014
VI International Conference “The phenomenon of creative personality in culture. Fatyushchenko’s readings.” Moscow, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. 10/17/2014

Theoretical problems of ethnic and cross-cultural psychology: Fourth International Scientific Conference May 30-31, 2014 Smolensk, SSU. 30-31.05.2014
IX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Psychology of the 21st Century. Psychology and modern problems of education". St. Petersburg, Leningrad State University named after. A.S. Pushkin. 27-28.02.2014
VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Students' Research Activities in the Modern Educational Space." Moscow, MGDD(Yu)T, MPGU. 14-15.11.2014

Additional Information

Co-author of the concept for the development of a research approach in education.
Head of the scientific group on sociocultural psychology and anthropology: annual expedition trips to various ethnic regions of Russia (Altai, Buryatia, Bashkiria, Karelia, Russian North, North Caucasus, Khakassia, etc.) and abroad (Armenia, Bulgaria, Mexico, Moldova, Turkey etc.) with the participation of lyceum students and students.
Since 2001 – member of the Russian Psychological Society, coordinator of the “Personality Development” section, since 2005, member of the Council of the Moscow Society of Psychologists.
Since 2005 – member of the Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia, co-chairman of the sections “Psychology of Personal Development”, “Psychology of Research Education”.
Since 2005 - member of the Moscow Union of Journalists.
Member of the editorial boards of the journals “Teacher. XXI Century”, “New Russian Humanitarian Research”, “School Technologies”, “Sanat” (Kazakhstan).
Carried out scientific and methodological management of experimental activities in the system of the Moscow Department of Education for the development of project and research activities of students.
Initiator of many all-Russian and international programs and projects for the development of a research approach in education.
Member of the Commission for the Development of the Scientific Heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Scientific director of MILSET Vostok, a branch of an international organization to support scientific and technical creativity of young people.
Scientific Director of the International Research School (IRS)
Member of the organizing committees of the All-Russian competition of youth research works named after. IN AND. Vernadsky, the Russian competition of research works and creative projects of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren “I am a researcher”, the All-Russian competition of research works of students named after D.I. Mendeleev, festival of creative projects “Leonardo”, All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence “My best lesson”.
Co-chairman of the organizing committee of the regular International conference “Research activities of students in the modern educational space.”

Co-founder and member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the All-Russian public movement of creative teachers “Researcher”.

Professor at the Department of Psychological Anthropology

Assistant professor

Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Professional interests

Human psychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology, research psychology, sociocultural psychology and anthropology, ethnopsychology, historical psychology, narrative psychology. Research into human psychology in the context of culture (both culture in the entire history of mankind as a whole, and the culture of an individual people; both the culture of a local community and the culture of an individual family).
Range of research questions: How is the way of thinking related to the way of life? Features of the manifestation and representation of human self-awareness in connection with the sociocultural environment of development and existence. How is this world presented to a person and how does he interact with it, based on his worldview? How does a person change over time - the time of his life, in his memory of himself in the past, in his plans for the future, in the history of his family and people?

Alekseev N.G., Leontovich A.V., Obukhov S.A., Fomina L.F. Concept of development of students' research activities (fragments) // Physics: problems of laying out. – 2006. – No. 5. – P. 3-5.

Authors: Russian scientists N.G. Alekseev, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology; A.V. Leontovich, director of DNTTM; S.A. Obukhov, candidate of psychological sciences; L.F. Fomina, chief specialist of the Department of Education and Additional Education of Children and Youth of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The essence of research activity

Research is one of the four universal types of mental activity that most adequately corresponds to the sociocultural mission of education.

In the public consciousness there are ideas about research as establishing, discovering, and understanding reality.

Regarding the etymological analysis of the word “research”, we note that this type of activity means: to extract something “from a trace”, i.e. restore a certain order of things based on indirect signs, imprints of the general law in specific, random objects. This is a fundamental feature of the organization of thinking during research, which is associated with the development of observation, attentiveness, and analytical skills, in contrast, for example, to the project type of organization of thinking.

Note that research, in contrast to design, construction and organization, is the most “delicate” type of activity in relation to an object, its main goal is to establish the truth, “what is”, “observe” the object, if possible without interference into his inner life. Without in any way detracting from the need to develop a person’s skills for transforming the surrounding reality (i.e., first of all, design skills), developing the ability to take a research position is an important task of education and upbringing as a means of assessing one’s reality and its possible consequences.

The source of research as a type of activity is the inherent desire for knowledge in human nature. Spontaneous, unconscious research is characteristic of man; it always accompanies him, regardless of abilities and social status, being a powerful means of mastering reality. But it remains sporadic, unconscious. Only with the advent of science and through science does research become a cultural phenomenon and acquire its own history, methodology, and social institutions. With the advent of science, a separate professional group of people emerged - scientists, whose main activity is research.

The leading value in research is the value of the process of moving towards truth. It is important to emphasize the enduring importance of this value for the research type of thinking.

Let us note two features of the value orientation towards truth in research activities.

The first of them is its constructive-activity, and not declarative nature; it cannot be imputed to teachings in a general form, since this value itself “manifests itself” according to the result in the activity context (is something established or not, what is being sought is discovered or not, etc. ), i.e. in the experience of each learning child; accordingly, the pedagogical task: not lengthy explanations and teachings, but recordings as things progress. It is interesting in this regard to note that the very concept of truth, if we carry out a little etymological analysis, is closely related to the concept of existence (being).

The second feature is the ease of “technical” development of this installation in accordance with the individual pedagogical style. That is why we do not consider it necessary in the “scientific aspect” to describe here the components of a value system for truth - for example, objectivity, tolerance for different opinions, consistency in action, etc. – a teacher who has adopted such a goal for himself, for himself, will do it best himself.

We discovered that research is a “pure”, inherently human way of mastering reality. When discussing the problem of developing the skill of mastering reality in students, we talk about “pure” research as a mental activity outside of science; discussing the problems of education and upbringing as an entry into the world of culture, we talk about science as a cultural institution of research and turn to the history and facts of its development. Therefore, when addressing science, we consider it as part of the culture on the basis of which education takes place.

Distinguishing between research activities and
and student research activities

When designing student research activities, the research model and methodology developed and adopted in the field of science over the past few centuries is taken as a basis. This model is characterized by the presence of several standard stages present in any scientific research, regardless of the subject area in which it develops. At the same time, the main goal of educational research from a functional point of view is fundamentally different from that in the field of science. If in the field of science the main goal is the production of new knowledge in general cultural significance, then in education the goal of research activity is based on the student’s acquisition of the functional skill of research as a universal way of mastering reality through increasing motivation for learning activities and activating the student’s personal position in the educational process, the basis of which is acquisition of subjectively new knowledge (i.e., independently acquired knowledge that is new and personally significant for a particular student).

At the same time, the development of students’ research activities is normalized by traditions developed by the scientific community, taking into account the specifics of educational research - the experience accumulated in the scientific community is used through setting a system of activity norms.

Research activity is understood as the activity of students associated with finding an answer to a creative, research problem with a previously unknown solution (as opposed to a workshop that serves to illustrate certain laws of nature) and presupposing the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field: standardized, based on the traditions accepted in science, formulation of the problem, study of the theory devoted to this issue, putting forward a hypothesis, selection of research methods and practical mastery of them, collection of one’s own material, its analysis and generalization, one’s own conclusions,

In the research activity of students, a certain way of evolution of the functional positions of its participants is specified. In a typical educational situation, which, as a rule, determines the nature of the educational process, the standard “teacher-student” positional scheme is implemented. The first transmits knowledge, the second assimilates it; All this happens within the framework of a well-established class-lesson scheme. With the development of research activities, these positions are faced with realities: there are no ready-made standards of knowledge that are so familiar to us; phenomena seen in living nature do not fit into ready-made schemes purely mechanically, but require independent analysis in each specific situation. This initiates the beginning of evolution from the object-subject paradigm of educational activity - the direction of action from teacher to student - to a situation of joint comprehension of the surrounding reality, the expression of which is the “colleague - colleague” pair. The second pair - “mentor - junior comrade” presupposes the situation of transferring practical skills related to the mastery of reality from the teacher who possesses them to the student. This transfer occurs in close personal contact, due to the high personal authority of the “mentor” and the specialist, teacher, and its bearer. The main result of the considered positional evolution is the expansion of the boundaries of tolerance of participants in research activities.

The next unconditional norm of research activity is the need for evidence and justification: position, data, methods of achieving results and other attributes of the study, the need for constant verification of the results, the adequacy of their practical implementation. In the communication aspect, it is very important to discuss the results of research activities regarding their truth.

In science, research acts as production. The category “production” in a broad sense is the production of something else from something else (for use and consumption), in a narrow sense it is the production of a product (factory, machine) that is in demand. For a child, research is not production, but acts as a means of orientation in the surrounding reality. The orientation reflex is not a direct means of ensuring life activity.

Alekseev N. G., Leontovich A. V., Obukhov A. S., Fomina L. F. Concept of development of research activities of students // Research work of schoolchildren. – 2002. No. 1. P. 24-33; No. 2. pp. 42-55. Bezrukova V.S. To the Director about the research activities of the school M.: September (Library of the journal “School Director”), 2002. - 160 p. Belykh S. L. Managing student research activity: A methodological manual for teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums / Comments by A. S. Savvichev. Ed. A. S. Obukhova. – M.: Journal “Research work of schoolchildren”, 2007. – 56 p. Bibler V. S. Thinking as creativity. - M., 1975. Bogoyavlenskaya D. B. Intellectual activity as a problem of creativity. – Rostov-on-Don, 1983. Brushlinsky A.V. Subject: thinking, teaching, imagination. – M., 1996. Verbitsky A. A. Active forms of learning: a contextual approach. – M., 1994. Wertheimer M. Productive thinking. – M., 1982. – 336 p. Goldstein M., Goldstein I.F. How we know. 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